30#include "ns3/antenna-model.h"
41struct SpectrumSignalParameters;
42class WifiSpectrumPhyInterface;
43struct WifiSpectrumSignalParameters;
61 friend class ::SpectrumWifiPhyFilterTest;
165 std::map<FrequencyRange, Ptr<WifiSpectrumPhyInterface>>
203 uint16_t width)
Spectrum Wifi Phy Filter Test.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
~SpectrumWifiPhy() override
TracedCallback< bool, uint32_t, double, Time > m_signalCb
Signal callback.
std::tuple< double, double, double > GetTxMaskRejectionParams() const override
bool CanStartRx(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu, uint16_t txChannelWidth) const
Determine whether the PHY shall issue a PHY-RXSTART.indication primitive in response to a given PPDU.
void SetDevice(const Ptr< WifiNetDevice > device) override
Sets the device this PHY is associated with.
void Transmit(Ptr< WifiSpectrumSignalParameters > txParams)
This function is sending the signal to the Spectrum channel after finishing the configuration of the ...
void StartRx(Ptr< SpectrumSignalParameters > rxParams, Ptr< const WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > interface)
Input method for delivering a signal from the spectrum channel and low-level PHY interface to this Sp...
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
std::map< FrequencyRange, Ptr< WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > > m_spectrumPhyInterfaces
Spectrum PHY interfaces.
Ptr< AntennaModel > m_antenna
antenna model
FrequencyRange GetCurrentFrequencyRange() const override
Get the frequency range of the current RF interface.
Ptr< const WifiPpdu > GetRxPpduFromTxPpdu(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu)
Determine the WifiPpdu to be used by the RX PHY based on the WifiPpdu sent by the TX PHY.
Ptr< WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > GetInterfaceCoveringChannelBand(uint16_t frequency, uint16_t width) const
Get the spectrum PHY interface that covers a band portion of the RF channel.
Ptr< AntennaModel > GetAntenna() const
Get the antenna model used for reception.
void(* SignalArrivalCallback)(bool signalType, uint32_t senderNodeId, double rxPower, Time duration)
Callback invoked when the PHY model starts to process a signal.
Ptr< Channel > GetChannel() const override
Return the Channel this WifiPhy is connected to.
void AddChannel(const Ptr< SpectrumChannel > channel, const FrequencyRange &freqRange=WHOLE_WIFI_SPECTRUM)
Attach a SpectrumChannel to use for a given frequency range.
Ptr< WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > m_currentSpectrumPhyInterface
The current Spectrum PHY interface (held for performance reasons)
Ptr< WifiSpectrumPhyInterface > GetCurrentInterface() const
Get the currently active spectrum PHY interface.
double m_txMaskInnerBandMinimumRejection
The minimum rejection (in dBr) for the inner band of the transmit spectrum mask.
bool m_trackSignalsInactiveInterfaces
flag whether signals coming from inactive spectrum PHY interfaces are tracked
double m_txMaskOuterBandMinimumRejection
The minimum rejection (in dBr) for the outer band of the transmit spectrum mask.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
uint16_t GetGuardBandwidth(uint16_t currentChannelWidth) const override
void ResetSpectrumModelIfNeeded()
Perform run-time spectrum model change if the one used by the current Spectrum PHY interface has chan...
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
void SetAntenna(const Ptr< AntennaModel > antenna)
double m_txMaskOuterBandMaximumRejection
The maximum rejection (in dBr) for the outer band of the transmit spectrum mask.
WifiSpectrumBandInfo GetBand(uint16_t bandWidth, uint8_t bandIndex=0) override
Get the info of a given band.
bool m_disableWifiReception
forces this PHY to fail to sync on any signal
void UpdateInterferenceHelperBands()
This function is called to update the bands handled by the InterferenceHelper.
void StartTx(Ptr< const WifiPpdu > ppdu) override
void DoChannelSwitch() override
Actually switch channel based on the stored channel settings.
WifiSpectrumBandFrequencies ConvertIndicesToFrequencies(const WifiSpectrumBandIndices &indices) const override
This is a helper function to convert start and stop indices to start and stop frequencies.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t > WifiSpectrumBandFrequencies
typedef for a pair of start and stop frequencies in Hz to represent a band
constexpr FrequencyRange WHOLE_WIFI_SPECTRUM
Identifier for the frequency range covering the whole wifi spectrum.
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > WifiSpectrumBandIndices
typedef for a pair of start and stop sub-band indices
Struct defining a frequency range between minFrequency (MHz) and maxFrequency (MHz).
WifiSpectrumBandInfo structure containing info about a spectrum band.