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This page summarizes the release planning for ns-3.23 (tentatively May 6 2015). The ns-3 release process is listed here and here.

The release manager is Tom Henderson. Please contact him if you would like to participate in any way in preparing the ns-3.23 release.

  • If you are interested in testing a particular feature that is planned for ns-3.23, see the section on this page for testing repos.
  • If you are interested in helping with a code review of a specific feature that you'd like to see in ns-3.23, please leave your comments on the code review pertaining to the feature of interest.
  • If you are interested to see that a specific bug be fixed, please email ns-developers mailing list, or the release manager. You will probably be asked to help with creating a patch or testing an existing patch for that bug, if so.

Release and development schedule

ns-3.23 is planned for Wednesday May 6 2015 (the goal is to release this before the Workshop on ns-3 the following week). ns-3 makes roughly three releases per year (Dec/Jan, Apr/May, and Aug/Sept timeframes).

An initial release candidate is planned for Saturday May 1.


ns-3.23 will be packaged as a source tarball as before: ns-allinone-3.23.tar.bz2.

The tarball will contain:

  • Latest version of pybindgen
  • Latest version of netanim
  • ns-3.23
  • bake

where bake is used to fetch optional ns-3 components, including DCE.

A patch from ns-3.22 to ns-3.23 will also be posted.

Release platforms

We usually try to keep pace with the latest popular versions of Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD. For the ns-3.23 release, we plan to support the following systems and compilers:

  • OS X 10.10 Yosemite with latest Xcode (6.3)
  • Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10, and 15.04
  • Fedora 21
  • Debian 7 (gcc-4.9)
  • FreeBSD 10 (clang 3)
  • CentOS 6.6 (gcc-4.4.7)

Testing repos

Some repositories, based on a recent copy of ns-3-dev, are available for testing specific features.

Mobility Service Interface

Note: inclusion of this code will slip to ns-3.24

Tiago Cerqueria has posted some code that uses Google Maps and Directions API to fetch waypoints for the ns-3 waypoint mobility model, corresponding to real-world routes provided by the service. There is a testing repository available for this code (the patchset in https://codereview.appspot.com/176430044/ is too large to download from Rietveld). To test, one must obtain an API key from Google, as described in the code review issue. One must also have installed GeographicLib, xerces-cpp, libcurl, and libdl.

hg clone http://code.nsnam.org/ns-3-dev
cd ns-3-dev/src
hg clone http://code.nsnam.org/tomh/mobility-service-interface
cd mobility-service-interface
mkdir conf
# copy your API key to this conf directory as described here https://codereview.appspot.com/176430044/
cd ../../
./waf configure ...

Python 3 support

Modifications to support Python 3 are available as part of a 2014 summer project, were planned for inclusion in this release cycle.

Note: This support will slip to ns-3.24 release cycle.

hg clone https://bitbucket.org/ssanturkar/ns-3-python-port/src

Pending new features

Developers are working or planning to work on the following new features for ns-3.23. Note: there is no guarantee that the features will be finished by the end of the release cycle, so check back for progress/status.



Other WiFi development (may slip past this release) is listed on the current development page.


Software maintenance issues

Status: No change on the above lately.