A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasConfig Struct Reference

MeasConfig structure. More...

#include "lte-rrc-sap.h"

+ Collaboration diagram for ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasConfig:

Public Attributes

bool haveMeasGapConfig
 have measure gap config?
bool haveQuantityConfig
 have quantity config?
bool haveSmeasure
 have S measure?
bool haveSpeedStatePars
 have speed state parameters?
MeasGapConfig measGapConfig
 measure gap config
std::list< MeasIdToAddModmeasIdToAddModList
 measure ID to add mod list
std::list< uint8_t > measIdToRemoveList
 measure ID to remove list
std::list< MeasObjectToAddModmeasObjectToAddModList
 measure object to add mod list
std::list< uint8_t > measObjectToRemoveList
 measure object to remove list
QuantityConfig quantityConfig
 quantity config
std::list< ReportConfigToAddModreportConfigToAddModList
 report config to add mod list
std::list< uint8_t > reportConfigToRemoveList
 report config to remove list
uint8_t sMeasure
 S measure.
SpeedStatePars speedStatePars
 speed state parameters

Detailed Description

MeasConfig structure.

Definition at line 541 of file lte-rrc-sap.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ haveMeasGapConfig

◆ haveQuantityConfig

◆ haveSmeasure

◆ haveSpeedStatePars

◆ measGapConfig

MeasGapConfig ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasConfig::measGapConfig

◆ measIdToAddModList

◆ measIdToRemoveList

std::list<uint8_t> ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasConfig::measIdToRemoveList

◆ measObjectToAddModList

std::list<MeasObjectToAddMod> ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasConfig::measObjectToAddModList

◆ measObjectToRemoveList

std::list<uint8_t> ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasConfig::measObjectToRemoveList

◆ quantityConfig

◆ reportConfigToAddModList

◆ reportConfigToRemoveList

std::list<uint8_t> ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasConfig::reportConfigToRemoveList

◆ sMeasure

uint8_t ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasConfig::sMeasure

◆ speedStatePars

SpeedStatePars ns3::LteRrcSap::MeasConfig::speedStatePars

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: