29#include "ns3/bs-service-flow-manager.h"
30#include "ns3/event-id.h"
31#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
32#include "ns3/mac48-address.h"
33#include "ns3/nstime.h"
43class BurstProfileManager;
46class BsServiceFlowManager;
254 void Start()
258 void Stop()
331 uint16_t protocolNumber)
uint32_t m_nrUlMapSent
number UL map sent
uint8_t GetBwReqOppSize() const
void SetDcdInterval(Time dcdInterval)
Ptr< BSScheduler > GetBSScheduler() const
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, Mac48Address, Cid > m_traceBSRx
the base station receive trace callback
MacPreamble enumeration.
Time m_dcdInterval
in seconds
void SetBsClassifier(Ptr< IpcsClassifier > classifier)
Ptr< UplinkScheduler > m_uplinkScheduler
the uplink scheduler
uint8_t m_bwReqOppSize
in symbols
void SetBwReqOppSize(uint8_t bwReqOppSize)
void SetUcdInterval(Time ucdInterval)
void SetRangReqOppSize(uint8_t rangReqOppSize)
void RangingOppStart()
Ranging opp start.
Time m_ulSubframeStartTime
UL subframe start time.
Time GetIntervalT8() const
void SetDlBurstProfiles(Dcd *dcd)
Send DL burst profiles.
void UplinkAllocationStart()
Uplink allocation start.
uint32_t GetNrDlSymbols() const
Ptr< SSManager > m_ssManager
the SS manager
void Stop() override
Stop device.
Ptr< IpcsClassifier > GetBsClassifier() const
uint8_t GetRangReqOppSize() const
Ptr< Packet > CreateUcd()
Create UCD.
Time GetDlSubframeStartTime() const
uint8_t GetMaxRangingCorrectionRetries() const
CidFactory * m_cidFactory
the CID factory
uint32_t m_framesSinceLastDcd
frames since last DCD
uint32_t m_ucdConfigChangeCount
UCD config change count.
uint8_t m_rangingOppNumber
current ranging TO number
uint32_t m_allocationStartTime
allocation start time
void SetNrDlSymbols(uint32_t dlSymbols)
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_bsTxDropTrace
The trace source fired when packets coming into the "top" of the device are dropped at the MAC layer ...
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_bsRxDropTrace
The trace source fired when packets coming into the "top" of the device are dropped at the MAC layer ...
void MarkRangingOppStart(Time rangingOppStartTime)
Mark ranging opp start.
void SetMaxRangingCorrectionRetries(uint8_t maxRangCorrectionRetries)
uint32_t m_nrDlSymbols
number of DL symbols
uint32_t GetNrUcdSent() const
uint32_t m_nrUlSymbols
number of UL symbols
Ptr< WimaxConnection > GetConnection(Cid cid)
uint8_t m_maxRangCorrectionRetries
maximum range correction retries
void MarkUplinkAllocationStart(Time allocationStartTime)
Mark uplink allocation start.
uint32_t m_nrDlFrames
number DL frames
void SetBSScheduler(Ptr< BSScheduler > bsSchedule)
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
void Start() override
Start device.
uint16_t m_nrUlAllocations
number UL allocations
uint32_t m_nrDcdSent
number DCD sent
void StartFrame()
Start frame function.
Ptr< IpcsClassifier > m_bsClassifier
the base station classifier
Time GetUcdInterval() const
void SetIntervalT8(Time interval)
Ptr< Packet > CreateUlMap()
Create UL map.
void EndFrame()
End frame function.
void DoDispose() override
Destructor implementation.
Ptr< BsServiceFlowManager > m_serviceFlowManager
the service flow manager
void SetInitialRangingInterval(Time initialRangInterval)
uint16_t m_nrSsRegistered
number SS registered
Time m_psDuration
ps duration
uint8_t m_maxInvitedRangRetries
maximum invited range retries
uint8_t m_ulAllocationNumber
to see UL burst number
Time GetInitialRangingInterval() const
void MarkUplinkAllocationEnd(Time allocationEndTime, Cid cid, uint8_t uiuc)
Mark uplink allocation end.
void SetNrUlSymbols(uint32_t ulSymbols)
void SetSSManager(Ptr< SSManager > ssManager)
void StartDlSubFrame()
Start DL subframe function.
Ptr< SSManager > GetSSManager() const
Time m_ucdInterval
in seconds
Ptr< Packet > CreateDlMap()
Create DL map.
void SetLinkManager(Ptr< BSLinkManager > linkManager)
void SetMaxInvitedRangRetries(uint8_t maxInvitedRangRetries)
~BaseStationNetDevice() override
Time m_symbolDuration
symbol duration
Time m_initialRangInterval
in seconds
void CreateDescriptorMessages(bool sendDcd, bool sendUcd)
creates the channel descriptor MAC management messages DCD and UCD
void SetUplinkScheduler(Ptr< UplinkScheduler > ulScheduler)
void UplinkAllocationEnd(Cid cid, uint8_t uiuc)
Uplink allocation end.
uint32_t m_nrUcdSent
number UCD sent
void StartUlSubFrame()
Start UL subframe function.
uint32_t m_nrUlFrames
number UL frames
void EndUlSubFrame()
End UL subframe function.
uint32_t GetNrUlSymbols() const
uint32_t m_dcdConfigChangeCount
DCD config change count.
uint32_t m_framesSinceLastUcd
frames since last UCD
void InitBaseStationNetDevice()
initializes the BS net device and sets its parameters to the default values
uint8_t m_rangReqOppSize
in symbols
Ptr< BSLinkManager > GetLinkManager() const
void CreateMapMessages()
creates the MAC management messages DL-MAP and UL-MAP
Time GetPsDuration() const
uint8_t GetMaxInvitedRangRetries() const
void DoReceive(Ptr< Packet > packet) override
Receive packet.
bool Enqueue(Ptr< Packet > packet, const MacHeaderType &hdrType, Ptr< WimaxConnection > connection) override
Enqueue a packet into a connection queue.
Time GetDcdInterval() const
void SetServiceFlowManager(Ptr< BsServiceFlowManager > sfm)
Set service flow manager.
Ptr< Packet > CreateDcd()
Create DCD.
Ptr< BSScheduler > m_scheduler
the base station scheduler
Time m_intervalT8
in milliseconds, wait for DSA/DSC Acknowledge timeout
bool DoSend(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Mac48Address &source, const Mac48Address &dest, uint16_t protocolNumber) override
Send packet.
void SendBursts()
Send burst function.
uint32_t m_nrDlMapSent
number DL map sent
Ptr< UplinkScheduler > GetUplinkScheduler() const
Time m_dlSubframeStartTime
DL subframe start time.
Time GetUlSubframeStartTime() const
uint16_t m_nrDlAllocations
number DL allocations
Time GetSymbolDuration() const
void EndDlSubFrame()
End DL subframe function.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_bsTxTrace
The trace source fired when packets come into the "top" of the device at the L3/L2 transition,...
Ptr< BsServiceFlowManager > GetServiceFlowManager() const
Ptr< BSLinkManager > m_linkManager
the link manager
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_bsPromiscRxTrace
The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device immediately before being forwa...
uint8_t GetRangingOppNumber() const
void MarkUplinkAllocations()
Mark uplink allocations.
void SetUlBurstProfiles(Ucd *ucd)
Send UL burst profiles.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_bsRxTrace
The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device immediately before being forwa...
uint32_t GetNrDcdSent() const
This class is used exclusively by the BS to allocate CIDs to new connections.
This class implements Downlink channel descriptor as described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metrop...
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
a unique identifier for an interface.
This class implements the UCD message as described by "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area ...
Hold together all WiMAX-related objects in a NetDevice.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.