30 #include "ns3/object.h"
32 #include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
701 typedef std::map<Ipv4Address, GlobalRoutingLSA*>
702 typedef std::pair<Ipv4Address, GlobalRoutingLSA*>
int32_t FindOutgoingInterfaceId(Ipv4Address a, Ipv4Mask amask=Ipv4Mask(""))
Return the interface number corresponding to a given IP address and mask.
GlobalRoutingLSA * GetLSAByLinkData(Ipv4Address addr) const
Look up the Link State Advertisement associated with the given link state ID (address).
ListOfSPFVertex_t m_parents
parent list
void SPFAddASExternal(GlobalRoutingLSA *extlsa, SPFVertex *v)
Add an external route to the routing tables.
uint32_t m_distanceFromRoot
Distance from root node.
virtual void DeleteGlobalRoutes()
Delete all static routes on all nodes that have a GlobalRouterInterface.
const uint32_t SPF_INFINITY
"infinite" distance between nodes
void SetParent(SPFVertex *parent)
Set the pointer to the SPFVector that is the parent of "this" SPFVertex.
a class to represent an Ipv4 address mask
Destroy an SPFVertex (Shortest Path First Vertex).
void SPFIntraAddRouter(SPFVertex *v)
Add a host route to the routing tables.
GlobalRouteManagerLSDB * m_lsdb
the Link State DataBase (LSDB) of the Global Route Manager
void ProcessASExternals(SPFVertex *v, GlobalRoutingLSA *extlsa)
Process Autonomous Systems (AS) External LSA.
uint32_t GetNumExtLSAs() const
Get the number of External Link State Advertisements.
std::list< SPFVertex * > ListOfSPFVertex_t
container of SPFVertexes
void SPFIntraAddStub(GlobalRoutingLinkRecord *l, SPFVertex *v)
Add a stub to the routing tables.
VertexType m_vertexType
Vertex type.
void InheritAllRootExitDirections(const SPFVertex *vertex)
Inherit all root exit directions from a given vertex to 'this' vertex.
void SPFProcessStubs(SPFVertex *v)
Process Stub nodes.
void MergeParent(const SPFVertex *v)
Merge the Parent list from the v into this vertex.
std::vector< GlobalRoutingLSA * > m_extdatabase
database of External Link State Advertisements
LSDBMap_t m_database
database of IPv4 addresses / Link State Advertisements
Vertex used in shortest path first (SPF) computations.
GlobalRoutingLinkRecord * SPFGetNextLink(SPFVertex *v, SPFVertex *w, GlobalRoutingLinkRecord *prev_link)
Search for a link between two vertexes.
Construct an empty ("uninitialized") SPFVertex (Shortest Path First Vertex).
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SPFVertex::ListOfSPFVertex_t &vs)
Stream insertion operator.
GlobalRoutingLSA * m_lsa
Link State Advertisement.
void SetDistanceFromRoot(uint32_t distance)
Set the distance from the root vertex to "this" SPFVertex object.
A global router implementation.
void SPFNext(SPFVertex *v, CandidateQueue &candidate)
Examine the links in v's LSA and update the list of candidates with any vertices not already on the l...
ListOfNodeExit_t m_ecmpRootExits
store the multiple root's exits for supporting ECMP
Uninitialized Link Record.
A single link record for a link state advertisement.
A Candidate Queue used in static routing.
a Link State Advertisement (LSA) for a router, used in global routing.
ListOfSPFVertex_t m_children
Children list.
uint32_t GetNChildren(void) const
Get the number of children of "this" SPFVertex.
std::pair< Ipv4Address, int32_t > NodeExit_t
IPv4 / interface container for exit nodes.
std::pair< Ipv4Address, GlobalRoutingLSA * > LSDBPair_t
pair of IPv4 addresses / Link State Advertisements
GlobalRoutingLSA * GetExtLSA(uint32_t index) const
Look up the External Link State Advertisement associated with the given index.
void Initialize()
Set all LSA flags to an initialized state, for SPF computation.
Destroy an empty Global Router Manager Link State Database.
Global routing protocol for IP version 4 stacks.
GlobalRouteManagerLSDB & operator=(GlobalRouteManagerLSDB &lsdb)
The SPFVertex copy assignment operator is disallowed.
void DebugSPFCalculate(Ipv4Address root)
Debugging routine; call the core SPF from the unit tests.
std::list< NodeExit_t > ListOfNodeExit_t
container of Exit nodes
uint32_t GetDistanceFromRoot(void) const
Get the distance from the root vertex to "this" SPFVertex object.
void SPFIntraAddTransit(SPFVertex *v)
Add a transit to the routing tables.
SPFVertex & operator=(SPFVertex &v)
The SPFVertex copy assignment operator is disallowed.
virtual void InitializeRoutes()
Compute routes using a Dijkstra SPF computation and populate per-node forwarding tables.
int32_t m_rootOif
root Output Interface
GlobalRoutingLSA * GetLSA(void) const
Get the Global Router Link State Advertisement returned by the Global Router represented by this SPFV...
void SetVertexType(VertexType type)
Set the Vertex Type field of a SPFVertex object.
Ipv4Address m_vertexId
Vertex ID.
void DebugUseLsdb(GlobalRouteManagerLSDB *)
Debugging routine; allow client code to supply a pre-built LSDB.
int SPFNexthopCalculation(SPFVertex *v, SPFVertex *w, GlobalRoutingLinkRecord *l, uint32_t distance)
Calculate nexthop from root through V (parent) to vertex W (destination) with given distance from roo...
void SetLSA(GlobalRoutingLSA *lsa)
Set the Global Router Link State Advertisement returned by the Global Router represented by this SPFV...
void SetRootExitDirection(Ipv4Address nextHop, int32_t id=SPF_INFINITY)
Set the IP address and outgoing interface index that should be used to begin forwarding packets from ...
void SetVertexId(Ipv4Address id)
Set the Vertex ID field of a SPFVertex object.
GlobalRoutingLSA * GetLSA(Ipv4Address addr) const
Look up the Link State Advertisement associated with the given link state ID (address).
void Insert(Ipv4Address addr, GlobalRoutingLSA *lsa)
Insert an IP address / Link State Advertisement pair into the Link State Database.
bool CheckForStubNode(Ipv4Address root)
Test if a node is a stub, from an OSPF sense.
void MergeRootExitDirections(const SPFVertex *vertex)
Merge into 'this' vertex the list of exit directions from another vertex.
Vertex representing a router in the topology.
uint32_t GetNRootExitDirections() const
Get the number of exit directions from root for reaching 'this' vertex.
virtual ~GlobalRouteManagerImpl()
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
Ipv4Address m_nextHop
next hop
SPFVertex * GetParent(uint32_t i=0) const
Get a pointer to the SPFVector that is the parent of "this" SPFVertex.
NodeExit_t GetRootExitDirection() const
Obtain a pair indicating the exit direction from the root.
std::map< Ipv4Address, GlobalRoutingLSA * > LSDBMap_t
container of IPv4 addresses / Link State Advertisements
void ClearVertexProcessed(void)
Clear the value of the VertexProcessed flag.
VertexType GetVertexType(void) const
Get the Vertex Type field of a SPFVertex object.
void SPFCalculate(Ipv4Address root)
Calculate the shortest path first (SPF) tree.
bool m_vertexProcessed
Flag to note whether vertex has been processed in stage two of SPF computation.
The Link State DataBase (LSDB) of the Global Route Manager.
void SetVertexProcessed(bool value)
Set the value of the VertexProcessed flag.
Enumeration of the possible types of SPFVertex objects.
virtual void BuildGlobalRoutingDatabase()
Build the routing database by gathering Link State Advertisements from each node exporting a GlobalRo...
SPFVertex * m_spfroot
the root node
Construct an empty Global Router Manager Link State Database.
bool IsVertexProcessed(void) const
Check the value of the VertexProcessed flag.
Vertex representing a network in the topology.
Ipv4Address GetVertexId(void) const
Get the Vertex ID field of a SPFVertex object.
GlobalRouteManagerImpl & operator=(GlobalRouteManagerImpl &srmi)
Global Route Manager Implementation assignment operator is disallowed.
SPFVertex * GetChild(uint32_t n) const
Get a borrowed SPFVertex pointer to the specified child of "this" SPFVertex.
void SPFVertexAddParent(SPFVertex *v)
Adds a vertex to the list of children in each of its parents.
uint32_t AddChild(SPFVertex *child)
Get a borrowed SPFVertex pointer to the specified child of "this" SPFVertex.