A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol Class Reference

Hybrid wireless mesh protocol – a mesh routing protocol defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 standard. More...

#include "hwmp-protocol.h"

+ Inheritance diagram for ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol:
+ Collaboration diagram for ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol:


struct  FailedDestination
 structure of unreachable destination - address and sequence number More...
struct  PathError
 Structure of path error: IePerr and list of receivers: interfaces and MAC address. More...
struct  PreqEvent
 PreqEvent structure. More...
struct  QueuedPacket
 Packet waiting its routing information. More...
struct  Statistics
 Statistics structure. More...

Public Member Functions

 HwmpProtocol ()
 HwmpProtocol (const HwmpProtocol &)=delete
 ~HwmpProtocol () override
int64_t AssignStreams (int64_t stream)
 Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
void DoDispose () override
 Destructor implementation.
Ptr< HwmpRtableGetRoutingTable () const
 Get pointer to HWMP routing table.
bool Install (Ptr< MeshPointDevice > mp)
 Install HWMP on given mesh point.
HwmpProtocoloperator= (const HwmpProtocol &)=delete
void PeerLinkStatus (Mac48Address meshPointAddress, Mac48Address peerAddress, uint32_t interface, bool status)
 Peer link status function.
bool RemoveRoutingStuff (uint32_t fromIface, const Mac48Address source, const Mac48Address destination, Ptr< Packet > packet, uint16_t &protocolType) override
 Clean HWMP packet tag from packet; only the packet parameter is used.
bool RequestRoute (uint32_t sourceIface, const Mac48Address source, const Mac48Address destination, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint16_t protocolType, RouteReplyCallback routeReply) override
 Route request, inherited from MeshL2RoutingProtocol.
void SetNeighboursCallback (Callback< std::vector< Mac48Address >, uint32_t > cb)
 This callback is used to obtain active neighbours on a given interface.
Proactive PREQ mechanism:
void SetRoot ()
void UnsetRoot ()
 Unset the current node as root.
void Report (std::ostream &os) const
void ResetStats ()
 Reset Statistics:
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol
 ~MeshL2RoutingProtocol () override
 virtual D-tor for subclasses
Ptr< MeshPointDeviceGetMeshPoint () const
 Each mesh protocol must be installed on the mesh point to work.
void SetMeshPoint (Ptr< MeshPointDevice > mp)
 Set host mesh point, analog of SetNode (...) methods for upper layer protocols.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
 Object ()
 ~Object () override
void AggregateObject (Ptr< Object > other)
 Aggregate two Objects together.
void Dispose ()
 Dispose of this Object.
AggregateIterator GetAggregateIterator () const
 Get an iterator to the Objects aggregated to this one.
TypeId GetInstanceTypeId () const override
 Get the most derived TypeId for this Object.
template<typename T >
Ptr< T > GetObject () const
 Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object.
Ptr< ObjectGetObject () const
 Specialization of () for objects of type ns3::Object.
template<typename T >
Ptr< T > GetObject (TypeId tid) const
 Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object by TypeId.
Ptr< ObjectGetObject (TypeId tid) const
 Specialization of (TypeId tid) for objects of type ns3::Object.
void Initialize ()
 Invoke DoInitialize on all Objects aggregated to this one.
bool IsInitialized () const
 Check if the object has been initialized.
void UnidirectionalAggregateObject (Ptr< Object > other)
 Aggregate an Object to another Object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter >
 SimpleRefCount ()
 Default constructor.
 SimpleRefCount (const SimpleRefCount &o)
 Copy constructor.
uint32_t GetReferenceCount () const
 Get the reference count of the object.
SimpleRefCountoperator= (const SimpleRefCount &o)
 Assignment operator.
void Ref () const
 Increment the reference count.
void Unref () const
 Decrement the reference count.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
virtual ~ObjectBase ()
 Virtual destructor.
void GetAttribute (std::string name, AttributeValue &value, bool permissive=false) const
 Get the value of an attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
bool GetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const
 Get the value of an attribute without raising errors.
void SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
 Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
bool SetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
 Set a single attribute without raising errors.
bool TraceConnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Connect a TraceSource to a Callback with a context.
bool TraceConnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context.
bool TraceDisconnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected with a context.
bool TraceDisconnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected without a context.

Static Public Member Functions

static TypeId GetTypeId ()
 Get the type ID.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol
static TypeId GetTypeId ()
 Get the type ID.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
static TypeId GetTypeId ()
 Register this type.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
static TypeId GetTypeId ()
 Get the type ID.

Private Types

typedef std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< HwmpProtocolMac > > HwmpProtocolMacMap
 HwmpProtocolMacMap typedef.
typedef TracedCallback< RouteChangeRouteChangeTracedCallback
 RouteChangeTracedCallback typedef.

Private Member Functions

void DoInitialize () override
 Initialize() implementation.
bool ForwardUnicast (uint32_t sourceIface, const Mac48Address source, const Mac48Address destination, Ptr< Packet > packet, uint16_t protocolType, RouteReplyCallback routeReply, uint32_t ttl)
 Like RequestRoute, but for unicast packets.
Mac48Address GetAddress ()
Interaction with HWMP MAC plugin
void ReceivePreq (IePreq preq, Mac48Address from, uint32_t interface, Mac48Address fromMp, uint32_t metric)
 Handler for receiving Path Request.
void ReceivePrep (IePrep prep, Mac48Address from, uint32_t interface, Mac48Address fromMp, uint32_t metric)
 Handler for receiving Path Reply.
void ReceivePerr (std::vector< FailedDestination > destinations, Mac48Address from, uint32_t interface, Mac48Address fromMp)
 Handler for receiving Path Error.
void SendPrep (Mac48Address src, Mac48Address dst, Mac48Address retransmitter, uint32_t initMetric, uint32_t originatorDsn, uint32_t destinationSN, uint32_t lifetime, uint32_t interface)
 Send Path Reply.
PathError MakePathError (std::vector< FailedDestination > destinations)
 forms a path error information element when list of destination fails on a given interface
void ForwardPathError (PathError perr)
 Forwards a received path error.
void InitiatePathError (PathError perr)
 Passes a self-generated PERR to interface-plugin.
std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, Mac48Address > > GetPerrReceivers (std::vector< FailedDestination > failedDest)
 Get PERR receivers.
std::vector< Mac48AddressGetPreqReceivers (uint32_t interface)
 Get PREQ receivers.
std::vector< Mac48AddressGetBroadcastReceivers (uint32_t interface)
 Get broadcast receivers.
bool DropDataFrame (uint32_t seqno, Mac48Address source)
 MAC-plugin asks whether the frame can be dropped.
bool QueuePacket (QueuedPacket packet)
 Queue a packet.
QueuedPacket DequeueFirstPacketByDst (Mac48Address dst)
 Dequeue the first packet for a given destination.
QueuedPacket DequeueFirstPacket ()
 Dequeue the first packet in the queue.
void ReactivePathResolved (Mac48Address dst)
 Signal the protocol that the reactive path toward a destination is now available.
void ProactivePathResolved ()
 Signal the protocol that the proactive path is now available.
Methods responsible for path discovery retry procedure:
bool ShouldSendPreq (Mac48Address dst)
 checks when the last path discovery procedure was started for a given destination.
void RetryPathDiscovery (Mac48Address dst, uint8_t numOfRetry)
 Generates PREQ retry when retry timeout has expired and route is still unresolved.
void SendProactivePreq ()
 Proactive Preq routines:
Methods needed by HwmpMacLugin to access protocol parameters:
bool GetDoFlag () const
 Get do flag function.
bool GetRfFlag () const
 Get rf flag function.
Time GetPreqMinInterval ()
 Get PREQ minimum interval function.
Time GetPerrMinInterval ()
 Get PERR minimum interval function.
uint8_t GetMaxTtl () const
 Get maximum TTL function.
uint32_t GetNextPreqId ()
 Get next period function.
uint32_t GetNextHwmpSeqno ()
 Get next HWMP sequence no function.
uint32_t GetActivePathLifetime ()
 Get active path lifetime function.
uint8_t GetUnicastPerrThreshold () const
 Get unicast PERR threshold function.

Private Attributes

Mac48Address m_address
Ptr< UniformRandomVariablem_coefficient
 Random variable for random start time.
uint32_t m_dataSeqno
 data sequence no
uint32_t m_hwmpSeqno
 HWMP sequence no.
HwmpProtocolMacMap m_interfaces
Callback< std::vector< Mac48Address >, uint32_tm_neighboursCallback
 neighbors callback
uint32_t m_preqId
std::map< Mac48Address, PreqEventm_preqTimeouts
 PREQ timeouts.
EventId m_proactivePreqTimer
 proactive PREQ timer
Time m_randomStart
 Random start in Proactive PREQ propagation.
TracedCallback< RouteChangem_routeChangeTraceSource
 Route change trace source.
TracedCallback< Timem_routeDiscoveryTimeCallback
 Route discovery time:
std::vector< QueuedPacketm_rqueue
 Packet Queue.
Ptr< HwmpRtablem_rtable
 Routing table.
Statistics m_stats
Sequence number filters
std::map< Mac48Address, uint32_tm_lastDataSeqno
std::map< Mac48Address, std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > > m_hwmpSeqnoMetricDatabase
 keeps HWMP seqno (first in pair) and HWMP metric (second in pair) for each address
HWMP-protocol parameters

These are all Attributes

uint16_t m_maxQueueSize
 Maximum number of packets we can store when resolving route.
uint8_t m_dot11MeshHWMPmaxPREQretries
 Maximum number of retries before we suppose the destination to be unreachable.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime
 Time we suppose the packet to go from one edge of the network to another.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPpreqMinInterval
 Minimal interval between to successive PREQs.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPperrMinInterval
 Minimal interval between to successive PREQs.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPactiveRootTimeout
 Lifetime of proactive routing information.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPactivePathTimeout
 Lifetime of reactive routing information.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPpathToRootInterval
 Interval between two successive proactive PREQs.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPrannInterval
 Lifetime of proactive routing information.
bool m_isRoot
 True if the node is a root.
uint8_t m_maxTtl
 Initial value of Time To Live field.
uint8_t m_unicastPerrThreshold
 Maximum number of PERR receivers, when we send a PERR as a chain of unicasts.
uint8_t m_unicastPreqThreshold
 Maximum number of PREQ receivers, when we send a PREQ as a chain of unicasts.
uint8_t m_unicastDataThreshold
 Maximum number of broadcast receivers, when we send a broadcast as a chain of unicasts.
bool m_doFlag
 Destination only HWMP flag.
bool m_rfFlag
 Reply and forward flag.


class HwmpProtocolMac
 allow HwmpProtocolMac class friend access

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol
typedef Callback< void, bool, Ptr< Packet >, Mac48Address, Mac48Address, uint16_t, uint32_tRouteReplyCallback
 Callback to be invoked when route discovery procedure is completed.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
 Object (const Object &o)
 Copy an Object.
virtual void NotifyNewAggregate ()
 Notify all Objects aggregated to this one of a new Object being aggregated.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
void ConstructSelf (const AttributeConstructionList &attributes)
 Complete construction of ObjectBase; invoked by derived classes.
virtual void NotifyConstructionCompleted ()
 Notifier called once the ObjectBase is fully constructed.
- Protected Attributes inherited from ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol
Ptr< MeshPointDevicem_mp
 Host mesh point.

Detailed Description

Hybrid wireless mesh protocol – a mesh routing protocol defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 standard.

Config Paths

ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol is accessible through the following paths with Config::Set and Config::Connect:

  • "/NodeList/[i]/DeviceList/[i]/$ns3::MeshPointDevice/RoutingProtocol/$ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol"


  • DoFlag: Destination only HWMP flag
    • Set with class: ns3::BooleanValue
    • Underlying type: bool
    • Initial value: false
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • Dot11MeshHWMPactivePathTimeout: Lifetime of reactive routing information
    • Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
    • Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
    • Initial value: +5.12e+09ns
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • Dot11MeshHWMPactiveRootTimeout: Lifetime of proactive routing information
    • Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
    • Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
    • Initial value: +5.12e+09ns
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • Dot11MeshHWMPmaxPREQretries: Maximum number of retries before we suppose the destination to be unreachable
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 1:255
    • Initial value: 3
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • Dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime: Time we suppose the packet to go from one edge of the network to another
    • Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
    • Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
    • Initial value: +1.024e+08ns
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • Dot11MeshHWMPpathToRootInterval: Interval between two successive proactive PREQs
    • Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
    • Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
    • Initial value: +2.048e+09ns
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • Dot11MeshHWMPperrMinInterval: Minimal interval between to successive PREQs
    • Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
    • Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
    • Initial value: +1.024e+08ns
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • Dot11MeshHWMPpreqMinInterval: Minimal interval between to successive PREQs
    • Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
    • Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
    • Initial value: +1.024e+08ns
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • Dot11MeshHWMPrannInterval: Lifetime of proactive routing information
    • Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
    • Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
    • Initial value: +5.12e+09ns
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • MaxQueueSize: Maximum number of packets we can store when resolving route
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint16_t 1:65535
    • Initial value: 255
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • MaxTtl: Initial value of Time To Live field
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 2:255
    • Initial value: 32
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • RandomStart: Random delay at first proactive PREQ
    • Set with class: ns3::TimeValue
    • Underlying type: Time -9.22337e+18ns:+9.22337e+18ns
    • Initial value: +1e+08ns
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • RfFlag: Reply and forward flag
    • Set with class: ns3::BooleanValue
    • Underlying type: bool
    • Initial value: true
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • UnicastDataThreshold: Maximum number of broadcast receivers, when we send a broadcast as a chain of unicasts
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 1:255
    • Initial value: 1
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • UnicastPerrThreshold: Maximum number of PERR receivers, when we send a PERR as a chain of unicasts
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 1:255
    • Initial value: 32
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • UnicastPreqThreshold: Maximum number of PREQ receivers, when we send a PREQ as a chain of unicasts
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 1:255
    • Initial value: 1
    • Flags: constructwriteread
    • Support level: SUPPORTED


  • RouteChange: Routing table changed
    • Callback signature: ns3::HwmpProtocol::RouteChangeTracedCallback
    • Support level: SUPPORTED
  • RouteDiscoveryTime: The time of route discovery procedure

Group: Mesh

Size of this type is 504 bytes (on a 64-bit architecture).

Definition at line 56 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ HwmpProtocolMacMap

HwmpProtocolMacMap typedef.

Definition at line 210 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

◆ RouteChangeTracedCallback

RouteChangeTracedCallback typedef.

Definition at line 347 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HwmpProtocol() [1/2]

ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::HwmpProtocol ( )

Definition at line 144 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::CreateObject(), m_coefficient, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~HwmpProtocol()

ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::~HwmpProtocol ( )

Definition at line 171 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.


◆ HwmpProtocol() [2/2]

ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::HwmpProtocol ( const HwmpProtocol & )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AssignStreams()

int64_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::AssignStreams ( int64_t stream)

Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.

Return the number of streams (possibly zero) that have been assigned.

streamfirst stream index to use
the number of stream indices assigned by this model

Definition at line 1348 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_coefficient, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ DequeueFirstPacket()

HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::DequeueFirstPacket ( )

Dequeue the first packet in the queue.

the dequeued packet

Definition at line 1011 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_rqueue, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::pkt.

Referenced by ProactivePathResolved().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DequeueFirstPacketByDst()

HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::DequeueFirstPacketByDst ( Mac48Address dst)

Dequeue the first packet for a given destination.

dstthe destination
the dequeued packet

Definition at line 993 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_rqueue, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::pkt.

Referenced by ReactivePathResolved(), and RetryPathDiscovery().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DoDispose()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::DoDispose ( )

Destructor implementation.

This method is called by Dispose() or by the Object's destructor, whichever comes first.

Subclasses are expected to implement their real destruction code in an overridden version of this method and chain up to their parent's implementation once they are done. i.e, for simplicity, the destructor of every subclass should be empty and its content should be moved to the associated DoDispose() method.

It is safe to call GetObject() from within this method.

Reimplemented from ns3::Object.

Definition at line 190 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::EventId::Cancel(), m_hwmpSeqnoMetricDatabase, m_interfaces, m_lastDataSeqno, ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol::m_mp, m_preqTimeouts, m_proactivePreqTimer, m_rqueue, m_rtable, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DoInitialize()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::DoInitialize ( )

Initialize() implementation.

This method is called only once by Initialize(). If the user calls Initialize() multiple times, DoInitialize() is called only the first time.

Subclasses are expected to override this method and chain up to their parent's implementation once they are done. It is safe to call GetObject() and AggregateObject() from within this method.

Reimplemented from ns3::Object.

Definition at line 177 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetSeconds(), m_coefficient, m_isRoot, m_proactivePreqTimer, m_randomStart, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::Simulator::Schedule(), ns3::Seconds(), and SendProactivePreq().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DropDataFrame()

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::DropDataFrame ( uint32_t seqno,
Mac48Address source )

MAC-plugin asks whether the frame can be dropped.

Protocol automatically updates seqno.

true if frame can be dropped
seqnois the sequence number of source
sourceis the source address

Definition at line 811 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References GetAddress(), m_lastDataSeqno, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ForwardPathError()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ForwardPathError ( PathError perr)

Forwards a received path error.

perrthe path error

Definition at line 881 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::Time::As(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::PathError::destinations, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocolMac::ForwardPerr(), ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol::GetMeshPoint(), m_interfaces, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::PathError::receivers, ns3::Simulator::Schedule(), and ns3::Time::US.

Referenced by ReceivePerr().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ForwardUnicast()

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ForwardUnicast ( uint32_t sourceIface,
const Mac48Address source,
const Mac48Address destination,
Ptr< Packet > packet,
uint16_t protocolType,
RouteReplyCallback routeReply,
uint32_t ttl )

Like RequestRoute, but for unicast packets.

sourceIfacethe source interface
sourcethe source address
destinationthe destination address
packetthe packet to route
protocolTypethe protocol type
routeReplythe route reply callback
ttlthe TTL
true if forwarded

Definition at line 313 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::dst, GetAddress(), ns3::Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol::GetMeshPoint(), GetNextHwmpSeqno(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::ifIndex, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::inInterface, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::initiatedPreq, InitiatePathError(), m_interfaces, m_rtable, m_stats, MakePathError(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::pkt, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::protocol, QueuePacket(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::reply, ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::retransmitter, ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::seqnum, ns3::dot11s::HwmpTag::SetAddress(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpTag::SetTtl(), ShouldSendPreq(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::src, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::totalDropped, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::totalQueued, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::txBytes, and ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::txUnicast.

Referenced by RequestRoute().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetActivePathLifetime()

uint32_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetActivePathLifetime ( )

Get active path lifetime function.

the active path lifetime

Definition at line 1235 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::Time::GetMicroSeconds(), and m_dot11MeshHWMPactivePathTimeout.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetAddress()

Mac48Address ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetAddress ( )
address of MeshPointDevice

Definition at line 1247 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_address.

Referenced by DropDataFrame(), ForwardUnicast(), ReceivePerr(), ReceivePrep(), ReceivePreq(), and SendProactivePreq().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetBroadcastReceivers()

std::vector< Mac48Address > ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetBroadcastReceivers ( uint32_t interface)

Get broadcast receivers.

list of addresses where a broadcast should be retransmitted

Definition at line 964 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), m_neighboursCallback, m_unicastDataThreshold, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by RequestRoute().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDoFlag()

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetDoFlag ( ) const

Get do flag function.

DO flag

Definition at line 1191 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_doFlag.

◆ GetMaxTtl()

uint8_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetMaxTtl ( ) const

Get maximum TTL function.

the maximum TTL

Definition at line 1215 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_maxTtl.

◆ GetNextHwmpSeqno()

uint32_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetNextHwmpSeqno ( )

Get next HWMP sequence no function.

the next HWMP sequence number

Definition at line 1228 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_hwmpSeqno.

Referenced by ForwardUnicast(), ReceivePreq(), RetryPathDiscovery(), and SendProactivePreq().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNextPreqId()

uint32_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetNextPreqId ( )

Get next period function.

the next period

Definition at line 1221 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_preqId.

Referenced by SendProactivePreq().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPerrMinInterval()

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetPerrMinInterval ( )

Get PERR minimum interval function.

the PERR minimum interval

Definition at line 1209 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_dot11MeshHWMPperrMinInterval.

◆ GetPerrReceivers()

std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, Mac48Address > > ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetPerrReceivers ( std::vector< FailedDestination > failedDest)

Get PERR receivers.

list of addresses where a PERR should be sent to

Definition at line 906 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::destination, m_routeChangeTraceSource, m_rtable, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::seqnum, and ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::type.

Referenced by MakePathError().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPreqMinInterval()

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetPreqMinInterval ( )

Get PREQ minimum interval function.

the PREQ

Definition at line 1203 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_dot11MeshHWMPpreqMinInterval.

◆ GetPreqReceivers()

std::vector< Mac48Address > ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetPreqReceivers ( uint32_t interface)

Get PREQ receivers.

list of addresses where a PREQ should be sent to

Definition at line 947 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), m_neighboursCallback, m_unicastPreqThreshold, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetRfFlag()

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetRfFlag ( ) const

Get rf flag function.

the RF flag

Definition at line 1197 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_rfFlag.

◆ GetRoutingTable()

Ptr< HwmpRtable > ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetRoutingTable ( ) const

Get pointer to HWMP routing table.

pointer to routing table

Definition at line 1356 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_rtable.

◆ GetTypeId()

◆ GetUnicastPerrThreshold()

uint8_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::GetUnicastPerrThreshold ( ) const

Get unicast PERR threshold function.

the unicast PERR threshold

Definition at line 1241 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_unicastPerrThreshold.

◆ InitiatePathError()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::InitiatePathError ( PathError perr)

Passes a self-generated PERR to interface-plugin.

perrthe path error

Definition at line 863 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::PathError::destinations, m_interfaces, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::PathError::receivers.

Referenced by ForwardUnicast(), and PeerLinkStatus().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Install()

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Install ( Ptr< MeshPointDevice > mp)

Install HWMP on given mesh point.

mpthe MeshPointDevice
true if successful

Installing protocol causes installation of its interface MAC plugins.

Also MP aggregates all installed protocols, HWMP protocol can be accessed via MeshPointDevice::GetObject<dot11s::HwmpProtocol>();

Definition at line 754 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::dot11s::AirtimeLinkMetricCalculator::CalculateMetric(), ns3::Mac48Address::ConvertFrom(), ns3::Create(), ns3::CreateObject(), m_address, m_interfaces, ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol::m_mp, ns3::MakeCallback(), and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ MakePathError()

HwmpProtocol::PathError ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::MakePathError ( std::vector< FailedDestination > destinations)

forms a path error information element when list of destination fails on a given interface

removes all entries from routing table!
destinationsvector of failed destinations

Definition at line 837 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::destination, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::PathError::destinations, GetPerrReceivers(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::initiatedPerr, m_routeChangeTraceSource, m_rtable, m_stats, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::PathError::receivers, ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::seqnum, and ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::type.

Referenced by ForwardUnicast(), PeerLinkStatus(), and ReceivePerr().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

HwmpProtocol & ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::operator= ( const HwmpProtocol & )

◆ PeerLinkStatus()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::PeerLinkStatus ( Mac48Address meshPointAddress,
Mac48Address peerAddress,
uint32_t interface,
bool status )

Peer link status function.

meshPointAddressThe MAC address of the mesh point
peerAddressThe MAC address of the peer
interfaceThe interface number
statusThe status of the peer link

Definition at line 789 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References InitiatePathError(), m_rtable, MakePathError(), NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by ns3::Dot11sStack::InstallStack().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ProactivePathResolved()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ProactivePathResolved ( )

Signal the protocol that the proactive path is now available.

Definition at line 1054 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::Packet::AddPacketTag(), DequeueFirstPacket(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::dst, ns3::Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), ns3::Packet::GetSize(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::ifIndex, m_rtable, m_stats, NS_ASSERT, NS_FATAL_ERROR, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::pkt, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::protocol, ns3::Packet::RemovePacketTag(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::reply, ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::retransmitter, ns3::dot11s::HwmpTag::SetAddress(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::src, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::txBytes, and ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::txUnicast.

Referenced by ReceivePreq().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ QueuePacket()

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuePacket ( QueuedPacket packet)

Queue a packet.

packetthe packet to be queued
true on success

Definition at line 981 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_maxQueueSize, m_rqueue, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by ForwardUnicast().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReactivePathResolved()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ReactivePathResolved ( Mac48Address dst)

Signal the protocol that the reactive path toward a destination is now available.

dstthe destination

Definition at line 1025 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::Packet::AddPacketTag(), DequeueFirstPacketByDst(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::dst, ns3::Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), ns3::Packet::GetSize(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::ifIndex, m_preqTimeouts, m_routeDiscoveryTimeCallback, m_rtable, m_stats, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::pkt, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::protocol, ns3::Packet::RemovePacketTag(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::reply, ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::retransmitter, ns3::dot11s::HwmpTag::SetAddress(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::src, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::txBytes, and ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::txUnicast.

Referenced by ReceivePrep(), and ReceivePreq().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReceivePerr()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ReceivePerr ( std::vector< FailedDestination > destinations,
Mac48Address from,
uint32_t interface,
Mac48Address fromMp )

Handler for receiving Path Error.

destinationsthe list of failed destinations
fromthe from address
interfacethe interface
fromMpthe from MP address

Definition at line 702 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ForwardPathError(), GetAddress(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::ifIndex, m_rtable, MakePathError(), NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::retransmitter, and ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::seqnum.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ReceivePrep()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ReceivePrep ( IePrep prep,
Mac48Address from,
uint32_t interface,
Mac48Address fromMp,
uint32_t metric )

◆ ReceivePreq()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ReceivePreq ( IePreq preq,
Mac48Address from,
uint32_t interface,
Mac48Address fromMp,
uint32_t metric )

Handler for receiving Path Request.

preqthe IE preq
fromthe from address
interfacethe interface
fromMpthe 'from MP' address
metricthe metric

Definition at line 407 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::Time::As(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::DelDestinationAddressElement(), ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::destination, GetAddress(), ns3::Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::GetDestCount(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::GetDestinationList(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::GetLifetime(), ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol::GetMeshPoint(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::GetMetric(), ns3::Time::GetMicroSeconds(), GetNextHwmpSeqno(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::GetOriginatorAddress(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::GetOriginatorSeqNumber(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::IncrementMetric(), ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::interface, ns3::dot11s::IePreq::IsNeedNotPrep(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::lifetime, ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::lifetime, m_hwmpSeqnoMetricDatabase, m_interfaces, m_routeChangeTraceSource, m_rtable, ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::metric, ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::metric, ns3::MicroSeconds(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ProactivePathResolved(), ReactivePathResolved(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::retransmitter, ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::retransmitter, ns3::Simulator::Schedule(), SendPrep(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocolMac::SendPreq(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::seqnum, ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::seqnum, ns3::dot11s::RouteChange::type, and ns3::Time::US.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RemoveRoutingStuff()

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::RemoveRoutingStuff ( uint32_t fromIface,
const Mac48Address source,
const Mac48Address destination,
Ptr< Packet > packet,
uint16_t & protocolType )

Clean HWMP packet tag from packet; only the packet parameter is used.

fromIfacethe from interface
sourcethe source address
destinationthe destination address
packetthe packet to route
protocolTypethe protocol type
true if successful

Implements ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol.

Definition at line 298 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References NS_FATAL_ERROR.

◆ Report()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Report ( std::ostream & os) const

◆ RequestRoute()

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::RequestRoute ( uint32_t sourceIface,
const Mac48Address source,
const Mac48Address destination,
Ptr< const Packet > packet,
uint16_t protocolType,
MeshL2RoutingProtocol::RouteReplyCallback routeReply )

Route request, inherited from MeshL2RoutingProtocol.

sourceIfacethe source interface
sourcethe source address
destinationthe destination address
packetthe packet to route
protocolTypethe protocol type
routeReplythe route reply
true if route exists

Implements ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol.

Definition at line 208 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::dot11s::HwmpTag::DecrementTtl(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::droppedTtl, ForwardUnicast(), ns3::Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), GetBroadcastReceivers(), ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocol::GetMeshPoint(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpTag::GetTtl(), m_dataSeqno, m_interfaces, m_maxTtl, m_stats, NS_FATAL_ERROR, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::dot11s::HwmpTag::SetAddress(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpTag::SetSeqno(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpTag::SetTtl(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::txBroadcast, and ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::txBytes.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ResetStats()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ResetStats ( )

Reset Statistics:

Definition at line 1337 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_interfaces, m_stats, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ RetryPathDiscovery()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::RetryPathDiscovery ( Mac48Address dst,
uint8_t numOfRetry )

Generates PREQ retry when retry timeout has expired and route is still unresolved.

dstis the destination address
numOfRetryis the number of retries

When PREQ retry has achieved the maximum level - retry mechanism should be canceled

Definition at line 1099 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References DequeueFirstPacketByDst(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::dst, ns3::Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), GetNextHwmpSeqno(), m_dot11MeshHWMPmaxPREQretries, m_dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime, m_interfaces, m_preqTimeouts, m_routeDiscoveryTimeCallback, m_rtable, m_stats, ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::MAX_METRIC, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::pkt, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::protocol, ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::reply, ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResult::retransmitter, RetryPathDiscovery(), ns3::Simulator::Schedule(), ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::QueuedPacket::src, and ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::totalDropped.

Referenced by RetryPathDiscovery(), and ShouldSendPreq().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SendPrep()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::SendPrep ( Mac48Address src,
Mac48Address dst,
Mac48Address retransmitter,
uint32_t initMetric,
uint32_t originatorDsn,
uint32_t destinationSN,
uint32_t lifetime,
uint32_t interface )

Send Path Reply.

srcthe source address
dstthe destination address
retransmitterthe retransmitter address
initMetricthe initial metric
originatorDsnthe originator DSN
destinationSNthe destination DSN
lifetimethe lifetime
interfacethe interface

Definition at line 729 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::Statistics::initiatedPrep, m_interfaces, m_maxTtl, m_stats, NS_ASSERT, ns3::dot11s::IePrep::SetDestinationAddress(), ns3::dot11s::IePrep::SetDestinationSeqNumber(), ns3::dot11s::IePrep::SetHopcount(), ns3::dot11s::IePrep::SetLifetime(), ns3::dot11s::IePrep::SetMetric(), ns3::dot11s::IePrep::SetOriginatorAddress(), ns3::dot11s::IePrep::SetOriginatorSeqNumber(), and ns3::dot11s::IePrep::SetTtl().

Referenced by ReceivePreq().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SendProactivePreq()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::SendProactivePreq ( )

Proactive Preq routines:

Definition at line 1167 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::dot11s::IePreq::AddDestinationAddressElement(), GetAddress(), ns3::Mac48Address::GetBroadcast(), ns3::Time::GetMicroSeconds(), GetNextHwmpSeqno(), GetNextPreqId(), m_dot11MeshHWMPactiveRootTimeout, m_dot11MeshHWMPpathToRootInterval, m_interfaces, m_maxTtl, m_proactivePreqTimer, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::Simulator::Schedule(), SendProactivePreq(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::SetHopcount(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::SetLifetime(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::SetOriginatorAddress(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::SetOriginatorSeqNumber(), ns3::dot11s::IePreq::SetPreqID(), and ns3::dot11s::IePreq::SetTTL().

Referenced by DoInitialize(), and SendProactivePreq().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetNeighboursCallback()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::SetNeighboursCallback ( Callback< std::vector< Mac48Address >, uint32_t > cb)

This callback is used to obtain active neighbours on a given interface.

cbis a callback, which returns a list of addresses on given interface (uint32_t)

Definition at line 805 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_neighboursCallback.

◆ SetRoot()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::SetRoot ( )

Set the current node as root

Definition at line 1152 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_address, m_isRoot, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

◆ ShouldSendPreq()

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::ShouldSendPreq ( Mac48Address dst)

checks when the last path discovery procedure was started for a given destination.

true if should send PREQ
dstis the destination address

If the retry counter has not achieved the maximum level - preq should not be sent

Definition at line 1080 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References m_dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime, m_preqTimeouts, ns3::Simulator::Now(), NS_LOG_FUNCTION, RetryPathDiscovery(), and ns3::Simulator::Schedule().

Referenced by ForwardUnicast().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UnsetRoot()

void ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::UnsetRoot ( )

Unset the current node as root.

Definition at line 1160 of file hwmp-protocol.cc.

References ns3::EventId::Cancel(), m_proactivePreqTimer, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ HwmpProtocolMac

friend class HwmpProtocolMac

allow HwmpProtocolMac class friend access

Definition at line 179 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_address

Mac48Address ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_address


Definition at line 481 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetAddress(), Install(), Report(), and SetRoot().

◆ m_coefficient

Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_coefficient

Random variable for random start time.


Definition at line 537 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by HwmpProtocol(), AssignStreams(), and DoInitialize().

◆ m_dataSeqno

uint32_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_dataSeqno

data sequence no

Definition at line 482 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by RequestRoute().

◆ m_doFlag

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_doFlag

Destination only HWMP flag.

Definition at line 532 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetDoFlag(), GetTypeId(), and Report().

◆ m_dot11MeshHWMPactivePathTimeout

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_dot11MeshHWMPactivePathTimeout

Lifetime of reactive routing information.

Definition at line 521 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetActivePathLifetime(), GetTypeId(), and Report().

◆ m_dot11MeshHWMPactiveRootTimeout

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_dot11MeshHWMPactiveRootTimeout

Lifetime of proactive routing information.

Definition at line 520 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetTypeId(), Report(), and SendProactivePreq().

◆ m_dot11MeshHWMPmaxPREQretries

uint8_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_dot11MeshHWMPmaxPREQretries

Maximum number of retries before we suppose the destination to be unreachable.

Definition at line 514 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetTypeId(), Report(), and RetryPathDiscovery().

◆ m_dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime

Time we suppose the packet to go from one edge of the network to another.

Definition at line 516 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetTypeId(), Report(), RetryPathDiscovery(), and ShouldSendPreq().

◆ m_dot11MeshHWMPpathToRootInterval

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_dot11MeshHWMPpathToRootInterval

Interval between two successive proactive PREQs.

Definition at line 522 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetTypeId(), Report(), and SendProactivePreq().

◆ m_dot11MeshHWMPperrMinInterval

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_dot11MeshHWMPperrMinInterval

Minimal interval between to successive PREQs.

Definition at line 519 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetPerrMinInterval(), GetTypeId(), and Report().

◆ m_dot11MeshHWMPpreqMinInterval

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_dot11MeshHWMPpreqMinInterval

Minimal interval between to successive PREQs.

Definition at line 518 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetPreqMinInterval(), GetTypeId(), and Report().

◆ m_dot11MeshHWMPrannInterval

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_dot11MeshHWMPrannInterval

Lifetime of proactive routing information.

Definition at line 523 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetTypeId(), and Report().

◆ m_hwmpSeqno

uint32_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_hwmpSeqno

HWMP sequence no.

Definition at line 483 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetNextHwmpSeqno().

◆ m_hwmpSeqnoMetricDatabase

std::map<Mac48Address, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> > ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_hwmpSeqnoMetricDatabase

keeps HWMP seqno (first in pair) and HWMP metric (second in pair) for each address

Definition at line 490 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by DoDispose(), ReceivePrep(), and ReceivePreq().

◆ m_interfaces

◆ m_isRoot

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_isRoot

True if the node is a root.

Definition at line 524 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by DoInitialize(), Report(), and SetRoot().

◆ m_lastDataSeqno

std::map<Mac48Address, uint32_t> ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_lastDataSeqno

Data sequence number database

Definition at line 488 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by DoDispose(), and DropDataFrame().

◆ m_maxQueueSize

uint16_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_maxQueueSize

Maximum number of packets we can store when resolving route.

Definition at line 513 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetTypeId(), QueuePacket(), and Report().

◆ m_maxTtl

uint8_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_maxTtl

Initial value of Time To Live field.

Definition at line 525 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetMaxTtl(), GetTypeId(), Report(), RequestRoute(), SendPrep(), and SendProactivePreq().

◆ m_neighboursCallback

Callback<std::vector<Mac48Address>, uint32_t> ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_neighboursCallback

neighbors callback

Definition at line 538 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetBroadcastReceivers(), GetPreqReceivers(), and SetNeighboursCallback().

◆ m_preqId

uint32_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_preqId


Definition at line 484 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetNextPreqId().

◆ m_preqTimeouts

std::map<Mac48Address, PreqEvent> ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_preqTimeouts

PREQ timeouts.

Definition at line 503 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by DoDispose(), ReactivePathResolved(), RetryPathDiscovery(), and ShouldSendPreq().

◆ m_proactivePreqTimer

EventId ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_proactivePreqTimer

proactive PREQ timer

Definition at line 504 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by DoDispose(), DoInitialize(), SendProactivePreq(), and UnsetRoot().

◆ m_randomStart

Time ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_randomStart

Random start in Proactive PREQ propagation.

Definition at line 506 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by DoInitialize(), and GetTypeId().

◆ m_rfFlag

bool ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_rfFlag

Reply and forward flag.

Definition at line 533 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetRfFlag(), GetTypeId(), and Report().

◆ m_routeChangeTraceSource

TracedCallback<RouteChange> ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_routeChangeTraceSource

Route change trace source.

Definition at line 349 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetPerrReceivers(), GetTypeId(), MakePathError(), ReceivePrep(), and ReceivePreq().

◆ m_routeDiscoveryTimeCallback

TracedCallback<Time> ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_routeDiscoveryTimeCallback

Route discovery time:

Definition at line 345 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetTypeId(), ReactivePathResolved(), and RetryPathDiscovery().

◆ m_rqueue

std::vector<QueuedPacket> ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_rqueue

◆ m_rtable

◆ m_stats

Statistics ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_stats

◆ m_unicastDataThreshold

uint8_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_unicastDataThreshold

Maximum number of broadcast receivers, when we send a broadcast as a chain of unicasts.

Definition at line 530 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetBroadcastReceivers(), GetTypeId(), and Report().

◆ m_unicastPerrThreshold

uint8_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_unicastPerrThreshold

Maximum number of PERR receivers, when we send a PERR as a chain of unicasts.

Definition at line 526 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetTypeId(), GetUnicastPerrThreshold(), and Report().

◆ m_unicastPreqThreshold

uint8_t ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::m_unicastPreqThreshold

Maximum number of PREQ receivers, when we send a PREQ as a chain of unicasts.

Definition at line 528 of file hwmp-protocol.h.

Referenced by GetPreqReceivers(), GetTypeId(), and Report().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: