28#include <ns3/object.h>
364 std::map<uint16_t, LteEnbRrcSapUser::SetupUeParameters>
366 std::map<uint16_t, LteEnbRrcSapProvider::CompleteSetupUeParameters>
Models the transmission of RRC messages from the UE to the eNB in a real fashion, by creating real RR...
void DoSendRrcConnectionRelease(uint16_t rnti, LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionRelease msg)
Send RRC connection release function.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
std::map< uint16_t, LteEnbRrcSapProvider::CompleteSetupUeParameters > m_completeSetupUeParametersMap
complete setup UE parameters map
void SendSystemInformation(uint16_t cellId, LteRrcSap::SystemInformation msg)
Send system information function.
void DoSetupUe(uint16_t rnti, LteEnbRrcSapUser::SetupUeParameters params)
Setup UE function.
LteUeRrcSapProvider * GetUeRrcSapProvider(uint16_t rnti)
Get UE RRC SAP provider function.
void SetCellId(uint16_t cellId)
Set cell ID function.
void DoReceivePdcpSdu(LtePdcpSapUser::ReceivePdcpSduParameters params)
Receive PDCP SDU function.
void DoSendRrcConnectionReestablishmentReject(uint16_t rnti, LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionReestablishmentReject msg)
Send RRC connection reestabishment reject function.
void DoSendSystemInformation(uint16_t cellId, LteRrcSap::SystemInformation msg)
Send system information function.
void DoReceivePdcpPdu(uint16_t rnti, Ptr< Packet > p)
Receive PDCP PDU function.
LteEnbRrcSapProvider * m_enbRrcSapProvider
ENB RRC SAP provider.
Ptr< Packet > DoEncodeHandoverCommand(LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionReconfiguration msg)
Encode handover command function.
LteEnbRrcSapUser * GetLteEnbRrcSapUser()
Get LTE ENB RRC SAP user function.
void DoSendRrcConnectionSetup(uint16_t rnti, LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionSetup msg)
Send RRC connection setup function.
uint16_t m_cellId
the cell ID
~LteEnbRrcProtocolReal() override
void DoRemoveUe(uint16_t rnti)
Remove UE function.
Ptr< Packet > DoEncodeHandoverPreparationInformation(LteRrcSap::HandoverPreparationInfo msg)
Encode handover preparation information function.
void SetLteEnbRrcSapProvider(LteEnbRrcSapProvider *p)
Set LTE ENB RRC SAP provider function.
LteEnbRrcSapUser * m_enbRrcSapUser
void DoSendRrcConnectionReject(uint16_t rnti, LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionReject msg)
Send RRC connection reject function.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
std::map< uint16_t, LteEnbRrcSapUser::SetupUeParameters > m_setupUeParametersMap
setup UE parameters map
LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionReconfiguration DoDecodeHandoverCommand(Ptr< Packet > p)
Decode handover command function.
LteRrcSap::HandoverPreparationInfo DoDecodeHandoverPreparationInformation(Ptr< Packet > p)
Decode handover preparation information function.
void DoSendRrcConnectionReestablishment(uint16_t rnti, LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionReestablishment msg)
Send RRC connection reestabishment function.
void SetUeRrcSapProvider(uint16_t rnti, LteUeRrcSapProvider *p)
Set UE RRC SAP provider function.
void DoSendRrcConnectionReconfiguration(uint16_t rnti, LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionReconfiguration msg)
Send RRC connection reconfiguration function.
std::map< uint16_t, LteUeRrcSapProvider * > m_enbRrcSapProviderMap
ENB RRC SAP provider map.
Part of the RRC protocol.
Part of the RRC protocol.
LtePdcpSpecificLtePdcpSapUser class.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the UM-RLC and AM-RLC entities to the PDCP entity See 3GPP 36....
LteRlcSpecificLteRlcSapUser class.
Models the transmission of RRC messages from the UE to the eNB in a real fashion, by creating real RR...
LteEnbRrcSapProvider * m_enbRrcSapProvider
ENB RRC SAP provider.
LteUeRrcSapProvider * m_ueRrcSapProvider
UE RRC SAP provider.
LteUeRrcSapUser::SetupParameters m_setupParameters
setup parameters
void SetEnbRrcSapProvider()
Set ENB RRC SAP provider.
void DoSendRrcConnectionReconfigurationCompleted(LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionReconfigurationCompleted msg)
Send RRC connection reconfiguration setup completed function.
~LteUeRrcProtocolReal() override
void SetLteUeRrcSapProvider(LteUeRrcSapProvider *p)
Set LTE UE RRC SAP provider function.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
void DoSendRrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest(LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest msg) const
Send RRC connection reestablishment request function.
void DoReceivePdcpPdu(Ptr< Packet > p)
Receive PDCP PDU function.
void DoSendRrcConnectionReestablishmentComplete(LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionReestablishmentComplete msg) const
Send RRC connection reestablishment complete function.
Ptr< LteUeRrc > m_rrc
the RRC
void DoReceivePdcpSdu(LtePdcpSapUser::ReceivePdcpSduParameters params)
Receive PDCP SDU function.
void DoSetup(LteUeRrcSapUser::SetupParameters params)
Setup function.
void DoSendRrcConnectionSetupCompleted(LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionSetupCompleted msg) const
Send RRC connection setup completed function.
void SetUeRrc(Ptr< LteUeRrc > rrc)
Set UE RRC function.
LteUeRrcSapUser * m_ueRrcSapUser
UE RRC SAP user.
void DoSendMeasurementReport(LteRrcSap::MeasurementReport msg)
Send measurement report function.
LteUeRrcSapUser * GetLteUeRrcSapUser()
Get LTE UE RRC SAP user function.
void DoSendIdealUeContextRemoveRequest(uint16_t rnti)
Send ideal UE context remove request function.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
void DoSendRrcConnectionRequest(LteRrcSap::RrcConnectionRequest msg)
Send RRC connection request function.
LteUeRrcSapProvider::CompleteSetupParameters m_completeSetupParameters
complete setup parameters
Part of the RRC protocol.
Part of the RRC protocol.
Template for the implementation of the LteEnbRrcSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to wh...
Template for the implementation of the LteUeRrcSapUser as a member of an owner class of type C to whi...
A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
RealProtocolRlcSapUser class.
LteEnbRrcProtocolReal * m_pdcp
void ReceivePdcpPdu(Ptr< Packet > p) override
Called by the RLC entity to notify the PDCP entity of the reception of a new PDCP PDU.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
SetupUeParameters structure.
Parameters for LtePdcpSapUser::ReceivePdcpSdu.
HandoverPreparationInfo structure.
MeasurementReport structure.
RrcConnectionReconfigurationCompleted structure.
RrcConnectionReconfiguration structure.
RrcConnectionReestablishmentComplete structure.
RrcConnectionReestablishment structure.
RrcConnectionReestablishmentReject structure.
RrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest structure.
RrcConnectionReject structure.
RrcConnectionRelease structure.
RrcConnectionRequest structure.
RrcConnectionSetupCompleted structure.
RrcConnectionSetup structure.
CompleteSetupParameters structure.
SetupParameters structure.