17#include "ns3/simple-ref-count.h"
301 std::list<Rar>::const_iterator
The uplink BsrLteControlMessage defines the specific extension of the CE element for reporting the bu...
MacCeListElement_s m_bsr
MacCeListElement_s GetBsr()
Get BSR information.
~BsrLteControlMessage() override
void SetBsr(MacCeListElement_s bsr)
add a BSR feedback record into the message.
The downlink CqiLteControlMessage defines an ideal list of feedback about the channel quality sent by...
CqiListElement_s m_dlCqi
void SetDlCqi(CqiListElement_s dlcqi)
add a DL-CQI feedback record into the message.
CqiListElement_s GetDlCqi()
Get DL cqi information.
~DlCqiLteControlMessage() override
The Downlink Data Control Indicator messages defines the RB allocation for the users in the downlink.
const DlDciListElement_s & GetDci()
Get dic information.
void SetDci(DlDciListElement_s dci)
add a DCI into the message
~DlDciLteControlMessage() override
DlDciListElement_s m_dci
The downlink DlHarqFeedbackLteControlMessage defines the specific messages for transmitting the DL HA...
void SetDlHarqFeedback(DlInfoListElement_s m)
add a DL HARQ feedback record into the message.
DlInfoListElement_s GetDlHarqFeedback()
Get DL HARQ information.
~DlHarqFeedbackLteControlMessage() override
DlInfoListElement_s m_dlInfoListElement
DL info list element.
The LteControlMessage provides a basic implementations for control messages (such as PDCCH allocation...
MessageType GetMessageType()
Get the type of the message.
virtual ~LteControlMessage()
MessageType m_type
message type
The type of the message NOTE: The messages sent by UE are filtered by the LteEnbPhy::ReceiveLteContro...
void SetMessageType(MessageType type)
Set the type of the message.
Abstract model for broadcasting the Master Information Block (MIB) within the control channel (BCCH).
Create a new instance of MIB control message.
void SetMib(LteRrcSap::MasterInformationBlock mib)
Replace the MIB content of this control message.
LteRrcSap::MasterInformationBlock m_mib
LteRrcSap::MasterInformationBlock GetMib() const
Retrieve the MIB content from this control message.
abstract model for the Random Access Preamble
uint32_t GetRapId() const
uint32_t m_rapId
void SetRapId(uint32_t rapid)
Set the Random Access Preamble Identifier (RAPID), see 3GPP TS 36.321 6.2.2.
abstract model for the MAC Random Access Response message
std::list< Rar >::const_iterator RarListEnd() const
std::list< Rar >::const_iterator RarListBegin() const
uint16_t m_raRnti
uint16_t GetRaRnti() const
std::list< Rar > m_rarList
RAR list.
void SetRaRnti(uint16_t raRnti)
void AddRar(Rar rar)
add a RAR to the MAC PDU, see 3GPP TS 36.321 6.2.3
Abstract model for broadcasting the System Information Block Type 1 (SIB1) within the control channel...
void SetSib1(LteRrcSap::SystemInformationBlockType1 sib1)
Replace the SIB1 content of this control message.
LteRrcSap::SystemInformationBlockType1 m_sib1
LteRrcSap::SystemInformationBlockType1 GetSib1() const
Retrieve the SIB1 content from this control message.
Create a new instance of SIB1 control message.
A template-based reference counting class.
The Uplink Data Control Indicator messages defines the RB allocation for the users in the uplink.
~UlDciLteControlMessage() override
void SetDci(UlDciListElement_s dci)
add a DCI into the message
const UlDciListElement_s & GetDci()
Get dic information.
UlDciListElement_s m_dci
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
See section 4.3.10 buildRARListElement.
See section 4.3.24 cqiListElement.
See section 4.3.1 dlDciListElement.
See section 4.3.23 dlInfoListElement.
See section 4.3.14 macCEListElement.
a MAC RAR and the corresponding RAPID subheader
BuildRarListElement_s rarPayload
RAR payload.
See section 4.3.2 ulDciListElement.