23 #ifndef ICMPV6_L4_PROTOCOL_H
24 #define ICMPV6_L4_PROTOCOL_H
28 #include "ns3/ipv6-address.h"
29 #include "ns3/random-variable-stream.h"
463 const uint8_t payload[8]);
void DelayedSendMessage(Ptr< Packet > packet, Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, uint8_t ttl)
Helper function used during delayed solicitation.
static const uint8_t MAX_ANYCAST_DELAY_TIME
Neighbor Discovery node constants : max anycast delay.
bool Lookup(Ipv6Address dst, Ptr< NetDevice > device, Ptr< NdiscCache > cache, Address *hardwareDestination)
Lookup in the ND cache for the IPv6 address.
void SendNA(Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, Address *hardwareAddress, uint8_t flags)
Send a Neighbor Adverstisement.
void HandleNS(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Neighbor Solicitation method.
Neighbor Discovery router constants : max initial RA transmission.
Neighbor Discovery router constants : max final RA transmission.
Ptr< Node > m_node
The node.
void SendRS(Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, Address hardwareAddress)
Send a Router Solicitation.
static const uint8_t PROT_NUMBER
ICMPv6 protocol number (58).
virtual IpL4Protocol::DownTargetCallback6 GetDownTarget6(void) const
This method allows a caller to get the current down target callback set for this L4 protocol (IPv6 ca...
virtual ~Icmpv6L4Protocol()
static const uint8_t RTR_SOLICITATION_INTERVAL
Neighbor Discovery host constants : RS interval.
static const uint8_t MAX_RTR_SOLICITATIONS
Neighbor Discovery host constants : max RS transmission.
void SetNode(Ptr< Node > node)
Set the node.
virtual int GetProtocolNumber() const
Get the protocol number.
a polymophic address class
static void FunctionDadTimeout(Ptr< Icmpv6L4Protocol > icmpv6, Ipv6Interface *interface, Ipv6Address addr)
Function called when DAD timeout.
virtual enum IpL4Protocol::RxStatus Receive(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv4Header const &header, Ptr< Ipv4Interface > interface)
Receive method.
void SendErrorTooBig(Ptr< Packet > malformedPacket, Ipv6Address dst, uint32_t mtu)
Send an error Too Big.
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model...
void NotifyNewAggregate()
This method is called by AddAgregate and completes the aggregation by setting the node in the ICMPv6 ...
The IPv6 representation of a network interface.
void HandleRedirection(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Redirection method.
static const uint32_t MAX_RA_DELAY_TIME
Neighbor Discovery router constants : max delay between RA.
void Forward(Ipv6Address source, Icmpv6Header icmp, uint32_t info, Ipv6Header ipHeader, const uint8_t payload[8])
Notify an ICMPv6 reception to upper layers (if requested).
void SendErrorParameterError(Ptr< Packet > malformedPacket, Ipv6Address dst, uint8_t code, uint32_t ptr)
Send an error Parameter Error.
void HandleTimeExceeded(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Time Exceeded method.
void SendErrorTimeExceeded(Ptr< Packet > malformedPacket, Ipv6Address dst, uint8_t code)
Send an error Time Exceeded.
bool IsAlwaysDad() const
Is the node must do DAD.
static const uint32_t REACHABLE_TIME
Neighbor Discovery node constants : reachable time.
static const double MIN_RANDOM_FACTOR
Neighbor Discovery node constants : min random factor.
An implementation of the ICMPv6 protocol.
Ptr< NdiscCache > FindCache(Ptr< NetDevice > device)
Get the cache corresponding to the device.
Ptr< Packet > ForgeNA(Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, Address *hardwareAddress, uint8_t flags)
Forge a Neighbor Advertisement.
Ptr< RandomVariableStream > m_solicitationJitter
Random jitter before sending solicitations.
void HandleRS(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Router Solicitation method.
Ptr< Packet > ForgeNS(Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, Ipv6Address target, Address hardwareAddress)
Forge a Neighbor Solicitation.
std::list< Ptr< NdiscCache > > CacheList
container of NdiscCaches
void HandleEchoRequest(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Echo Request method.
void HandleParameterError(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Parameter Error method.
static const uint8_t MAX_MULTICAST_SOLICIT
Neighbor Discovery node constants : max multicast solicitations.
void SendErrorDestinationUnreachable(Ptr< Packet > malformedPacket, Ipv6Address dst, uint8_t code)
Send an error Destination Unreachable.
void SendEchoReply(Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, Ptr< Packet > data)
Send a Echo Reply.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Interface ID.
Neighbor Discovery node constants : max NA transmission.
virtual IpL4Protocol::DownTargetCallback GetDownTarget(void) const
This method allows a caller to get the current down target callback set for this L4 protocol (IPv4 ca...
static uint16_t GetStaticProtocolNumber()
Get ICMPv6 protocol number.
IpL4Protocol::DownTargetCallback6 m_downTarget
callback to Ipv6::Send
Neighbor Discovery router constants : max initial RA initial interval.
bool m_alwaysDad
Always do DAD ?
L4 Protocol abstract base class.
void SendMessage(Ptr< Packet > packet, Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, uint8_t ttl)
Send a packet via ICMPv6, note that packet already contains ICMPv6 header.
virtual void SetDownTarget(IpL4Protocol::DownTargetCallback cb)
This method allows a caller to set the current down target callback set for this L4 protocol (IPv4 ca...
Ptr< Packet > ForgeRS(Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, Address hardwareAddress)
Forge a Router Solicitation.
static const uint8_t MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_RAS
Neighbor Discovery router constants : min delay between RA.
void SendRedirection(Ptr< Packet > redirectedPacket, Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, Ipv6Address redirTarget, Ipv6Address redirDestination, Address redirHardwareTarget)
Send an ICMPv6 Redirection.
static const double MAX_RANDOM_FACTOR
Neighbor Discovery node constants : max random factor.
CacheList m_cacheList
A list of cache by device.
void DoDAD(Ipv6Address target, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Do the Duplication Address Detection (DAD).
virtual void SetDownTarget6(IpL4Protocol::DownTargetCallback6 cb)
This method allows a caller to set the current down target callback set for this L4 protocol (IPv6 ca...
Describes an IPv6 address.
void HandleRA(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Router Advertisement method.
void ReceiveLLA(Icmpv6OptionLinkLayerAddress lla, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Link layer address option processing.
virtual int GetVersion() const
Get the version of the protocol.
static const uint32_t RETRANS_TIMER
Neighbor Discovery node constants : retransmission timer.
Ptr< Packet > ForgeEchoRequest(Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, uint16_t id, uint16_t seq, Ptr< Packet > data)
Forge an Echo Request.
virtual void DoDispose()
Dispose this object.
static const uint8_t MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY
Neighbor Discovery host constants : max RS delay.
void HandleNA(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Neighbor Advertisement method.
Doxygen introspection did not find any typical Config paths.
static const uint8_t DELAY_FIRST_PROBE_TIME
Neighbor Discovery node constants : delay for the first probe.
void HandlePacketTooBig(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Packet Too Big method.
a unique identifier for an interface.
void SendNS(Ipv6Address src, Ipv6Address dst, Ipv6Address target, Address hardwareAddress)
Send a Neighbor Solicitation.
Ptr< NdiscCache > CreateCache(Ptr< NetDevice > device, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Create a neighbor cache.
void HandleDestinationUnreachable(Ptr< Packet > p, Ipv6Address const &src, Ipv6Address const &dst, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > interface)
Receive Destination Unreachable method.
static const uint8_t MAX_UNICAST_SOLICIT
Neighbor Discovery node constants : max unicast solicitations.