12#include "ns3/buffer.h"
13#include "ns3/mac48-address.h"
14#include "ns3/nstime.h"
79 std::optional<MediumSyncDelayInfo>
iterator in a Buffer instance
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
EML Capabilities subfield.
uint8_t emlmrDelay
EMLMR Delay.
uint8_t emlsrSupport
EMLSR Support.
uint8_t emlsrPaddingDelay
EMLSR Padding Delay.
uint8_t emlmrSupport
EMLMR Support.
uint8_t emlsrTransitionDelay
EMLSR Transition Delay.
uint8_t transitionTimeout
Transition Timeout.
Extended MLD Capabilities and Operations subfield.
uint8_t opParamUpdateSupp
Operation Parameter Update Support.
uint8_t recommMaxSimulLinks
Recommended Max Simultaneous Links.
uint8_t nstrStatusUpdateSupp
NSTR Status Update Support.
Medium Synchronization Delay Information subfield.
uint8_t mediumSyncOfdmEdThreshold
Medium Synchronization OFDM ED Threshold.
uint8_t mediumSyncDuration
Medium Synchronization Duration.
uint8_t mediumSyncMaxNTxops
Medium Synchronization MAximum Number of TXOPs.
MLD Capabilities subfield.
uint8_t freqSepForStrApMld
Frequency Separation For STR/AP MLD Type Indication.
uint8_t maxNSimultaneousLinks
Max number of simultaneous links.
uint8_t srsSupport
SRS Support.
uint8_t aarSupport
AAR Support.
uint8_t tidToLinkMappingSupport
TID-To-Link Mapping Negotiation Supported.
Common Info field of the Basic Multi-Link element.
uint16_t GetPresenceBitmap() const
Get the Presence Bitmap subfield of the Common Info field.
uint8_t GetSize() const
Get the size of the serialized Common Info field.
static uint8_t EncodeEmlsrTransitionDelay(Time delay)
static Time DecodeEmlsrTransitionDelay(uint8_t value)
std::optional< EmlCapabilities > m_emlCapabilities
EML Capabilities.
std::optional< ExtMldCapabilities > m_extMldCapabilities
Extended MLD Capabilities.
uint8_t Deserialize(Buffer::Iterator start, uint16_t presence)
Deserialize the Common Info field.
std::optional< uint8_t > GetMediumSyncMaxNTxops() const
Get the maximum number of TXOPs a non-AP STA is allowed to attempt to initiate while the MediumSyncDe...
int8_t GetMediumSyncOfdmEdThreshold() const
Get the Medium Synchronization OFDM ED Threshold in dBm.
std::optional< MldCapabilities > m_mldCapabilities
MLD Capabilities.
void SetMediumSyncOfdmEdThreshold(int8_t threshold)
Set the Medium Synchronization OFDM ED Threshold subfield of the Medium Synchronization Delay Informa...
static Time DecodeEmlsrPaddingDelay(uint8_t value)
void Serialize(Buffer::Iterator &start) const
Serialize the Common Info field.
std::optional< MediumSyncDelayInfo > m_mediumSyncDelayInfo
Medium Synchronization Delay Information.
void SetMediumSyncDelayTimer(Time delay)
Set the Medium Synchronization Duration subfield of the Medium Synchronization Delay Information in t...
Time GetMediumSyncDelayTimer() const
Get the Medium Synchronization Duration subfield of the Medium Synchronization Delay Information in t...
Mac48Address m_mldMacAddress
std::optional< uint8_t > m_bssParamsChangeCount
BSS Parameters Change Count.
void SetMediumSyncMaxNTxops(uint8_t nTxops)
Set the Medium Synchronization Maximum Number of TXOPs subfield of the Medium Synchronization Delay I...
std::optional< uint8_t > m_linkIdInfo
Link ID Info.
static uint8_t EncodeEmlsrPaddingDelay(Time delay)
std::optional< uint8_t > m_apMldId