A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (c) 2008,2009 IITP RAS
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
5 *
6 * Authors: Kirill Andreev <andreev@iitp.ru>
7 */
12#include "ns3/event-id.h"
13#include "ns3/mesh-l2-routing-protocol.h"
14#include "ns3/nstime.h"
15#include "ns3/traced-value.h"
17#include <map>
18#include <vector>
20namespace ns3
22class MeshPointDevice;
23class Packet;
24class Mac48Address;
25class UniformRandomVariable;
26class RandomVariableStream;
28namespace dot11s
30class HwmpProtocolMac;
31class HwmpRtable;
32class IePerr;
33class IePreq;
34class IePrep;
37 * Structure to encapsulate route change information
38 */
41 std::string type; ///< type of change
42 Mac48Address destination; ///< route destination
43 Mac48Address retransmitter; ///< route source
44 uint32_t interface; ///< interface index
45 uint32_t metric; ///< metric of route
46 Time lifetime; ///< lifetime of route
47 uint32_t seqnum; ///< sequence number of route
51 * @ingroup dot11s
52 *
53 * @brief Hybrid wireless mesh protocol -- a mesh routing protocol defined
54 * in IEEE 802.11-2012 standard.
55 */
58 public:
59 /**
60 * @brief Get the type ID.
61 * @return the object TypeId
62 */
63 static TypeId GetTypeId();
66 ~HwmpProtocol() override;
68 // Delete copy constructor and assignment operator to avoid misuse
69 HwmpProtocol(const HwmpProtocol&) = delete;
72 void DoDispose() override;
74 /**
75 * @brief structure of unreachable destination - address and sequence number
76 */
78 {
79 Mac48Address destination; ///< destination address
80 uint32_t seqnum; ///< sequence number
81 };
83 /**
84 * Route request, inherited from MeshL2RoutingProtocol
85 *
86 * @param sourceIface the source interface
87 * @param source the source address
88 * @param destination the destination address
89 * @param packet the packet to route
90 * @param protocolType the protocol type
91 * @param routeReply the route reply
92 * @returns true if route exists
93 */
94 bool RequestRoute(uint32_t sourceIface,
95 const Mac48Address source,
96 const Mac48Address destination,
97 Ptr<const Packet> packet,
98 uint16_t protocolType,
99 RouteReplyCallback routeReply) override;
100 /**
101 * Clean HWMP packet tag from packet; only the packet parameter is used
102 *
103 * @param fromIface the from interface
104 * @param source the source address
105 * @param destination the destination address
106 * @param packet the packet to route
107 * @param protocolType the protocol type
108 * @returns true if successful
109 */
110 bool RemoveRoutingStuff(uint32_t fromIface,
111 const Mac48Address source,
112 const Mac48Address destination,
113 Ptr<Packet> packet,
114 uint16_t& protocolType) override;
115 /**
116 * @brief Install HWMP on given mesh point.
117 * @param mp the MeshPointDevice
118 * @returns true if successful
119 *
120 * Installing protocol causes installation of its interface MAC plugins.
121 *
122 * Also MP aggregates all installed protocols, HWMP protocol can be accessed
123 * via MeshPointDevice::GetObject<dot11s::HwmpProtocol>();
124 */
126 /**
127 * Peer link status function
128 * @param meshPointAddress The MAC address of the mesh point
129 * @param peerAddress The MAC address of the peer
130 * @param interface The interface number
131 * @param status The status of the peer link
132 */
133 void PeerLinkStatus(Mac48Address meshPointAddress,
134 Mac48Address peerAddress,
135 uint32_t interface,
136 bool status);
137 /**
138 * @brief This callback is used to obtain active neighbours on a given interface
139 * @param cb is a callback, which returns a list of addresses on given interface (uint32_t)
140 */
141 void SetNeighboursCallback(Callback<std::vector<Mac48Address>, uint32_t> cb);
142 /// @name Proactive PREQ mechanism:
143 ///@{
144 /// Set the current node as root
145 void SetRoot();
146 /// Unset the current node as root
147 void UnsetRoot();
148 ///@}
150 /// @brief Statistics:
151 ///@{
152 /**
153 * Print statistics counters
154 * @param os the output stream
155 */
156 void Report(std::ostream& os) const;
157 /// @brief Reset Statistics:
158 void ResetStats();
159 ///@}
161 /**
162 * Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables
163 * used by this model. Return the number of streams (possibly zero) that
164 * have been assigned.
165 *
166 * @param stream first stream index to use
167 * @return the number of stream indices assigned by this model
168 */
169 int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream);
171 /**
172 * @brief Get pointer to HWMP routing table
173 * @return pointer to routing table
174 */
177 private:
178 /// allow HwmpProtocolMac class friend access
179 friend class HwmpProtocolMac;
181 void DoInitialize() override;
183 /**
184 * @brief Structure of path error: IePerr and list of receivers:
185 * interfaces and MAC address
186 */
188 {
189 std::vector<FailedDestination>
190 destinations; ///< destination list: Mac48Address and sequence number
191 std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, Mac48Address>>
192 receivers; ///< list of PathError receivers (in case of unicast PERR)
193 };
195 /// Packet waiting its routing information
197 {
198 Ptr<Packet> pkt; ///< the packet
199 Mac48Address src; ///< src address
200 Mac48Address dst; ///< dst address
201 uint16_t protocol; ///< protocol number
202 uint32_t inInterface; ///< incoming device interface ID. (if packet has come from upper
203 ///< layers, this is Mesh point ID)
204 RouteReplyCallback reply; ///< how to reply
206 QueuedPacket();
207 };
209 typedef std::map<uint32_t, Ptr<HwmpProtocolMac>>
210 HwmpProtocolMacMap; ///< HwmpProtocolMacMap typedef
211 /**
212 * Like RequestRoute, but for unicast packets
213 *
214 * @param sourceIface the source interface
215 * @param source the source address
216 * @param destination the destination address
217 * @param packet the packet to route
218 * @param protocolType the protocol type
219 * @param routeReply the route reply callback
220 * @param ttl the TTL
221 * @returns true if forwarded
222 */
223 bool ForwardUnicast(uint32_t sourceIface,
224 const Mac48Address source,
225 const Mac48Address destination,
226 Ptr<Packet> packet,
227 uint16_t protocolType,
228 RouteReplyCallback routeReply,
229 uint32_t ttl);
231 /// @name Interaction with HWMP MAC plugin
232 ///@{
233 /**
234 * @brief Handler for receiving Path Request
235 *
236 * @param preq the IE preq
237 * @param from the from address
238 * @param interface the interface
239 * @param fromMp the 'from MP' address
240 * @param metric the metric
241 */
242 void ReceivePreq(IePreq preq,
243 Mac48Address from,
244 uint32_t interface,
245 Mac48Address fromMp,
246 uint32_t metric);
247 /**
248 * @brief Handler for receiving Path Reply
249 *
250 * @param prep the IE prep
251 * @param from the from address
252 * @param interface the interface
253 * @param fromMp the 'from MP' address
254 * @param metric the metric
255 */
256 void ReceivePrep(IePrep prep,
257 Mac48Address from,
258 uint32_t interface,
259 Mac48Address fromMp,
260 uint32_t metric);
261 /**
262 * @brief Handler for receiving Path Error
263 *
264 * @param destinations the list of failed destinations
265 * @param from the from address
266 * @param interface the interface
267 * @param fromMp the from MP address
268 */
269 void ReceivePerr(std::vector<FailedDestination> destinations,
270 Mac48Address from,
271 uint32_t interface,
272 Mac48Address fromMp);
273 /**
274 * @brief Send Path Reply
275 * @param src the source address
276 * @param dst the destination address
277 * @param retransmitter the retransmitter address
278 * @param initMetric the initial metric
279 * @param originatorDsn the originator DSN
280 * @param destinationSN the destination DSN
281 * @param lifetime the lifetime
282 * @param interface the interface
283 */
284 void SendPrep(Mac48Address src,
285 Mac48Address dst,
286 Mac48Address retransmitter,
287 uint32_t initMetric,
288 uint32_t originatorDsn,
289 uint32_t destinationSN,
290 uint32_t lifetime,
291 uint32_t interface);
292 /**
293 * @brief forms a path error information element when list of destination fails on a given
294 * interface \attention removes all entries from routing table!
295 *
296 * @param destinations vector of failed destinations
297 * @return PathError
298 */
299 PathError MakePathError(std::vector<FailedDestination> destinations);
300 /**
301 * @brief Forwards a received path error
302 * @param perr the path error
303 */
304 void ForwardPathError(PathError perr);
305 /**
306 * @brief Passes a self-generated PERR to interface-plugin
307 * @param perr the path error
308 */
309 void InitiatePathError(PathError perr);
310 /**
311 * Get PERR receivers
312 *
313 * @param failedDest
314 * @return list of addresses where a PERR should be sent to
315 */
316 std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, Mac48Address>> GetPerrReceivers(
317 std::vector<FailedDestination> failedDest);
319 /**
320 * Get PREQ receivers
321 *
322 * @param interface
323 * @return list of addresses where a PREQ should be sent to
324 */
325 std::vector<Mac48Address> GetPreqReceivers(uint32_t interface);
326 /**
327 * Get broadcast receivers
328 *
329 * @param interface
330 * @return list of addresses where a broadcast should be retransmitted
331 */
332 std::vector<Mac48Address> GetBroadcastReceivers(uint32_t interface);
333 /**
334 * @brief MAC-plugin asks whether the frame can be dropped. Protocol automatically updates
335 * seqno.
336 *
337 * @return true if frame can be dropped
338 * @param seqno is the sequence number of source
339 * @param source is the source address
340 */
341 bool DropDataFrame(uint32_t seqno, Mac48Address source);
342 ///@}
344 /// Route discovery time:
346 /// RouteChangeTracedCallback typedef
348 /// Route change trace source
351 // /\name Methods related to Queue/Dequeue procedures
352 ///@{
353 /**
354 * Queue a packet
355 * @param packet the packet to be queued
356 * @return true on success
357 */
358 bool QueuePacket(QueuedPacket packet);
359 /**
360 * Dequeue the first packet for a given destination
361 * @param dst the destination
362 * @return the dequeued packet
363 */
365 /**
366 * Dequeue the first packet in the queue
367 * @return the dequeued packet
368 */
370 /**
371 * Signal the protocol that the reactive path toward a destination is now available
372 * @param dst the destination
373 */
375 /**
376 * Signal the protocol that the proactive path is now available
377 */
379 ///@}
381 /// @name Methods responsible for path discovery retry procedure:
382 ///@{
383 /**
384 * @brief checks when the last path discovery procedure was started for a given destination.
385 * @return true if should send PREQ
386 * @param dst is the destination address
387 *
388 * If the retry counter has not achieved the maximum level - preq should not be sent
389 */
392 /**
393 * @brief Generates PREQ retry when retry timeout has expired and route is still unresolved.
394 * @param dst is the destination address
395 * @param numOfRetry is the number of retries
396 *
397 * When PREQ retry has achieved the maximum level - retry mechanism should be canceled
398 */
399 void RetryPathDiscovery(Mac48Address dst, uint8_t numOfRetry);
400 /// Proactive Preq routines:
401 void SendProactivePreq();
402 ///@}
404 /// @return address of MeshPointDevice
406 /// @name Methods needed by HwmpMacLugin to access protocol parameters:
407 ///@{
408 /**
409 * Get do flag function
410 * @returns DO flag
411 */
412 bool GetDoFlag() const;
413 /**
414 * Get rf flag function
415 * @returns the RF flag
416 */
417 bool GetRfFlag() const;
418 /**
419 * Get PREQ minimum interval function
420 * @returns the PREQ
421 */
423 /**
424 * Get PERR minimum interval function
425 * @returns the PERR minimum interval
426 */
428 /**
429 * Get maximum TTL function
430 * @returns the maximum TTL
431 */
432 uint8_t GetMaxTtl() const;
433 /**
434 * Get next period function
435 * @returns the next period
436 */
438 /**
439 * Get next HWMP sequence no function
440 * @returns the next HWMP sequence number
441 */
443 /**
444 * Get active path lifetime function
445 * @returns the active path lifetime
446 */
448 /**
449 * Get unicast PERR threshold function
450 * @returns the unicast PERR threshold
451 */
452 uint8_t GetUnicastPerrThreshold() const;
453 ///@}
455 private:
456 /// Statistics structure
458 {
459 uint16_t txUnicast; ///< transmit unicast
460 uint16_t txBroadcast; ///< transmit broadcast
461 uint32_t txBytes; ///< transmit bytes
462 uint16_t droppedTtl; ///< dropped TTL
463 uint16_t totalQueued; ///< total queued
464 uint16_t totalDropped; ///< total dropped
465 uint16_t initiatedPreq; ///< initiated PREQ
466 uint16_t initiatedPrep; ///< initiated PREP
467 uint16_t initiatedPerr; ///< initiated PERR
469 /**
470 * Print function
471 * @param os The output stream
472 */
473 void Print(std::ostream& os) const;
474 /// constructor
475 Statistics();
476 };
478 Statistics m_stats; ///< statistics
482 uint32_t m_dataSeqno; ///< data sequence no
483 uint32_t m_hwmpSeqno; ///< HWMP sequence no
484 uint32_t m_preqId; ///< PREQ ID
485 /// @name Sequence number filters
486 ///@{
487 /// Data sequence number database
488 std::map<Mac48Address, uint32_t> m_lastDataSeqno;
489 /// keeps HWMP seqno (first in pair) and HWMP metric (second in pair) for each address
490 std::map<Mac48Address, std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> m_hwmpSeqnoMetricDatabase;
491 ///@}
493 /// Routing table
496 /// PreqEvent structure
498 {
499 EventId preqTimeout; ///< PREQ timeout
500 Time whenScheduled; ///< scheduled time
501 };
503 std::map<Mac48Address, PreqEvent> m_preqTimeouts; ///< PREQ timeouts
504 EventId m_proactivePreqTimer; ///< proactive PREQ timer
505 /// Random start in Proactive PREQ propagation
507 /// Packet Queue
508 std::vector<QueuedPacket> m_rqueue;
510 /// @name HWMP-protocol parameters
511 /// These are all Attributes
512 ///@{
513 uint16_t m_maxQueueSize; //!< Maximum number of packets we can store when resolving route
514 uint8_t m_dot11MeshHWMPmaxPREQretries; //!< Maximum number of retries before we suppose the
515 //!< destination to be unreachable
516 Time m_dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime; //!< Time we suppose the packet to go from one
517 //!< edge of the network to another
518 Time m_dot11MeshHWMPpreqMinInterval; //!< Minimal interval between to successive PREQs
519 Time m_dot11MeshHWMPperrMinInterval; //!< Minimal interval between to successive PREQs
520 Time m_dot11MeshHWMPactiveRootTimeout; //!< Lifetime of proactive routing information
521 Time m_dot11MeshHWMPactivePathTimeout; //!< Lifetime of reactive routing information
522 Time m_dot11MeshHWMPpathToRootInterval; //!< Interval between two successive proactive PREQs
523 Time m_dot11MeshHWMPrannInterval; //!< Lifetime of proactive routing information
524 bool m_isRoot; //!< True if the node is a root
525 uint8_t m_maxTtl; //!< Initial value of Time To Live field
526 uint8_t m_unicastPerrThreshold; //!< Maximum number of PERR receivers, when we send a PERR as a
527 //!< chain of unicasts
528 uint8_t m_unicastPreqThreshold; //!< Maximum number of PREQ receivers, when we send a PREQ as a
529 //!< chain of unicasts
530 uint8_t m_unicastDataThreshold; //!< Maximum number of broadcast receivers, when we send a
531 //!< broadcast as a chain of unicasts
532 bool m_doFlag; //!< Destination only HWMP flag
533 bool m_rfFlag; //!< Reply and forward flag
534 ///@}
536 /// Random variable for random start time
540} // namespace dot11s
541} // namespace ns3
Callback template class.
Definition callback.h:422
An identifier for simulation events.
Definition event-id.h:45
an EUI-48 address
Interface for L2 mesh routing protocol and mesh point communication.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition nstime.h:94
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
Definition type-id.h:48
Hybrid wireless mesh protocol – a mesh routing protocol defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 standard.
std::vector< Mac48Address > GetPreqReceivers(uint32_t interface)
Get PREQ receivers.
void PeerLinkStatus(Mac48Address meshPointAddress, Mac48Address peerAddress, uint32_t interface, bool status)
Peer link status function.
QueuedPacket DequeueFirstPacket()
Dequeue the first packet in the queue.
Ptr< HwmpRtable > m_rtable
Routing table.
uint8_t m_unicastDataThreshold
Maximum number of broadcast receivers, when we send a broadcast as a chain of unicasts.
void ReceivePrep(IePrep prep, Mac48Address from, uint32_t interface, Mac48Address fromMp, uint32_t metric)
Handler for receiving Path Reply.
void Report(std::ostream &os) const
uint32_t GetNextHwmpSeqno()
Get next HWMP sequence no function.
TracedCallback< RouteChange > m_routeChangeTraceSource
Route change trace source.
PathError MakePathError(std::vector< FailedDestination > destinations)
forms a path error information element when list of destination fails on a given interface
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPrannInterval
Lifetime of proactive routing information.
Time GetPerrMinInterval()
Get PERR minimum interval function.
Ptr< HwmpRtable > GetRoutingTable() const
Get pointer to HWMP routing table.
uint8_t m_unicastPreqThreshold
Maximum number of PREQ receivers, when we send a PREQ as a chain of unicasts.
void UnsetRoot()
Unset the current node as root.
uint32_t m_dataSeqno
data sequence no
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPnetDiameterTraversalTime
Time we suppose the packet to go from one edge of the network to another.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPactivePathTimeout
Lifetime of reactive routing information.
bool QueuePacket(QueuedPacket packet)
Queue a packet.
bool m_isRoot
True if the node is a root.
Statistics m_stats
uint32_t m_hwmpSeqno
HWMP sequence no.
uint8_t GetMaxTtl() const
Get maximum TTL function.
Time m_randomStart
Random start in Proactive PREQ propagation.
void SendPrep(Mac48Address src, Mac48Address dst, Mac48Address retransmitter, uint32_t initMetric, uint32_t originatorDsn, uint32_t destinationSN, uint32_t lifetime, uint32_t interface)
Send Path Reply.
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
bool GetDoFlag() const
Get do flag function.
TracedCallback< Time > m_routeDiscoveryTimeCallback
Route discovery time:
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
bool ShouldSendPreq(Mac48Address dst)
checks when the last path discovery procedure was started for a given destination.
void ReceivePerr(std::vector< FailedDestination > destinations, Mac48Address from, uint32_t interface, Mac48Address fromMp)
Handler for receiving Path Error.
std::map< Mac48Address, PreqEvent > m_preqTimeouts
PREQ timeouts.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPperrMinInterval
Minimal interval between to successive PREQs.
bool m_rfFlag
Reply and forward flag.
bool RequestRoute(uint32_t sourceIface, const Mac48Address source, const Mac48Address destination, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint16_t protocolType, RouteReplyCallback routeReply) override
Route request, inherited from MeshL2RoutingProtocol.
Time GetPreqMinInterval()
Get PREQ minimum interval function.
QueuedPacket DequeueFirstPacketByDst(Mac48Address dst)
Dequeue the first packet for a given destination.
HwmpProtocol(const HwmpProtocol &)=delete
EventId m_proactivePreqTimer
proactive PREQ timer
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > m_coefficient
Random variable for random start time.
uint32_t GetNextPreqId()
Get next period function.
void InitiatePathError(PathError perr)
Passes a self-generated PERR to interface-plugin.
void SendProactivePreq()
Proactive Preq routines:
void ForwardPathError(PathError perr)
Forwards a received path error.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPpathToRootInterval
Interval between two successive proactive PREQs.
void RetryPathDiscovery(Mac48Address dst, uint8_t numOfRetry)
Generates PREQ retry when retry timeout has expired and route is still unresolved.
bool RemoveRoutingStuff(uint32_t fromIface, const Mac48Address source, const Mac48Address destination, Ptr< Packet > packet, uint16_t &protocolType) override
Clean HWMP packet tag from packet; only the packet parameter is used.
bool m_doFlag
Destination only HWMP flag.
Mac48Address m_address
void DoInitialize() override
Initialize() implementation.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPactiveRootTimeout
Lifetime of proactive routing information.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
void ReceivePreq(IePreq preq, Mac48Address from, uint32_t interface, Mac48Address fromMp, uint32_t metric)
Handler for receiving Path Request.
Time m_dot11MeshHWMPpreqMinInterval
Minimal interval between to successive PREQs.
uint8_t GetUnicastPerrThreshold() const
Get unicast PERR threshold function.
void ReactivePathResolved(Mac48Address dst)
Signal the protocol that the reactive path toward a destination is now available.
std::vector< Mac48Address > GetBroadcastReceivers(uint32_t interface)
Get broadcast receivers.
bool GetRfFlag() const
Get rf flag function.
bool Install(Ptr< MeshPointDevice > mp)
Install HWMP on given mesh point.
uint32_t GetActivePathLifetime()
Get active path lifetime function.
bool ForwardUnicast(uint32_t sourceIface, const Mac48Address source, const Mac48Address destination, Ptr< Packet > packet, uint16_t protocolType, RouteReplyCallback routeReply, uint32_t ttl)
Like RequestRoute, but for unicast packets.
void ProactivePathResolved()
Signal the protocol that the proactive path is now available.
void SetNeighboursCallback(Callback< std::vector< Mac48Address >, uint32_t > cb)
This callback is used to obtain active neighbours on a given interface.
std::vector< QueuedPacket > m_rqueue
Packet Queue.
Callback< std::vector< Mac48Address >, uint32_t > m_neighboursCallback
neighbors callback
std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, Mac48Address > > GetPerrReceivers(std::vector< FailedDestination > failedDest)
Get PERR receivers.
HwmpProtocol & operator=(const HwmpProtocol &)=delete
HwmpProtocolMacMap m_interfaces
uint16_t m_maxQueueSize
Maximum number of packets we can store when resolving route.
uint8_t m_maxTtl
Initial value of Time To Live field.
std::map< Mac48Address, uint32_t > m_lastDataSeqno
void ResetStats()
Reset Statistics:
bool DropDataFrame(uint32_t seqno, Mac48Address source)
MAC-plugin asks whether the frame can be dropped.
uint8_t m_unicastPerrThreshold
Maximum number of PERR receivers, when we send a PERR as a chain of unicasts.
uint32_t m_preqId
uint8_t m_dot11MeshHWMPmaxPREQretries
Maximum number of retries before we suppose the destination to be unreachable.
std::map< Mac48Address, std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > > m_hwmpSeqnoMetricDatabase
keeps HWMP seqno (first in pair) and HWMP metric (second in pair) for each address
TracedCallback< RouteChange > RouteChangeTracedCallback
RouteChangeTracedCallback typedef.
std::map< uint32_t, Ptr< HwmpProtocolMac > > HwmpProtocolMacMap
HwmpProtocolMacMap typedef.
Interface MAC plugin for HWMP – 802.11s routing protocol.
See of 802.11s draft 2.07.
See of 802.11s draft 2.07.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
structure of unreachable destination - address and sequence number
Mac48Address destination
destination address
Structure of path error: IePerr and list of receivers: interfaces and MAC address.
std::vector< FailedDestination > destinations
destination list: Mac48Address and sequence number
std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, Mac48Address > > receivers
list of PathError receivers (in case of unicast PERR)
Packet waiting its routing information.
RouteReplyCallback reply
how to reply
uint32_t inInterface
incoming device interface ID.
void Print(std::ostream &os) const
Print function.
uint16_t txBroadcast
transmit broadcast
uint16_t txUnicast
transmit unicast
Structure to encapsulate route change information.
Time lifetime
lifetime of route
Mac48Address retransmitter
route source
uint32_t seqnum
sequence number of route
uint32_t metric
metric of route
Mac48Address destination
route destination
std::string type
type of change
uint32_t interface
interface index