49 void Print(std::ostream& os)
const override;
iterator in a Buffer instance
The Extended Supported Rates Information Element.
WifiInformationElementId ElementId() const override
Get the wifi information element ID.
The Supported Rates Information Element.
void Print(std::ostream &os) const override
Generate human-readable form of IE.
void SerializeInformationField(Buffer::Iterator start) const override
Serialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)
uint16_t GetInformationFieldSize() const override
Length of serialized information (i.e., the length of the body of the IE, not including the Element I...
uint16_t DeserializeInformationField(Buffer::Iterator start, uint16_t length) override
Deserialize information (i.e., the body of the IE, not including the Element ID and length octets)
std::vector< uint8_t > m_rates
List of supported bit rates (divided by 500000)
WifiInformationElementId ElementId() const override
Get the wifi information element ID.
uint32_t GetRate(uint8_t i) const
Return the rate (converted back to raw value) at the given index.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
uint8_t WifiInformationElementId
This type is used to represent an Information Element ID.
Struct containing all supported rates.
SupportedRates rates
supported rates
void SetBasicRate(uint64_t bs)
Set the given rate to basic rates.
bool IsBssMembershipSelectorRate(uint64_t bs) const
Check if the given rate is a BSS membership selector value.
std::optional< ExtendedSupportedRatesIE > extendedRates
supported extended rates
void AddBssMembershipSelectorRate(uint64_t bs)
Add a special value to the supported rate set, corresponding to a BSS membership selector.
uint8_t GetNRates() const
Return the number of supported rates.
bool IsBasicRate(uint64_t bs) const
Check if the given rate is a basic rate.
void AddSupportedRate(uint64_t bs)
Add the given rate to the supported rates.
bool IsSupportedRate(uint64_t bs) const
Check if the given rate is supported.