16#include "ns3/eht-configuration.h"
29class CapabilityInformation;
30class RandomVariableStream;
31class WifiAssocManager;
136 friend class ::AmpduAggregationTest;
137 friend class ::MultiLinkOperationsTestBase;
138 friend class ::ProbeExchTest;
142 std::variant<MgtBeaconHeader, MgtProbeResponseHeader, MgtAssocResponseHeader>;
166 std::list<SetupLinksInfo>
224 const std::vector<uint8_t>& apLinkIds,
225 std::optional<uint8_t> apMldId)
366 StaLinkEntity&
GetLink(uint8_t linkId)
374 StaLinkEntity&
const std::unique_ptr<WifiMac::LinkEntity>& link)
472 uint8_t linkId)
545 std::optional<uint8_t> apMldId)
Base class for Multi-Link Operations tests.
Probe Request-Probe Response exchange.
An identifier for simulation events.
static Mac48Address GetBroadcast()
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
The IEEE 802.11 SSID Information Element.
The Wifi MAC high model for a non-AP STA in a BSS.
std::set< uint8_t > GetSetupLinkIds() const
Get the IDs of the setup links (if any).
void ScanningTimeout(const std::optional< ApInfo > &bestAp)
This method is called after wait beacon timeout or wait probe request timeout has occurred.
Time m_waitBeaconTimeout
wait beacon timeout
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream) override
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
void SetPowerSaveMode(const std::pair< bool, uint8_t > &enableLinkIdPair)
Enable or disable Power Save mode on the given link.
Ptr< WifiAssocManager > m_assocManager
Association Manager.
void DoCompleteConfig() override
Allow subclasses to complete the configuration of the MAC layer components.
bool m_activeProbing
active probing
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
void SetAssocManager(Ptr< WifiAssocManager > assocManager)
Set the Association Manager.
TracedCallback< uint8_t, Ptr< WifiPhy > > m_emlsrLinkSwitchLogger
EMLSR link switch logger.
bool CanForwardPacketsTo(Mac48Address to) const override
Return true if packets can be forwarded to the given destination, false otherwise.
std::unique_ptr< LinkEntity > CreateLinkEntity() const override
Create a LinkEntity object.
void SetState(MacState value)
Set the current MAC state.
Time m_beaconWatchdogEnd
beacon watchdog end
AllSupportedRates GetSupportedRates(uint8_t linkId) const
Return an instance of SupportedRates that contains all rates that we support including HT rates.
void SetEdcaParameters(const EdcaParams ¶ms, uint8_t linkId)
Set the EDCA parameters for the given link.
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > m_deAssocLogger
disassociation logger
The current MAC state of the STA.
void NotifyChannelSwitching(uint8_t linkId) override
Notify that channel on the given link has been switched.
bool GetActiveProbing() const
Return whether active probing is enabled.
EventId m_beaconWatchdog
beacon watchdog
void PhyCapabilitiesChanged()
Indicate that PHY capabilities have changed.
StaLinkEntity & GetStaLink(const std::unique_ptr< WifiMac::LinkEntity > &link) const
Cast the given LinkEntity object to StaLinkEntity.
void ReceiveProbeResp(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint8_t linkId)
Process the Probe Response frame received on the given link.
void SetPmModeAfterAssociation(uint8_t linkId)
Set the Power Management mode of the setup links after association.
WifiScanParams::Channel GetCurrentChannel(uint8_t linkId) const
Get the current primary20 channel used on the given link as a (channel number, PHY band) pair.
uint16_t GetAssociationId() const
Return the association ID.
void TryToEnsureAssociated()
Try to ensure that we are associated with an AP by taking an appropriate action depending on the curr...
void ReceiveAssocResp(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint8_t linkId)
Process the (Re)Association Response frame received on the given link.
void NotifySwitchingEmlsrLink(Ptr< WifiPhy > phy, uint8_t linkId, Time delay)
Notify that the given PHY switched channel to operate on another EMLSR link.
std::variant< MgtAssocRequestHeader, MgtReassocRequestHeader > GetAssociationRequest(bool isReassoc, uint8_t linkId) const
Get the (Re)Association Request frame to send on a given link.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
MultiLinkElement GetBasicMultiLinkElement(bool isReassoc, uint8_t linkId) const
Return the Basic Multi-Link Element to include in the management frames transmitted on the given link...
void(*)(uint8_t, Mac48Address) LinkSetupCallback
TracedCallback signature for link setup completed/canceled events.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
void BlockTxOnLink(uint8_t linkId, WifiQueueBlockedReason reason)
Block transmissions on the given link for the given reason.
std::map< uint8_t, EventId > m_emlsrLinkSwitch
maps PHY ID to the event scheduled to switch the corresponding PHY to a new EMLSR link
StaLinkEntity & GetLink(uint8_t linkId) const
Get a reference to the link associated with the given ID.
uint32_t m_maxMissedBeacons
maximum missed beacons
TracedCallback< uint8_t, Mac48Address > m_setupCompleted
link setup completed logger
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > m_assocLogger
association logger
void SetWifiPhys(const std::vector< Ptr< WifiPhy > > &phys) override
void SetMuEdcaParameters(const MuEdcaParams ¶ms, uint8_t linkId)
Set the MU EDCA parameters for the given link.
void NotifyEmlsrModeChanged(const std::set< uint8_t > &linkIds)
Notify the MAC that EMLSR mode has changed on the given set of links.
bool CheckSupportedRates(std::variant< MgtBeaconHeader, MgtProbeResponseHeader > frame, uint8_t linkId)
Determine whether the supported rates indicated in a given Beacon frame or Probe Response frame fit w...
Mac48Address DoGetLocalAddress(const Mac48Address &remoteAddr) const override
This method is called if this device is an MLD to determine the MAC address of the affiliated STA use...
void RestartBeaconWatchdog(Time delay)
Restarts the beacon timer.
void SetEmlsrManager(Ptr< EmlsrManager > emlsrManager)
Set the EMLSR Manager.
void NotifyDropPacketToEnqueue(Ptr< Packet > packet, Mac48Address to) override
Allow subclasses to take actions when a packet to enqueue has been dropped.
Time m_pmModeSwitchTimeout
PM mode switch timeout.
void Disassociated()
Set the state to unassociated and try to associate again.
Ptr< EmlsrManager > GetEmlsrManager() const
void TxOk(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
Notify that the MPDU we sent was successfully received by the receiver (i.e.
MgtProbeRequestHeader GetProbeRequest(uint8_t linkId) const
Get the frame body of the Probe Request to transmit on the given link.
MgtProbeRequestHeader GetMultiLinkProbeRequest(uint8_t linkId, const std::vector< uint8_t > &apLinkIds, std::optional< uint8_t > apMldId) const
Get the frame body of the Multi-Link Probe Request to transmit on the given link.
void Receive(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint8_t linkId) override
This method acts as the MacRxMiddle receive callback and is invoked to notify us that a frame has bee...
WifiTidLinkMapping m_ulTidLinkMappingInAssocReq
store the UL TID-to-Link Mapping included in the Association Request frame
WifiPowerManagementMode GetPmMode(uint8_t linkId) const
Ptr< RandomVariableStream > m_probeDelay
RandomVariable used to randomize the time of the first Probe Response on each channel.
TracedCallback< ApInfo > m_beaconInfo
beacon info logger
void MissedBeacons()
This method is called after we have not received a beacon from the AP on any link.
uint16_t m_aid
Association AID.
void(*)(uint8_t, Ptr< WifiPhy >) EmlsrLinkSwitchCallback
TracedCallback signature for EMLSR link switch events.
MacState m_state
MAC state.
bool IsEmlsrLink(uint8_t linkId) const
void StartScanning()
Start the scanning process which trigger active or passive scanning based on the active probing flag.
std::vector< TidToLinkMapping > GetTidToLinkMappingElements(WifiTidToLinkMappingNegSupport apNegSupport)
TracedCallback< Time > m_beaconArrival
beacon arrival logger
void UnblockTxOnLink(std::set< uint8_t > linkIds, WifiQueueBlockedReason reason)
Unblock transmissions on the given links for the given reason.
void AssocRequestTimeout()
This method is called after the association timeout occurred.
void Enqueue(Ptr< WifiMpdu > mpdu, Mac48Address to, Mac48Address from) override
Ptr< EmlsrManager > m_emlsrManager
EMLSR Manager.
void UpdateApInfo(const MgtFrameType &frame, const Mac48Address &apAddr, const Mac48Address &bssid, uint8_t linkId)
Update associated AP's information from the given management frame (Beacon, Probe Response or Associa...
Time m_assocRequestTimeout
association request timeout
void ReceiveBeacon(Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint8_t linkId)
Process the Beacon frame received on the given link.
Time m_probeRequestTimeout
probe request timeout
void SetActiveProbing(bool enable)
Enable or disable active probing.
std::variant< MgtBeaconHeader, MgtProbeResponseHeader, MgtAssocResponseHeader > MgtFrameType
type of the management frames used to get info about APs
CapabilityInformation GetCapabilities(uint8_t linkId) const
Return the Capability information for the given link.
bool IsAssociated() const
Return whether we are associated with an AP.
bool IsWaitAssocResp() const
Return whether we are waiting for an association response from an AP.
MultiLinkElement GetProbeReqMultiLinkElement(const std::vector< uint8_t > &apLinkIds, std::optional< uint8_t > apMldId) const
Return the Probe Request Multi-Link Element to include in the management frames to transmit.
EventId m_assocRequestEvent
association request event
void EnqueueProbeRequest(const MgtProbeRequestHeader &probeReq, uint8_t linkId, const Mac48Address &addr1=Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), const Mac48Address &addr3=Mac48Address::GetBroadcast())
Enqueue the given probe request packet for transmission on the given link.
void SendAssociationRequest(bool isReassoc)
Forward an association or reassociation request packet to the DCF.
WifiTidLinkMapping m_dlTidLinkMappingInAssocReq
store the DL TID-to-Link Mapping included in the Association Request frame
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
base class for all MAC-level wifi objects.
Scan type (active or passive)
Enumeration for power management modes.
Identifies the PHY band.
Enumeration of the reasons to block container queues.
This enumeration defines the Access Categories as an enumeration with values corresponding to the AC ...
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
TID-to-Link Mapping Negotiation Support.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Angles &a)
std::map< uint8_t, std::set< uint8_t > > WifiTidLinkMapping
TID-indexed map of the link set to which the TID is mapped.
Struct containing all supported rates.
Information about links to setup.
uint8_t apLinkId
AP link ID.
uint8_t localLinkId
local link ID
Struct to hold information regarding observed AP through active/passive scanning.
MgtFrameType m_frame
The body of the management frame used to update AP info.
WifiScanParams::Channel m_channel
The channel the management frame was received on.
std::list< SetupLinksInfo > m_setupLinks
information about the links to setup between MLDs
Mac48Address m_apAddr
AP MAC address.
uint8_t m_linkId
ID of the link used to communicate with the AP.
Mac48Address m_bssid
double m_snr
SNR in linear scale.
uint32_t cwMax
the maximum contention window size
AcIndex ac
the access category
uint32_t cwMin
the minimum contention window size
uint8_t aifsn
the number of slots that make up an AIFS
Time txopLimit
the TXOP limit
Time muEdcaTimer
the MU EDCA timer
uint8_t aifsn
the number of slots that make up an AIFS
uint32_t cwMin
the minimum contention window size
AcIndex ac
the access category
uint32_t cwMax
the maximum contention window size
Structure holding information specific to a single link.
bool sendAssocReq
whether this link is used to send the Association Request frame
std::optional< Mac48Address > bssid
BSSID of the AP to associate with over this link.
bool emlsrEnabled
whether EMLSR mode is enabled on this link
WifiPowerManagementMode pmMode
the current PM mode, if the STA is associated, or the PM mode to switch to upon association,...
~StaLinkEntity() override
Destructor (a virtual method is needed to make this struct polymorphic)
Structure holding information specific to a single link.
Struct identifying a channel to scan.
WifiPhyBand band
PHY band.
uint16_t number
channel number
Structure holding scan parameters.
std::list< Channel > ChannelList
typedef for a list of channels
std::vector< ChannelList > channelList
list of channels to scan, for each link
Time probeDelay
delay prior to transmitting a Probe Request
WifiScanType type
indicates either active or passive scanning
Time maxChannelTime
maximum time to spend on each channel
Ssid ssid
desired SSID or wildcard SSID
Time minChannelTime
minimum time to spend on each channel