class | A2A4RsrqHandoverAlgorithm |
| Handover algorithm implementation based on RSRQ measurements, Event A2 and Event A4. More...
class | A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm |
| Implementation of the strongest cell handover algorithm, based on RSRP measurements and Event A3. More...
class | AarfcdWifiManager |
| an implementation of the AARF-CD algorithm More...
struct | AarfcdWifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state for AARF-CD Wifi manager. More...
class | AarfWifiManager |
| AARF Rate control algorithm. More...
struct | AarfWifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state for AARF Wifi manager. More...
class | AccessorHelper |
| Basic functionality for accessing class attributes via class data members, or get functor/set methods. More...
struct | AccessorTrait |
| The non-const and non-reference type equivalent to T . More...
class | AcousticModemEnergyModel |
| WHOI micro-modem energy model. More...
class | AcousticModemEnergyModelHelper |
| Assign AcousticModemEnergyModel to uan devices. More...
class | AddbaExtension |
| The IEEE 802.11 ADDBA Extension Element (Sec. More...
class | Address |
| a polymophic address class More...
class | AddressChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for AddressValue. More...
class | AddressValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Address. More...
class | AdhocAlohaNoackIdealPhyHelper |
| create the AlohaNoackNetDevice More...
class | AdhocWifiMac |
| Wifi MAC high model for an ad-hoc Wifi MAC. More...
class | AdvancedApEmlsrManager |
| AdvancedApEmlsrManager is an advanced AP EMLSR manager. More...
class | AdvancedEmlsrManager |
| AdvancedEmlsrManager is an advanced EMLSR manager. More...
struct | AllocationRetentionPriority |
| 3GPP 23.203 Section Allocation and Retention Priority characteristics More...
struct | AllSupportedRates |
| Struct containing all supported rates. More...
class | AlohaNoackMacHeader |
| Header for the AlohaNoack NetDevice. More...
class | AlohaNoackNetDevice |
| This devices implements the following features: More...
class | AlwaysLosChannelConditionModel |
| Models an always in-LoS condition model. More...
class | AmpduSubframeHeader |
| Headers for A-MPDU subframes. More...
class | AmpduTag |
| The aim of the AmpduTag is to provide means for a MAC to specify that a packet includes A-MPDU since this is done in HT-SIG and there is no HT-SIG representation in ns-3. More...
class | AmrrWifiManager |
| AMRR Rate control algorithm. More...
struct | AmrrWifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state for AMRR Wifi manager. More...
class | AmsduSubframeHeader |
| Headers for A-MSDU subframes. More...
class | Angles |
| Class holding the azimuth and inclination angles of spherical coordinates. More...
class | AnimationInterface |
| Interface to network animator. More...
class | AnimByteTag |
| Byte tag using by Anim to uniquely identify packets. More...
class | AntennaModel |
| interface for antenna radiation pattern models More...
class | AodvHelper |
| Helper class that adds AODV routing to nodes. More...
class | AparfWifiManager |
| APARF Power and rate control algorithm. More...
struct | AparfWifiRemoteStation |
| Hold per-remote-station state for APARF Wifi manager. More...
class | ApEmlsrManager |
| ApEmlsrManager is an abstract base class defining the API that EHT AP MLDs with EMLSR activated can use to handle the operations on the EMLSR links of EMLSR clients. More...
class | Application |
| The base class for all ns3 applications. More...
class | ApplicationContainer |
| holds a vector of ns3::Application pointers. More...
class | ApplicationHelper |
| A helper to make it easier to instantiate an application on a set of nodes. More...
class | ApplicationPacketProbe |
| Probe to translate from a TraceSource to two more easily parsed TraceSources. More...
class | ApWifiMac |
| Wi-Fi AP state machine. More...
class | ArfWifiManager |
| ARF Rate control algorithm. More...
struct | ArfWifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state for ARF Wifi manager. More...
class | ArpCache |
| An ARP cache. More...
class | ArpHeader |
| The packet header for an ARP packet. More...
class | ArpL3Protocol |
| An implementation of the ARP protocol. More...
class | ArpQueueDiscItem |
| ArpQueueDiscItem is a subclass of QueueDiscItem which stores ARP packets. More...
class | AsciiFile |
| A class representing an ascii file. More...
class | AsciiTraceHelper |
| Manage ASCII trace files for device models. More...
class | AsciiTraceHelperForDevice |
| Base class providing common user-level ascii trace operations for helpers representing net devices. More...
class | AsciiTraceHelperForIpv4 |
| Base class providing common user-level ascii trace operations for helpers representing IPv4 protocols . More...
class | AsciiTraceHelperForIpv6 |
| Base class providing common user-level ascii trace operations for helpers representing IPv6 protocols . More...
class | Asn1Header |
| This class has the purpose to encode Information Elements according to ASN.1 syntax, as defined in ITU-T X-691. More...
class | AthstatsHelper |
| create AthstatsWifiTraceSink instances and connect them to wifi devices More...
class | AthstatsWifiTraceSink |
| trace sink for wifi device that mimics madwifi's athstats tool. More...
class | AttributeAccessor |
| allow setting and getting the value of an attribute. More...
class | AttributeChecker |
| Represent the type of an attribute. More...
class | AttributeConstructionList |
| List of Attribute name, value and checker triples used to construct Objects. More...
class | AttributeContainerChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for AttributeContainerValue. More...
class | AttributeContainerValue |
| A container for one type of attribute. More...
class | AttributeDefaultIterator |
| Iterator to iterate on the default values of attributes of an ns3::Object. More...
class | AttributeIterator |
| Iterator to iterate on the values of attributes of an ns3::Object. More...
class | AttributeValue |
| Hold a value for an Attribute. More...
class | Average |
| Simple average, min, max and std. More...
class | Backoff |
| The backoff class is used for calculating backoff times when many net devices can write to the same channel. More...
struct | BandInfo |
| The building block of a SpectrumModel. More...
class | BandwidthManager |
| This class manage the bandwidth request and grant mechanism. More...
class | BandwidthRequestHeader |
| This class implements the bandwidth-request mac Header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Bandwidth request header, page 38. More...
class | BaseStationNetDevice |
| BaseStation NetDevice. More...
class | BasicEnergyHarvesterHelper |
| Creates a BasicEnergyHarvester object. More...
class | BasicEnergySourceHelper |
| Creates a BasicEnergySource object. More...
class | BernoulliRandomVariable |
| The Bernoulli distribution Random Number Generator (RNG). More...
class | BinaryErrorModel |
| The simplest error model, corrupts even packets and does not corrupt odd ones. More...
class | BinomialRandomVariable |
| The binomial distribution Random Number Generator (RNG). More...
class | BitDeserializer |
| Bit deserializer. More...
class | BitSerializer |
| Bit serializer. More...
class | BlockAckAgreement |
| Maintains information for a block ack agreement. More...
class | BlockAckManager |
| Manages all block ack agreements for an originator station. More...
struct | BlockAckReqType |
| The different BlockAckRequest variants. More...
struct | BlockAckType |
| The different BlockAck variants. More...
class | BlockAckWindow |
| Block ack window. More...
class | BooleanChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for BooleanValue. More...
class | BooleanProbe |
| This class is designed to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting a bool. More...
class | BooleanValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Boolean. More...
struct | BoundCallbackArgument |
| This structure is used as interface between trace sources and RadioBearerStatsCalculator. More...
class | Box |
| a 3d box More...
class | BoxChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for BoxValue. More...
class | BoxValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Box. More...
class | BridgeChannel |
| Virtual channel implementation for bridges (BridgeNetDevice). More...
class | BridgeHelper |
| Add capability to bridge multiple LAN segments (IEEE 802.1D bridging) More...
class | BridgeNetDevice |
| a virtual net device that bridges multiple LAN segments More...
class | BriteTopologyHelper |
| Interface with BRITE, the Boston university Representative Internet Topology gEnerator. More...
class | BSLinkManager |
| BaseStation Link Manager. More...
class | BsrLteControlMessage |
| The uplink BsrLteControlMessage defines the specific extension of the CE element for reporting the buffer status report. More...
class | BSScheduler |
| BaseStation Scheduler. More...
class | BSSchedulerRtps |
| This class implements a simple downlink scheduler for rtPS flows. More...
class | BSSchedulerSimple |
| BaseStation Scheduler - simplified. More...
class | BsServiceFlowManager |
| BsServiceFlowManager. More...
class | Buffer |
| automatically resized byte buffer More...
class | BufferSizeLevelBsr |
| BufferSizeLevelBsr class. More...
struct | BuildBroadcastListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.11 buildBroadcastListElement. More...
struct | BuildDataListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.8 buildDataListElement. More...
class | Building |
| a 3d building block More...
class | BuildingContainer |
| keep track of a set of building pointers. More...
class | BuildingList |
| Container for Building class. More...
class | BuildingListPriv |
| private implementation detail of the BuildingList API. More...
class | BuildingsChannelConditionModel |
| Determines the channel condition based on the buildings deployed in the scenario. More...
class | BuildingsHelper |
| Helper used to install a MobilityBuildingInfo into a set of nodes. More...
class | BuildingsPropagationLossModel |
| This model provides means for simulating the following propagation phenomena in the presence of buildings: More...
struct | BuildRarListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.10 buildRARListElement. More...
class | BulkSendApplication |
| Send as much traffic as possible, trying to fill the bandwidth. More...
class | BulkSendHelper |
| A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::BulkSendApplication on a set of nodes. More...
class | BurstErrorModel |
| Determine which bursts of packets are errored corresponding to an underlying distribution, burst rate, and burst size. More...
class | BurstProfileManager |
| Profile manager for burst communications. More...
struct | BwPart_s |
| See section 4.3.28 bwPart. More...
class | ByteTagIterator |
| Iterator over the set of byte tags in a packet. More...
class | ByteTagList |
| keep track of the byte tags stored in a packet. More...
struct | ByteTagListData |
| Internal representation of the byte tags stored in a packet. More...
class | ByteTagListDataFreeList |
| Container class for struct ByteTagListData. More...
class | CalendarScheduler |
| a calendar queue event scheduler More...
class | Callback |
| Callback template class. More...
class | CallbackBase |
| Base class for Callback class. More...
class | CallbackChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for CallbackValue. More...
class | CallbackComponent |
| Stores a component of a callback, i.e., the callable object or a bound argument. More...
class | CallbackComponent< T, false > |
| Partial specialization of class CallbackComponent with isComparable equal to false. More...
class | CallbackComponentBase |
| Abstract base class for CallbackComponent. More...
class | CallbackImpl |
| CallbackImpl class with varying numbers of argument types. More...
class | CallbackImplBase |
| Abstract base class for CallbackImpl Provides reference counting and equality test. More...
struct | CallbackTraits |
struct | CallbackTraits< Ptr< T > > |
| Trait class to convert a pointer into a reference, used by MemPtrCallBackImpl. More...
class | CallbackValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Callback. More...
struct | CanBeInPerStaProfile |
| Inspect a type to deduce whether it is an Information Element that can be included in a Per-STA Profile subelement of a Multi-Link Element. More...
struct | CanBeInPerStaProfile< MultiLinkElement > |
| Inspect a type to deduce whether it is an Information Element that can be included in a Per-STA Profile subelement of a Multi-Link Element. More...
struct | CanBeInPerStaProfile< ReducedNeighborReport > |
| Indicate which Information Elements cannot be included in a Per-STA Profile subelement of a Basic Multi-Link Element (see Sec. More...
struct | CanBeInPerStaProfile< Ssid > |
| Inspect a type to deduce whether it is an Information Element that can be included in a Per-STA Profile subelement of a Multi-Link Element. More...
struct | CanBeInPerStaProfile< TidToLinkMapping > |
| Inspect a type to deduce whether it is an Information Element that can be included in a Per-STA Profile subelement of a Multi-Link Element. More...
class | CandidateQueue |
| A Candidate Queue used in routing calculations. More...
class | CapabilityInformation |
| Capability information. More...
class | CaraWifiManager |
| implement the CARA rate control algorithm More...
struct | CaraWifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state for CARA Wifi manager. More...
class | CcHelper |
| Creation and configuration of Component Carrier entities. More...
class | Channel |
| Abstract Channel Base Class. More...
class | ChannelAccessManager |
| Manage a set of ns3::Txop. More...
class | ChannelCondition |
| Carries information about the LOS/NLOS channel state. More...
class | ChannelConditionModel |
| Models the channel condition. More...
class | ChannelList |
| the list of simulation channels. More...
class | ChannelListPriv |
| private implementation detail of the ChannelList API. More...
class | Chunk |
| abstract base class for ns3::Header and ns3::Trailer More...
class | Cid |
| Cid class. More...
class | CidFactory |
| This class is used exclusively by the BS to allocate CIDs to new connections. More...
class | CircularApertureAntennaModel |
| Circular Aperture Antenna Model. More...
class | ClassificationRuleVectorTlvValue |
| this class implements the classifier descriptor as a tlv vector More...
class | ClickInternetStackHelper |
| aggregate Click/IP/TCP/UDP functionality to existing Nodes. More...
class | CobaltQueueDisc |
| Cobalt packet queue disc. More...
class | CoDelQueueDisc |
| A CoDel packet queue disc. More...
class | CommandLine |
| Parse command-line arguments. More...
struct | CommonInfoBasicMle |
| Common Info field of the Basic Multi-Link element. More...
struct | CommonInfoProbeReqMle |
| Common Info field of Multi-link Element Probe Request variant. More...
class | ComponentCarrier |
| ComponentCarrier Object, it defines a single Carrier This is the parent class for both ComponentCarrierBaseStation and ComponentCarrierUe. More...
class | ComponentCarrierBaseStation |
| Defines a Base station, that is a ComponentCarrier but with a cell Id. More...
class | ComponentCarrierEnb |
| Defines a single carrier for enb, and contains pointers to LteEnbPhy, LteEnbMac, LteFfrAlgorithm, and FfMacScheduler objects. More...
class | ComponentCarrierUe |
| ComponentCarrierUe Object, it defines a single Carrier for the Ue. More...
class | ConfigStore |
| Introspection did not find any typical Config paths. More...
class | ConnectionManager |
| The same connection manager class serves both for BS and SS though some functions are exclusive to only one of them. More...
class | ConstantAccelerationMobilityModel |
| Mobility model for which the current acceleration does not change once it has been set and until it is set again explicitly to a new value. More...
class | ConstantObssPdAlgorithm |
| Constant OBSS PD algorithm. More...
class | ConstantPositionMobilityModel |
| Mobility model for which the current position does not change once it has been set and until it is set again explicitly to a new value. More...
class | ConstantRandomVariable |
| The Random Number Generator (RNG) that returns a constant. More...
class | ConstantRateWifiManager |
| use constant rates for data and RTS transmissions More...
class | ConstantSpectrumPropagationLossModel |
| A Constant (fixed) propagation loss. More...
class | ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel |
| the propagation speed is constant More...
class | ConstantVelocityHelper |
| Utility class used to move node with constant velocity. More...
class | ConstantVelocityMobilityModel |
| Mobility model for which the current speed does not change once it has been set and until it is set again explicitly to a new value. More...
class | CosineAntennaModel |
| Cosine Antenna Model. More...
class | Cost231PropagationLossModel |
| The COST-Hata-Model is the most often cited of the COST 231 models. More...
class | CounterCalculator |
| Template class CounterCalculator. More...
class | CqaFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for the Channel and QoS Aware Scheduler. More...
struct | CqasFlowPerf_t |
| CGA Flow Performance structure. More...
struct | CqiConfig_s |
| See section 4.3.19 cqiConfig. More...
struct | CqiListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.24 cqiListElement. More...
class | CsmaChannel |
| Csma Channel. More...
class | CsmaDeviceRec |
| CsmaNetDevice Record. More...
class | CsmaHelper |
| build a set of CsmaNetDevice objects More...
class | CsmaNetDevice |
| A Device for a Csma Network Link. More...
class | CsmaStarHelper |
| A helper to make it easier to create a star topology with Csma links. More...
class | CsParameters |
| CsParameters class. More...
class | CsParamVectorTlvValue |
| this class implements the convergence sub-layer descriptor as a tlv vector More...
class | CsvReader |
| Provides functions for parsing and extracting data from Comma Separated Value (CSV) formatted text files. More...
class | CtrlBAckRequestHeader |
| Headers for BlockAckRequest. More...
class | CtrlBAckResponseHeader |
| Headers for BlockAck response. More...
class | CtrlTriggerHeader |
| Headers for Trigger frames. More...
class | CtrlTriggerUserInfoField |
| User Info field of Trigger frames. More...
class | DataCalculator |
| Calculates data during a simulation. More...
class | DataCollectionObject |
| Base class for data collection framework objects. More...
class | DataCollector |
| Collects data. More...
class | DataOutputCallback |
| Callback class for the DataOutput classes. More...
class | DataOutputInterface |
| Abstract Data Output Interface class s. More...
class | DataRate |
| Class for representing data rates. More...
class | DataRateChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for DataRateValue. More...
class | DataRateValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for DataRate. More...
class | Dcd |
| This class implements Downlink channel descriptor as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" Downlink Channel Descriptor (DCD) message, page 45. More...
class | DcdChannelEncodings |
| This class implements the DCD channel encodings as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" 11.4.1 DCD channel encodings, page 659. More...
class | DefaultApEmlsrManager |
| DefaultApEmlsrManager is the default AP EMLSR manager. More...
struct | DefaultDeleter |
| A template used to delete objects by the ns3::SimpleRefCount templates when the last reference to an object they manage disappears. More...
class | DefaultEmlsrManager |
| DefaultEmlsrManager is the default EMLSR manager. More...
class | DefaultSimulatorImpl |
| The default single process simulator implementation. More...
class | DelayJitterEstimation |
| Quick and dirty delay and jitter estimation, implementing the jitter algorithm originally from RFC 1889 (RTP), and unchanged in RFC 3550 More...
class | DesMetrics |
| Event trace data collector for the DES Metrics project. More...
struct | DestinationPoint |
| Keeps last movement schedule. More...
class | DeterministicRandomVariable |
| The Random Number Generator (RNG) that returns a predetermined sequence. More...
class | DeviceEnergyModelHelper |
| Creates DeviceEnergyModel objects. More...
class | DeviceNameTag |
| This class implements a tag that carries the ns3 device name from where a packet is coming. More...
class | DhcpClient |
| Implements the functionality of a DHCP client. More...
class | DhcpHeader |
| BOOTP header with DHCP messages. More...
class | DhcpHelper |
| The helper class used to configure and install DHCP applications on nodes. More...
class | DhcpServer |
| Implements the functionality of a DHCP server. More...
class | DistributedSimulatorImpl |
| Distributed simulator implementation using lookahead. More...
class | DlCqiLteControlMessage |
| The downlink CqiLteControlMessage defines an ideal list of feedback about the channel quality sent by the UE to the eNodeB. More...
struct | DlDciListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.1 dlDciListElement. More...
class | DlDciLteControlMessage |
| The Downlink Data Control Indicator messages defines the RB allocation for the users in the downlink. More...
class | DlFramePrefixIe |
| This class implements the DL Frame Prefix IE as described by IEEE-802.16 standard. More...
class | DlHarqFeedbackLteControlMessage |
| The downlink DlHarqFeedbackLteControlMessage defines the specific messages for transmitting the DL HARQ feedback through PUCCH. More...
struct | DlInfoListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.23 dlInfoListElement. More...
class | DlMap |
| This class implements DL-MAP as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" Compressed DL-MAP, page 402. More...
struct | DlSchedulingCallbackInfo |
| DlSchedulingCallbackInfo structure. More...
class | Dot11sStack |
| Helper class to allow easy installation of 802.11s stack. More...
class | DoubleProbe |
| This class is designed to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting a double. More...
class | DoubleValue |
| This class can be used to hold variables of floating point type such as 'double' or 'float'. More...
class | DownlinkLteGlobalPathlossDatabase |
| Store the last pathloss value for each TX-RX pair for downlink. More...
class | DpdkNetDevice |
| a NetDevice to read/write network traffic from/into a Dpdk enabled port. More...
class | DpdkNetDeviceHelper |
| build a DpdkNetDevice object attached to a physical network interface More...
class | DrbActivator |
| DrbActivatior allows user to activate bearers for UEs when EPC is not used. More...
class | DropTailQueue |
| A FIFO packet queue that drops tail-end packets on overflow. More...
struct | DrxConfig_s |
| See section 4.3.16 drxConfig. More...
class | DsaAck |
| This class implements the DSA-ACK message described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" DSA-ACK message, page 64. More...
class | DsaReq |
| This class implements the DSA-REQ message described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" DSA-REQ message, page 62. More...
class | DsaRsp |
| This class implements the DSA-RSP message described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" DSA-RSP message, page 63. More...
class | DsdvHelper |
| Helper class that adds DSDV routing to nodes. More...
class | DsrHelper |
| DSR helper class to manage creation of DSR routing instance and to insert it on a node as a sublayer between transport and IP layers. More...
class | DsrMainHelper |
| Helper class that adds DSR routing to nodes. More...
class | DsssErrorRateModel |
| an implementation of DSSS error rate model More...
class | DsssParameterSet |
| The DSSS Parameter Set. More...
class | DsssPhy |
| PHY entity for HR/DSSS (11b) More...
class | DsssPpdu |
| DSSS (HR/DSSS) PPDU (11b) More...
class | DynamicQueueLimits |
| DynamicQueueLimits would be used in conjunction with a producer/consumer type queue (possibly a netdevice queue). More...
class | EdcaParameterSet |
| The EDCA Parameter Set. More...
class | EhtCapabilities |
| The IEEE 802.11be EHT Capabilities. More...
class | EhtConfiguration |
| EHT configuration. More...
class | EhtFrameExchangeManager |
| EhtFrameExchangeManager handles the frame exchange sequences for EHT stations. More...
struct | EhtMacCapabilities |
| EHT MAC Capabilities Info subfield. More...
struct | EhtMcsAndNssSet |
| EHT MCS and NSS Set subfield. More...
class | EhtOperation |
| EHT Operation Information Element. More...
class | EhtPhy |
| PHY entity for EHT (11be) More...
struct | EhtPhyCapabilities |
| EHT PHY Capabilities Info subfield. More...
class | EhtPpdu |
| EHT PPDU (11be) More...
struct | EhtPpeThresholds |
| EHT PPE Thresholds subfield. More...
struct | EmlsrDlTxopIcfReceivedByAuxPhyTrace |
| Struct to trace that main PHY switched to start a DL TXOP after that an aux PHY received an ICF. More...
struct | EmlsrMainPhySwitchTrace |
| Base struct for EMLSR Main PHY switch traces. More...
struct | EmlsrMainPhySwitchTraceImpl |
| Implementation for the EMLSR Main PHY switch trace base struct. More...
class | EmlsrManager |
| EmlsrManager is an abstract base class defining the API that EHT non-AP MLDs with EMLSR activated can use to handle the operations on the EMLSR links. More...
struct | EmlsrSwitchMainPhyBackTrace |
| Struct to trace that main PHY switched to leave a link on which an aux PHY was expected to gain a TXOP but the main PHY did not manage to gain a TXOP in the pre-configured amount of time. More...
struct | EmlsrTxopEndedTrace |
| Struct to trace that main PHY switched when a (DL or UL) TXOP ended. More...
struct | EmlsrUlTxopAuxPhyNotTxCapableTrace |
| Struct to trace that main PHY switched to operate on a link on which an aux PHY that is not TX capable has gained or is expected to shortly gain a TXOP. More...
struct | EmlsrUlTxopRtsSentByAuxPhyTrace |
| Struct to trace that main PHY switched to start an UL TXOP after that an aux PHY transmitted an RTS. More...
class | EmpiricalRandomVariable |
| The Random Number Generator (RNG) that has a specified empirical distribution. More...
class | Empty |
| Empty class, used as a default parent class for SimpleRefCount. More...
class | EmptyAttributeAccessor |
| An accessor for EmptyAttributeValue. More...
class | EmptyAttributeChecker |
| A checker for EmptyAttributeValue. More...
class | EmptyAttributeValue |
| A class for an empty attribute value. More...
class | EmuEpcHelper |
| Create an EPC network using EmuFdNetDevice. More...
class | EmuFdNetDeviceHelper |
| build a set of FdNetDevice objects attached to a physical network interface More...
class | EnbMacMemberFfMacCschedSapUser |
| EnbMacMemberFfMacCschedSapUser class. More...
class | EnbMacMemberFfMacSchedSapUser |
| EnbMacMemberFfMacSchedSapUser class. More...
class | EnbMacMemberLteEnbCmacSapProvider |
| EnbMacMemberLteEnbCmacSapProvider class. More...
class | EnbMacMemberLteEnbPhySapUser |
| -------— PHY-SAP More...
class | EnbMacMemberLteMacSapProvider |
| EnbMacMemberLteMacSapProvider class. More...
class | EnbMemberLteEnbPhySapProvider |
class | EnbRrcMemberLteEnbCmacSapUser |
| Class for forwarding CMAC SAP User functions. More...
class | EnergyHarvesterHelper |
| Creates EnergyHarvester objects. More...
class | EnergySourceHelper |
| Creates EnergySource objects. More...
class | EnumChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for EnumValue. More...
class | EnumValue |
| Hold variables of type enum . More...
class | EnvironmentVariable |
| Hold key,value dictionaries for environment variables. More...
class | EpcEnbApplication |
| This application is installed inside eNBs and provides the bridge functionality for user data plane packets between the radio interface and the S1-U interface. More...
class | EpcEnbS1SapProvider |
| This class implements the Service Access Point (SAP) between the LteEnbRrc and the EpcEnbApplication. More...
class | EpcEnbS1SapUser |
| This class implements the Service Access Point (SAP) between the LteEnbRrc and the EpcEnbApplication. More...
class | EpcHelper |
| Base helper class to handle the creation of the EPC entities. More...
class | EpcMmeApplication |
| This application implements the Mobility Management Entity (MME) according to the 3GPP TS 23.401 document. More...
class | EpcPgwApplication |
| This application implements the Packet Data Network (PDN) Gateway Entity (PGW) according to the 3GPP TS 23.401 document. More...
class | EpcS11Sap |
| EpcS11Sap. More...
class | EpcS11SapMme |
| MME side of the S11 Service Access Point (SAP), provides the MME methods to be called when an S11 message is received by the MME. More...
class | EpcS11SapSgw |
| SGW side of the S11 Service Access Point (SAP), provides the SGW methods to be called when an S11 message is received by the SGW. More...
class | EpcS1apSap |
| Base class that defines EPC S1-AP Service Access Point (SAP) interface. More...
class | EpcS1apSapEnb |
| eNB side of the S1-AP Service Access Point (SAP), provides the eNB methods to be called when an S1-AP message is received by the eNB. More...
class | EpcS1apSapMme |
| MME side of the S1-AP Service Access Point (SAP), provides the MME methods to be called when an S1-AP message is received by the MME. More...
class | EpcSgwApplication |
| This application implements the Serving Gateway Entity (SGW) according to the 3GPP TS 23.401 document. More...
class | EpcTestRrc |
| RRC stub providing a testing S1 SAP user to be used with the EpcEnbApplication. More...
class | EpcTft |
| This class implements the EPS bearer Traffic Flow Template (TFT), which is the set of all packet filters associated with an EPS bearer. More...
class | EpcTftClassifier |
| classifies IP packets according to Traffic Flow Templates (TFTs) More...
class | EpcUeNas |
class | EpcX2 |
| This entity is installed inside an eNB and provides the functionality for the X2 interface. More...
class | EpcX2HandoverCancelHeader |
| EpcX2HandoverCancelHeader. More...
class | EpcX2HandoverPreparationFailureHeader |
| EpcX2HandoverPreparationFailureHeader. More...
class | EpcX2HandoverRequestAckHeader |
| EpcX2HandoverRequestAckHeader. More...
class | EpcX2HandoverRequestHeader |
| EpcX2HandoverRequestHeader. More...
class | EpcX2Header |
| Introspection did not find any typical Config paths. More...
class | EpcX2LoadInformationHeader |
| EpcX2LoadInformationHeader. More...
class | EpcX2ResourceStatusUpdateHeader |
| EpcX2ResourceStatusUpdateHeader. More...
class | EpcX2Sap |
| The X2 SAP defines the service between the X2 entity and the RRC entity. More...
class | EpcX2SapProvider |
| These service primitives of this part of the X2 SAP are provided by the X2 entity and issued by RRC entity. More...
class | EpcX2SapUser |
| These service primitives of this part of the X2 SAP are provided by the RRC entity and issued by the X2 entity. More...
class | EpcX2SnStatusTransferHeader |
| EpcX2SnStatusTransferHeader. More...
class | EpcX2SpecificEpcX2SapProvider |
| EpcX2SpecificEpcX2SapProvider. More...
class | EpcX2SpecificEpcX2SapUser |
| EpcX2SpecificEpcX2SapUser. More...
class | EpcX2UeContextReleaseHeader |
| EpcX2UeContextReleaseHeader. More...
class | EpsBearer |
| This class contains the specification of EPS Bearers. More...
class | EpsBearerTag |
| Tag used to define the RNTI and EPS bearer ID for packets interchanged between the EpcEnbApplication and the LteEnbNetDevice. More...
class | ErlangRandomVariable |
| The Erlang distribution Random Number Generator (RNG) that allows stream numbers to be set deterministically. More...
class | ErpInformation |
| The ErpInformation Information Element. More...
class | ErpOfdmPhy |
| PHY entity for ERP-OFDM (11g) More...
class | ErpOfdmPpdu |
| ERP-OFDM PPDU (11g) More...
class | ErrorChannel |
| A Error channel, introducing deterministic delays on even/odd packets. More...
class | ErrorModel |
| General error model that can be used to corrupt packets. More...
class | ErrorRateModel |
| the interface for Wifi's error models More...
class | EthernetHeader |
| Packet header for Ethernet. More...
class | EthernetTrailer |
| Packet trailer for Ethernet. More...
struct | EutraChannelNumbers |
| Table 5.7.3-1 "E-UTRA channel numbers" from 3GPP TS 36.101 The table was converted to C syntax doing a cut & paste from TS 36.101 and running the following filter: awk '{if ((NR % 7) == 1) printf("{"); printf ("%s",$0); if ((NR % 7) == 0) printf("},\n"); else printf(", ");}' | sed 's/ – /, /g'. More...
class | EutranMeasurementMapping |
| Implements the E-UTRA measurement mappings defined in 3GPP TS 36.133 section 9.1 E-UTRAN measurements. More...
class | Event |
| handles interference calculations More...
class | EventGarbageCollector |
| An object that tracks scheduled events and automatically cancels them when it is destroyed. More...
class | EventId |
| An identifier for simulation events. More...
class | EventImpl |
| A simulation event. More...
class | ExampleAsTestCase |
| Execute an example program as a test, by comparing the output to a reference file. More...
class | ExampleAsTestSuite |
| Execute an example program as a test suite. More...
class | ExponentialRandomVariable |
| The exponential distribution Random Number Generator (RNG). More...
class | ExtendedCapabilities |
| The Extended Capabilities Information Element. More...
class | ExtendedSupportedRatesIE |
| The Extended Supported Rates Information Element. More...
struct | FcfsPrio |
| Definition of priority for container queues. More...
class | FcfsWifiQueueScheduler |
| FcfsWifiQueueScheduler is a wifi queue scheduler that serves data frames in a first come first serve fashion. More...
class | FdBetFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Frequency Domain Blind Equal Throughput scheduler. More...
struct | fdbetsFlowPerf_t |
| fdbetsFlowPerf_t structure More...
class | FdMtFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Frequency Domain Maximize Throughput scheduler. More...
class | FdNetDevice |
| a NetDevice to read/write network traffic from/into a file descriptor. More...
class | FdNetDeviceFdReader |
| This class performs the actual data reading from the sockets. More...
class | FdNetDeviceHelper |
| build a set of FdNetDevice objects Normally we eschew multiple inheritance, however, the classes PcapUserHelperForDevice and AsciiTraceUserHelperForDevice are treated as "mixins". More...
class | FdReader |
| A class that asynchronously reads from a file descriptor. More...
class | FdTbfqFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Frequency Domain Token Bank Fair Queue scheduler. More...
struct | fdtbfqsFlowPerf_t |
| Flow information. More...
class | FfMacCschedSapProvider |
| Provides the CSCHED SAP. More...
class | FfMacCschedSapUser |
| FfMacCschedSapUser class. More...
class | FfMacSchedSapProvider |
| Provides the SCHED SAP. More...
class | FfMacSchedSapUser |
| FfMacSchedSapUser class. More...
class | FfMacScheduler |
| This abstract base class identifies the interface by means of which the helper object can plug on the MAC a scheduler implementation based on the FF MAC Sched API. More...
struct | FfrEnhancedDownlinkDefaultConfiguration |
| FfrEnhancedDownlinkDefaultConfiguration structure. More...
struct | FfrEnhancedUplinkDefaultConfiguration |
| FfrEnhancedUplinkDefaultConfiguration structure. More...
struct | FfrSoftDownlinkDefaultConfiguration |
| FfrSoftDownlinkDefaultConfiguration structure. More...
struct | FfrSoftUplinkDefaultConfiguration |
| FfrSoftUplinkDefaultConfiguration structure. More...
class | FifoQueueDisc |
| Simple queue disc implementing the FIFO (First-In First-Out) policy. More...
class | FileAggregator |
| This aggregator sends values it receives to a file. More...
class | FileConfig |
| base class for ConfigStore classes using files More...
class | FileHelper |
| Helper class used to put data values into a file. More...
class | FilsDiscHeader |
| Implement the FILS (Fast Initial Link Setup) action frame. More...
class | FixedRoomPositionAllocator |
| Generate a random position uniformly distributed in the volume of a chosen room inside a chosen building. More...
class | FixedRssLossModel |
| Return a constant received power level independent of the transmit power. More...
class | FlameStack |
| Helper class used to install FLAME mesh stack (actually single protocol in this stack) More...
class | FlowClassifier |
| Provides a method to translate raw packet data into abstract flow identifier and packet identifier parameters. More...
class | FlowIdTag |
| Introspection did not find any typical Config paths. More...
class | FlowMonitor |
| An object that monitors and reports back packet flows observed during a simulation. More...
class | FlowMonitorHelper |
| Helper to enable IP flow monitoring on a set of Nodes. More...
class | FlowProbe |
| The FlowProbe class is responsible for listening for packet events in a specific point of the simulated space, report those events to the global FlowMonitor, and collect its own flow statistics regarding only the packets that pass through that probe. More...
class | FqCobaltFlow |
| A flow queue used by the FqCobalt queue disc. More...
class | FqCobaltQueueDisc |
| A FqCobalt packet queue disc. More...
class | FqCoDelFlow |
| A flow queue used by the FqCoDel queue disc. More...
class | FqCoDelQueueDisc |
| A FqCoDel packet queue disc. More...
class | FqPieFlow |
| A flow queue used by the FqPie queue disc. More...
class | FqPieQueueDisc |
| A FqPie packet queue disc. More...
class | FragmentationSubheader |
| This class implements the fragmentation sub-header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Fragmentation subheader, page 39. More...
class | FrameCaptureModel |
| the interface for Wifi's frame capture models More...
class | FrameExchangeManager |
| FrameExchangeManager is a base class handling the basic frame exchange sequences for non-QoS stations. More...
struct | FrequencyChannelInfo |
| A structure containing the information about a frequency channel. More...
struct | FrequencyRange |
| Struct defining a frequency range between minFrequency and maxFrequency. More...
struct | FrHardDownlinkDefaultConfiguration |
| FrHardDownlinkDefaultConfiguration structure. More...
struct | FrHardUplinkDefaultConfiguration |
| FrHardUplinkDefaultConfiguration structure. More...
class | FriisPropagationLossModel |
| a Friis propagation loss model More...
class | FriisSpectrumPropagationLossModel |
| Friis spectrum propagation loss model. More...
struct | FrSoftDownlinkDefaultConfiguration |
| FrSoftDownlinkDefaultConfiguration structure. More...
struct | FrSoftUplinkDefaultConfiguration |
| soft uplink default configuration More...
struct | FrStrictDownlinkDefaultConfiguration |
| FrStrictDownlinkDefaultConfiguration structure. More...
struct | FrStrictUplinkDefaultConfiguration |
| FrStrictUplinkDefaultConfiguration structure. More...
class | GammaRandomVariable |
| The gamma distribution Random Number Generator (RNG) that allows stream numbers to be set deterministically. More...
class | GaussMarkovMobilityModel |
| Gauss-Markov mobility model. More...
struct | GbrQosInformation |
| 3GPP TS 36.413 GBR QoS Information More...
class | GcrGroupAddress |
| The IEEE 802.11 GCR Group Address Element (Sec. More...
class | GenericBatteryModelHelper |
| Creates and assign an assortment of BatteryModels to Nodes. More...
class | GenericMacHeader |
| This class implements the Generic mac Header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Generic MAC header, page 36. More...
class | GeocentricConstantPositionMobilityModel |
| Mobility model using geocentric euclidean coordinates, as defined in 38.811 chapter 6.3. More...
class | GeographicPositions |
| Consists of methods dealing with Earth geographic coordinates and locations. More...
class | GlobalRouteManager |
| A global global router. More...
class | GlobalRouteManagerImpl |
| A global router implementation. More...
class | GlobalRouteManagerLSDB |
| The Link State DataBase (LSDB) of the Global Route Manager. More...
class | GlobalRouter |
| An interface aggregated to a node to provide global routing info. More...
class | GlobalRoutingLinkRecord |
| A single link record for a link state advertisement. More...
class | GlobalRoutingLSA |
| a Link State Advertisement (LSA) for a router, used in global routing. More...
class | GlobalValue |
| Hold a so-called 'global value'. More...
class | Gnuplot |
| a simple class to generate gnuplot-ready plotting commands from a set of datasets. More...
class | Gnuplot2dDataset |
| Class to represent a 2D points plot. More...
class | Gnuplot2dFunction |
| Class to represent a 2D function expression plot. More...
class | Gnuplot3dDataset |
| Class to represent a 3D points plot. More...
class | Gnuplot3dFunction |
| Class to represent a 3D function expression plot. More...
class | GnuplotAggregator |
| This aggregator produces output used to make gnuplot plots. More...
class | GnuplotCollection |
| a simple class to group together multiple gnuplots into one file, e.g. More...
class | GnuplotDataset |
| Abstract class to store a plot line to be used by ns3::Gnuplot. More...
class | GnuplotHelper |
| Helper class used to make gnuplot plots. More...
class | GrantedTimeWindowMpiInterface |
| Interface between ns-3 and MPI. More...
class | GrantManagementSubheader |
| This class implements the grant management sub-header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Grant Management subheader, page 40. More...
class | GridBuildingAllocator |
| Allocate buildings on a rectangular 2d grid. More...
class | GridPositionAllocator |
| Allocate positions on a rectangular 2d grid. More...
struct | GroupInfo |
| A struct to contain information of a group. More...
class | GroupMobilityHelper |
| Helper class used to assign positions and mobility models to nodes for a group mobility configuration. More...
class | GtkConfigStore |
| A class that provides a GTK-based front end to ns3::ConfigStore. More...
class | GtpcCreateSessionRequestMessage |
| GTP-C Create Session Request Message. More...
class | GtpcCreateSessionResponseMessage |
| GTP-C Create Session Response Message. More...
class | GtpcDeleteBearerCommandMessage |
| GTP-C Delete Bearer Command Message. More...
class | GtpcDeleteBearerRequestMessage |
| GTP-C Delete Bearer Request Message. More...
class | GtpcDeleteBearerResponseMessage |
| GTP-C Delete Bearer Response Message. More...
class | GtpcHeader |
| Header of the GTPv2-C protocol. More...
class | GtpcIes |
| GTP-C Information Elements. More...
class | GtpcModifyBearerRequestMessage |
| GTP-C Modify Bearer Request Message. More...
class | GtpcModifyBearerResponseMessage |
| GTP-C Modify Bearer Response Message. More...
class | GtpuHeader |
| Implementation of the GPRS Tunnelling Protocol header according to GTPv1-U Release 10 as per 3Gpp TS 29.281 document. More...
class | HalfDuplexIdealPhy |
| This PHY layer implementation realizes an ideal OFDM PHY which transmits half-duplex (i.e., it can either receive or transmit at a given time). More...
struct | HalfDuplexIdealPhySignalParameters |
| Signal parameters for HalfDuplexIdealPhy. More...
class | HandoverPreparationInfoHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of HandoverPreparationInfo IE. More...
struct | HarqProcessInfoElement_t |
| HarqProcessInfoElement_t structure. More...
class | Hasher |
| Generic Hash function interface. More...
class | He6GhzBandCapabilities |
| The HE 6 GHz Band Capabilities (IEEE 802.11ax-2021 More...
class | Header |
| Protocol header serialization and deserialization. More...
class | HeaderSerializationTestCase |
| Subclass of TestCase class adding the ability to test the serialization and deserialization of a Header object. More...
class | HeapScheduler |
| a binary heap event scheduler More...
class | HeCapabilities |
| The IEEE 802.11ax HE Capabilities. More...
class | HeConfiguration |
| HE configuration. More...
class | HeFrameExchangeManager |
| HeFrameExchangeManager handles the frame exchange sequences for HE stations. More...
struct | HeMuUserInfo |
| HE MU specific user transmission parameters. More...
class | HeOperation |
| The HE Operation Information Element. More...
class | HePhy |
| PHY entity for HE (11ax) More...
class | HePpdu |
| HE PPDU (11ax) More...
class | HeRu |
| This class stores the subcarrier groups of all the available HE RUs. More...
struct | HeSigAParameters |
| Parameters for received HE-SIG-A for OBSS_PD based SR. More...
class | HierarchicalMobilityModel |
| Hierarchical mobility model. More...
struct | HigherLayerSelected_s |
| See section 4.3.27 higherLayerSelected. More...
class | Histogram |
| Class used to store data and make an histogram of the data frequency. More...
class | HtCapabilities |
| The HT Capabilities Information Element. More...
class | HtConfiguration |
| HT configuration. More...
class | HtFrameExchangeManager |
| HtFrameExchangeManager handles the frame exchange sequences for HT stations. More...
class | HtOperation |
| The HT Operation Information Element. More...
class | HtPhy |
| PHY entity for HT (11n) More...
class | HtPpdu |
| HT PPDU (11n) More...
class | HybridBuildingsPropagationLossModel |
| The HybridBuildingsPropagationModel is a compound of different models able to evaluate the pathloss from 200 to 2600 MHz, in different environments and with buildings (i.e., indoor and outdoor communications). More...
class | Icmpv4DestinationUnreachable |
| ICMP Destination Unreachable header. More...
class | Icmpv4Echo |
| ICMP Echo header. More...
class | Icmpv4Header |
| Base class for all the ICMP packet headers. More...
class | Icmpv4L4Protocol |
| This is the implementation of the ICMP protocol as described in RFC 792 . More...
class | Icmpv4TimeExceeded |
| ICMP Time Exceeded header. More...
class | Icmpv6DestinationUnreachable |
| ICMPv6 Error Destination Unreachable header. More...
class | Icmpv6Echo |
| ICMPv6 Echo message. More...
class | Icmpv6Header |
| ICMPv6 header. More...
class | Icmpv6L4Protocol |
| An implementation of the ICMPv6 protocol. More...
class | Icmpv6NA |
| ICMPv6 Neighbor Advertisement header. More...
class | Icmpv6NS |
| ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation header. More...
class | Icmpv6OptionHeader |
| ICMPv6 option header. More...
class | Icmpv6OptionLinkLayerAddress |
| ICMPv6 link-layer address option. More...
class | Icmpv6OptionMtu |
| ICMPv6 MTU option. More...
class | Icmpv6OptionPrefixInformation |
| ICMPv6 Option Prefix Information. More...
class | Icmpv6OptionRedirected |
| ICMPv6 redirected option. More...
class | Icmpv6ParameterError |
| ICMPv6 Error Parameter Error header. More...
class | Icmpv6RA |
| ICMPv6 Router Advertisement header. More...
class | Icmpv6Redirection |
| ICMPv6 Redirection header. More...
class | Icmpv6RS |
| ICMPv6 Router Solicitation header. More...
class | Icmpv6TimeExceeded |
| ICMPv6 Error Time Exceeded header. More...
class | Icmpv6TooBig |
| ICMPv6 Error Too Big header. More...
class | IdealHandoverCommandHeader |
| This header encodes the map key discussed above. More...
class | IdealHandoverPreparationInfoHeader |
| This header encodes the map key discussed above. More...
class | IdealWifiManager |
| Ideal rate control algorithm. More...
struct | IdealWifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state for Ideal Wifi manager. More...
class | IidManager |
| TypeId information manager. More...
struct | ImsiLcidPair_t |
| ImsiLcidPair structure. More...
struct | Indent |
| Helper to indent output a specified number of steps. More...
class | Inet6SocketAddress |
| An Inet6 address class. More...
class | InetSocketAddress |
| an Inet address class More...
class | InetTopologyReader |
| Topology file reader (Inet-format type). More...
class | int64x64_t |
| High precision numerical type, implementing Q64.64 fixed precision. More...
class | IntegerValue |
| Hold a signed integer type. More...
class | InterferenceHelper |
| handles interference calculations More...
class | InternetStackHelper |
| aggregate IP/TCP/UDP functionality to existing Nodes. More...
class | IpcsClassifier |
| IPCS classifier. More...
class | IpcsClassifierRecord |
| IpcsClassifierRecord class. More...
class | IpL4Protocol |
| L4 Protocol abstract base class. More...
class | Ipv4 |
| Access to the IPv4 forwarding table, interfaces, and configuration. More...
class | Ipv4Address |
| Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class. More...
class | Ipv4AddressChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for Ipv4AddressValue. More...
class | Ipv4AddressGenerator |
| This generator assigns addresses sequentially from a provided network address; used in topology code. More...
class | Ipv4AddressGeneratorImpl |
| Implementation class of Ipv4AddressGenerator This generator assigns addresses sequentially from a provided network address; used in topology code. More...
class | Ipv4AddressHash |
| Class providing an hash for IPv4 addresses. More...
class | Ipv4AddressHelper |
| A helper class to make life easier while doing simple IPv4 address assignment in scripts. More...
class | Ipv4AddressTlvValue |
| Ipv4AddressTlvValue class. More...
class | Ipv4AddressValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Ipv4Address. More...
class | Ipv4ARouting |
| IPv4 dummy routing class (A) More...
class | Ipv4BRouting |
| IPv4 dummy routing class (B) More...
class | Ipv4ClickRouting |
| Class to allow a node to use Click for external routing. More...
class | Ipv4EndPoint |
| A representation of an internet endpoint/connection. More...
class | Ipv4EndPointDemux |
| Demultiplexes packets to various transport layer endpoints. More...
class | Ipv4FlowClassifier |
| Classifies packets by looking at their IP and TCP/UDP headers. More...
class | Ipv4FlowProbe |
| Class that monitors flows at the IPv4 layer of a Node. More...
class | Ipv4FlowProbeTag |
| Tag used to allow a fast identification of the packet. More...
class | Ipv4GlobalRouting |
| Global routing protocol for IPv4 stacks. More...
class | Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper |
| Helper class that adds ns3::Ipv4GlobalRouting objects. More...
class | Ipv4Header |
| Packet header for IPv4. More...
class | Ipv4Interface |
| The IPv4 representation of a network interface. More...
class | Ipv4InterfaceAddress |
| a class to store IPv4 address information on an interface More...
class | Ipv4InterfaceContainer |
| holds a vector of std::pair of Ptr<Ipv4> and interface index. More...
class | Ipv4L3ClickProtocol |
| Implement the Ipv4 layer specifically for Click nodes to allow a clean integration of Click. More...
class | Ipv4L3Protocol |
| Implement the IPv4 layer. More...
class | Ipv4ListRouting |
| IPv4 list routing. More...
class | Ipv4ListRoutingHelper |
| Helper class that adds ns3::Ipv4ListRouting objects. More...
class | Ipv4ListRoutingNegativeTestCase |
| IPv4 ListRouting negative test. More...
class | Ipv4ListRoutingPositiveTestCase |
| IPv4 ListRouting positive test. More...
class | Ipv4ListRoutingTestSuite |
| IPv4 ListRouting TestSuite. More...
class | Ipv4Mask |
| a class to represent an Ipv4 address mask More...
class | Ipv4MaskChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for Ipv4MaskValue. More...
class | Ipv4MaskValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Ipv4Mask. More...
class | Ipv4MulticastRoute |
| Ipv4 multicast route cache entry (similar to Linux struct mfc_cache) More...
class | Ipv4MulticastRoutingTableEntry |
| A record of an IPv4 multicast route for Ipv4GlobalRouting and Ipv4StaticRouting. More...
class | Ipv4PacketFilter |
| Ipv4PacketFilter is the abstract base class for filters defined for IPv4 packets. More...
class | Ipv4PacketInfoTag |
| This class implements Linux struct pktinfo in order to deliver ancillary information to the socket interface. More...
class | Ipv4PacketProbe |
| This class is designed to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting a packet, an IPv4 object, and an interface. More...
class | Ipv4QueueDiscItem |
| Ipv4QueueDiscItem is a subclass of QueueDiscItem which stores IPv4 packets. More...
class | Ipv4RawSocketFactory |
| API to create RAW socket instances. More...
class | Ipv4RawSocketFactoryImpl |
| Implementation of IPv4 raw socket factory. More...
class | Ipv4RawSocketImpl |
| IPv4 raw socket. More...
class | Ipv4Route |
| IPv4 route cache entry (similar to Linux struct rtable) More...
class | Ipv4RoutingHelper |
| a factory to create ns3::Ipv4RoutingProtocol objects More...
class | Ipv4RoutingProtocol |
| Abstract base class for IPv4 routing protocols. More...
class | Ipv4RoutingTableEntry |
| A record of an IPv4 routing table entry for Ipv4GlobalRouting and Ipv4StaticRouting. More...
class | Ipv4StaticRouting |
| Static routing protocol for IP version 4 stacks. More...
class | Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper |
| Helper class that adds ns3::Ipv4StaticRouting objects. More...
class | Ipv6 |
| Access to the IPv6 forwarding table, interfaces, and configuration. More...
class | Ipv6Address |
| Describes an IPv6 address. More...
class | Ipv6AddressChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for Ipv6AddressValue. More...
class | Ipv6AddressGenerator |
| This generator assigns addresses sequentially from a provided network address; used in topology code. More...
class | Ipv6AddressGeneratorImpl |
| Implementation class of Ipv6AddressGenerator This generator assigns addresses sequentially from a provided network address; used in topology code. More...
class | Ipv6AddressHash |
| Hash function class for IPv6 addresses. More...
class | Ipv6AddressHelper |
| Helper class to auto-assign global IPv6 unicast addresses. More...
class | Ipv6AddressValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Ipv6Address. More...
class | Ipv6ARouting |
| IPv6 dummy routing class (A) More...
class | Ipv6AutoconfiguredPrefix |
| Router prefix information. More...
class | Ipv6BRouting |
| IPv6 dummy routing class (B) More...
class | Ipv6EndPoint |
| A representation of an IPv6 endpoint/connection. More...
class | Ipv6EndPointDemux |
| Demultiplexer for end points. More...
class | Ipv6Extension |
| IPv6 Extension base If you want to implement a new IPv6 extension, all you have to do is implement a subclass of this class and add it to an Ipv6ExtensionDemux. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionAH |
| IPv6 Extension AH (Authentication Header) More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionAHHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Extension AH. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionDemux |
| Demultiplexes IPv6 extensions. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionDestination |
| IPv6 Extension Destination. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionDestinationHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Extension Destination. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionESP |
| IPv6 Extension ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionESPHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Extension ESP. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionFragment |
| IPv6 Extension Fragment. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionFragmentHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Extension Fragment. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionHeader |
| Header for IPv6 Extension. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionHopByHop |
| IPv6 Extension "Hop By Hop". More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionHopByHopHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Extension "Hop by Hop". More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionLooseRouting |
| IPv6 Extension Loose Routing. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionLooseRoutingHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Extension Routing : Type 0 (Loose Routing) More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionRouting |
| IPv6 Extension Routing. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionRoutingDemux |
| IPv6 Extension Routing Demux. More...
class | Ipv6ExtensionRoutingHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Extension Routing. More...
class | Ipv6FlowClassifier |
| Classifies packets by looking at their IP and TCP/UDP headers. More...
class | Ipv6FlowProbe |
| Class that monitors flows at the IPv6 layer of a Node. More...
class | Ipv6FlowProbeTag |
| Tag used to allow a fast identification of the packet. More...
class | Ipv6Header |
| Packet header for IPv6. More...
class | Ipv6Interface |
| The IPv6 representation of a network interface. More...
class | Ipv6InterfaceAddress |
| IPv6 address associated with an interface. More...
class | Ipv6InterfaceContainer |
| Keep track of a set of IPv6 interfaces. More...
class | Ipv6L3Protocol |
| IPv6 layer implementation. More...
class | Ipv6ListRouting |
| Hold list of Ipv6RoutingProtocol objects. More...
class | Ipv6ListRoutingHelper |
| Helper class that adds ns3::Ipv6ListRouting objects. More...
class | Ipv6ListRoutingNegativeTestCase |
| IPv6 ListRouting negative test. More...
class | Ipv6ListRoutingPositiveTestCase |
| IPv6 ListRouting positive test. More...
class | Ipv6ListRoutingTestSuite |
| IPv6 ListRouting TestSuite. More...
class | Ipv6MulticastRoute |
| IPv6 multicast route entry. More...
class | Ipv6MulticastRoutingTableEntry |
| A record of an IPv6 multicast route. More...
class | Ipv6Option |
| IPv6 Option base. More...
class | Ipv6OptionDemux |
| IPv6 Option Demux. More...
class | Ipv6OptionHeader |
| Header for IPv6 Option. More...
class | Ipv6OptionJumbogram |
| IPv6 Option Jumbogram. More...
class | Ipv6OptionJumbogramHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Option Jumbogram. More...
class | Ipv6OptionPad1 |
| IPv6 Option Pad1. More...
class | Ipv6OptionPad1Header |
| Header of IPv6 Option Pad1. More...
class | Ipv6OptionPadn |
| IPv6 Option Padn. More...
class | Ipv6OptionPadnHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Option Padn. More...
class | Ipv6OptionRouterAlert |
| IPv6 Option Router Alert. More...
class | Ipv6OptionRouterAlertHeader |
| Header of IPv6 Option Router Alert. More...
class | Ipv6PacketFilter |
| Ipv6PacketFilter is the abstract base class for filters defined for IPv6 packets. More...
class | Ipv6PacketInfoTag |
| This class implements a tag that carries socket ancillary data to the socket interface. More...
class | Ipv6PacketProbe |
| This class is designed to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting a packet, an IPv6 object, and an interface. More...
class | Ipv6PmtuCache |
| This class implements the Path MTU cache, as defined by RFC 1981 . More...
class | Ipv6Prefix |
| Describes an IPv6 prefix. More...
class | Ipv6PrefixChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for Ipv6PrefixValue. More...
class | Ipv6PrefixValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Ipv6Prefix. More...
class | Ipv6QueueDiscItem |
| Ipv6QueueDiscItem is a subclass of QueueDiscItem which stores IPv6 packets. More...
class | Ipv6RawSocketFactory |
| API to create IPv6 RAW socket instances. More...
class | Ipv6RawSocketFactoryImpl |
| Implementation of IPv6 raw socket factory. More...
class | Ipv6RawSocketImpl |
| IPv6 raw socket. More...
class | Ipv6Route |
| IPv6 route cache entry. More...
class | Ipv6RoutingHelper |
| A factory to create ns3::Ipv6RoutingProtocol objects. More...
class | Ipv6RoutingProtocol |
| Abstract base class for IPv6 routing protocols. More...
class | Ipv6RoutingTableEntry |
| A record of an IPv6 route. More...
class | Ipv6StaticRouting |
| Static routing protocol for IP version 6 stacks. More...
class | Ipv6StaticRoutingHelper |
| Helper class that adds ns3::Ipv6StaticRouting objects. More...
class | IsotropicAntennaModel |
| Isotropic antenna model. More...
class | ItuR1238PropagationLossModel |
| This class implements the ITU-R 1238 propagation loss model. More...
class | ItuR1411LosPropagationLossModel |
| the ITU-R 1411 LOS propagation model More...
class | ItuR1411NlosOverRooftopPropagationLossModel |
| the ITU-R 1411 NLOS over rooftop propagation model More...
class | JakesProcess |
| Implementation for a single path Stationary Jakes propagation loss model. More...
class | JakesPropagationLossModel |
| a Jakes narrowband propagation model. More...
class | Kun2600MhzPropagationLossModel |
| Empirical propagation model for the 2.6 GHz frequency. More...
class | LaplacianRandomVariable |
| The laplacian distribution Random Number Generator (RNG). More...
class | LargestExtremeValueRandomVariable |
| The Largest Extreme Value distribution Random Number Generator (RNG). More...
class | LbtsMessage |
| Structure used for all-reduce LBTS computation. More...
class | LenaDeactivateBearerTestCase |
| Test case that for testing the deactivation of the bearer functionality. More...
class | LenaTestBearerDeactivateSuite |
| The test suite class for the LenaDeactivateBearerTestCase. More...
class | Length |
| Represents a length in meters. More...
class | LengthChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for LengthValue. More...
class | LengthValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Length. More...
class | LiIonEnergySourceHelper |
| Creates a LiIonEnergySource object. More...
class | LinearWifiTxCurrentModel |
| a linear model of the Wifi transmit current More...
class | ListErrorModel |
| Provide a list of Packet uids to corrupt. More...
class | ListPositionAllocator |
| Allocate positions from a deterministic list specified by the user. More...
class | ListScheduler |
| a std::list event scheduler More...
class | LlcSnapHeader |
| Header for the LLC/SNAP encapsulation. More...
class | LogComponent |
| A single log component configuration. More...
class | LogDistancePropagationLossModel |
| a log distance propagation model. More...
struct | LogicalChannelConfigListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.4 logicalChannelConfigListElement. More...
class | LogNormalRandomVariable |
| The log-normal distribution Random Number Generator (RNG) that allows stream numbers to be set deterministically. More...
class | LollipopCounter |
| Template class implementing a Lollipop counter as defined in RFC 8505 , RFC 6550 , and [Perlman83]. More...
class | LoopbackNetDevice |
| Virtual network interface that loops back any data sent to it to be immediately received on the same interface. More...
class | LrWpanHelper |
| helps to manage and create IEEE 802.15.4 NetDevice objects More...
class | LteAmc |
| Implements the Adaptive Modulation And Coding Scheme. More...
class | LteAnr |
| Automatic Neighbour Relation function. More...
class | LteAnrSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the ANR instance to the eNodeB RRC instance. More...
class | LteAnrSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNodeB RRC instance to the ANR instance. More...
class | LteAsSapProvider |
| This class implements the Access Stratum (AS) Service Access Point (SAP), i.e., the interface between the EpcUeNas and the LteUeRrc. More...
class | LteAsSapUser |
| This class implements the Access Stratum (AS) Service Access Point (SAP), i.e., the interface between the EpcUeNas and the LteUeRrc In particular, this class implements the User part of the SAP, i.e., the methods exported by the EpcUeNas and called by the LteUeRrc. More...
class | LteCcmMacSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the component carrier manager (CCM) by MAC to CCM. More...
class | LteCcmMacSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by MAC to the component carrier manager (CCM). More...
class | LteCcmRrcSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the Component Carrier Manager (CCM) instance to the eNodeB RRC instance. More...
class | LteCcmRrcSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNodeB RRC instance to the component carrier manager (CCM) instance. More...
class | LteChunkProcessor |
| This abstract class is used to process the time-vs-frequency SINR/interference/power chunk of a received LTE signal which was calculated by the LteInterference object. More...
class | LteControlMessage |
| The LteControlMessage provides a basic implementations for control messages (such as PDCCH allocation map, CQI feedbacks) that are exchanged among eNodeB and UEs. More...
class | LteDataRadioBearerInfo |
| store information on active data radio bearer instance More...
class | LteEnbCmacSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB MAC to the eNB RRC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Specification v 1.11, Figure 1. More...
class | LteEnbCmacSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RRC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Specification v 1.11, Figure 1. More...
class | LteEnbComponentCarrierManager |
| The class implements Component Carrier Manager (CCM) that operates using the Component Carrier Manager SAP interfaces. More...
class | LteEnbCphySapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes. More...
class | LteEnbCphySapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes. More...
class | LteEnbMac |
| This class implements the MAC layer of the eNodeB device. More...
class | LteEnbNetDevice |
| The eNodeB device implementation. More...
class | LteEnbPhy |
| LteEnbPhy models the physical layer for the eNodeB. More...
class | LteEnbPhySapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB-PHY to the eNB-MAC. More...
class | LteEnbPhySapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB-PHY to the eNB-MAC. More...
class | LteEnbRrc |
| The LTE Radio Resource Control entity at the eNB. More...
class | LteEnbRrcProtocolIdeal |
| Models the transmission of RRC messages from the UE to the eNB in an ideal fashion, without errors and without consuming any radio resources. More...
class | LteEnbRrcProtocolReal |
| Models the transmission of RRC messages from the UE to the eNB in a real fashion, by creating real RRC PDUs and transmitting them over Signaling Radio Bearers using radio resources allocated by the LTE MAC scheduler. More...
class | LteEnbRrcSapProvider |
| Part of the RRC protocol. More...
class | LteEnbRrcSapUser |
| Part of the RRC protocol. More...
class | LteFfConverter |
| LteFfConverter class. More...
class | LteFfrAlgorithm |
| The abstract base class of a Frequency Reuse algorithm. More...
class | LteFfrDistributedAlgorithm |
| Distributed Fractional Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation. More...
class | LteFfrEnhancedAlgorithm |
| Enhanced Fractional Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation. More...
class | LteFfrRrcSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the Frequency Reuse algorithm instance to the eNodeB RRC instance. More...
class | LteFfrRrcSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNodeB RRC instance to the Frequency Reuse algorithm instance. More...
class | LteFfrSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the Frequency Reuse algorithm instance to the MAC Scheduler instance. More...
class | LteFfrSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNodeB RRC instance to the Frequency Reuse algorithm instance. More...
class | LteFfrSimple |
| Simple Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation which uses only 1 sub-band. More...
class | LteFfrSoftAlgorithm |
| Soft Fractional Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation. More...
struct | LteFlowId_t |
| LteFlowId structure. More...
class | LteFrHardAlgorithm |
| Hard Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation which uses only 1 sub-band. More...
class | LteFrNoOpAlgorithm |
| FR algorithm implementation which simply does nothing. More...
class | LteFrSoftAlgorithm |
| Soft Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation. More...
class | LteFrStrictAlgorithm |
| Strict Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation. More...
class | LteGlobalPathlossDatabase |
| Store the last pathloss value for each TX-RX pair. More...
class | LteHandoverAlgorithm |
| The abstract base class of a handover algorithm that operates using the Handover Management SAP interface. More...
class | LteHandoverManagementSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the handover algorithm instance to the eNodeB RRC instance. More...
class | LteHandoverManagementSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNodeB RRC instance to the handover algorithm instance. More...
class | LteHarqPhy |
| The LteHarqPhy class implements the HARQ functionalities related to PHY layer (i.e., decodification buffers for incremental redundancy management) More...
class | LteHelper |
| Creation and configuration of LTE entities. More...
class | LteHexGridEnbTopologyHelper |
| This helper class allows to easily create a topology with eNBs grouped in three-sector sites laid out on an hexagonal grid. More...
class | LteInterference |
| This class implements a gaussian interference model, i.e., all incoming signals are added to the total interference. More...
class | LteMacSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RLC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Specification v 1.11, Figure 1. More...
class | LteMacSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RLC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Specification v 1.11, Figure 1. More...
class | LteMiErrorModel |
| This class provides the BLER estimation based on mutual information metrics. More...
class | LteNetDevice |
| LteNetDevice provides basic implementation for all LTE network devices. More...
class | LtePdcp |
| LTE PDCP entity, see 3GPP TS 36.323. More...
class | LtePdcpHeader |
| The packet header for the Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) packets. More...
class | LtePdcpSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the PDCP entity to the RRC entity See 3GPP 36.323 Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification. More...
class | LtePdcpSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the PDCP entity to the RRC entity See 3GPP 36.323 Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification. More...
class | LtePdcpSpecificLtePdcpSapProvider |
| LtePdcpSpecificLtePdcpSapProvider class. More...
class | LtePdcpSpecificLtePdcpSapUser |
| LtePdcpSpecificLtePdcpSapUser class. More...
class | LtePdcpSpecificLteRlcSapUser |
| LtePdcpSpecificLteRlcSapUser class. More...
class | LtePhy |
| The LtePhy models the physical layer of LTE. More...
class | LtePhyTag |
| Tag used to define PHY parameters. More...
class | LteRadioBearerInfo |
| store information on active radio bearer instance More...
class | LteRadioBearerTag |
| Tag used to define the RNTI and LC id for each MAC packet transmitted. More...
class | LteRlc |
| This abstract base class defines the API to interact with the Radio Link Control (LTE_RLC) in LTE, see 3GPP TS 36.322. More...
class | LteRlcAm |
| LTE RLC Acknowledged Mode (AM), see 3GPP TS 36.322. More...
class | LteRlcAmHeader |
| The packet header for the AM Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol packets. More...
class | LteRlcHeader |
| The packet header for the Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol packets. More...
class | LteRlcHeaderTestSuite |
| Lte Rlc Header Test Suite. More...
class | LteRlcSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UM-RLC and AM-RLC entities to the PDCP entity See 3GPP 36.322 Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification. More...
class | LteRlcSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UM-RLC and AM-RLC entities to the PDCP entity See 3GPP 36.322 Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification. More...
class | LteRlcSduStatusTag |
| This class implements a tag that carries the status of a RLC SDU for the fragmentation process Status of RLC SDU. More...
class | LteRlcSm |
| LTE_RLC Saturation Mode (SM): simulation-specific mode used for experiments that do not need to consider the layers above the LTE_RLC. More...
class | LteRlcSpecificLteMacSapUser |
| LteRlcSpecificLteMacSapUser class. More...
class | LteRlcSpecificLteRlcSapProvider |
| LteRlcSpecificLteRlcSapProvider. More...
class | LteRlcSpecificLteRlcSapUser |
| LteRlcSpecificLteRlcSapUser class. More...
class | LteRlcTm |
| LTE RLC Transparent Mode (TM), see 3GPP TS 36.322. More...
class | LteRlcUm |
| LTE RLC Unacknowledged Mode (UM), see 3GPP TS 36.322. More...
class | LteRrcSap |
| Class holding definition common to all UE/eNodeB SAP Users/Providers. More...
class | LteSignalingRadioBearerInfo |
| store information on active signaling radio bearer instance More...
class | LteSimpleHelper |
| A simplified version of LteHelper, that is used for creation and configuration of LTE entities for testing purposes when just a limited LteHelper functionality is wanted. More...
class | LteSimpleNetDevice |
| The LteSimpleNetDevice class implements the LTE simple net device. More...
class | LteSimpleSpectrumPhy |
| The LteSimpleSpectrumPhy models the physical layer of LTE This class is used to test Frequency Reuse Algorithms, it allow to get SpectrumValue from channel and pass it to test script by trace mechanism. More...
struct | LteSpectrumModelId |
| LteSpectrumModelId structure. More...
class | LteSpectrumPhy |
| The LteSpectrumPhy models the physical layer of LTE. More...
struct | LteSpectrumSignalParameters |
| Signal parameters for Lte. More...
struct | LteSpectrumSignalParametersDataFrame |
| Signal parameters for Lte Data Frame (PDSCH), and eventually after some control messages through other control channel embedded in PDSCH (i.e. More...
struct | LteSpectrumSignalParametersDlCtrlFrame |
| Signal parameters for Lte DL Ctrl Frame (RS, PCFICH and PDCCH) More...
struct | LteSpectrumSignalParametersUlSrsFrame |
| Signal parameters for Lte SRS Frame. More...
class | LteSpectrumValueCatcher |
| A sink to be plugged to the callback of LteChunkProcessor allowing to save and later retrieve the latest reported value. More...
class | LteSpectrumValueHelper |
| This class defines all functions to create spectrum model for lte. More...
class | LteStatsCalculator |
| Base class for ***StatsCalculator classes. More...
class | LteTestMac |
| This class implements a testing loopback MAC layer. More...
class | LteTestPdcp |
| This class implements a testing PDCP entity. More...
class | LteTestRrc |
| This class implements a testing RRC entity. More...
class | LteTestUePhy |
| Defines a simplified LtePhy class that is used for testing purposes of downlink and uplink SINR generation. More...
class | LteUeCcmRrcSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE component carrier manager to the UE RRC. More...
class | LteUeCcmRrcSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE RRC to the UE CCM. More...
class | LteUeCmacSapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE MAC to the UE RRC. More...
class | LteUeCmacSapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE MAC to the UE RRC. More...
class | LteUeComponentCarrierManager |
| The abstract base class of a Component Carrier Manager* for UE that operates using the component carrier manager SAP interface. More...
struct | LteUeConfig_t |
| Parameters for configuring the UE. More...
class | LteUeCphySapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes. More...
class | LteUeCphySapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes. More...
class | LteUeMac |
class | LteUeNetDevice |
| The LteUeNetDevice class implements the UE net device. More...
class | LteUePhy |
| The LteSpectrumPhy models the physical layer of LTE. More...
class | LteUePhySapProvider |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE-PHY to the UE-MAC. More...
class | LteUePhySapUser |
| Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the PHY to the MAC. More...
class | LteUePowerControl |
| This class realizes Uplink Power Control functionality. More...
class | LteUeRrc |
class | LteUeRrcProtocolIdeal |
| Models the transmission of RRC messages from the UE to the eNB in an ideal fashion, without errors and without consuming any radio resources. More...
class | LteUeRrcProtocolReal |
| Models the transmission of RRC messages from the UE to the eNB in a real fashion, by creating real RRC PDUs and transmitting them over Signaling Radio Bearers using radio resources allocated by the LTE MAC scheduler. More...
class | LteUeRrcSapProvider |
| Part of the RRC protocol. More...
class | LteUeRrcSapUser |
| Part of the RRC protocol. More...
class | Mac16Address |
| This class can contain 16 bit addresses. More...
class | Mac16AddressChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for Mac16AddressValue. More...
class | Mac16AddressValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Mac16Address. More...
class | Mac48Address |
| an EUI-48 address More...
class | Mac48AddressChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for Mac48AddressValue. More...
class | Mac48AddressValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Mac48Address. More...
class | Mac64Address |
| an EUI-64 address More...
class | Mac64AddressChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for Mac64AddressValue. More...
class | Mac64AddressValue |
| hold objects of type ns3::Mac64Address More...
class | Mac8Address |
| A class used for addressing MAC8 MAC's. More...
struct | MacCeListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.14 macCEListElement. More...
struct | MacCeValue_u |
| See section 4.3.15 macCEValue. More...
class | MacHeaderType |
| This class Represents the HT (Header Type) field of generic MAC and bandwidth request headers. More...
class | MacRxMiddle |
| This class handles duplicate detection and recomposition of fragments. More...
class | MacStatsCalculator |
| Takes care of storing the information generated at MAC layer. More...
class | MacTxMiddle |
| Handles sequence numbering of IEEE 802.11 data frames. More...
class | ManagementMessageType |
| Mac Management messages Section MAC Management messages page 42, Table 14 page 43. More...
class | MapScheduler |
| a std::map event scheduler More...
class | MatrixArray |
| MatrixArray class inherits ValArray class and provides additional interfaces to ValArray which enable page-wise linear algebra operations for arrays of matrices. More...
class | MatrixBasedChannelModel |
| This is an interface for a channel model that can be described by a channel matrix, e.g., the 3GPP Spatial Channel Models, which is generally used in combination with antenna arrays. More...
class | MatrixPropagationLossModel |
| The propagation loss is fixed for each pair of nodes and doesn't depend on their actual positions. More...
struct | MaxFilter |
| Compares two values. More...
struct | McsGroup |
| Data structure to contain the information that defines a group. More...
class | MeasurementReportHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of MeasurementReport IE. More...
class | MemberCschedSapProvider |
| MemberCschedSapProvider class. More...
class | MemberEpcEnbS1SapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the EpcEnbS1SapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberEpcEnbS1SapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the EpcEnbS1SapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberEpcS11SapMme |
| Template for the implementation of the EpcS11SapMme as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberEpcS11SapSgw |
| Template for the implementation of the EpcS11SapSgw as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberEpcS1apSapEnb |
| Template for the implementation of the EpcS1apSapEnb as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberEpcS1apSapMme |
| Template for the implementation of the EpcS1apSapMme as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteAnrSapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the LteAnrSapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteAnrSapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the LteAnrSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteAsSapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the LteAsSapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteAsSapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the LteAsSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteCcmMacSapProvider |
| MemberLteCcmMacSapProvider class. More...
class | MemberLteCcmMacSapUser |
| MemberLteCcmMacSapUser class. More...
class | MemberLteCcmRrcSapProvider |
| MemberLteCcmRrcSapProvider class. More...
class | MemberLteCcmRrcSapUser |
| MemberLteCcmRrcSapUser class. More...
class | MemberLteEnbCphySapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the LteEnbCphySapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteEnbCphySapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the LteEnbCphySapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteEnbRrcSapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the LteEnbRrcSapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteEnbRrcSapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the LteEnbRrcSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteFfrRrcSapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the LteFfrRrcSapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteFfrRrcSapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the LteFfrRrcSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteFfrSapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the LteFfrSapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteFfrSapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the LteFfrSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteHandoverManagementSapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the LteHandoverManagementSapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteHandoverManagementSapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the LteHandoverManagementSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteUeCcmRrcSapProvider |
| MemberLteUeCcmRrcSapProvider class. More...
class | MemberLteUeCcmRrcSapUser |
| MemberLteUeCcmRrcSapUser class. More...
class | MemberLteUeCphySapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the LteUeCphySapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteUeCphySapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the LteUeCphySapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteUeRrcSapProvider |
| Template for the implementation of the LteUeRrcSapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberLteUeRrcSapUser |
| Template for the implementation of the LteUeRrcSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to which all methods are forwarded. More...
class | MemberSchedSapProvider |
| MemberSchedSapProvider class. More...
class | MeshHelper |
| Helper to create IEEE 802.11s mesh networks. More...
class | MeshInformationElementVector |
| Information element vector. More...
class | MeshL2RoutingProtocol |
| Interface for L2 mesh routing protocol and mesh point communication. More...
class | MeshPointDevice |
| Virtual net device modeling mesh point. More...
class | MeshStack |
| Prototype for class, which helps to install MAC-layer routing stack to ns3::MeshPointDevice. More...
class | MeshWifiBeacon |
| Beacon is beacon header + list of arbitrary information elements. More...
class | MeshWifiInterfaceMac |
| Basic MAC of mesh point Wi-Fi interface. More...
class | MeshWifiInterfaceMacPlugin |
| Common interface for mesh point interface MAC plugins. More...
class | MgtAddBaRequestHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames of type Add Block Ack request. More...
class | MgtAddBaResponseHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames of type Add Block Ack response. More...
class | MgtAssocRequestHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames of type association request. More...
class | MgtAssocResponseHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames of type association and reassociation response. More...
class | MgtBeaconHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames of type beacon. More...
class | MgtDelBaHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames of type Delete Block Ack. More...
class | MgtEmlOmn |
| Implement the header for Action frames of type EML Operating Mode Notification. More...
class | MgtHeaderInPerStaProfile |
| Implement the header for management frames that can be included in a Per-STA Profile subelement of a Multi-Link Element. More...
class | MgtHeaderInPerStaProfile< Derived, std::tuple< Elems... > > |
| Add methods needed to serialize/deserialize a management header into a Per-STA Profile subelement of a Multi-Link Element. More...
class | MgtProbeRequestHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames of type probe request. More...
class | MgtProbeResponseHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames of type probe response. More...
class | MgtReassocRequestHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames of type reassociation request. More...
class | MibLteControlMessage |
| Abstract model for broadcasting the Master Information Block (MIB) within the control channel (BCCH). More...
class | MicrowaveOvenSpectrumModel5MhzInitializer |
| Init a static class containing the MWO #2 model (5Mhz) More...
class | MicrowaveOvenSpectrumModel6MhzInitializer |
| Init a static class containing the MWO #1 model (6Mhz) More...
class | MicrowaveOvenSpectrumValueHelper |
| This class provides methods for the creation of SpectrumValue instances that mimic the Power Spectral Density of commercial microwave ovens based on the measurements reported in the following paper: Tanim M. More...
struct | MinFilter |
| Compares two values. More...
class | MinMaxAvgTotalCalculator |
| Template class MinMaxAvgTotalCalculator. More...
struct | MinstrelHtRateInfo |
| A struct to contain all statistics information related to a data rate. More...
class | MinstrelHtWifiManager |
| Implementation of Minstrel-HT Rate Control Algorithm. More...
struct | MinstrelHtWifiRemoteStation |
| MinstrelHtWifiRemoteStation structure. More...
class | MinstrelWifiManager |
| Implementation of Minstrel Rate Control Algorithm. More...
struct | MinstrelWifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state for Minstrel Wifi manager. More...
class | MobilityBuildingInfo |
| mobility buildings information (to be used by mobility models) More...
class | MobilityHelper |
| Helper class used to assign positions and mobility models to nodes. More...
class | MobilityModel |
| Keep track of the current position and velocity of an object. More...
class | MockNetDevice |
| This device assumes 48-bit mac addressing; there is also the possibility to add an ErrorModel if you want to force losses on the device. More...
class | ModelCreator |
| ModelCreator class. More...
struct | ModelNode |
| A class used in the implementation of the GtkConfigStore. More...
struct | ModelTypeid |
| A class used in the implementation of the GtkConfigStore. More...
class | ModelTypeidCreator |
| ModelTypeIdCreator class. More...
class | MpduAggregator |
| Aggregator used to construct A-MPDUs. More...
struct | MpduInfo |
| MpduInfo structure. More...
class | MpiInterface |
| Singleton used to interface to the communications infrastructure when running NS3 in parallel. More...
class | MpiReceiver |
| Class to aggregate to a NetDevice if it supports MPI capability. More...
class | MqQueueDisc |
| mq is a classful multi-queue aware dummy scheduler. More...
class | MsduAggregator |
| Aggregator used to construct A-MSDUs. More...
class | MuEdcaParameterSet |
| The MU EDCA Parameter Set. More...
class | MultiLinkElement |
| The Multi-Link element. More...
class | MultiModelSpectrumChannel |
| This SpectrumChannel implementation can handle the presence of SpectrumPhy instances which can use different spectrum models, i.e., different SpectrumModel. More...
class | MultiUserScheduler |
| MultiUserScheduler is an abstract base class defining the API that APs supporting at least VHT can use to determine the format of their next transmission. More...
class | MuSnrTag |
| A tag to be attached to a response to a multi-user UL frame, that carries the SNR values with which the individual frames have been received. More...
class | NakagamiPropagationLossModel |
| Nakagami-m fast fading propagation loss model. More...
class | NameNode |
| Node in the naming tree. More...
class | Names |
| A directory of name and Ptr<Object> associations that allows us to give any ns3 Object a name. More...
class | NamesPriv |
| The singleton root Names object. More...
class | NdiscCache |
| IPv6 Neighbor Discovery cache. More...
class | NeighborCacheHelper |
| A helper class to populate neighbor cache. More...
class | NetDevice |
| Network layer to device interface. More...
class | NetDeviceContainer |
| holds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers More...
class | NetDeviceQueue |
| Network device transmission queue. More...
class | NetDeviceQueueInterface |
| Network device transmission queue interface. More...
class | NetDeviceQueueLock |
| Network device transmission queue with lock. More...
class | NetmapNetDevice |
| a NetDevice to read/write network traffic from/into a netmap file descriptor. More...
class | NetmapNetDeviceFdReader |
| This class performs the actual data reading from the netmap ring. More...
class | NetmapNetDeviceHelper |
| build a set of FdNetDevice objects attached to a physical network interface More...
class | NeverLosChannelConditionModel |
| Models a never in-LoS condition model. More...
class | NeverLosVehicleChannelConditionModel |
| Models a never in-LoS condition model caused by a blocking vehicle. More...
class | NistErrorRateModel |
| A model for the error rate for different modulations. More...
class | NixVector |
| Neighbor-index data structure for nix-vector routing. More...
class | NixVectorHelper |
| Helper class that adds Nix-vector routing to nodes. More...
class | NixVectorRouting |
| Nix-vector routing protocol. More...
class | NoBackhaulEpcHelper |
| Create an EPC network with PointToPoint links between the core network nodes. More...
class | Node |
| A network Node. More...
class | NodeContainer |
| keep track of a set of node pointers. More...
class | NodeList |
| the list of simulation nodes. More...
class | NodeListPriv |
| private implementation detail of the NodeList API. More...
class | NonCommunicatingNetDevice |
| This class implements a device which does not communicate, in the sense that it does not interact with the above protocol stack. More...
class | NoneFileConfig |
| A dummy class (does nothing) More...
class | NonInheritance |
| The IEEE 802.11 Non-Inheritance Information Element. More...
class | NoOpComponentCarrierManager |
| The default component carrier manager that forwards all traffic, the uplink and the downlink, over the primary carrier, and will not use secondary carriers. More...
class | NoOpHandoverAlgorithm |
| Handover algorithm implementation which simply does nothing. More...
class | NormalRandomVariable |
| The normal (Gaussian) distribution Random Number Generator (RNG) that allows stream numbers to be set deterministically. More...
class | Ns2MobilityHelper |
| Helper class which can read ns-2 movement files and configure nodes mobility. More...
class | NullMessageMpiInterface |
| Interface between ns-3 and MPI for the Null Message distributed simulation implementation. More...
class | NullMessageSentBuffer |
| Non-blocking send buffers for Null Message implementation. More...
class | NullMessageSimulatorImpl |
| Simulator implementation using MPI and a Null Message algorithm. More...
class | Object |
| A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation. More...
class | ObjectBase |
| Anchor the ns-3 type and attribute system. More...
struct | ObjectDeleter |
| Standard Object deleter, used by SimpleRefCount to delete an Object when the reference count drops to zero. More...
class | ObjectFactory |
| Instantiate subclasses of ns3::Object. More...
class | ObjectFactoryChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for ObjectFactoryValue. More...
class | ObjectFactoryValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for ObjectFactory. More...
class | ObjectPtrContainerAccessor |
| AttributeAccessor implementation for ObjectPtrContainerValue. More...
class | ObjectPtrContainerChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for ObjectPtrContainerValue. More...
class | ObjectPtrContainerValue |
| Container for a set of ns3::Object pointers. More...
class | ObssPdAlgorithm |
| OBSS PD algorithm interface. More...
class | OfdmDcdChannelEncodings |
| This class implements the OFDM DCD channel encodings as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems". More...
class | OfdmDlBurstProfile |
| This class implements the OFDM Downlink burst profile descriptor as described by "IEEE Standard
for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless
Access Systems" Burst profile formats page 416. More...
class | OfdmDlMapIe |
| This class implements the OFDM DL-MAP information element as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" Compact DL-MAP IE page 109. More...
class | OfdmDownlinkFramePrefix |
| OfdmDownlinkFramePrefix. More...
class | OfdmPhy |
| PHY entity for OFDM (11a) More...
class | OfdmPpdu |
| OFDM PPDU (11a) More...
class | OfdmSendParams |
| OfdmSendParams class. More...
class | OfdmUcdChannelEncodings |
| This class implements the OFDM UCD channel encodings as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" 11.3.1 UCD channel encodings, page 651. More...
class | OfdmUlBurstProfile |
| This class implements the UL burst profile as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" Uplink burst profile encodings, page 655. More...
class | OfdmUlMapIe |
| This class implements the UL-MAP_IE message as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" UL-MAP_IE, page 115. More...
class | OhBuildingsPropagationLossModel |
| this model combines the OkumuraHata model with the BuildingsPropagationLossModel More...
class | OkumuraHataPropagationLossModel |
| this class implements the Okumura Hata propagation loss model More...
class | OlsrHelper |
| Helper class that adds OLSR routing to nodes. More...
class | OmnetDataOutput |
| Outputs data in a format compatible with OMNeT library and framework. More...
class | OnoeWifiManager |
| an implementation of the rate control algorithm developed by Atsushi Onoe More...
struct | OnoeWifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state for ONOE Wifi manager. More...
class | OnOffApplication |
| Generate traffic to a single destination according to an OnOff pattern. More...
class | OnOffHelper |
| A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::OnOffApplication on a set of nodes. More...
class | OpenFlowSwitchHelper |
| Add capability to switch multiple LAN segments (IEEE 802.1D bridging) More...
class | OpenFlowSwitchNetDevice |
| A net device that switches multiple LAN segments via an OpenFlow-compatible flow table. More...
class | OptFieldWithPresenceInd |
| OptFieldWithPresenceInd is a class modeling an optional field (in an Information Element, a management frame, etc.) having an associated Presence Indicator bit. More...
class | OptionField |
| Option field for an IPv6ExtensionHeader. More...
class | OrbisTopologyReader |
| Topology file reader (Orbis-format type). More...
class | OriginatorBlockAckAgreement |
| Maintains the state and information about transmitted MPDUs with Ack Policy set to Block Ack for an originator station. More...
class | OriginatorRxStatus |
| A class to keep track of the packet originator status. More...
class | OutdoorPositionAllocator |
| allocate outdoor positions More...
class | OutputStreamWrapper |
| A class encapsulating an output stream. More...
class | Packet |
| network packets More...
class | PacketBurst |
| this class implement a burst as a list of packets More...
class | PacketCounterCalculator |
| A stat for counting packets. More...
class | PacketFilter |
| PacketFilter is the abstract base class for filters used by queue discs to classify packets. More...
class | PacketLossCounter |
| A class to count the number of lost packets. More...
class | PacketMetadata |
| Handle packet metadata about packet headers and trailers. More...
class | PacketProbe |
| This class is designed to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting a packet. More...
class | PacketSink |
| Receive and consume traffic generated to an IP address and port. More...
class | PacketSinkHelper |
| A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::PacketSinkApplication on a set of nodes. More...
class | PacketSizeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator |
| A stat for collecting packet size statistics: min, max and average. More...
class | PacketSocket |
| A PacketSocket is a link between an application and a net device. More...
class | PacketSocketAddress |
| an address for a packet socket More...
class | PacketSocketClient |
| A simple client. More...
class | PacketSocketFactory |
| This can be used as an interface in a node in order for the node to generate PacketSockets that can connect to net devices. More...
class | PacketSocketHelper |
| Give ns3::PacketSocket powers to ns3::Node. More...
class | PacketSocketServer |
| A server using PacketSocket. More...
class | PacketSocketTag |
| This class implements a tag that carries the dest address of a packet and the packet type. More...
class | PacketTagIterator |
| Iterator over the set of packet tags in a packet. More...
class | PacketTagList |
| List of the packet tags stored in a packet. More...
struct | PagingInfoListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.30 pagingInfoListElement. More...
class | PairChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for PairValue. More...
class | PairValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Pair. More...
class | ParabolicAntennaModel |
| Antenna model based on a parabolic approximation of the main lobe radiation pattern. More...
class | ParallelCommunicationInterface |
| Pure virtual base class for the interface between ns-3 and the parallel communication layer being used. More...
class | ParameterLogger |
| Insert , when streaming function arguments. More...
class | ParetoRandomVariable |
| The Pareto distribution Random Number Generator (RNG). More...
class | ParfWifiManager |
| PARF Rate control algorithm. More...
struct | ParfWifiRemoteStation |
| Hold per-remote-station state for PARF Wifi manager. More...
struct | ParseResult |
| Type to maintain line parsed and its values. More...
class | PbbAddressBlock |
| An Address Block and its associated Address TLV Blocks. More...
class | PbbAddressBlockIpv4 |
| Concrete IPv4 specific PbbAddressBlock. More...
class | PbbAddressBlockIpv6 |
| Concrete IPv6 specific PbbAddressBlock. More...
class | PbbAddressTlv |
| An Address TLV. More...
class | PbbAddressTlvBlock |
| A block of Address TLVs (PbbAddressTlv). More...
class | PbbMessage |
| A message within a PbbPacket packet. More...
class | PbbMessageIpv4 |
| Concrete IPv4 specific PbbMessage. More...
class | PbbMessageIpv6 |
| Concrete IPv6 specific PbbMessage class. More...
class | PbbPacket |
| Main PacketBB Packet object. More...
class | PbbTlv |
| A packet or message TLV. More...
class | PbbTlvBlock |
| A block of packet or message TLVs (PbbTlv). More...
class | PcapFile |
| A class representing a pcap file. More...
class | PcapFileWrapper |
| A class that wraps a PcapFile as an ns3::Object and provides a higher-layer ns-3 interface to the low-level public methods of PcapFile. More...
class | PcapHelper |
| Manage pcap files for device models. More...
class | PcapHelperForDevice |
| Base class providing common user-level pcap operations for helpers representing net devices. More...
class | PcapHelperForIpv4 |
| Base class providing common user-level pcap operations for helpers representing IPv4 protocols . More...
class | PcapHelperForIpv6 |
| Base class providing common user-level pcap operations for helpers representing IPv6 protocols . More...
class | PdcpTag |
| Tag to calculate the per-PDU delay from eNb PDCP to UE PDCP. More...
class | PfFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Proportional Fair scheduler. More...
class | PfifoFastQueueDisc |
| Linux pfifo_fast is the default priority queue enabled on Linux systems. More...
struct | pfsFlowPerf_t |
| pfsFlowPerf_t structure More...
class | PhasedArrayModel |
| Class implementing the phased array model virtual base class. More...
class | PhasedArraySpectrumPropagationLossModel |
| spectrum-aware propagation loss model that is compatible with PhasedArrayModel type of ns-3 antenna More...
struct | PhichListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.7 phichListElement. More...
class | PhyEntity |
| Abstract class for PHY entities. More...
class | PhyListener |
| Listener for PHY events. More...
struct | PhyReceptionStatParameters |
| PhyReceptionStatParameters structure. More...
class | PhyRxStatsCalculator |
| Takes care of storing the information generated at PHY layer regarding reception. More...
class | PhyStatsCalculator |
| Takes care of storing the information generated at PHY layer. More...
struct | PhyTransmissionStatParameters |
| PhyTransmissionStatParameters structure. More...
class | PhyTxStatsCalculator |
| Takes care of storing the information generated at PHY layer regarding transmission. More...
class | PieQueueDisc |
| Implements PIE Active Queue Management discipline. More...
class | Ping |
| This application behaves similarly to the Unix ping application, although with fewer options supported. More...
class | PingHelper |
| Create a ping application and associate it to a node. More...
class | PointerChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for PointerValue. More...
class | PointerValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Pointer. More...
class | PointToPointChannel |
| Simple Point To Point Channel. More...
class | PointToPointDumbbellHelper |
| A helper to make it easier to create a dumbbell topology with p2p links. More...
class | PointToPointEpcHelper |
| Create an EPC network with PointToPoint links in the backhaul network. More...
class | PointToPointGridHelper |
| A helper to make it easier to create a grid topology with p2p links. More...
class | PointToPointHelper |
| Build a set of PointToPointNetDevice objects. More...
class | PointToPointNetDevice |
| A Device for a Point to Point Network Link. More...
class | PointToPointRemoteChannel |
| A Remote Point-To-Point Channel. More...
class | PointToPointStarHelper |
| A helper to make it easier to create a star topology with PointToPoint links. More...
class | PortRangeTlvValue |
| PortRangeTlvValue class. More...
class | PositionAllocator |
| Allocate a set of positions. More...
class | PppHeader |
| Packet header for PPP. More...
class | PreambleDetectionModel |
| the interface for Wifi's preamble detection models More...
class | PrintList |
| Handler for the undocumented print-list token in NS_LOG which triggers printing of the list of log components, then exits. More...
class | PriomapChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for PriomapValue. More...
class | PriomapValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Priomap. More...
class | PrioQueueDisc |
| The Prio qdisc is a simple classful queueing discipline that contains an arbitrary number of classes of differing priority. More...
class | PriorityQueueScheduler |
| a std::priority_queue event scheduler More...
class | PriorityUlJob |
| PriorityUlJob class. More...
class | ProbabilisticV2vHighwayChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the V2V Highway scenario. More...
class | ProbabilisticV2vUrbanChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the V2V Urban scenario. More...
class | Probe |
| Base class for probes. More...
class | PropagationCache |
| Constructs a cache of objects, where each object is responsible for a single propagation path loss calculations. More...
class | PropagationDelayModel |
| calculate a propagation delay. More...
class | PropagationLossModel |
| Models the propagation loss through a transmission medium. More...
class | ProtocolTlvValue |
| ProtocolTlvValue class. More...
class | PssFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Priority Set scheduler. More...
struct | pssFlowPerf_t |
| Flow information. More...
class | Ptr |
| Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr . More...
class | PyViz |
| helper class to be used by the visualizer More...
struct | PyVizPacketTag |
| PyVizPacketTag structure. More...
struct | qos_rb_and_CQI_assigned_to_lc |
| qos_rb_and_CQI_assigned_to_lc More...
class | QosFrameExchangeManager |
| QosFrameExchangeManager handles the frame exchange sequences for QoS stations. More...
class | QosTxop |
| Handles the packet queue and stores DCF/EDCA access parameters (one Txop per AC). More...
class | Queue |
| Template class for packet Queues. More...
class | QueueBase |
| Abstract base class for packet Queues. More...
class | QueueDisc |
| QueueDisc is an abstract base class providing the interface and implementing the operations common to all the queueing disciplines. More...
class | QueueDiscClass |
| QueueDiscClass is the base class for classes that are included in a queue disc. More...
class | QueueDiscContainer |
| Holds a vector of ns3::QueueDisc pointers. More...
class | QueueDiscFactory |
| This class stores object factories required to create a queue disc and all of its components (packet filters, internal queues, classes). More...
class | QueueDiscItem |
| QueueDiscItem is the abstract base class for items that are stored in a queue disc. More...
class | QueueItem |
| Base class to represent items of packet Queues. More...
class | QueueLimits |
| Abstract base class for NetDevice queue length controller. More...
class | QueueSize |
| Class for representing queue sizes. More...
class | QueueSizeChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for QueueSizeValue. More...
class | QueueSizeValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for QueueSize. More...
struct | RachListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.6 rachListElement. More...
class | RachPreambleLteControlMessage |
| abstract model for the Random Access Preamble More...
class | RadioBearerStatsCalculator |
| This class is an ns-3 trace sink that performs the calculation of PDU statistics for uplink and downlink. More...
class | RadioBearerStatsConnector |
| This class is very useful when user needs to collect statistics from PDCP and RLC. More...
class | RadioEnvironmentMapHelper |
| Generates a 2D map of the SINR from the strongest transmitter in the downlink of an LTE FDD system. More...
class | RadiotapHeader |
| Radiotap header implementation. More...
class | Radvd |
| Router advertisement daemon. More...
class | RadvdHelper |
| Radvd application helper. More...
class | RadvdInterface |
| Radvd interface configuration. More...
class | RadvdPrefix |
| Router prefix for radvd application. More...
class | RandomBoxPositionAllocator |
| Allocate random positions within a 3D box according to a set of three random variables. More...
class | RandomBuildingPositionAllocator |
| Allocate each position by randomly choosing a building from the list of all buildings, and then randomly choosing a position inside the building. More...
class | RandomDirection2dMobilityModel |
| Random direction mobility model. More...
class | RandomDiscPositionAllocator |
| Allocate random positions within a disc according to a given distribution for the polar coordinates of each node with respect to the provided center of the disc. More...
class | RandomPropagationDelayModel |
| the propagation delay is random More...
class | RandomPropagationLossModel |
| The propagation loss follows a random distribution. More...
class | RandomRectanglePositionAllocator |
| Allocate random positions within a rectangle according to a pair of random variables. More...
class | RandomRoomPositionAllocator |
| Allocate each position by randomly choosing a room from the list of all buildings, and then randomly choosing a position inside the room. More...
class | RandomVariableStream |
| The basic uniform Random Number Generator (RNG). More...
class | RandomVariableStreamHelper |
| Helper class for static methods involving RandomVariableStream. More...
class | RandomWalk2dMobilityModel |
| 2D random walk mobility model. More...
class | RandomWalk2dOutdoorMobilityModel |
| 2D random walk mobility model which avoids buildings. More...
class | RandomWaypointMobilityModel |
| Random waypoint mobility model. More...
class | RangePropagationLossModel |
| The propagation loss depends only on the distance (range) between transmitter and receiver. More...
class | RarLteControlMessage |
| abstract model for the MAC Random Access Response message More...
class | RateErrorModel |
| Determine which packets are errored corresponding to an underlying distribution, rate, and unit. More...
struct | RateInfo |
| A struct to contain all information related to a data rate. More...
struct | RateStats |
| A structure containing parameters of a single rate and its statistics. More...
class | RawTextConfigLoad |
| A class to enable loading of configuration store from a raw text file. More...
class | RawTextConfigSave |
| A class to enable saving of configuration store in a raw text file. More...
class | RealProtocolRlcSapUser |
| RealProtocolRlcSapUser class. More...
class | RealtimeSimulatorImpl |
| Realtime version of SimulatorImpl. More...
class | ReceiveListErrorModel |
| Provide a list of Packets to corrupt. More...
class | RecipientBlockAckAgreement |
| Maintains the scoreboard and the receive reordering buffer used by a recipient of a Block Ack agreement. More...
class | Rectangle |
| a 2d rectangle More...
class | RectangleChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for RectangleValue. More...
class | RectangleValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Rectangle. More...
class | RedQueueDisc |
| A RED packet queue disc. More...
class | ReducedNeighborReport |
| The Reduced Neighbor Report element. More...
class | RemoteChannelBundle |
| Collection of ns-3 channels between local and remote nodes. More...
class | RemoteChannelBundleManager |
| Singleton for managing the RemoteChannelBundles for each process. More...
class | RemSpectrumPhy |
| This minimal SpectrumPhy implementation calculates the SINR with respect to the strongest signal for a given point. More...
class | Reservation |
| Stores reservation info for use in scheduling data channel by reservation channel MAC. More...
class | Rip |
| RIP Routing Protocol, defined in RFC 2453 . More...
class | RipHeader |
| RipHeader - see RFC 2453 More...
class | RipHelper |
| Helper class that adds RIP routing to nodes. More...
class | RipNg |
| RIPng Routing Protocol, defined in RFC 2080 . More...
class | RipNgHeader |
| RipNgHeader - see RFC 2080 More...
class | RipNgHelper |
| Helper class that adds RIPng routing to nodes. More...
class | RipNgRoutingTableEntry |
| RipNg Routing Table Entry. More...
class | RipNgRte |
| RipNg Routing Table Entry (RTE) - see RFC 2080 More...
class | RipRoutingTableEntry |
| Rip Routing Table Entry. More...
class | RipRte |
| Rip v2 Routing Table Entry (RTE) - see RFC 2453 . More...
class | RlcAmStatusPduTestCase |
| Rlc Am Status Pdu Test Case. More...
struct | RlcPduListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.9 rlcPDU_ListElement. More...
class | RlcTag |
| Tag to calculate the per-PDU delay from eNb RLC to UE RLC. More...
class | RngReq |
| This class implements the ranging request message described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems". More...
class | RngRsp |
| This class implements the ranging response message described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" Ranging response (RNG-RSP) message, page 50. More...
class | RngSeedManager |
| Manage the seed number and run number of the underlying random number generator, and automatic assignment of stream numbers. More...
class | RngStream |
| Combined Multiple-Recursive Generator MRG32k3a. More...
class | RocketfuelTopologyReader |
| Topology file reader (Rocketfuel-format type). More...
class | RraaWifiManager |
| Robust Rate Adaptation Algorithm. More...
struct | RraaWifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state for RRAA Wifi manager. More...
class | RrcAsn1Header |
| This class extends Asn1Header functions, adding serialization/deserialization of some Information elements defined in 3GPP TS 36.331. More...
class | RrcConnectionReconfigurationCompleteHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionSetupComplete IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionReconfigurationHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionReconfiguration IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentCompleteHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionReestablishmentComplete IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionReestablishment IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentRejectHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionReestablishmentReject IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentRequestHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionRejectHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionReject IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionReleaseHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionRelease IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionRequestHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionRequest IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionSetupCompleteHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionSetupComplete IE. More...
class | RrcConnectionSetupHeader |
| This class manages the serialization/deserialization of RrcConnectionSetup IE. More...
class | RrcDlCcchMessage |
| This class only serves to discriminate which message type has been received in downlink (eNb to ue) for channel CCCH. More...
class | RrcDlDcchMessage |
| This class only serves to discriminate which message type has been received in downlink (eNb to ue) for channel DCCH. More...
class | RrComponentCarrierManager |
| Component carrier manager implementation that splits traffic equally among carriers. More...
class | RrcUlCcchMessage |
| This class only serves to discriminate which message type has been received in uplink (ue to eNb) for channel CCCH. More...
class | RrcUlDcchMessage |
| This class only serves to discriminate which message type has been received in uplink (ue to eNb) for channel DCCH. More...
class | RrFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Round Robin scheduler. More...
class | RrMultiUserScheduler |
| RrMultiUserScheduler is a simple OFDMA scheduler that indicates to perform a DL OFDMA transmission if the AP has frames to transmit to at least one station. More...
class | RrpaaWifiManager |
struct | RrpaaWifiRemoteStation |
| Hold per-remote-station state for RRPAA Wifi manager. More...
class | RttEstimator |
| Base class for all RTT Estimators. More...
class | RttHistory |
| Helper class to store RTT measurements. More...
class | RttMeanDeviation |
| The "Mean--Deviation" RTT estimator, as discussed by Van Jacobson. More...
class | RvBatteryModelHelper |
| Creates a RvBatteryModel object. More...
struct | RxSignalInfo |
| RxSignalInfo structure containing info on the received signal. More...
class | RxSpectrumModelInfo |
| The Rx spectrum model information. More...
class | SameRoomPositionAllocator |
| Walks a given NodeContainer sequentially, and for each node allocate a new position randomly in the same room of that node. More...
struct | SbMeasResult_s |
| See section 4.3.25 sbMeasResult. More...
class | Scheduler |
| Maintain the event list. More...
class | SendParams |
| The SendParams class defines the parameters with which Send() function of a particular PHY is called. More...
class | SentBuffer |
| Tracks non-blocking sends. More...
class | SeqTsEchoHeader |
| Packet header to carry sequence number and two timestamps. More...
class | SeqTsHeader |
| Packet header to carry sequence number and timestamp. More...
class | SeqTsSizeHeader |
| Header with a sequence, a timestamp, and a "size" attribute. More...
class | SequenceNumber |
| Generic "sequence number" class. More...
class | SequenceNumber10 |
| SequenceNumber10 class. More...
class | SequentialRandomVariable |
| The Random Number Generator (RNG) that returns a pattern of sequential values. More...
class | ServiceFlow |
| This class implements service flows as described by the IEEE-802.16 standard. More...
class | ServiceFlowManager |
| The same service flow manager class serves both for BS and SS though some functions are exclusive to only one of them. More...
class | ServiceFlowRecord |
| this class implements a structure to manage some parameters and statistics related to a service flow More...
class | SfVectorTlvValue |
| SfVectorTlvValue class. More...
class | ShannonSpectrumErrorModel |
| This class implements the error model described in this paper: N. More...
class | ShowProgress |
| Periodically print a status message indicating simulator progress. More...
class | Sib1LteControlMessage |
| Abstract model for broadcasting the System Information Block Type 1 (SIB1) within the control channel (BCCH). More...
struct | SiConfiguration_s |
| See section 4.3.21 siConfiguration. More...
struct | SignalNoiseDbm |
| SignalNoiseDbm structure. More...
struct | SiMessageListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.22 siMessageListElement. More...
class | SimpleChannel |
| A simple channel, for simple things and testing. More...
class | SimpleFrameCaptureModel |
| A simple threshold-based model for frame capture effect. More...
class | SimpleNetDevice |
| This device assumes 48-bit mac addressing; there is also the possibility to add an ErrorModel if you want to force losses on the device. More...
class | SimpleNetDeviceHelper |
| build a set of SimpleNetDevice objects More...
class | SimpleOfdmSendParam |
| SimpleOfdmSendParam class. More...
class | SimpleOfdmWimaxChannel |
| SimpleOfdmWimaxChannel class. More...
class | SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy |
| SimpleOfdmWimaxPhy class. More...
class | SimpleRefCount |
| A template-based reference counting class. More...
class | SimpleTag |
| SimpleNetDevice tag to store source, destination and protocol of each packet. More...
class | SimpleUeCcmMacSapProvider |
| SimpleUeCcmMacSapProvider class. More...
class | SimpleUeCcmMacSapUser |
| SimpleUeCcmMacSapUser class. More...
class | SimpleUeComponentCarrierManager |
| Component carrier manager implementation which simply does nothing. More...
class | SimulationSingleton |
| This singleton class template ensures that the type for which we want a singleton has a lifetime bounded by the simulation run lifetime. More...
class | Simulator |
| Control the scheduling of simulation events. More...
class | SimulatorImpl |
| The SimulatorImpl base class. More...
class | SingleModelSpectrumChannel |
| SpectrumChannel implementation which handles a single spectrum model. More...
class | Singleton |
| A template singleton. More...
class | SinkApplication |
| Base class for sink applications. More...
class | SinkTracer |
| Collects data about incoming packets. More...
class | SixLowPanBc0 |
| 6LoWPAN BC0 header - see RFC 4944 . More...
class | SixLowPanDispatch |
| Dispatch header helper. More...
class | SixLowPanFrag1 |
| 6LoWPAN FRAG1 header - see RFC 4944 . More...
class | SixLowPanFragN |
| 6LoWPAN FRAGN header - see RFC 4944 . More...
class | SixLowPanHc1 |
| 6LoWPAN HC1 header - see RFC 4944 . More...
class | SixLowPanHelper |
| Setup a sixlowpan stack to be used as a shim between IPv6 and a generic NetDevice. More...
class | SixLowPanIphc |
| LOWPAN_IPHC base Encoding - see RFC 6282 . More...
class | SixLowPanIpv6 |
| 6LoWPAN IPv6 uncompressed header - see RFC 4944 . More...
class | SixLowPanMesh |
| 6LoWPAN Mesh header - see RFC 4944 . More...
class | SixLowPanNetDevice |
| Shim performing 6LoWPAN compression, decompression and fragmentation. More...
class | SixLowPanNhcExtension |
| LOWPAN_NHC Extension Header Encoding - see RFC 6282 . More...
class | SixLowPanUdpNhcExtension |
| UDP LOWPAN_NHC Extension Header Encoding - see RFC 6282 . More...
class | SllHeader |
| Protocol header serialization and deserialization. More...
class | SnrTag |
| Introspection did not find any typical Config paths. More...
class | SNRToBlockErrorRateManager |
| This class handles the SNR to BlcER traces. More...
class | SNRToBlockErrorRateRecord |
| This class represents a record (handled by SnrToBlockErrorRate manager) that keeps a mapping between an SNR value and its corresponding (1) Bit Error Rate, (2) Block Error Rate, (3) Standard deviation, (4 and 5) confidence interval. More...
class | Socket |
| A low-level Socket API based loosely on the BSD Socket API. More...
class | SocketFactory |
| Object to create transport layer instances that provide a socket API to applications. More...
class | SocketIpTosTag |
| indicates whether the socket has IP_TOS set. More...
class | SocketIpTtlTag |
| This class implements a tag that carries the socket-specific TTL of a packet to the IP layer. More...
class | SocketIpv6HopLimitTag |
| This class implements a tag that carries the socket-specific HOPLIMIT of a packet to the IPv6 layer. More...
class | SocketIpv6TclassTag |
| indicates whether the socket has IPV6_TCLASS set. More...
class | SocketPriorityTag |
| indicates whether the socket has a priority set. More...
class | SocketSetDontFragmentTag |
| indicates whether packets should be sent out with the DF (Don't Fragment) flag set. More...
class | SocketWriter |
| Simple class to write data to sockets. More...
struct | SortProcess |
| SortProcess structure. More...
struct | SortProcessPtr |
| SortProcessPtr structure. More...
class | SourceApplication |
| Base class for source applications. More...
class | SpectrumAnalyzer |
| Simple SpectrumPhy implementation that averages the spectrum power density of incoming transmissions to produce a spectrogram. More...
class | SpectrumAnalyzerHelper |
| Class to allow the Spectrum Analysis. More...
class | SpectrumChannel |
| Defines the interface for spectrum-aware channel implementations. More...
class | SpectrumChannelHelper |
| Setup a SpectrumChannel. More...
class | SpectrumConverter |
| Class which implements a converter between SpectrumValue which are defined over different SpectrumModel. More...
class | SpectrumErrorModel |
| Introspection did not find any typical Config paths. More...
class | SpectrumInterference |
| This class implements a gaussian interference model, i.e., all incoming signals are added to the total interference. More...
class | SpectrumModel |
| Set of frequency values implementing the domain of the functions in the Function Space defined by SpectrumValue. More...
class | SpectrumPhy |
| Abstract base class for Spectrum-aware PHY layers. More...
class | SpectrumPhyHelper |
| Create and configure several SpectrumPhy instances and connect them to a channel. More...
class | SpectrumPropagationLossModel |
| spectrum-aware propagation loss model More...
struct | SpectrumSignalParameters |
| This struct provides the generic signal representation to be used by all wireless technologies. More...
class | SpectrumTransmitFilter |
| spectrum-aware transmit filter object More...
class | SpectrumValue |
| Set of values corresponding to a given SpectrumModel. More...
class | SpectrumValue5MhzFactory |
| Implements Wifi SpectrumValue for the 2.4 GHz ISM band only, with a 5 MHz spectrum resolution. More...
class | SpectrumWifiPhy |
| 802.11 PHY layer model More...
class | SpectrumWifiPhyHelper |
| Make it easy to create and manage PHY objects for the spectrum model. More...
class | SPFVertex |
| Vertex used in shortest path first (SPF) computations. More...
struct | SpsConfig_s |
| See section 4.3.17 spsConfig. More...
class | SqliteDataOutput |
| Outputs data in a format compatible with SQLite. More...
class | SQLiteOutput |
| A C++ interface towards an SQLITE database. More...
struct | SrConfig_s |
| See section 4.3.18 srConfig. More...
struct | SrListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.13 srListElement. More...
class | SrsCqiRntiVsp |
| Define the RNTI that has generated the. More...
class | Ssid |
| The IEEE 802.11 SSID Information Element. More...
class | SsidChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for SsidValue. More...
class | SsidValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Ssid. More...
class | SSLinkManager |
| this class implements the link manager of subscriber station net device. More...
class | SSManager |
| this class manages a list of SSrecords More...
class | SSRecord |
| This class is used by the base station to store some information related to subscriber station in the cell. More...
class | SSScheduler |
class | SsServiceFlowManager |
| SsServiceFlowManager class. More...
class | static_SpectrumModel300Khz300GhzLog_initializer |
| Static initializer class for Spectrum model logger for frequencies between 300 Khz 300 Ghz. More...
class | static_SpectrumModelIsm2400MhzRes1Mhz_initializer |
| Static initializer class for Spectrum model logger for frequencies in the 2.4 GHz ISM band with 1 MHz resolution. More...
class | StatisticalSummary |
| Abstract class for calculating statistical data. More...
class | StatusCode |
| Status code for association response. More...
class | StaWifiMac |
| The Wifi MAC high model for a non-AP STA in a BSS. More...
class | SteadyStateRandomWaypointMobilityModel |
| Steady-state random waypoint mobility model. More...
class | StringChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for StringValue. More...
class | StringValue |
| Hold variables of type string. More...
class | SubscriberStationNetDevice |
| SubscriberStationNetDevice subclass of WimaxNetDevice. More...
class | SupportedRates |
| The Supported Rates Information Element. More...
class | Synchronizer |
| Base class used for synchronizing the simulation events to some real time "wall clock.". More...
class | SystemWallClockMs |
| Measure elapsed wall clock time in milliseconds. More...
class | SystemWallClockMsPrivate |
| System-dependent implementation for SystemWallClockMs. More...
class | SystemWallClockTimestamp |
| Utility class to record the difference between two wall-clock times. More...
class | TableBasedErrorRateModel |
| Introspection did not find any typical Config paths. More...
class | Tag |
| tag a set of bytes in a packet More...
class | TagBuffer |
| read and write tag data More...
class | Tap |
| Holds PDP Tap information (amplitude and delay) More...
class | TapBridge |
| A bridge to make it appear that a real host process is connected to an ns-3 net device. More...
class | TapBridgeFdReader |
| Class to perform the actual reading from a socket. More...
class | TapBridgeHelper |
| build TapBridge to allow ns-3 simulations to interact with Linux tap devices and processes on the Linux host. More...
class | TapFdNetDeviceHelper |
| build a set of FdNetDevice objects attached to a virtual TAP network interface More...
class | TbfQueueDisc |
| A TBF packet queue disc. More...
struct | TbId_t |
| TbId_t structure. More...
struct | tbInfo_t |
| tbInfo_t structure More...
struct | TbStats_t |
| TbStats_t structure. More...
class | TcpBbr |
| BBR congestion control algorithm. More...
class | TcpBbrCheckGainValuesTest |
| Tests whether BBR sets correct value of pacing and cwnd gain based on different state. More...
class | TcpBbrPacingEnableTest |
| Testing whether BBR enables pacing. More...
class | TcpBbrTestSuite |
| TCP BBR TestSuite. More...
class | TcpBic |
| BIC congestion control algorithm. More...
class | TcpClassicRecovery |
| The Classic recovery implementation. More...
class | TcpCloseWithLossTestCase |
| Check if the TCP correctly close the connection after receiving previously lost data. More...
class | TcpCongestionOps |
| Congestion control abstract class. More...
class | TcpCubic |
| The Cubic Congestion Control Algorithm. More...
class | TcpDctcp |
| An implementation of DCTCP. More...
class | TcpEcnTest |
| checks if ECT, CWR and ECE bits are set correctly in different scenarios More...
class | TcpEcnTestSuite |
| TCP ECN TestSuite. More...
class | TcpFlagErrorModel |
| Error model which drop packets with specified TCP flags. More...
class | TcpGeneralErrorModel |
| A general (TCP-aware) error model. More...
class | TcpGeneralTest |
| General infrastructure for TCP testing. More...
class | TcpHeader |
| Header for the Transmission Control Protocol. More...
class | TcpHighSpeed |
| An implementation of TCP HighSpeed. More...
class | TcpHtcp |
| An implementation of the H-TCP variant of TCP. More...
class | TcpHybla |
| Implementation of the TCP Hybla algorithm. More...
class | TcpIllinois |
| An implementation of TCP Illinois algorithm. More...
class | TcpL4Protocol |
| TCP socket creation and multiplexing/demultiplexing. More...
class | TcpLedbat |
| An implementation of LEDBAT. More...
class | TcpLinuxReno |
| Reno congestion control algorithm. More...
class | TcpLp |
| TCP-LP (Low Priority) congestion control algorithm. More...
class | TcpLpInferenceTest1 |
| Testing TcpLp when cwd exceeds threshold. More...
class | TcpLpInferenceTest2 |
| Testing TcpLp when it is inference phase. More...
class | TcpLpTestSuite |
| Test the behaviour common to New Reno. More...
class | TcpLpToNewReno |
| Testing the behaviour common to New Reno. More...
class | TcpNewReno |
| The NewReno implementation. More...
class | TcpOption |
| Base class for all kinds of TCP options. More...
class | TcpOptionEnd |
| Defines the TCP option of kind 0 (end of option list) as in RFC 793 More...
class | TcpOptionMSS |
| Defines the TCP option of kind 2 (maximum segment size) as in RFC 793 More...
class | TcpOptionNOP |
| Defines the TCP option of kind 1 (no operation) as in RFC 793 More...
class | TcpOptionSack |
| Defines the TCP option of kind 5 (selective acknowledgment option) as in RFC 2018 More...
class | TcpOptionSackPermitted |
| Defines the TCP option of kind 4 (selective acknowledgment permitted option) as in RFC 2018 More...
class | TcpOptionTS |
| Defines the TCP option of kind 8 (timestamp option) as in RFC 1323 More...
class | TcpOptionUnknown |
| An unknown TCP option. More...
class | TcpOptionWinScale |
| Defines the TCP option of kind 3 (window scale option) as in RFC 1323 More...
class | TcpPrrRecovery |
| An implementation of PRR. More...
class | TcpRateLinux |
| Linux management and generation of Rate information for TCP. More...
class | TcpRateOps |
| Interface for all operations that involve a Rate monitoring for TCP. More...
class | TcpRecoveryOps |
| recovery abstract class More...
class | TcpRxBuffer |
| Rx reordering buffer for TCP. More...
class | TcpScalable |
| An implementation of TCP Scalable. More...
class | TcpSeqErrorModel |
| An error model TCP aware: it drops the sequence number declared. More...
class | TcpSocket |
| (abstract) base class of all TcpSockets More...
class | TcpSocketBase |
| A base class for implementation of a stream socket using TCP. More...
class | TcpSocketCongestedRouter |
| A TCP socket which sends certain data packets with CE flags set for tests 5 and 6. More...
class | TcpSocketFactory |
| API to create TCP socket instances. More...
class | TcpSocketFactoryImpl |
| socket factory implementation for native ns-3 TCP More...
class | TcpSocketMsgBase |
| Class for inserting callbacks special points of the flow of TCP sockets. More...
class | TcpSocketSmallAcks |
| A TCP socket which sends ACKs smaller than the segment received. More...
class | TcpSocketState |
| Data structure that records the congestion state of a connection. More...
class | TcpTcpCloseTestSuite |
| Check if the TCP is correctly closing its state. More...
class | TcpTxBuffer |
| Tcp sender buffer. More...
class | TcpTxItem |
| Item that encloses the application packet and some flags for it. More...
class | TcpVegas |
| An implementation of TCP Vegas. More...
class | TcpVeno |
| An implementation of TCP Veno. More...
class | TcpWestwoodPlus |
| An implementation of TCP Westwood+. More...
class | TcpYeah |
| An implementation of TCP YeAH. More...
class | TdBetFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Time Domain Blind Equal Throughput scheduler. More...
struct | tdbetsFlowPerf_t |
| tdbetsFlowPerf_t structure More...
class | TdMtFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Time Domain Maximize Throughput scheduler. More...
class | TdTbfqFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Time Domain Token Bank Fair Queue scheduler. More...
struct | tdtbfqsFlowPerf_t |
| Flow information. More...
class | TestCase |
| encapsulates test code More...
struct | TestCaseFailure |
| Container for details of a test failure. More...
class | TestRunner |
| A runner to execute tests. More...
class | TestRunnerImpl |
| Container for all tests. More...
class | TestSuite |
| A suite of tests to run. More...
class | TestUtils |
| Test Utils. More...
class | TestVectors |
| A simple way to store test vectors (for stimulus or from responses) More...
class | ThompsonSamplingWifiManager |
| Thompson Sampling rate control algorithm. More...
struct | ThompsonSamplingWifiRemoteStation |
| Holds station state and collected statistics. More...
class | ThreeGppAntennaModel |
| Antenna model based on a parabolic approximation of the main lobe radiation pattern. More...
class | ThreeGppChannelConditionModel |
| Base class for the 3GPP channel condition models. More...
class | ThreeGppChannelModel |
| Channel Matrix Generation following 3GPP TR 38.901. More...
class | ThreeGppHttpClient |
| Model application which simulates the traffic of a web browser. More...
class | ThreeGppHttpClientHelper |
| Helper to make it easier to instantiate an ThreeGppHttpClient on a set of nodes. More...
class | ThreeGppHttpHeader |
| Header used by web browsing applications to transmit information about content type, content length and timestamps for delay statistics. More...
class | ThreeGppHttpServer |
| Model application which simulates the traffic of a web server. More...
class | ThreeGppHttpServerHelper |
| Helper to make it easier to instantiate an ThreeGppHttpServer on a set of nodes. More...
class | ThreeGppHttpServerTxBuffer |
class | ThreeGppHttpVariables |
| Container of various random variables to assist in generating web browsing traffic pattern. More...
class | ThreeGppIndoorMixedOfficeChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the Indoor Mixed Office scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppIndoorOfficePropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 38.901, Table 7.4.1-1 for the Indoor Office scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppIndoorOpenOfficeChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the Indoor Open Office scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppNTNDenseUrbanChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the NTN Dense Urban Scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppNTNDenseUrbanPropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 38.811, Table ???? for the NTN Dense Urban scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppNTNRuralChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the NTN Rural Scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppNTNRuralPropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 38.811, Table ???? for the NTN Rural scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppNTNSuburbanChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the NTN Suburban Scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppNTNSuburbanPropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 38.811, Table ???? for the NTN Suburban scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppNTNUrbanChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the NTN Urban Scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppNTNUrbanPropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 38.811, Table ???? for the NTN Urban scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppPropagationLossModel |
| Base class for the 3GPP propagation models. More...
class | ThreeGppRmaChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the RMa scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppRmaPropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 38.901, Table 7.4.1-1 for the RMa scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppSpectrumPropagationLossModel |
| 3GPP Spectrum Propagation Loss Model More...
class | ThreeGppUmaChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the UMa scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppUmaPropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 38.901, Table 7.4.1-1 for the UMa scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppUmiStreetCanyonChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the UMi-Street canyon scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppUmiStreetCanyonPropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 38.901, Table 7.4.1-1 for the UMi-Street Canyon scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppV2vHighwayChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the V2V Highway scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppV2vHighwayPropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 37.885, Table 6.2.1-1 for the Highway scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppV2vUrbanChannelConditionModel |
| Computes the channel condition for the V2V Urban scenario. More...
class | ThreeGppV2vUrbanPropagationLossModel |
| Implements the pathloss model defined in 3GPP TR 37.885, Table 6.2.1-1 for the Urban scenario. More...
class | ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel |
| A log distance path loss propagation model with three distance fields. More...
class | ThresholdPreambleDetectionModel |
| A threshold-based model for detecting PHY preamble. More...
class | TidToLinkMapping |
| TID-to-Link Mapping Information Element. More...
class | Tim |
| The Traffic Indication Map Information Element. More...
class | Time |
| Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution. More...
class | TimeInitializationHelper |
| Helper class to force static initialization of Time in each compilation unit, ensuring it is initialized before usage. More...
class | TimeMinMaxAvgTotalCalculator |
| Unfortunately, templating the base MinMaxAvgTotalCalculator to operate over Time values isn't straightforward. More...
class | TimeProbe |
| This class is designed to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting an ns3::Time. More...
class | Timer |
| A simple virtual Timer class. More...
class | TimeSeriesAdaptor |
| Takes probed values of different types and outputs the current time plus the value with both converted to doubles. More...
class | TimestampTag |
| Timestamp tag for associating a timestamp with a packet. More...
class | TimeValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Time. More...
class | TimeWithUnit |
| A Time with attached unit, to facilitate output in that unit. More...
class | Tlv |
| This class implements the Type-Len-Value structure channel encodings as described by "IEEE
Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband
Wireless Access Systems". More...
class | TlvValue |
| The value field of a tlv can take different values (uint8_t, uint16, vector, ...). More...
class | TopologyReader |
| Interface for input file readers management. More...
class | TopologyReaderHelper |
| Helper class which makes it easier to configure and use a generic TopologyReader. More...
class | TosTlvValue |
| TosTlvValue class. More...
class | TracedCallback |
| Forward calls to a chain of Callback. More...
class | TracedValue |
| Trace classes with value semantics. More...
class | TraceFadingLossModel |
| fading loss model based on precalculated fading traces More...
class | TraceSourceAccessor |
| Control access to objects' trace sources. More...
class | TrafficControlHelper |
| Build a set of QueueDisc objects. More...
class | TrafficControlLayer |
| The Traffic Control layer aims at introducing an equivalent of the Linux Traffic Control infrastructure into ns-3. More...
class | Trailer |
| Protocol trailer serialization and deserialization. More...
class | TransmissionModesLayers |
| TransmissionModesLayers class. More...
class | TriangularRandomVariable |
| The triangular distribution Random Number Generator (RNG) that allows stream numbers to be set deterministically. More...
class | TrickleTimer |
| A Trickle Timer following RFC 6206 . More...
class | TtaFfMacScheduler |
| Implements the SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for a Throughput to Average scheduler. More...
class | TupleChecker |
| Checker for attribute values storing tuples. More...
class | TupleValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Tuple. More...
class | TutorialApp |
| Tutorial - a simple Application sending packets. More...
struct | TvSpectrumModelId |
| Used as key for map containing created spectrum models. More...
class | TvSpectrumTransmitter |
| SpectrumPhy implementation that creates a customizable TV transmitter which transmits a PSD spectrum specified by user-set attributes. More...
class | TvSpectrumTransmitterHelper |
| Helper class which uses TvSpectrumTransmitter class to create customizable TV transmitter(s) that transmit PSD spectrum specified by user-set attributes. More...
class | TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel |
| a Two-Ray Ground propagation loss model ported from NS2 More...
class | TwoRaySpectrumPropagationLossModel |
| Two Ray Spectrum Propagation Loss Model. More...
class | Txop |
| Handles the packet queue and stores DCF/EDCA access parameters (one Txop per AC). More...
class | TxSpectrumModelInfo |
| The Tx spectrum model information. More...
class | TypeId |
| a unique identifier for an interface. More...
class | TypeIdChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for TypeIdValue. More...
class | TypeIdValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for TypeId. More...
struct | TypeTraits |
| Inspect a type to deduce its features. More...
class | U16TlvValue |
| U16TlvValue class. More...
class | U32TlvValue |
| U32TlvValue class. More...
class | U8TlvValue |
| U8TlvValue class. More...
class | UanChannel |
| Channel class used by UAN devices. More...
class | UanHeaderCommon |
| Common packet header fields. More...
class | UanHeaderRcAck |
| Header used for ACK packets by protocol UanMacRc. More...
class | UanHeaderRcCts |
| CTS header. More...
class | UanHeaderRcCtsGlobal |
| Cycle broadcast information. More...
class | UanHeaderRcData |
| Extra data header information. More...
class | UanHeaderRcRts |
| RTS header. More...
class | UanHelper |
| UAN configuration helper. More...
class | UanMac |
| Virtual base class for all UAN MAC protocols. More...
class | UanMacAloha |
| ALOHA MAC Protocol, the simplest MAC protocol for wireless networks. More...
class | UanMacCw |
| CW-MAC protocol, similar in idea to the 802.11 DCF with constant backoff window. More...
class | UanMacRc |
| Non-gateway node MAC for reservation channel MAC protocol. More...
class | UanMacRcGw |
| Gateway side of RC-MAC. More...
class | UanModesList |
| Container for UanTxModes. More...
class | UanModesListChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for UanModesListValue. More...
class | UanModesListValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for UanModesList. More...
class | UanNetDevice |
| Net device for UAN models. More...
class | UanNoiseModel |
| UAN Noise Model base class. More...
class | UanNoiseModelDefault |
| Standard ambient acoustic noise model. More...
class | UanPacketArrival |
| Class consisting of packet arrival information (Time, RxPower, mode, PDP). More...
class | UanPdp |
| The power delay profile returned by propagation models. More...
class | UanPhy |
| Base class for UAN Phy models. More...
class | UanPhyCalcSinr |
| Class used for calculating SINR of packet in UanPhy. More...
class | UanPhyCalcSinrDefault |
| Default SINR calculator for UanPhyGen. More...
class | UanPhyCalcSinrDual |
| Default SINR model for UanPhyDual. More...
class | UanPhyCalcSinrFhFsk |
| WHOI Micromodem like FH-FSK model. More...
class | UanPhyDual |
| Two channel Phy. More...
class | UanPhyGen |
| Generic PHY model. More...
class | UanPhyListener |
| Interface for PHY event listener. More...
class | UanPhyPer |
| Calculate packet error probability, based on received SINR and modulation (mode). More...
class | UanPhyPerCommonModes |
| Packet error rate calculation for common tx modes based on UanPhyPerUmodem. More...
class | UanPhyPerGenDefault |
| Default Packet Error Rate calculator for UanPhyGen. More...
class | UanPhyPerUmodem |
| Packet error rate calculation assuming WHOI Micromodem-like PHY (FH-FSK) More...
class | UanPropModel |
| Base class for implemented underwater propagation models. More...
class | UanPropModelIdeal |
| Ideal propagation model (no pathloss, impulse PDP). More...
class | UanPropModelThorp |
| Uses Thorp's approximation to compute pathloss. More...
struct | UanProtocolBits |
| UAN protocol descriptor. More...
class | UanTransducer |
| Virtual base for Transducer objects. More...
class | UanTransducerHd |
| Half duplex implementation of transducer object. More...
class | UanTxMode |
| Abstraction of packet modulation information. More...
class | UanTxModeFactory |
| Global database of UanTxMode objects, retrievable by id or name. More...
class | Ucd |
| This class implements the UCD message as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" Uplink Channel Descriptor (UCD) message, page 47. More...
class | UcdChannelEncodings |
| This class implements the UCD channel encodings as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" 11.3.1 UCD channel encodings, page 651. More...
class | UdpClient |
| A Udp client. More...
class | UdpClientHelper |
| Create a client application which sends UDP packets carrying a 32bit sequence number and a 64 bit time stamp. More...
class | UdpEchoClient |
| A Udp Echo client. More...
class | UdpEchoClientHelper |
| Create an application which sends a UDP packet and waits for an echo of this packet. More...
class | UdpEchoServer |
| A Udp Echo server. More...
class | UdpEchoServerHelper |
| Create a server application which waits for input UDP packets and sends them back to the original sender. More...
class | UdpHeader |
| Packet header for UDP packets. More...
class | UdpL4Protocol |
| Implementation of the UDP protocol. More...
class | UdpServer |
| A UDP server, receives UDP packets from a remote host. More...
class | UdpServerHelper |
| Create a server application which waits for input UDP packets and uses the information carried into their payload to compute delay and to determine if some packets are lost. More...
class | UdpSocket |
| (abstract) base class of all UdpSockets More...
class | UdpSocketFactory |
| API to create UDP socket instances. More...
class | UdpSocketFactoryImpl |
| Object to create UDP socket instances. More...
class | UdpSocketImpl |
| A sockets interface to UDP. More...
class | UdpTraceClient |
| A trace based streamer. More...
class | UdpTraceClientHelper |
| Create UdpTraceClient application which sends UDP packets based on a trace file of an MPEG4 stream. More...
struct | UeCapabilities_s |
| See section 4.3.20 ueCapabilities. More...
class | UeManager |
| Manages all the radio bearer information possessed by the ENB RRC for a single UE. More...
class | UeMemberLteMacSapProvider |
| UeMemberLteMacSapProvider class. More...
class | UeMemberLteUeCmacSapProvider |
| UeMemberLteUeCmacSapProvider class. More...
class | UeMemberLteUeCmacSapUser |
| UeMemberLteUeCmacSapUser class. More...
class | UeMemberLteUePhySapProvider |
| UeMemberLteUePhySapProvider class. More...
class | UeMemberLteUePhySapUser |
| UeMemberLteUePhySapUser. More...
struct | UeSelected_s |
| See section 4.3.26 ueSelected. More...
class | Uinteger16Probe |
| This class is designed to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting an uint16_t. More...
class | Uinteger32Probe |
| This class is designed to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting an uint32_t. More...
class | Uinteger8Probe |
| This class is designed to probe an underlying ns3 TraceSource exporting an uint8_t. More...
class | UintegerValue |
| Hold an unsigned integer type. More...
struct | UlCqi_s |
| See section 4.3.29 ulCQI. More...
struct | UlDciListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.2 ulDciListElement. More...
class | UlDciLteControlMessage |
| The Uplink Data Control Indicator messages defines the RB allocation for the users in the uplink. More...
struct | UlGrant_s |
| Substitutive structure for specifying BuildRarListElement_s::m_grant field. More...
struct | UlInfoListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.12 ulInfoListElement. More...
class | UlJob |
| this class implements a structure to compute the priority of service flows More...
class | UlMap |
| This class implements the UL-MAP_IE message as described by "IEEE Standard for
Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
Systems" Compressed UL-MAP, page 404. More...
class | UniformDiscPositionAllocator |
| Allocate the positions uniformly (with constant density) randomly within a disc. More...
class | UniformPlanarArray |
| Class implementing Uniform Planar Array (UPA) model. More...
class | UniformRandomBitGenerator |
| Wraps a UniformRandomVariable into a class that meets the requirements of a UniformRandomBitGenerator as specified by the C++11 standard, thus allowing the usage of ns-3 style UniformRandomVariables as generators in the functions of the standard random library. More...
class | UniformRandomVariable |
| The uniform distribution Random Number Generator (RNG). More...
class | UplinkLteGlobalPathlossDatabase |
| Store the last pathloss value for each TX-RX pair for uplink. More...
class | UplinkScheduler |
| Virtual class for uplink scheduler. More...
class | UplinkSchedulerMBQoS |
| This class implements a Migration-based Quality of Service uplink scheduler(MBQoS). More...
class | UplinkSchedulerRtps |
| This class implements a simple uplink scheduler for rtPS flows. More...
class | UplinkSchedulerSimple |
| Uplink Scheduler - simplified. More...
class | V4TraceRoute |
| Traceroute application sends one ICMP ECHO request with TTL=1, and after receiving an ICMP TIME EXCEED reply, it increases the TTL and repeat the process to reveal all the intermediate hops to the destination. More...
class | V4TraceRouteHelper |
| Create a IPv4 traceroute application and associate it to a node. More...
class | ValArray |
| ValArray is a class to efficiently store 3D array. More...
class | ValueClassTest |
| Test class for TracedValue callbacks attributes. More...
class | ValueClassTestChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for ValueClassTestValue. More...
class | ValueClassTestValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for ValueClassTest. More...
class | Vector2D |
| a 2d vector More...
class | Vector2DChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for Vector2DValue. More...
class | Vector2DValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Vector2D. More...
class | Vector3D |
| a 3d vector More...
class | Vector3DChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for Vector3DValue. More...
class | Vector3DValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Vector3D. More...
class | VectorTlvValue |
| this class is used to implement a vector of values in one tlv value field More...
struct | VendorSpecificListElement_s |
| See section 4.3.3 vendorSpecificListElement. More...
struct | VendorSpecificValue |
| Base class for storing the values of vendor specific parameters. More...
class | Version |
| Helper class providing functions to access various parts of the version string, as well as functions for composing short and long variants of the version string. More...
class | VhtCapabilities |
| The IEEE 802.11ac VHT Capabilities. More...
class | VhtConfiguration |
| VHT configuration. More...
class | VhtFrameExchangeManager |
| VhtFrameExchangeManager handles the frame exchange sequences for VHT stations. More...
class | VhtOperation |
| The VHT Operation Information Element. More...
class | VhtPhy |
| PHY entity for VHT (11ac) More...
class | VhtPpdu |
| VHT PPDU (11ac) More...
class | VirtualNetDevice |
| A virtual device, similar to Linux TUN/TAP interfaces. More...
class | VisualSimulatorImpl |
| A replacement simulator that starts the visualizer. More...
class | WallClockSynchronizer |
| Class used for synchronizing the simulation events to a real-time "wall clock" using Posix clock functions. More...
class | Watchdog |
| A very simple watchdog operating in virtual time. More...
class | WaveformGenerator |
| Simple SpectrumPhy implementation that sends customizable waveform. More...
class | WaveformGeneratorHelper |
| Create a Waveform generator, which can be used to inject specific noise in the channel. More...
class | Waypoint |
| a (time, location) pair. More...
class | WaypointChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for WaypointValue. More...
class | WaypointMobilityModel |
| Waypoint-based mobility model. More...
class | WaypointValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for Waypoint. More...
class | WeibullRandomVariable |
| The Weibull distribution Random Number Generator (RNG) which allows stream numbers to be set deterministically. More...
class | WifiAc |
| This class stores the pair of TIDs of an Access Category. More...
struct | WifiAckAfterTbPpdu |
| WifiAckAfterTbPpdu is used when a station prepares a TB PPDU to send in response to a Basic Trigger Frame. More...
class | WifiAckManager |
| WifiAckManager is an abstract base class. More...
struct | WifiAcknowledgment |
| WifiAcknowledgment is an abstract base struct. More...
class | WifiActionHeader |
| See IEEE 802.11 chapter Header format: | category: 1 | action value: 1 |. More...
struct | WifiAddressHash |
| Function object to compute the hash of a MAC address. More...
struct | WifiAddressTidHash |
| Function object to compute the hash of a (MAC address, TID) pair. More...
class | WifiAssocManager |
| Abstract base class for the Association Manager, which manages scanning and association for single link devices and ML discovery and setup for multi-link devices. More...
class | WifiBandwidthFilter |
| Introspection did not find any typical Config paths. More...
struct | WifiBarBlockAck |
| WifiBarBlockAck specifies that a BlockAckReq is sent to solicit a Block Ack response. More...
struct | WifiBlockAck |
| WifiBlockAck specifies that acknowledgment via Block Ack is required. More...
struct | WifiCtsToSelfProtection |
| WifiCtsToSelfProtection specifies that CTS-to-self protection method is used. More...
class | WifiDefaultAckManager |
| WifiDefaultAckManager is the default ack manager. More...
class | WifiDefaultAssocManager |
| Default wifi Association Manager. More...
class | WifiDefaultProtectionManager |
| WifiDefaultProtectionManager is the default protection manager, which selects the protection method for a frame based on its size. More...
struct | WifiDlMuAggregateTf |
| WifiDlMuAggregateTf specifies that a DL MU PPDU made of PSDUs including each a MU-BAR Trigger Frame is acknowledged through BlockAck frames sent as HE TB PPDUs. More...
struct | WifiDlMuBarBaSequence |
| WifiDlMuBarBaSequence specifies that a DL MU PPDU is acknowledged through a sequence of BlockAckReq and BlockAck frames. More...
struct | WifiDlMuTfMuBar |
| WifiDlMuTfMuBar specifies that a DL MU PPDU is followed after a SIFS duration by a MU-BAR Trigger Frame (sent as single user frame) soliciting BlockAck frames sent as HE TB PPDUs. More...
class | WifiHelper |
| helps to create WifiNetDevice objects More...
class | WifiInformationElement |
| Information element, as defined in 802.11-2007 standard. More...
class | WifiMac |
| base class for all MAC-level wifi objects. More...
class | WifiMacHeader |
| Implements the IEEE 802.11 MAC header. More...
class | WifiMacHelper |
| create MAC layers for a ns3::WifiNetDevice. More...
class | WifiMacQueue |
| This queue implements the timeout procedure described in (Section "Retransmit procedures" paragraph 6; IEEE 802.11-2012). More...
class | WifiMacQueueContainer |
| Class for the container used by WifiMacQueue. More...
struct | WifiMacQueueElem |
| Type of elements stored in a WifiMacQueue container. More...
class | WifiMacQueueScheduler |
| WifiMacQueueScheduler is an abstract base class defining the public interface for a wifi MAC queue scheduler. More...
class | WifiMacQueueSchedulerImpl |
| WifiMacQueueSchedulerImpl is a template class enabling the definition of different types of priority values for the container queues. More...
class | WifiMacTrailer |
| Implements the IEEE 802.11 MAC trailer. More...
class | WifiMgtHeader |
| Implement the header for management frames. More...
class | WifiMgtHeader< Derived, std::tuple< Elems... > > |
| Base class for implementing management frame headers. More...
class | WifiMode |
| represent a single transmission mode More...
class | WifiModeChecker |
| AttributeChecker implementation for WifiModeValue. More...
class | WifiModeFactory |
| create WifiMode class instances and keep track of them. More...
class | WifiModeValue |
| AttributeValue implementation for WifiMode. More...
class | WifiMpdu |
| WifiMpdu stores a (const) packet along with a MAC header. More...
struct | WifiMuRtsCtsProtection |
| WifiMuRtsCtsProtection specifies that MU-RTS/CTS protection method is used. More...
class | WifiNetDevice |
| Hold together all Wifi-related objects. More...
struct | WifiNoAck |
| WifiNoAck specifies that no acknowledgment is required. More...
struct | WifiNoProtection |
| WifiNoProtection specifies that no protection method is used. More...
struct | WifiNormalAck |
| WifiNormalAck specifies that acknowledgment via Normal Ack is required. More...
class | WifiPhy |
| 802.11 PHY layer model More...
class | WifiPhyHelper |
| create PHY objects More...
class | WifiPhyListener |
| receive notifications about PHY events. More...
class | WifiPhyOperatingChannel |
| Class that keeps track of all information about the current PHY operating channel. More...
class | WifiPhyRxTraceHelper |
| Assists in tracing and analyzing Wi-Fi Physical Layer (PHY) receptions. More...
class | WifiPhyRxTraceSink |
| Sink class for capturing and analyzing PHY layer reception events in Wi-Fi networks. More...
class | WifiPhyStateHelper |
| This objects implements the PHY state machine of the Wifi device. More...
struct | WifiPhyTraceStatistics |
| Keeps track of PHY layer trace statistics. More...
class | WifiPpdu |
| WifiPpdu stores a preamble, a modulation class, PHY headers and a PSDU. More...
struct | WifiPpduRxRecord |
| Structure recording a received PPDU (Physical Protocol Data Unit) in a Wi-Fi network. More...
struct | WifiProtection |
| WifiProtection is an abstract base struct. More...
class | WifiProtectionManager |
| WifiProtectionManager is an abstract base class. More...
class | WifiPsdu |
| WifiPsdu stores an MPDU, S-MPDU or A-MPDU, by keeping header(s) and payload(s) separate for each constituent MPDU. More...
class | WifiRadioEnergyModel |
| A WiFi radio energy model. More...
class | WifiRadioEnergyModelHelper |
| Assign WifiRadioEnergyModel to wifi devices. More...
class | WifiRadioEnergyModelPhyListener |
| A WifiPhy listener class for notifying the WifiRadioEnergyModel of Wifi radio state change. More...
struct | WifiRemoteStation |
| hold per-remote-station state. More...
class | WifiRemoteStationInfo |
| TID independent remote station statistics. More...
class | WifiRemoteStationManager |
| hold a list of per-remote-station state. More...
struct | WifiRemoteStationState |
| A struct that holds information about each remote station. More...
struct | WifiRraaThresholds |
| WifiRraaThresholds structure. More...
struct | WifiRrpaaThresholds |
| Robust Rate and Power Adaptation Algorithm. More...
struct | WifiRtsCtsProtection |
| WifiRtsCtsProtection specifies that RTS/CTS protection method is used. More...
struct | WifiScanParams |
| Structure holding scan parameters. More...
struct | WifiSpectrumBandInfo |
| WifiSpectrumBandInfo structure containing info about a spectrum band. More...
class | WifiSpectrumModel5MhzInitializer |
| Static class to initialize the values for the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi spectrum model. More...
struct | WifiSpectrumModelId |
| Wifi Spectrum Model structure. More...
class | WifiSpectrumPhyInterface |
| This class is an adaptor between class SpectrumWifiPhy (which inherits from WifiPhy) and class SpectrumChannel (which expects objects derived from class SpectrumPhy to be connected to it). More...
struct | WifiSpectrumSignalParameters |
| Signal parameters for wifi. More...
class | WifiSpectrumValueHelper |
| This class defines all functions to create a spectrum model for Wi-Fi based on a a spectral model aligned with an OFDM subcarrier spacing of 312.5 KHz (model also reused for DSSS modulations) More...
class | WifiTxCurrentModel |
| Model the transmit current as a function of the transmit power and mode. More...
class | WifiTxParameters |
| This class stores the TX parameters (TX vector, protection mechanism, acknowledgment mechanism, TX duration, ...) for a frame of different types (MPDU, A-MPDU, multi-TID A-MPDU, MU PPDU, ...). More...
class | WifiTxTimer |
| This class is used to handle the timer that a station starts when transmitting a frame that solicits a response. More...
class | WifiTxVector |
| This class mimics the TXVECTOR which is to be passed to the PHY in order to define the parameters which are to be used for a transmission. More...
struct | WifiUlMuMultiStaBa |
| WifiUlMuMultiStaBa specifies that a Basic Trigger Frame is being sent to solicit TB PPDUs that will be acknowledged through a multi-STA BlockAck frame. More...
class | WimaxChannel |
| The channel object to attach Wimax NetDevices. More...
class | WimaxConnection |
| Class to represent WiMAX connections. More...
class | WimaxHelper |
| helps to manage and create WimaxNetDevice objects More...
class | WimaxMacQueue |
| Class implementing the device packet queue. More...
class | WimaxMacToMacHeader |
| this class implements the mac to mac header needed to dump a wimax pcap file The header format was reverse-engineered by looking at existing live pcap traces which could be opened with wireshark i.e., we have no idea where this is coming from. More...
class | WimaxNetDevice |
| Hold together all WiMAX-related objects in a NetDevice. More...
class | WimaxPhy |
| WiMAX PHY entity. More...
class | WindowedFilter |
| Construct a windowed filter. More...
class | WmqIteratorTag |
| Tag used to allow (only) WifiMacQueue to access the queue iterator stored by a WifiMpdu. More...
class | X2CellInfo |
| X2CellInfo. More...
class | X2IfaceInfo |
| X2IfaceInfo. More...
class | XmlConfigLoad |
| A class to enable loading of configuration store from an XML file. More...
class | XmlConfigSave |
| A class to enable saving of configuration store in an XML file. More...
class | YansErrorRateModel |
| Model the error rate for different modulations. More...
class | YansWifiChannel |
| a channel to interconnect ns3::YansWifiPhy objects. More...
class | YansWifiChannelHelper |
| manage and create wifi channel objects for the YANS model. More...
class | YansWifiPhy |
| 802.11 PHY layer model More...
class | YansWifiPhyHelper |
| Make it easy to create and manage PHY objects for the YANS model. More...
class | ZetaRandomVariable |
| The zeta distribution Random Number Generator (RNG) that allows stream numbers to be set deterministically. More...
class | ZigbeeHelper |
| Setup a Zigbee stack to be used with LrWpanNetDevice. More...
class | ZipfRandomVariable |
| The Zipf distribution Random Number Generator (RNG) that allows stream numbers to be set deterministically. More...