The Workshop on Next-Generation Wireless with ns-3 was held on Friday, June 21 2019, following WNS3 2019, and hosted by the University of Florence, Department of Information Engineering.


Stefano Avallone (UNINA), Sebastien Deronne (Televic), Lorenza Giupponi (CTTC), Tom Henderson (UW), Tommaso Pecorella (UNIFI), Sumit Roy (UW), Michele Zorzi (UNIPD)

Local Arrangements

Information about the meeting location and VISA requirements can be found on the WNS3 local information page. Contact Tommaso Pecorella, DINFO - UniFi, (tommaso.pecorella at with any other questions.

Call for Participation

The call for participation contains details about the workshop goals, organization of topics, and call for submissions.


Submissions (due by April 22, 2019, extended from original date of April 15) can be made at this EasyChair site. Please consult the call for participation for details on submissions.


Registration information is found on a separate page.