23#include "ns3/wifi-information-element.h"
29#define MAX_SUPPORTED_MCS (77)
57 void Print(std::ostream& os)
const override;
iterator in a Buffer instance
The HT Operation Information Element.
uint8_t GetTxRxMcsSetUnequal() const
Return transmit / receive MCS set unequal.
void SetObssNonHtStasPresent(uint8_t obssNonHtStasPresent)
Set the OBSS non HT STAs present.
uint8_t m_reservedInformationSubset1
reserved information subset 1
uint8_t GetDualBeacon() const
Return dual beacon.
void SetRifsMode(uint8_t rifsMode)
Set the RIFS mode.
uint8_t GetRifsMode() const
Return the RIFS mode.
uint8_t m_obssNonHtStasPresent
OBSS NON HT STAs present.
void SetBasicMcsSet(uint64_t ctrl1, uint64_t ctrl2)
Set the Basic MCS Set field in the HT Operation information element.
uint8_t GetLSigTxopProtectionFullSupport() const
Return LSIG TXOP protection full support.
void SetSecondaryChannelOffset(uint8_t secondaryChannelOffset)
Set the secondary channel offset.
uint8_t GetInformationSubset1() const
Return the Information Subset 1 field in the HT Operation information element.
uint8_t m_reservedInformationSubset3_1
reserved information subset 3-1
uint8_t m_stbcBeacon
STBC beacon.
uint16_t DeserializeInformationField(Buffer::Iterator start, uint16_t length) override
Deserialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)
void SetInformationSubset2(uint16_t ctrl)
Set the Information Subset 2 field in the HT Operation information element.
uint64_t GetBasicMcsSet1() const
Return the first 64 bytes of the Basic MCS Set field in the HT Operation information element.
uint16_t GetInformationFieldSize() const override
Length of serialized information (i.e., the length of the body of the IE, not including the Element I...
uint8_t m_reservedInformationSubset3_2
reserved information subset 3-2
void SetPcoActive(uint8_t pcoActive)
Set the PCO active.
void SetTxUnequalModulation(uint8_t txUnequalModulation)
Set the transmit unequal modulation.
uint8_t m_rifsMode
RIFS mode.
uint8_t m_secondaryChannelOffset
secondary channel offset
uint8_t m_rxMcsBitmask[MAX_SUPPORTED_MCS]
receive MCS bitmask
uint16_t m_rxHighestSupportedDataRate
receive highest supported data rate
void SetInformationSubset3(uint16_t ctrl)
Set the Information Subset 3 field in the HT Operation information element.
void SetHtProtection(uint8_t htProtection)
Set the HT protection.
uint8_t GetTxMcsSetDefined() const
Return transmit MCS set defined.
uint8_t m_staChannelWidth
STA channel width.
uint8_t GetPrimaryChannel() const
Return the Primary Channel field in the HT Operation information element.
void SetTxMaxNSpatialStreams(uint8_t maxTxSpatialStreams)
Set the transmit maximum number spatial streams.
void SerializeInformationField(Buffer::Iterator start) const override
Serialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)
uint8_t m_txUnequalModulation
transmit unequal modulation
uint16_t GetRxHighestSupportedDataRate() const
Return receive highest supported data rate.
void SetTxRxMcsSetUnequal(uint8_t txRxMcsSetUnequal)
Set the transmit / receive MCS set unequal.
uint8_t m_reservedMcsSet1
reserved MCS set 1
uint8_t m_txMaxNSpatialStreams
transmit maximum number spatial streams
WifiInformationElementId ElementId() const override
Get the wifi information element ID.
uint8_t GetPcoActive() const
Return PCO active.
uint16_t GetInformationSubset3() const
Return the Information Subset 3 field in the HT Operation information element.
uint8_t GetStbcBeacon() const
Return STBC beacon.
void Print(std::ostream &os) const override
Generate human-readable form of IE.
uint8_t m_reservedInformationSubset2_1
reserved information subset 2-1
void SetDualBeacon(uint8_t dualBeacon)
Set the dual beacon.
uint8_t m_dualBeacon
dual beacon
uint8_t m_txMcsSetDefined
transmit MCS set defined
void SetNonGfHtStasPresent(uint8_t nonGfHtStasPresent)
Set the non GF HT STAs present.
uint64_t GetBasicMcsSet2() const
Return the last 64 bytes of the Basic MCS Set field in the HT Operation information element.
uint8_t m_dualCtsProtection
dual CTS protection
uint8_t m_lSigTxopProtectionFullSupport
L-SIG TXOP protection full support.
void SetTxMcsSetDefined(uint8_t txMcsSetDefined)
Set the transmit MCS set defined.
uint8_t GetHtProtection() const
Return the HT protection.
uint8_t m_reservedInformationSubset2_2
reserved information subset 2-2
uint8_t GetDualCtsProtection() const
Return dual CTS protection.
uint8_t m_reservedMcsSet2
reserved MCS set2
uint8_t GetStaChannelWidth() const
Return the STA channel width.
void SetLSigTxopProtectionFullSupport(uint8_t lSigTxopProtectionFullSupport)
Set the LSIG TXOP protection full support.
void SetStaChannelWidth(uint8_t staChannelWidth)
Set the STA channel width.
uint8_t GetSecondaryChannelOffset() const
Return the secondary channel offset.
void SetInformationSubset1(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the Information Subset 1 field in the HT Operation information element.
uint16_t GetInformationSubset2() const
Return the Information Subset 2 field in the HT Operation information element.
void SetRxHighestSupportedDataRate(uint16_t maxSupportedRate)
Set the receive highest supported data rate.
uint8_t m_pcoActive
PCO active.
uint8_t GetTxUnequalModulation() const
Return transmit unequal modulation.
void SetRxMcsBitmask(uint8_t index)
Set the receive MCS bitmask.
uint32_t m_reservedMcsSet3
reserved MCS set 3
void SetPrimaryChannel(uint8_t ctrl)
Set the Primary Channel field in the HT Operation information element.
uint8_t GetObssNonHtStasPresent() const
Return the OBSS non HT STAs present.
void SetDualCtsProtection(uint8_t dualCtsProtection)
Set the dual CTS protection.
uint8_t m_htProtection
HT protection.
void SetPhase(uint8_t pcoPhase)
Set the PCO phase.
bool IsSupportedMcs(uint8_t mcs) const
Return MCS is supported.
uint8_t m_txRxMcsSetUnequal
transmit / receive MCS set unequal
uint8_t GetTxMaxNSpatialStreams() const
Return transmit maximum number spatial streams.
uint8_t GetPhase() const
Return phase.
uint8_t GetNonGfHtStasPresent() const
Return the non GF HT STAs present.
uint8_t m_pcoPhase
PCO phase.
uint8_t m_primaryChannel
primary channel
void SetStbcBeacon(uint8_t stbcBeacon)
Set the STBC beacon.
uint8_t m_nonGfHtStasPresent
non GF HT STAs present
This defines the maximum number of supported MCSs that a STA is allowed to have.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
HtProtectionType enumeration.
uint8_t WifiInformationElementId
This type is used to represent an Information Element ID.