32class LteUeCcmRrcSapProvider;
112 virtual std::vector<LteUeCcmRrcSapProvider::LcsConfig>
121 std::vector<uint16_t>
DoRemoveLc(uint8_t lcid);
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RLC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Spec...
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RLC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Spec...
The abstract base class of a Component Carrier Manager* for UE that operates using the component carr...
MemberLteUeCcmRrcSapProvider class.
SimpleUeCcmMacSapProvider class.
SimpleUeCcmMacSapUser class.
Component carrier manager implementation which simply does nothing.
std::vector< uint16_t > DoRemoveLc(uint8_t lcid)
Remove LC function.
virtual void DoReportBufferStatus(LteMacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatusParameters params)
Report buffer status function.
LteMacSapUser * m_ccmMacSapUser
Interface to the UE RLC instance.
~SimpleUeComponentCarrierManager() override
void DoReportUeMeas(uint16_t rnti, LteRrcSap::MeasResults measResults)
Report Ue Measure function.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
LteMacSapProvider * GetLteMacSapProvider() override
Returns the MAC sap provider interface that if forwarding calls to the instance of the LteUeComponent...
void DoTransmitPdu(LteMacSapProvider::TransmitPduParameters params)
Transmit PDU function.
void DoReset()
Reset LC map.
void DoNotifyHarqDeliveryFailure()
Notify HARQ deliver failure.
void DoNotifyTxOpportunity(LteMacSapUser::TxOpportunityParameters txOpParams)
Notify TX opportunity function.
virtual std::vector< LteUeCcmRrcSapProvider::LcsConfig > DoAddLc(uint8_t lcId, LteUeCmacSapProvider::LogicalChannelConfig lcConfig, LteMacSapUser *msu)
Add LC function.
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
Creates a No-op CCS algorithm instance.
LteMacSapProvider * m_ccmMacSapProvider
Receive API calls from the UE RLC instance.
void DoReceivePdu(LteMacSapUser::ReceivePduParameters rxPduParams)
Receive PDU function.
virtual LteMacSapUser * DoConfigureSignalBearer(uint8_t lcId, LteUeCmacSapProvider::LogicalChannelConfig lcConfig, LteMacSapUser *msu)
Configure signal bearer function.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
Parameters for LteMacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatus.
Parameters for LteMacSapProvider::TransmitPdu.
Parameters for LteMacSapUser::ReceivePdu.
Parameters for LteMacSapUser::NotifyTxOpportunity.
LogicalChannelConfig structure.