27 #include "ns3/object.h"
30 #include "ns3/channel.h"
31 #include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
32 #include "ns3/net-device-container.h"
33 #include "ns3/bridge-net-device.h"
34 #include "ns3/global-route-manager.h"
35 #include "ns3/ipv4-routing-table-entry.h"
40 class Ipv4GlobalRouting;
380 void Print (std::ostream &os)
void SetRoutingProtocol(Ptr< Ipv4GlobalRouting > routing)
Set the specific Global Routing Protocol to be used.
Ipv4Address GetLinkId(void) const
Get the Link ID field of the Global Routing Link Record.
Unused – for future OSPF compatibility.
LSType GetLSType(void) const
Return the LSType field of the LSA.
Ptr< Ipv4GlobalRouting > GetRoutingProtocol(void)
Get the specific Global Routing Protocol used.
GlobalRoutingLinkRecord * GetLinkRecord(uint32_t n) const
Return a pointer to the specified Global Routing Link Record.
std::list< GlobalRoutingLSA * > ListOfLSAs_t
container for the GlobalRoutingLSAs
virtual void DoDispose(void)
This method is called by Object::Dispose or by the object's destructor, whichever comes first...
Destroy an existing Global Routing Link State Advertisement.
void SetMetric(uint16_t metric)
Set the Metric Data field of the Global Routing Link Record.
Ipv4Address m_advertisingRtr
The Advertising Router is defined by the OSPF spec.
Ipv4RoutingTableEntry * GetInjectedRoute(uint32_t i)
Return the injected route indexed by i.
a class to represent an Ipv4 address mask
std::list< Ipv4RoutingTableEntry * >::const_iterator InjectedRoutesCI
Const Iterator to container of Ipv4RoutingTableEntry.
uint32_t m_node_id
node ID
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Get the type ID.
bool WithdrawRoute(Ipv4Address network, Ipv4Mask networkMask)
Withdraw a route from the global unicast routing table.
bool FindInterfaceForDevice(Ptr< Node > node, Ptr< NetDevice > nd, uint32_t &index) const
Given a node and a net device, find an IPV4 interface index that corresponds to that net device...
uint32_t DiscoverLSAs(void)
Walk the connected channels, discover the adjacent routers and build the associated number of Global ...
Ipv4Address FindDesignatedRouterForLink(Ptr< NetDevice > ndLocal, bool allowRecursion) const
Finds a designated router.
void SetAdvertisingRouter(Ipv4Address rtr)
Set the Advertising Router as defined by the OSPF spec.
LSType m_lsType
The type of the LSA.
uint32_t AddLinkRecord(GlobalRoutingLinkRecord *lr)
Add a given Global Routing Link Record to the LSA.
GlobalRouter & operator=(GlobalRouter &sr)
Global Router assignment operator is disallowed.
Ipv4Mask m_networkLSANetworkMask
Each Network LSA contains the network mask of the attached network.
bool GetLSA(uint32_t n, GlobalRoutingLSA &lsa) const
Get a Global Routing Link State Advertisements that this router has said that it can export...
void SetLinkId(Ipv4Address addr)
Set the Link ID field of the Global Routing Link Record.
uint32_t GetNInjectedRoutes(void)
Get the number of injected routes that have been added to the routing table.
void ProcessSingleBroadcastLink(Ptr< NetDevice > nd, GlobalRoutingLSA *pLSA, NetDeviceContainer &c)
Process a single broadcast link.
uint32_t AddAttachedRouter(Ipv4Address addr)
Add an attached router to the list in the NetworkLSA.
InjectedRoutes m_injectedRoutes
Routes we are exporting.
Ipv4Mask GetNetworkLSANetworkMask(void) const
For a Network LSA, get the Network Mask field that precedes the list of attached routers.
void SetLinkData(Ipv4Address addr)
Set the Link Data field of the Global Routing Link Record.
void SetNode(Ptr< Node > node)
Set the Node pointer of the node that originated this LSA.
void ProcessBridgedBroadcastLink(Ptr< NetDevice > nd, GlobalRoutingLSA *pLSA, NetDeviceContainer &c)
Process a bridged broadcast link.
Ipv4Address GetAdvertisingRouter(void) const
Get the Advertising Router as defined by the OSPF spec.
uint16_t m_metric
The metric for a given link.
void ClearLinkRecords(void)
Release all of the Global Routing Link Records present in the Global Routing Link State Advertisement...
Uninitialized Link Record.
Record represents a leaf node network.
corresponds to LS type field of RFC 2328 OSPF LSA header
A single link record for a link state advertisement.
Ptr< Ipv4GlobalRouting > m_routingProtocol
the Ipv4GlobalRouting in use
A record of an IPv4 routing table entry for Ipv4GlobalRouting and Ipv4StaticRouting.
a Link State Advertisement (LSA) for a router, used in global routing.
void InjectRoute(Ipv4Address network, Ipv4Mask networkMask)
Inject a route to be circulated to other routers as an external route.
void ClearLSAs(void)
Clear list of LSAs.
New vertex not yet considered.
Unused – for future OSPF compatibility.
holds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
Enumeration of the possible types of Global Routing Link Records.
void SetLSType(LSType typ)
Set the LS type field of the LSA.
Ipv4Address m_linkData
m_linkId and m_linkData are defined by OSPF to have different meanings depending on the type of link ...
void Print(std::ostream &os) const
Print the contents of the Global Routing Link State Advertisement and any Global Routing Link Records...
std::list< Ipv4Address > ListOfAttachedRouters_t
A convenience typedef to avoid too much writers cramp.
void RemoveInjectedRoute(uint32_t i)
Withdraw a route from the global unicast routing table.
SPFStatus GetStatus(void) const
Get the SPF status of the advertisement.
SPFStatus m_status
This is a tristate flag used internally in the SPF computation to mark if an SPFVertex (a data struct...
Vertex is in the SPF candidate queue.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Angles &a)
print a struct Angles to output
void SetStatus(SPFStatus status)
Set the SPF status of the advertisement.
uint32_t GetNAttachedRouters(void) const
Return the number of attached routers listed in the NetworkLSA.
uint32_t GetNLinkRecords(void) const
Return the number of Global Routing Link Records in the LSA.
void SetLinkType(LinkType linkType)
Set the Link Type field of the Global Routing Link Record.
ListOfLSAs_t m_LSAs
database of GlobalRoutingLSAs
std::list< Ipv4RoutingTableEntry * > InjectedRoutes
container of Ipv4RoutingTableEntry
Destroy a Global Routing Link Record.
Construct an empty ("uninitialized") Global Routing Link Record.
An interface aggregated to a node to provide global routing info.
Ipv4Address GetLinkData(void) const
Get the Link Data field of the Global Routing Link Record.
Ipv4Address m_routerId
router ID (its IPv4 address)
Ptr< BridgeNetDevice > NetDeviceIsBridged(Ptr< NetDevice > nd) const
Decide whether or not a given net device is being bridged by a BridgeNetDevice.
Ipv4Address m_linkStateId
The Link State ID is defined by the OSPF spec.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
void CopyLinkRecords(const GlobalRoutingLSA &lsa)
Copy any Global Routing Link Records in a given Global Routing Link State Advertisement to the curren...
GlobalRoutingLSA & operator=(const GlobalRoutingLSA &lsa)
Assignment operator for a Global Routing Link State Advertisement.
Record representing a point to point channel.
void SetNetworkLSANetworkMask(Ipv4Mask mask)
For a Network LSA, set the Network Mask field that precedes the list of attached routers.
LinkType m_linkType
The type of the Global Routing Link Record.
bool AnotherRouterOnLink(Ptr< NetDevice > nd, bool allowRecursion) const
Checks for the presence of another router on the NetDevice.
Enumeration of the possible values of the status flag in the Routing Link State Advertisements.
uint32_t GetNumLSAs(void) const
Get the Number of Global Routing Link State Advertisements that this router can export.
Create a Global Router class.
Ipv4Address GetRouterId(void) const
Get the Router ID associated with this Global Router.
Ipv4Address GetAttachedRouter(uint32_t n) const
Return an Ipv4Address corresponding to the specified attached router.
Ptr< Node > GetNode(void) const
Get the Node pointer of the node that originated this LSA.
void BuildNetworkLSAs(NetDeviceContainer c)
Build one NetworkLSA for each net device talking to a network that we are the designated router for...
ListOfAttachedRouters_t m_attachedRouters
Each Network LSA contains a list of attached routers.
LinkType GetLinkType(void) const
Get the Link Type field of the Global Routing Link Record.
bool IsEmpty(void) const
Check to see if the list of Global Routing Link Records present in the Global Routing Link State Adve...
a base class which provides memory management and object aggregation
Ptr< NetDevice > GetAdjacent(Ptr< NetDevice > nd, Ptr< Channel > ch) const
Link through the given channel and find the net device that's on the other end.
std::list< GlobalRoutingLinkRecord * > ListOfLinkRecords_t
A convenience typedef to avoid too much writers cramp.
Create a blank Global Routing Link State Advertisement.
void ProcessPointToPointLink(Ptr< NetDevice > ndLocal, GlobalRoutingLSA *pLSA)
Process a point to point link.
ListOfLinkRecords_t m_linkRecords
Each Link State Advertisement contains a number of Link Records that describe the kinds of links that...
a unique identifier for an interface.
Vertex is in the SPF tree.
void SetLinkStateId(Ipv4Address addr)
Set the Link State ID is defined by the OSPF spec.
uint16_t GetMetric(void) const
Get the Metric Data field of the Global Routing Link Record.
Ipv4Address m_linkId
m_linkId and m_linkData are defined by OSPF to have different meanings depending on the type of link ...
Ipv4Address GetLinkStateId(void) const
Get the Link State ID as defined by the OSPF spec.
std::list< Ipv4RoutingTableEntry * >::iterator InjectedRoutesI
Iterator to container of Ipv4RoutingTableEntry.
void ProcessBroadcastLink(Ptr< NetDevice > nd, GlobalRoutingLSA *pLSA, NetDeviceContainer &c)
Process a generic broadcast link.