318 uint8_t componentCarrierId);
335 uint8_t componentCarrierId);
663 std::vector<std::vector<int>>
An identifier for simulation events.
The LtePhy models the physical layer of LTE.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE PHY to the UE RRC for control purposes.
The LteSpectrumPhy models the physical layer of LTE.
void SetTxMode1Gain(double gain)
Set transmit mode 1 gain function.
SpectrumValue m_dataInterferencePower
data interference power
Time m_ueMeasurementsFilterLast
void SetSubChannelsForTransmission(std::vector< int > mask)
Set a list of sub channels to use in TX.
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
void SetHarqPhyModule(Ptr< LteHarqPhy > harq)
Set the HARQ PHY module.
void DoSetDlBandwidth(uint16_t dlBandwidth)
Set DL bandwidth function.
uint16_t GetNumQinEvalSf() const
Get number of Qin evaluation subframes.
void SetTxMode3Gain(double gain)
Set transmit mode 3 gain function.
uint16_t m_numOfQinEvalSf
the downlink radio link quality is estimated over this period for detecting in-syncs
LteUePhySapUser * m_uePhySapUser
UE Phy SAP user.
uint16_t DoGetCellId()
Get cell ID.
uint16_t m_rsrpSinrSampleCounter
The RsrpSinrSampleCounter attribute.
void(* StateTracedCallback)(uint16_t cellId, uint16_t rnti, State oldState, State newState)
TracedCallback signature for state transition events.
virtual void ReportDataInterference(const SpectrumValue &interf)
Create the mixed CQI report.
void QueueSubChannelsForTransmission(std::vector< int > rbMap)
Queue subchannels for transmission function.
void DoConfigureUplink(uint32_t ulEarfcn, uint16_t ulBandwidth)
Configure UL uplink function.
virtual void ReceivePss(uint16_t cellId, Ptr< SpectrumValue > p)
Receive PSS function.
uint16_t m_srsPeriodicity
SRS periodicity.
void DoResetPhyAfterRlf()
Reset Phy after radio link failure function.
virtual void DoNotifyConnectionSuccessful()
Notify PHY about the successful RRC connection establishment.
bool m_dlConfigured
DL configured?
LteUePhySapProvider * GetLteUePhySapProvider()
Get the PHY SAP provider.
Time m_srsStartTime
SRS start time.
double GetNoiseFigure() const
Get noise figure.
Time m_p10CqiLast
last periodic CQI
std::map< uint16_t, UeMeasurementsElement > m_ueMeasurementsMap
Store measurement results during the last layer-1 filtering period.
TracedCallback< uint16_t, Ptr< SpectrumValue > > m_reportPowerSpectralDensity
The ReportsPowerSpectralDensity trace source.
LteUePhySapProvider * m_uePhySapProvider
UE Phy SAP provider.
void ReportRsReceivedPower(const SpectrumValue &power) override
generate a report based on the linear RS power perceived during CTRL frame NOTE: used only by UE for ...
uint16_t GetNumQoutEvalSf() const
Get number of Qout evaluation subframes.
bool m_rsInterferencePowerUpdated
RS interference power updated?
void(* RsrpRsrqTracedCallback)(uint16_t rnti, uint16_t cellId, double rsrp, double rsrq, bool isServingCell, uint8_t componentCarrierId)
TracedCallback signature for cell RSRP and RSRQ.
virtual void ReceiveLteControlMessageList(std::list< Ptr< LteControlMessage > > msgList)
Receive LTE control message list function.
void DoSendMacPdu(Ptr< Packet > p) override
Queue the MAC PDU to be sent (according to m_macChTtiDelay)
Ptr< SpectrumValue > m_noisePsd
Noise power spectral density for the configured bandwidth.
void GenerateCtrlCqiReport(const SpectrumValue &sinr) override
generate a CQI report based on the given SINR of Ctrl frame
uint32_t DoGetDlEarfcn()
double ComputeAvgSinr(const SpectrumValue &sinr)
Compute average SINR among the RBs.
void SetLteUePhySapUser(LteUePhySapUser *s)
Set the PHY SAP User.
virtual void DoSendRachPreamble(uint32_t prachId, uint32_t raRnti)
Send RACH preamble function.
void DoStartCellSearch(uint32_t dlEarfcn)
Start the cell search function.
void SetTxMode6Gain(double gain)
Set transmit mode 6 gain function.
LteUeCphySapProvider * m_ueCphySapProvider
UE CPhy SAP provider.
Ptr< SpectrumValue > CreateTxPowerSpectralDensity() override
Create the PSD for the TX.
std::vector< std::vector< int > > m_subChannelsForTransmissionQueue
subchannels for transmission queue
void DoReset()
Do Reset function.
void SetNumQoutEvalSf(uint16_t numSubframes)
Set number of Qout evaluation subframes.
State m_state
The current UE PHY state.
bool m_pssReceived
PSS received?
TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint16_t, double, double, uint8_t > m_reportCurrentCellRsrpSinrTrace
The ReportCurrentCellRsrpSinr trace source.
void DoSetImsi(uint64_t imsi)
void SetTxMode2Gain(double gain)
Set transmit mode 2 gain function.
void DoSetRsrpFilterCoefficient(uint8_t rsrpFilterCoefficient)
Do set RSRP filter coefficient.
uint8_t GetMacChDelay() const
Get MAC to Channel delay.
Ptr< LteUePowerControl > m_powerControl
Pointer to UE Uplink Power Control entity.
void DoConfigureReferenceSignalPower(int8_t referenceSignalPower)
Configure reference signal power function.
std::list< PssElement > m_pssList
PSS list.
void SubframeIndication(uint32_t frameNo, uint32_t subframeNo)
trigger from eNB the start from a new frame
Ptr< LteUePowerControl > GetUplinkPowerControl() const
Get Uplink power control.
void RlfDetection(double sinrdB)
Radio link failure detection function.
std::vector< double > m_txModeGain
the transmit mode gain
State GetState() const
Get state of the UE physical layer.
SpectrumValue m_rsReceivedPower
RS receive power.
void DoSynchronizeWithEnb(uint16_t cellId)
Synchronize with ENB function.
void DoSetSrsConfigurationIndex(uint16_t srcCi)
Set SRS configuration index function.
uint16_t m_srsSubframeOffset
SRS subframe offset.
uint16_t m_srsConfigured
SRS configured.
uint16_t m_rsrpSinrSamplePeriod
The RsrpSinrSamplePeriod attribute.
uint64_t m_imsi
the IMSI of the UE
bool m_enableUplinkPowerControl
The EnableUplinkPowerControl attribute.
Ptr< LteSpectrumPhy > GetDlSpectrumPhy() const
Get Downlink spectrum phy.
void SetTxMode5Gain(double gain)
Set transmit mode 5 gain function.
void DoSetTransmissionMode(uint8_t txMode)
Set transmission mode function.
bool m_enableRlfDetection
Flag to enable/disable RLF detection.
Time m_a30CqiLast
last aperiodic CQI
void GenerateCqiRsrpRsrq(const SpectrumValue &sinr)
Get CQI, RSRP, and RSRQ.
SpectrumValue m_rsInterferencePower
RS interference power.
void DoResetRlfParams()
Reset radio link failure parameters.
void SetDownlinkCqiPeriodicity(Time cqiPeriodicity)
Set the periodicty for the downlink periodic wideband and aperiodic subband CQI reporting.
Ptr< LteHarqPhy > m_harqPhyModule
HARQ phy module.
void(* PowerSpectralDensityTracedCallback)(uint16_t rnti, Ptr< SpectrumValue > psd)
TracedCallback signature for spectral value.
EventId m_sendSrsEvent
send SRS event
double m_qIn
The 'Qin' attribute.
void SetNoiseFigure(double nf)
Set noise figure.
void DoSetPa(double pa)
Set PA function.
Ptr< DlCqiLteControlMessage > CreateDlCqiFeedbackMessage(const SpectrumValue &sinr)
Create the DL CQI feedback from SINR values perceived at the physical layer with the signal received ...
LteUeCphySapUser * m_ueCphySapUser
UE CPhy SAP user.
void SetNumQinEvalSf(uint16_t numSubframes)
Set number of Qin evaluation subframes.
void SetLteUeCphySapUser(LteUeCphySapUser *s)
Set the CPHY SAP User.
double m_sinrDbFrame
the average SINR per radio frame
void(* UlPhyResourceBlocksTracedCallback)(uint16_t rnti, const std::vector< int > &rbs)
TracedCallback signature for UL Phy resource blocks.
TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint16_t, State, State > m_stateTransitionTrace
The StateTransition trace source.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
void SetSubChannelsForReception(std::vector< int > mask)
Get a list of sub channels to use in RX.
bool m_rsReceivedPowerUpdated
RS receive power updated?
void SwitchToState(State s)
Switch the UE PHY to the given state.
TracedCallback< uint16_t, uint16_t, double, double, bool, uint8_t > m_reportUeMeasurements
The ReportUeMeasurements trace source.
double m_paLinear
PA linear.
TracedCallback< PhyTransmissionStatParameters > m_ulPhyTransmission
The UlPhyTransmission trace source.
bool m_isConnected
set when UE RRC is in CONNECTED_NORMALLY state
std::vector< int > m_subChannelsForReception
A list of sub channels to use in RX.
void InitializeRlfParams()
Initialize radio link failure parameters.
std::vector< int > GetSubChannelsForTransmission()
Get a list of sub channels to use in RX.
void PhyPduReceived(Ptr< Packet > p)
PhySpectrum received a new PHY-PDU.
LteUeCphySapProvider * GetLteUeCphySapProvider()
Get the CPHY SAP provider.
bool m_ulConfigured
UL configured?
SpectrumValue m_ctrlSinrForRlf
the CTRL SINR used for RLF detection
Time m_ueMeasurementsFilterPeriod
The UeMeasurementsFilterPeriod attribute.
void GenerateDataCqiReport(const SpectrumValue &sinr) override
generate a CQI report based on the given SINR of Data frame (used for PUSCH CQIs)
uint16_t m_numOfFrames
count the number of frames for which the downlink radio link quality is estimated
bool m_downlinkInSync
when set, DL SINR evaluation for out-of-sync indications is conducted.
uint16_t m_numOfQoutEvalSf
the downlink radio link quality is estimated over this period for detecting out-of-syncs
void SetTxMode7Gain(double gain)
Set transmit mode 7 gain function.
void DoSetRnti(uint16_t rnti)
Set RNTI function.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
double GetTxPower() const
Get transmit power.
virtual void EnqueueDlHarqFeedback(DlInfoListElement_s mes)
Enqueue the downlink HARQ feedback generated by LteSpectrumPhy.
std::vector< int > m_subChannelsForTransmission
A list of sub channels to use in TX.
Time m_p10CqiPeriodicity
Wideband Periodic CQI. 2, 5, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80 or 160 ms.
bool m_dataInterferencePowerUpdated
data interference power updated?
void SetTxPower(double pow)
Set transmit power.
The states of the UE PHY entity.
uint16_t m_numOfSubframes
count the number of subframes for which the downlink radio link quality is estimated
void SetTxMode4Gain(double gain)
Set transmit mode 4 gain function.
virtual void DoSendLteControlMessage(Ptr< LteControlMessage > msg)
Send LTE control message function.
Time m_a30CqiPeriodicity
SubBand Aperiodic CQI.
TracedCallback< uint16_t, const std::vector< int > & > m_reportUlPhyResourceBlocks
The ReportUlPhyResourceBlocks trace source.
void ReportInterference(const SpectrumValue &interf) override
generate a report based on the linear interference and noise power perceived during DATA frame NOTE: ...
std::vector< int > GetSubChannelsForReception()
Get a list of sub channels to use in RX.
Ptr< LteSpectrumPhy > GetUlSpectrumPhy() const
Get Uplink spectrum phy.
void ReportUeMeasurements()
Layer-1 filtering of RSRP and RSRQ measurements and reporting to the RRC entity.
double m_pssReceptionThreshold
The RsrqUeMeasThreshold attribute.
uint32_t m_raPreambleId
RA preamble ID.
double m_qOut
The 'Qout' attribute.
void DoStartInSyncDetection()
Start in Sync detection function.
void SendSrs()
Send the SRS signal in the last symbols of the frame.
void(* RsrpSinrTracedCallback)(uint16_t cellId, uint16_t rnti, double rsrp, double sinr, uint8_t componentCarrierId)
TracedCallback signature for cell RSRP and SINR report.
virtual void GenerateMixedCqiReport(const SpectrumValue &sinr)
Create the mixed CQI report.
uint8_t m_transmissionMode
the transmission mode
void SetTxModeGain(uint8_t txMode, double gain)
Set transmit mode gain function.
uint32_t m_raRnti
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UE-PHY to the UE-MAC.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the PHY to the MAC.
Template for the implementation of the LteUeCphySapProvider as a member of an owner class of type C t...
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Set of values corresponding to a given SpectrumModel.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
UeMemberLteUePhySapProvider class.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
See section 4.3.23 dlInfoListElement.
double pssPsdSum
PSS PSD sum.
Summary results of measuring a specific cell. Used for layer-1 filtering.
double rsrqSum
Sum of RSRQ sample values in linear unit.
uint8_t rsrpNum
Number of RSRP samples.
double rsrpSum
Sum of RSRP sample values in linear unit.
uint8_t rsrqNum
Number of RSRQ samples.