29#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
30#include "ns3/mac48-address.h"
This class implements the DSA-RSP message described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan ar...
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
This class is used by the base station to store some information related to subscriber station in the...
void SetModulationType(WimaxPhy::ModulationType modulationType)
Set modulation type.
bool GetHasServiceFlowUgs() const
Check if at least one flow has scheduling type SF_TYPE_UGS.
Cid GetBasicCid() const
Get basic CID.
WimaxNetDevice::RangingStatus GetRangingStatus() const
Get ranging status.
void SetMacAddress(Mac48Address macAddress)
Set MAC address.
WimaxNetDevice::RangingStatus m_rangingStatus
ranging status
void SetDsaRspRetries(uint8_t dsaRspRetries)
Set DSA response retries.
void AddServiceFlow(ServiceFlow *serviceFlow)
Add service flow.
Ipv4Address m_IPAddress
IP address.
void SetRangingStatus(WimaxNetDevice::RangingStatus rangingStatus)
Set ranging status.
void SetPollMeBit(bool pollMeBit)
Set poll ME bit.
uint8_t GetInvitedRangRetries() const
Get invited range retries.
Mac48Address m_macAddress
MAC address.
void IncrementRangingCorrectionRetries()
Increment ranging correction retries.
void IncrementDsaRspRetries()
Increment DAS response retries.
bool GetPollForRanging() const
Get poll for ranging.
DsaRsp GetDsaRsp() const
Get DSA response.
uint16_t GetSfTransactionId() const
Get SF transaction ID.
void SetDsaRsp(DsaRsp dsaRsp)
Set DSA response.
uint8_t GetRangingCorrectionRetries() const
Get ranging correction retries.
void SetIsBroadcastSS(bool broadcast_enable)
Set is broadcast SS.
void Initialize()
bool GetHasServiceFlowRtps() const
Check if at least one flow has scheduling type SF_TYPE_RTPS.
void EnablePollForRanging()
Enable poll for ranging function.
void ResetRangingCorrectionRetries()
Reset ranging correction retries.
void ResetInvitedRangingRetries()
Reset invited ranging retries.
void SetPrimaryCid(Cid primaryCid)
Set primary CID.
void SetBasicCid(Cid basicCid)
Set basic CID.
uint8_t m_dsaRspRetries
DAS response retries.
void DisablePollForRanging()
Disable poll for ranging.
uint8_t GetDsaRspRetries() const
Get DSA response retries.
bool GetPollMeBit() const
Get poll ME bit.
bool m_pollForRanging
poll for ranging
std::vector< ServiceFlow * > * m_serviceFlows
service flows
bool m_broadcast
bool m_pollMeBit
if PM (poll me) bit set for this SS
std::vector< ServiceFlow * > GetServiceFlows(ServiceFlow::SchedulingType schedulingType) const
Get service flows.
uint8_t m_invitedRangingRetries
invited ranging retries
WimaxPhy::ModulationType m_modulationType
least robust burst profile (modulation type) for this SS
void SetIPAddress(Ipv4Address IPaddress)
Set IP address.
bool GetAreServiceFlowsAllocated() const
Check if service flows are allocated.
Cid m_primaryCid
primary CID
Mac48Address GetMacAddress() const
Get MAC address.
void SetAreServiceFlowsAllocated(bool val)
Set are service flows allocated.
bool GetIsBroadcastSS() const
Get is broadcast SS.
Ipv4Address GetIPAddress()
Get IP address.
bool m_areServiceFlowsAllocated
are service floes allowed
WimaxPhy::ModulationType GetModulationType() const
Get modulation type.
void SetSfTransactionId(uint16_t sfTransactionId)
Set SF transaction ID.
bool GetHasServiceFlowNrtps() const
Check if at least one flow has scheduling type SF_TYPE_NRTPS.
void IncrementInvitedRangingRetries()
Increment invited ranging retries.
Cid GetPrimaryCid() const
Get primary CID.
uint16_t m_sfTransactionId
SF transaction ID.
bool GetHasServiceFlowBe() const
Check if at least one flow has scheduling type SF_TYPE_BE.
uint8_t m_rangingCorrectionRetries
ranging correction retries
DsaRsp m_dsaRsp
DSA response.
This class implements service flows as described by the IEEE-802.16 standard.
section 11.13.11 Service flow scheduling type, page 701
RangingStatus enumeration.
ModulationType enumeration.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.