A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2015 Danilo Abrignani
4  * Copyright (c) 2016 Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
8  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18  *
19  * Authors: Danilo Abrignani <danilo.abrignani@unibo.it>
20  * Biljana Bojovic <biljana.bojovic@cttc.es>
21  *
22  */
25 #include <ns3/log.h>
26 #include <ns3/random-variable-stream.h>
28 namespace ns3 {
30 NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("NoOpComponentCarrierManager");
31 NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED (NoOpComponentCarrierManager);
34 {
35  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
39  m_ccmRrcSapUser = 0;
40 }
43 {
44  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
45 }
47 void
49 {
50  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
51  delete m_ccmRrcSapProvider;
52  delete m_ccmMacSapUser;
53  delete m_macSapProvider;
54 }
57 TypeId
59 {
60  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::NoOpComponentCarrierManager")
62  .SetGroupName("Lte")
63  .AddConstructor<NoOpComponentCarrierManager> ()
64  ;
65  return tid;
66 }
69 void
71 {
72  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
74 }
77 // MAC SAP
81 void
83 {
84  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
85  std::map <uint8_t, LteMacSapProvider*>::iterator it = m_macSapProvidersMap.find (params.componentCarrierId);
86  NS_ASSERT_MSG (it != m_macSapProvidersMap.end (), "could not find Sap for ComponentCarrier " << params.componentCarrierId);
87  // with this algorithm all traffic is on Primary Carrier
88  it->second->TransmitPdu (params);
89 }
91 void
93 {
94  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
95  auto ueManager = m_ccmRrcSapUser->GetUeManager (params.rnti);
96  std::map <uint8_t, LteMacSapProvider*>::iterator it = m_macSapProvidersMap.find (ueManager->GetComponentCarrierId ());
97  NS_ASSERT_MSG (it != m_macSapProvidersMap.end (), "could not find Sap for ComponentCarrier ");
98  it->second->ReportBufferStatus (params);
99 }
101 void
103 {
104  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
105  std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> >::iterator rntiIt = m_ueAttached.find (txOpParams.rnti);
106  NS_ASSERT_MSG (rntiIt != m_ueAttached.end (), "could not find RNTI" << txOpParams.rnti);
107  std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*>::iterator lcidIt = rntiIt->second.find (txOpParams.lcid);
108  NS_ASSERT_MSG (lcidIt != rntiIt->second.end (), "could not find LCID " << (uint16_t) txOpParams.lcid);
109  NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << " rnti= " << txOpParams.rnti << " lcid= " << (uint32_t) txOpParams.lcid << " layer= " << (uint32_t)txOpParams.layer<<" ccId="<< (uint32_t)txOpParams.componentCarrierId);
110  (*lcidIt).second->NotifyTxOpportunity (txOpParams);
112 }
114 void
116 {
117  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
118  std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> >::iterator rntiIt = m_ueAttached.find (rxPduParams.rnti);
119  NS_ASSERT_MSG (rntiIt != m_ueAttached.end (), "could not find RNTI" << rxPduParams.rnti);
120  std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*>::iterator lcidIt = rntiIt->second.find (rxPduParams.lcid);
121  if (lcidIt != rntiIt->second.end ())
122  {
123  (*lcidIt).second->ReceivePdu (rxPduParams);
124  }
125 }
127 void
129 {
130  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
131 }
133 void
135  LteRrcSap::MeasResults measResults)
136 {
137  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << rnti << (uint16_t) measResults.measId);
138 }
140 void
141 NoOpComponentCarrierManager::DoAddUe (uint16_t rnti, uint8_t state)
142 {
143  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << rnti << (uint16_t) state);
144  std::map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::iterator stateIt;
145  std::map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::iterator eccIt; // m_enabledComponentCarrier iterator
146  stateIt = m_ueState.find (rnti);
147  if (stateIt == m_ueState.end ())
148  {
149  // NS_ASSERT_MSG ((stateIt == m_ueState.end () && state == 3), " ERROR: Ue was not indexed and current state is CONNECTED_NORMALLY" << (uint16_t) state);
150  NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << " UE " << rnti << " was not found, now it is added in the map");
151  m_ueState.insert (std::pair<uint16_t, uint8_t> (rnti, state));
152  eccIt = m_enabledComponentCarrier.find (rnti);
153  //if ((state == 7 || state == 0) && eccIt == m_enabledComponentCarrier.end ())
154  if (eccIt == m_enabledComponentCarrier.end ())
155  {
156  // the Primary carrier (PC) is enabled by default
157  // on the PC the SRB0 and SRB1 are enabled when the Ue is connected
158  // these are hard-coded and the configuration not pass through the
159  // Component Carrier Manager which is responsible of configure
160  // only DataRadioBearer on the different Component Carrier
161  m_enabledComponentCarrier.insert (std::pair<uint16_t, uint8_t> (rnti, 1));
162  }
163  else
164  {
165  NS_FATAL_ERROR (this << " Ue " << rnti << " had Component Carrier enabled before join the network" << (uint16_t) state);
166  }
167  // preparing the rnti,lcid,LteMacSapUser map
168  std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> empty;
169  std::pair <std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> >::iterator, bool>
170  ret = m_ueAttached.insert (std::pair <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> >
171  (rnti, empty));
172  NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << "AddUe: UE Pointer LteMacSapUser Map " << rnti << " added " << (uint16_t) ret.second);
173  NS_ASSERT_MSG (ret.second, "element already present, RNTI already existed");
175  //add new rnti in the map
176  std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> emptyA;
177  std::pair <std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> >::iterator, bool>
178  retA = m_rlcLcInstantiated.insert (std::pair <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> >
179  (rnti, emptyA));
180  NS_ASSERT_MSG (retA.second, "element already present, RNTI already existed");
181  NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << "AddUe: UE " << rnti << " added " << (uint16_t) retA.second);
183  }
184  else
185  {
186  NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << " UE " << rnti << "found, updating the state from " << (uint16_t) stateIt->second << " to " << (uint16_t) state);
187  stateIt->second = state;
188  }
191 }
193 void
195 {
196  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
197  NS_ASSERT_MSG( m_rlcLcInstantiated.find(lcInfo.rnti) != m_rlcLcInstantiated.end(), "Adding lc for a user that was not yet added to component carrier manager list.");
198  m_rlcLcInstantiated.find(lcInfo.rnti)->second.insert(std::pair <uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> (lcInfo.lcId, lcInfo));
199 }
202 void
204 {
205  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
206  std::map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::iterator stateIt;
207  std::map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::iterator eccIt; // m_enabledComponentCarrier iterator
208  stateIt = m_ueState.find (rnti);
209  eccIt = m_enabledComponentCarrier.find (rnti);
210  NS_ASSERT_MSG (stateIt != m_ueState.end (), "request to remove UE info with unknown rnti ");
211  NS_ASSERT_MSG (eccIt != m_enabledComponentCarrier.end (), "request to remove UE info with unknown rnti ");
213  //std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> >::iterator lcsIt;
214  auto rlcLcIt = m_rlcLcInstantiated.find (rnti);
215  NS_ASSERT_MSG (rlcLcIt != m_rlcLcInstantiated.end (), "request to Release Data Radio Bearer on UE without Logical Channels enabled");
217  auto rntiIt = m_ueAttached.find (rnti);
219  NS_ASSERT_MSG (rntiIt != m_ueAttached.end (), "request to Release Data Radio Bearer on unattached UE");
221  m_ueState.erase (rnti);
222  m_enabledComponentCarrier.erase (rnti);
223  m_rlcLcInstantiated.erase (rnti);
224  m_ueAttached.erase (rnti);
225 }
227 std::vector<LteCcmRrcSapProvider::LcsConfig>
228 NoOpComponentCarrierManager::DoSetupDataRadioBearer (EpsBearer bearer, uint8_t bearerId, uint16_t rnti, uint8_t lcid, uint8_t lcGroup, LteMacSapUser *msu)
229 {
230  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << rnti);
231  std::map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::iterator eccIt; // m_enabledComponentCarrier iterator
232  eccIt = m_enabledComponentCarrier.find (rnti);
233  NS_ASSERT_MSG (eccIt != m_enabledComponentCarrier.end (), "SetupDataRadioBearer on unknown rnti ");
235  // enable by default all carriers
236  eccIt->second = m_noOfComponentCarriers;
238  std::vector<LteCcmRrcSapProvider::LcsConfig> res;
241  // NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << " componentCarrierEnabled " << (uint16_t) eccIt->second);
242  for (uint16_t ncc = 0; ncc < m_noOfComponentCarriers; ncc++)
243  {
244  // NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << " res size " << (uint16_t) res.size ());
246  lci.rnti = rnti;
247  lci.lcId = lcid;
248  lci.lcGroup = lcGroup;
249  lci.qci = bearer.qci;
250  if (ncc == 0)
251  {
252  lci.isGbr = bearer.IsGbr ();
253  lci.mbrUl = bearer.gbrQosInfo.mbrUl;
254  lci.mbrDl = bearer.gbrQosInfo.mbrDl;
255  lci.gbrUl = bearer.gbrQosInfo.gbrUl;
256  lci.gbrDl = bearer.gbrQosInfo.gbrDl;
257  }
258  else
259  {
260  lci.isGbr = 0;
261  lci.mbrUl = 0;
262  lci.mbrDl = 0;
263  lci.gbrUl = 0;
264  lci.gbrDl = 0;
265  } // data flows only on PC
266  NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << " RNTI " << lci.rnti << "Lcid " << (uint16_t) lci.lcId << " lcGroup " << (uint16_t) lci.lcGroup);
267  entry.componentCarrierId = ncc;
268  entry.lc = lci;
269  entry.msu = m_ccmMacSapUser;
270  res.push_back (entry);
271  } // end for
274  // preparing the rnti,lcid,LcInfo map
275  std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> >::iterator rntiIter = m_rlcLcInstantiated.find (rnti);
276  rntiIter = m_rlcLcInstantiated.begin ();
277  // while (rntiIter != m_rlcLcInstantiated.end ())
278  // {
279  // ++rntiIter;
280  // }
281  // if (rntiIt == m_rlcLcInstantiated.end ())
282  // {
283  // //add new rnti in the map
284  // std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> empty;
285  // std::pair <std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> >::iterator, bool>
286  // ret = m_rlcLcInstantiated.insert (std::pair <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> >
287  // (rnti, empty));
288  // NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << " UE " << rnti << " added " << (uint16_t) ret.second);
289  // }
291  std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> >::iterator sapIt = m_ueAttached.find (rnti);
292  NS_ASSERT_MSG (sapIt != m_ueAttached.end (), "RNTI not found");
293  rntiIter = m_rlcLcInstantiated.find (rnti);
294  std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo>::iterator lcidIt = rntiIter->second.find (lcid);
295  //std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*>::iterator lcidIt = sapIt->second.find (lcinfo.lcId);
296  NS_ASSERT_MSG (rntiIter != m_rlcLcInstantiated.end (), "RNTI not found");
297  if (lcidIt == rntiIter->second.end ())
298  {
299  lcinfo.rnti = rnti;
300  lcinfo.lcId = lcid;
301  lcinfo.lcGroup = lcGroup;
302  lcinfo.qci = bearer.qci;
303  lcinfo.isGbr = bearer.IsGbr ();
304  lcinfo.mbrUl = bearer.gbrQosInfo.mbrUl;
305  lcinfo.mbrDl = bearer.gbrQosInfo.mbrDl;
306  lcinfo.gbrUl = bearer.gbrQosInfo.gbrUl;
307  lcinfo.gbrDl = bearer.gbrQosInfo.gbrDl;
308  rntiIter->second.insert (std::pair<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> (lcinfo.lcId, lcinfo));
309  sapIt->second.insert (std::pair<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> (lcinfo.lcId, msu));
310  }
311  else
312  {
313  NS_LOG_ERROR ("LC already exists");
314  }
315  return res;
317 }
319 std::vector<uint8_t>
321 {
322  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
323  // here we receive directly the rnti and the lcid, instead of only drbid
324  // drbid are mapped as drbid = lcid + 2
325  std::map<uint16_t, uint8_t>::iterator eccIt; // m_enabledComponentCarrier iterator
326  eccIt= m_enabledComponentCarrier.find (rnti);
327  NS_ASSERT_MSG (eccIt != m_enabledComponentCarrier.end (), "request to Release Data Radio Bearer on Ue without Component Carrier Enabled");
328  std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> >::iterator lcsIt;
329  lcsIt = m_rlcLcInstantiated.find (rnti);
330  NS_ASSERT_MSG (lcsIt != m_rlcLcInstantiated.end (), "request to Release Data Radio Bearer on Ue without Logical Channels enabled");
331  std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo>::iterator lcIt;
332  NS_LOG_DEBUG (this << " remove lcid " << (uint16_t) lcid << " for rnti " << rnti);
333  lcIt = lcsIt->second.find (lcid);
334  NS_ASSERT_MSG (lcIt != lcsIt->second.end (), " Logical Channel not found");
335  std::vector<uint8_t> res;
336  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < eccIt->second; i++)
337  {
338  res.insert (res.end (), i);
339  }
340  //Find user based on rnti and then erase lcid stored against the same
341  std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> >::iterator rntiIt = m_ueAttached.find (rnti);
342  rntiIt->second.erase (lcid);
343  std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo> >::iterator rlcInstancesIt = m_rlcLcInstantiated.find (rnti);
344  std::map<uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo>::iterator rclLcIt;
345  lcIt = rlcInstancesIt->second.find (lcid);
346  NS_ASSERT_MSG (lcIt != lcsIt->second.end (), " Erasing: Logical Channel not found");
347  lcsIt->second.erase (lcid);
348  return res;
349 }
353 {
354  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
355  std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> >::iterator itSapUserAtCcm;
356  itSapUserAtCcm = m_ueAttached.find (lcinfo.rnti);
357  NS_ASSERT_MSG (itSapUserAtCcm != m_ueAttached.end (), "request to Add a SignalBearer to unknown rnti");
358  std::map <uint16_t, std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> >::iterator rntiIt = m_ueAttached.find (lcinfo.rnti);
359  NS_ASSERT_MSG (rntiIt != m_ueAttached.end (), "RNTI not found");
360  std::map<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*>::iterator lcidIt = rntiIt->second.find (lcinfo.lcId);
361  if (lcidIt == rntiIt->second.end ())
362  {
363  rntiIt->second.insert (std::pair<uint8_t, LteMacSapUser*> (lcinfo.lcId, msu));
364  }
365  else
366  {
367  NS_LOG_ERROR ("LC already exists");
368  }
370  return m_ccmMacSapUser;
371 }
373 void
374 NoOpComponentCarrierManager::DoNotifyPrbOccupancy (double prbOccupancy, uint8_t componentCarrierId)
375 {
376  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
377  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Update PRB occupancy:"<<prbOccupancy<<" at carrier:"<< (uint32_t) componentCarrierId);
378  m_ccPrbOccupancy.insert(std::pair<uint8_t, double> (componentCarrierId, prbOccupancy));
379 }
381 void
383 {
384  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
385  NS_ASSERT_MSG (bsr.m_macCeType == MacCeListElement_s::BSR, "Received a Control Message not allowed " << bsr.m_macCeType);
387  {
388  MacCeListElement_s newBsr;
389  newBsr.m_rnti = bsr.m_rnti;
390  newBsr.m_macCeType = bsr.m_macCeType;
391  newBsr.m_macCeValue.m_phr = bsr.m_macCeValue.m_phr;
393  newBsr.m_macCeValue.m_bufferStatus.resize (4);
394  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
395  {
396  uint8_t bsrId = bsr.m_macCeValue.m_bufferStatus.at (i);
397  uint32_t buffer = BufferSizeLevelBsr::BsrId2BufferSize (bsrId);
398  // here the buffer should be divide among the different sap
399  // since the buffer status report are compressed information
400  // it is needed to use BsrId2BufferSize to uncompress
401  // after the split over all component carriers is is needed to
402  // compress again the information to fit MacCeListEkement_s structure
403  // verify how many Component Carrier are enabled per UE
404  // in this simple code the BufferStatus will be notify only
405  // to the primary carrier component
407  }
408  auto sapIt = m_ccmMacSapProviderMap.find (componentCarrierId);
409  if (sapIt == m_ccmMacSapProviderMap.end ())
410  {
411  NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Sap not found in the CcmMacSapProviderMap");
412  }
413  else
414  {
415  // in the current implementation bsr in uplink is forwarded only to the primary carrier.
416  // above code demonstrates how to resize buffer status if more carriers are being used in future
417  sapIt->second->ReportMacCeToScheduler (newBsr);
418  }
419  }
420  else
421  {
422  NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Expected BSR type of message.");
423  }
424 }
426 void
427 NoOpComponentCarrierManager::DoUlReceiveSr (uint16_t rnti, uint8_t componentCarrierId)
428 {
429  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
431  auto sapIt = m_ccmMacSapProviderMap.find (componentCarrierId);
432  NS_ABORT_MSG_IF (sapIt == m_ccmMacSapProviderMap.end (),
433  "Sap not found in the CcmMacSapProviderMap");
435  sapIt->second->ReportSrToScheduler (rnti);
436 }
444 {
445  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
447 }
450 {
451  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
452 }
454 TypeId
456 {
457  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::RrComponentCarrierManager")
459  .SetGroupName("Lte")
460  .AddConstructor<RrComponentCarrierManager> ()
461  ;
462  return tid;
463 }
466 void
468 {
469  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
471  NS_ASSERT_MSG( m_enabledComponentCarrier.find(params.rnti)!=m_enabledComponentCarrier.end(), " UE with provided RNTI not found. RNTI:"<<params.rnti);
473  uint32_t numberOfCarriersForUe = m_enabledComponentCarrier.find (params.rnti)->second;
474  if (params.lcid == 0 || params.lcid == 1 || numberOfCarriersForUe == 1)
475  {
476  NS_LOG_INFO("Buffer status forwarded to the primary carrier.");
477  auto ueManager = m_ccmRrcSapUser->GetUeManager (params.rnti);
478  m_macSapProvidersMap.at (ueManager->GetComponentCarrierId ())->ReportBufferStatus (params);
479  }
480  else
481  {
482  params.retxQueueSize /= numberOfCarriersForUe;
483  params.txQueueSize /= numberOfCarriersForUe;
484  for ( uint16_t i = 0; i < numberOfCarriersForUe ; i++)
485  {
486  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_macSapProvidersMap.find(i)!=m_macSapProvidersMap.end(), "Mac sap provider does not exist.");
487  m_macSapProvidersMap.find(i)->second->ReportBufferStatus(params);
488  }
489  }
490 }
493 void
495 {
496  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
497  NS_ASSERT_MSG (componentCarrierId == 0, "Received BSR from a ComponentCarrier not allowed, ComponentCarrierId = " << componentCarrierId);
498  NS_ASSERT_MSG (bsr.m_macCeType == MacCeListElement_s::BSR, "Received a Control Message not allowed " << bsr.m_macCeType);
500  // split traffic in uplink equally among carriers
501  uint32_t numberOfCarriersForUe = m_enabledComponentCarrier.find(bsr.m_rnti)->second;
504  {
505  MacCeListElement_s newBsr;
506  newBsr.m_rnti = bsr.m_rnti;
507  // mac control element type, values can be BSR, PHR, CRNTI
508  newBsr.m_macCeType = bsr.m_macCeType;
509  // the power headroom, 64 means no valid phr is available
510  newBsr.m_macCeValue.m_phr = bsr.m_macCeValue.m_phr;
511  // indicates that the CRNTI MAC CE was received. The value is not used.
513  // and value 64 means that the buffer status should not be updated
514  newBsr.m_macCeValue.m_bufferStatus.resize (4);
515  // always all 4 LCGs are present see of 3GPP TS 36.321.
516  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
517  {
518  uint8_t bsrStatusId = bsr.m_macCeValue.m_bufferStatus.at (i);
519  uint32_t bufferSize = BufferSizeLevelBsr::BsrId2BufferSize (bsrStatusId);
520  // here the buffer should be divide among the different sap
521  // since the buffer status report are compressed information
522  // it is needed to use BsrId2BufferSize to uncompress
523  // after the split over all component carriers is is needed to
524  // compress again the information to fit MacCeListElement_s structure
525  // verify how many Component Carrier are enabled per UE
526  newBsr.m_macCeValue.m_bufferStatus.at(i) = BufferSizeLevelBsr::BufferSize2BsrId (bufferSize/numberOfCarriersForUe);
527  }
528  // notify MAC of each component carrier that is enabled for this UE
529  for ( uint16_t i = 0; i < numberOfCarriersForUe ; i++)
530  {
531  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_ccmMacSapProviderMap.find(i)!=m_ccmMacSapProviderMap.end(), "Mac sap provider does not exist.");
532  m_ccmMacSapProviderMap.find(i)->second->ReportMacCeToScheduler(newBsr);
533  }
534  }
535  else
536  {
537  auto ueManager = m_ccmRrcSapUser->GetUeManager (bsr.m_rnti);
538  m_ccmMacSapProviderMap.at (ueManager->GetComponentCarrierId ())->ReportMacCeToScheduler (bsr);
539  }
540 }
542 void
543 RrComponentCarrierManager::DoUlReceiveSr(uint16_t rnti, uint8_t componentCarrierId)
544 {
545  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);
546  NS_UNUSED (componentCarrierId);
547  // split traffic in uplink equally among carriers
548  uint32_t numberOfCarriersForUe = m_enabledComponentCarrier.find (rnti)->second;
550  m_ccmMacSapProviderMap.find (m_lastCcIdForSr)->second->ReportSrToScheduler (rnti);
552  m_lastCcIdForSr++;
553  if (m_lastCcIdForSr > numberOfCarriersForUe - 1)
554  {
555  m_lastCcIdForSr = 0;
556  }
557 }
559 } // end of namespace ns3
virtual Ptr< UeManager > GetUeManager(uint16_t rnti)=0
Get UE manager by RNTI.
LteCcmRrcSapUser * m_ccmRrcSapUser
A pointer to SAP interface of RRC instance, i.e.
virtual void DoInitialize(void)
Initialize() implementation.
Definition: object.cc:353
EnbMacMemberLteMacSapProvider class.
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:190
LteCcmRrcSapProvider * m_ccmRrcSapProvider
A pointer to the SAP interface of the CCM instance to receive API calls from the eNodeB RRC instance...
virtual void DoRemoveUe(uint16_t rnti)
Remove UE.
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by "...
Parameters for LteMacSapUser::NotifyTxOpportunity.
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:103
Register an Object subclass with the TypeId system.
Definition: object-base.h:45
virtual void DoUlReceiveSr(uint16_t rnti, uint8_t componentCarrierId) override
Forward uplink SR to CCM, called by MAC through CCM SAP interface.
NS_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Ipv4AddressGenerator::MaskToIndex(): Impossible")
std::map< uint8_t, LteMacSapProvider * > m_macSapProvidersMap
A map of pointers to real SAP interfaces of MAC instances.
uint8_t qci
QoS Class Identifier.
virtual std::vector< LteCcmRrcSapProvider::LcsConfig > DoSetupDataRadioBearer(EpsBearer bearer, uint8_t bearerId, uint16_t rnti, uint8_t lcid, uint8_t lcGroup, LteMacSapUser *msu)
Setup data radio bearer.
virtual void DoTransmitPdu(LteMacSapProvider::TransmitPduParameters params)
Transmit PDU.
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:205
virtual void DoAddLc(LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo lcInfo, LteMacSapUser *msu)
Add LC.
std::map< uint8_t, double > m_ccPrbOccupancy
The physical resource block occupancy per carrier.
#define NS_UNUSED(x)
Mark a local variable as unused.
Definition: unused.h:36
uint32_t retxQueueSize
the current size of the RLC retransmission queue in bytes
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:73
struct MacCeValue_u m_macCeValue
MAC CE value.
uint16_t rnti
the C-RNTI identifying the UE
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:133
#define NS_LOG_INFO(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_INFO.
Definition: log.h:281
#define NS_FATAL_ERROR(msg)
Report a fatal error with a message and terminate.
Definition: fatal-error.h:162
uint64_t mbrDl
maximum bitrate in downlink
uint8_t m_lastCcIdForSr
Last CCID to which a SR was routed.
uint8_t componentCarrierId
the component carrier id corresponding to the sending Mac istance
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:52
virtual void DoNotifyPrbOccupancy(double prbOccupancy, uint8_t componentCarrierId)
Function implements the function of the SAP interface of CCM instance which is used by MAC to notify ...
uint16_t rnti
the C-RNTI identifying the UE
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:69
virtual void DoNotifyHarqDeliveryFailure()
Notify HARQ delivery failure.
LteCcmMacSapUser * m_ccmMacSapUser
LteCcmMacSapUser is extended version of LteMacSapUser interface.
uint8_t m_crnti
Parameters for LteMacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatus.
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:67
uint8_t lcid
the logical channel id
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:177
uint64_t gbrUl
Guaranteed Bit Rate (bit/s) in uplink.
Definition: eps-bearer.h:43
uint8_t lcid
the logical channel id
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:134
uint16_t componentCarrierId
component carrier ID
virtual void DoReportUeMeas(uint16_t rnti, LteRrcSap::MeasResults measResults)
Implementation of ReportUeMeas.
uint8_t lcId
logical channel identifier
The default component carrier manager that forwards all traffic, the uplink and the downlink...
make Callback use a separate empty type
Definition: empty.h:33
static uint8_t BufferSize2BsrId(uint32_t val)
Convert Buffer size to BSR ID.
Definition: lte-common.cc:191
std::map< uint16_t, std::map< uint8_t, LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo > > m_rlcLcInstantiated
This map contains logical channel configuration per flow Id (rnti, lcid).
virtual void DoReportBufferStatus(LteMacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatusParameters params) override
Report buffer status.
MeasResults structure.
Definition: lte-rrc-sap.h:678
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
Logical Channel information to be passed to CmacSapProvider::ConfigureLc.
Component carrier manager implementation that splits traffic equally among carriers.
virtual void DoUlReceiveMacCe(MacCeListElement_s bsr, uint8_t componentCarrierId)
Forwards uplink BSR to CCM, called by MAC through CCM SAP interface.
uint8_t componentCarrierId
the component carrier id
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:132
virtual LteMacSapUser * DoConfigureSignalBearer(LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo lcinfo, LteMacSapUser *msu)
Configure the signal bearer.
std::map< uint8_t, LteCcmMacSapProvider * > m_ccmMacSapProviderMap
A map of pointers to the SAP interfaces of CCM instance that provides the CCM specific functionalitie...
uint64_t gbrDl
Guaranteed Bit Rate (bit/s) in downlink.
Definition: eps-bearer.h:42
virtual void DoUlReceiveMacCe(MacCeListElement_s bsr, uint8_t componentCarrierId) override
Forwards uplink BSR to CCM, called by MAC through CCM SAP interface.
virtual std::vector< uint8_t > DoReleaseDataRadioBearer(uint16_t rnti, uint8_t lcid)
Release data radio bearer.
std::map< uint16_t, std::map< uint8_t, LteMacSapUser * > > m_ueAttached
The map that contains the rnti, lcid, SAP of the RLC instance.
See section 4.3.14 macCEListElement.
MemberLteCcmRrcSapProvider class.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
uint8_t lcGroup
logical channel group
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
uint64_t mbrUl
Maximum Bit Rate (bit/s) in uplink.
Definition: eps-bearer.h:45
bool IsGbr() const
Definition: eps-bearer.cc:119
uint8_t m_phr
This class contains the specification of EPS Bearers.
Definition: eps-bearer.h:91
uint8_t lcid
the logical channel id corresponding to the sending RLC instance
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:70
uint32_t txQueueSize
the current size of the RLC transmission queue
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:71
virtual void DoInitialize()
Initialize() implementation.
std::map< uint16_t, uint8_t > m_ueState
Map of RRC states per UE (rnti, state), e.g.
enum ns3::EpsBearer::Qci qci
Qos class indicator.
uint8_t measId
measure ID
Definition: lte-rrc-sap.h:680
uint16_t rnti
C-RNTI identifying the UE.
std::vector< uint8_t > m_bufferStatus
buffer status
uint64_t mbrUl
maximum bitrate in uplink
uint64_t gbrUl
guaranteed bitrate in uplink
#define NS_ABORT_MSG_IF(cond, msg)
Abnormal program termination if a condition is true, with a message.
Definition: abort.h:108
GbrQosInformation gbrQosInfo
GBR QOS information.
Definition: eps-bearer.h:131
uint8_t layer
the layer of transmission (MIMO)
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:130
static uint32_t BsrId2BufferSize(uint8_t val)
Convert BSR ID to buffer size.
Definition: lte-common.cc:184
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RLC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Spec...
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:95
MemberLteCcmMacSapUser class.
std::map< uint16_t, uint8_t > m_enabledComponentCarrier
This map tells for each RNTI the number of enabled component carriers.
The class implements Component Carrier Manager (CCM) that operates using the Component Carrier Manage...
virtual void DoNotifyTxOpportunity(LteMacSapUser::TxOpportunityParameters txOpParams)
Notify transmit opportunity.
#define NS_LOG_DEBUG(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_DEBUG.
Definition: log.h:273
LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo lc
LC info.
virtual void DoDispose()
Destructor implementation.
virtual void DoReportBufferStatus(LteMacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatusParameters params)
Report buffer status.
enum ns3::MacCeListElement_s::MacCeType_e m_macCeType
MAC CE type.
Parameters for LteMacSapUser::ReceivePdu.
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:156
uint16_t rnti
the C-RNTI identifying the UE
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:176
#define NS_LOG_ERROR(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_ERROR.
Definition: log.h:257
uint64_t mbrDl
Maximum Bit Rate (bit/s) in downlink.
Definition: eps-bearer.h:44
uint64_t gbrDl
guaranteed bitrate in downlink
LteMacSapProvider * m_macSapProvider
A pointer to main SAP interface of the MAC instance, which is in this case handled by CCM...
a unique identifier for an interface.
Definition: type-id.h:58
virtual void DoAddUe(uint16_t rnti, uint8_t state)
Add UE.
TypeId SetParent(TypeId tid)
Set the parent TypeId.
Definition: type-id.cc:923
virtual void DoUlReceiveSr(uint16_t rnti, uint8_t componentCarrierId)
Forward uplink SR to CCM, called by MAC through CCM SAP interface.
virtual void DoReceivePdu(LteMacSapUser::ReceivePduParameters rxPduParams)
Receive PDU.
bool isGbr
true if the bearer is GBR, false if the bearer is NON-GBR
uint16_t m_noOfComponentCarriers
The number component of carriers that are supported by this eNb.
Parameters for LteMacSapProvider::TransmitPdu.
Definition: lte-mac-sap.h:45