A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
No Matches
wifi-utils.cc File Reference
#include "wifi-utils.h"
#include "ap-wifi-mac.h"
#include "ctrl-headers.h"
#include "gcr-manager.h"
#include "wifi-mac-header.h"
#include "wifi-mac-trailer.h"
#include "ns3/packet.h"
#include <cmath>
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namespace  ns3
 Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.


void ns3::AddWifiMacTrailer (Ptr< Packet > packet)
 Add FCS trailer to a packet.
Watt_u ns3::DbmToW (dBm_u val)
 Convert from dBm to Watts.
double ns3::DbToRatio (dB_u val)
 Convert from dB to ratio.
uint32_t ns3::GetAckSize ()
 Return the total Ack size (including FCS trailer).
uint32_t ns3::GetBlockAckRequestSize (BlockAckReqType type)
 Return the total BlockAckRequest size (including FCS trailer).
uint32_t ns3::GetBlockAckSize (BlockAckType type)
 Return the total BlockAck size (including FCS trailer).
uint32_t ns3::GetCtsSize ()
 Return the total CTS size (including FCS trailer).
Mac48Address ns3::GetIndividuallyAddressedRecipient (Ptr< WifiMac > mac, const WifiMacHeader &hdr)
 Get the MAC address of the individually addressed recipient to use for a given packet.
uint32_t ns3::GetMuBarSize (std::list< BlockAckReqType > types)
 Return the total MU-BAR size (including FCS trailer).
uint32_t ns3::GetRtsSize ()
 Return the total RTS size (including FCS trailer).
uint32_t ns3::GetSize (Ptr< const Packet > packet, const WifiMacHeader *hdr, bool isAmpdu)
 Return the total size of the packet after WifiMacHeader and FCS trailer have been added.
bool ns3::IsGcr (Ptr< WifiMac > mac, const WifiMacHeader &hdr)
 Return whether a given packet is transmitted using the GCR service.
bool ns3::IsGroupcast (const Mac48Address &adr)
 Check whether a MAC destination address corresponds to a groupcast transmission.
bool ns3::IsInWindow (uint16_t seq, uint16_t winstart, uint16_t winsize)
dB_u ns3::RatioToDb (double ratio)
 Convert from ratio to dB.
bool ns3::TidToLinkMappingValidForNegType1 (const WifiTidLinkMapping &dlLinkMapping, const WifiTidLinkMapping &ulLinkMapping)
 Check if the given TID-to-Link Mappings are valid for a negotiation type of 1.
dBm_u ns3::WToDbm (Watt_u val)
 Convert from Watts to dBm.


const Time ns3::WIFI_TU = MicroSeconds(WIFI_TU_US)
 Wi-Fi Time Unit (see IEEE 802.11-2020 sec. 3.1)