24#include <ns3/nstime.h>
25#include <ns3/object.h>
26#include <ns3/random-variable-stream.h>
A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Container of various random variables to assist in generating web browsing traffic pattern.
uint32_t m_mainObjectSizeMax
Upper bound parameter for m_mainObjectSizeRng;.
Ptr< ExponentialRandomVariable > m_parsingTimeRng
Random variable for determining the length of parsing time (in seconds).
uint32_t m_mainObjectSizeMin
Lower bound parameter for m_mainObjectSizeRng;.
Ptr< LogNormalRandomVariable > m_embeddedObjectSizeRng
Random variable for determining embedded object size (in bytes).
uint32_t m_numOfEmbeddedObjectsScale
Scale parameter for m_numOfEmbeddedObjectsRng.
void SetMainObjectGenerationDelay(Time constant)
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Returns the object TypeId.
Ptr< ConstantRandomVariable > m_requestSizeRng
Random variable for determining request size (in bytes).
void SetEmbeddedObjectGenerationDelay(Time constant)
uint32_t GetMtuSize()
Draws a random value of maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes.
uint32_t m_mainObjectSizeMean
Mean parameter for m_mainObjectSizeRng;.
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
Time GetEmbeddedObjectGenerationDelay()
Returns the constant length of time needed by an HTTP server to generate an embedded object.
void UpdateMainObjectMuAndSigma()
Upon and after object initialization, update random variable Mu and Sigma based on changes to attribu...
void SetMainObjectSizeStdDev(uint32_t stdDev)
Ptr< LogNormalRandomVariable > m_mainObjectSizeRng
Random variable for determining main object size (in bytes).
uint32_t m_embeddedObjectSizeMax
Upper bound parameter for m_embeddedObjectSizeRng.
void SetNumOfEmbeddedObjectsScale(uint32_t scale)
void SetParsingTimeMean(Time mean)
Ptr< ExponentialRandomVariable > m_readingTimeRng
Random variable for determining the length of reading time (in seconds).
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
Ptr< ConstantRandomVariable > m_mainObjectGenerationDelayRng
Random variable for determining the delay needed to generate a main object (in seconds).
Time GetReadingTime()
Draws a random length of time which is spent by a hypothetical human user (HTTP client) to read a web...
Time GetMainObjectGenerationDelay()
Returns the constant length of time needed by an HTTP server to generate a main object.
void SetReadingTimeMean(Time mean)
uint32_t GetRequestSize()
Returns the constant HTTP request size in bytes.
uint32_t GetMainObjectSize()
Draws a random main object size (in bytes) to be sent by an HTTP server.
void SetMainObjectSizeMean(uint32_t mean)
uint32_t m_mainObjectSizeStdDev
Standard deviation parameter for m_mainObjectSizeRng;.
Ptr< ParetoRandomVariable > m_numOfEmbeddedObjectsRng
Random variable for determining the number of embedded objects.
void SetEmbeddedObjectSizeMean(uint32_t mean)
uint32_t GetEmbeddedObjectSize()
Draws a random embedded object size (in bytes) to be sent by an HTTP server.
void SetEmbeddedObjectSizeStdDev(uint32_t stdDev)
void SetNumOfEmbeddedObjectsMax(uint32_t max)
double m_highMtuProbability
High MTU size probability.
uint32_t m_embeddedObjectSizeMean
Mean parameter for m_embeddedObjectSizeRng.
uint32_t m_embeddedObjectSizeStdDev
Standard deviation parameter for m_embeddedObjectSizeRng.
void UpdateEmbeddedObjectMuAndSigma()
Upon and after object initialization, update random variable Mu and Sigma based on changes to attribu...
void SetNumOfEmbeddedObjectsShape(double shape)
uint32_t m_highMtu
Higher MTU size.
uint32_t GetNumOfEmbeddedObjects()
Draws a random integer indicating the number of embedded objects in a main object.
uint32_t m_embeddedObjectSizeMin
Lower bound parameter for m_embeddedObjectSizeRng.
Ptr< ConstantRandomVariable > m_embeddedObjectGenerationDelayRng
Random variable for determining the delay needed to generate an embedded object (in seconds).
void SetRequestSize(uint32_t constant)
Create a new instance with default configuration of random distributions.
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > m_mtuSizeRng
Random variable for determining MTU size (in bytes).
Time GetParsingTime()
Draws a random length of time which simulate the small delay caused by HTTP client looking for any em...
uint32_t m_lowMtu
Lower MTU size.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.