A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (c) 2016 Sébastien Deronne
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
6 * published by the Free Software Foundation;
7 *
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 *
17 * Author: Sébastien Deronne <sebastien.deronne@gmail.com>
18 */
20#include "ns3/command-line.h"
21#include "ns3/config.h"
22#include "ns3/ht-configuration.h"
23#include "ns3/internet-stack-helper.h"
24#include "ns3/ipv4-address-helper.h"
25#include "ns3/log.h"
26#include "ns3/mobility-helper.h"
27#include "ns3/on-off-helper.h"
28#include "ns3/packet-sink-helper.h"
29#include "ns3/packet-sink.h"
30#include "ns3/pointer.h"
31#include "ns3/qos-txop.h"
32#include "ns3/ssid.h"
33#include "ns3/string.h"
34#include "ns3/udp-client-server-helper.h"
35#include "ns3/wifi-mac.h"
36#include "ns3/wifi-net-device.h"
37#include "ns3/yans-wifi-channel.h"
38#include "ns3/yans-wifi-helper.h"
40// This example shows how to configure mixed networks (i.e. mixed b/g and HT/non-HT) and how are
41// performance in several scenarios.
43// The example compares first g only and mixed b/g cases with various configurations depending on
44// the following parameters:
45// - protection mode that is configured on the AP;
46// - whether short PPDU format is supported by the 802.11b station;
47// - whether short slot time is supported by both the 802.11g station and the AP.
49// The example then compares HT only and mixed HT/non-HT cases.
51// The output results show that the presence of an 802.11b station strongly affects 802.11g
52// performance. Protection mechanisms ensure that the NAV value of 802.11b stations is set correctly
53// in case of 802.11g transmissions. In practice, those protection mechanism add a lot of overhead,
54// resulting in reduced performance. CTS-To-Self introduces less overhead than Rts-Cts, but is not
55// heard by hidden stations (and is thus generally only recommended as a protection mechanism for
56// access points). Since short slot time is disabled once an 802.11b station enters the network,
57// benefits from short slot time are only observed in a g only configuration.
59// The user can also select the payload size and can choose either an UDP or a TCP connection.
60// Example: ./ns3 run "wifi-mixed-network --isUdp=1"
62using namespace ns3;
69 std::string testName;
71 std::string erpProtectionMode;
81 bool isUdp;
86class Experiment
88 public:
95 double Run(Parameters params);
105 std::string apTypeString;
106 if (params.apType == WIFI_STANDARD_80211g)
107 {
108 apTypeString = "WIFI_STANDARD_80211g";
109 }
110 else if (params.apType == WIFI_STANDARD_80211n)
111 {
112 apTypeString = "WIFI_STANDARD_80211n_2_4GHZ";
113 }
115 std::cout << "Run: " << params.testName
116 << "\n\t enableErpProtection=" << params.enableErpProtection
117 << "\n\t erpProtectionMode=" << params.erpProtectionMode
118 << "\n\t enableShortSlotTime=" << params.enableShortSlotTime
119 << "\n\t enableShortPhyPreamble=" << params.enableShortPhyPreamble
120 << "\n\t apType=" << apTypeString << "\n\t nWifiB=" << params.nWifiB
121 << "\n\t bHasTraffic=" << params.bHasTraffic << "\n\t nWifiG=" << params.nWifiG
122 << "\n\t gHasTraffic=" << params.gHasTraffic << "\n\t nWifiN=" << params.nWifiN
123 << "\n\t nHasTraffic=" << params.nHasTraffic << std::endl;
125 Config::SetDefault("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ErpProtectionMode",
126 StringValue(params.erpProtectionMode));
128 double throughput = 0;
129 uint32_t nWifiB = params.nWifiB;
130 uint32_t nWifiG = params.nWifiG;
131 uint32_t nWifiN = params.nWifiN;
132 double simulationTime = params.simulationTime;
133 uint32_t payloadSize = params.payloadSize;
135 NodeContainer wifiBStaNodes;
136 wifiBStaNodes.Create(nWifiB);
137 NodeContainer wifiGStaNodes;
138 wifiGStaNodes.Create(nWifiG);
139 NodeContainer wifiNStaNodes;
140 wifiNStaNodes.Create(nWifiN);
141 NodeContainer wifiApNode;
142 wifiApNode.Create(1);
145 channel.AddPropagationLoss("ns3::RangePropagationLossModel");
148 phy.SetChannel(channel.Create());
150 WifiHelper wifi;
151 wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::IdealWifiManager");
153 // 802.11b STA
154 wifi.SetStandard(WIFI_STANDARD_80211b);
156 WifiMacHelper mac;
157 Ssid ssid = Ssid("ns-3-ssid");
159 mac.SetType("ns3::StaWifiMac",
160 "Ssid",
161 SsidValue(ssid),
162 "ShortSlotTimeSupported",
163 BooleanValue(params.enableShortSlotTime));
165 // Configure the PHY preamble type: long or short
166 phy.Set("ShortPlcpPreambleSupported", BooleanValue(params.enableShortPhyPreamble));
168 NetDeviceContainer bStaDevice;
169 bStaDevice = wifi.Install(phy, mac, wifiBStaNodes);
171 // 802.11b/g STA
172 wifi.SetStandard(WIFI_STANDARD_80211g);
173 NetDeviceContainer gStaDevice;
174 gStaDevice = wifi.Install(phy, mac, wifiGStaNodes);
176 // 802.11b/g/n STA
177 wifi.SetStandard(WIFI_STANDARD_80211n);
178 NetDeviceContainer nStaDevice;
179 mac.SetType("ns3::StaWifiMac",
180 "Ssid",
181 SsidValue(ssid),
182 "BE_BlockAckThreshold",
183 UintegerValue(2),
184 "ShortSlotTimeSupported",
185 BooleanValue(params.enableShortSlotTime));
186 nStaDevice = wifi.Install(phy, mac, wifiNStaNodes);
188 // AP
189 NetDeviceContainer apDevice;
190 wifi.SetStandard(params.apType);
191 mac.SetType("ns3::ApWifiMac",
192 "Ssid",
193 SsidValue(ssid),
194 "EnableBeaconJitter",
195 BooleanValue(false),
196 "BE_BlockAckThreshold",
197 UintegerValue(2),
198 "EnableNonErpProtection",
199 BooleanValue(params.enableErpProtection),
200 "ShortSlotTimeSupported",
201 BooleanValue(params.enableShortSlotTime));
202 apDevice = wifi.Install(phy, mac, wifiApNode);
204 // Set TXOP limit
205 if (params.apType == WIFI_STANDARD_80211n)
206 {
207 Ptr<NetDevice> dev = wifiApNode.Get(0)->GetDevice(0);
208 Ptr<WifiNetDevice> wifi_dev = DynamicCast<WifiNetDevice>(dev);
209 Ptr<WifiMac> wifi_mac = wifi_dev->GetMac();
210 PointerValue ptr;
211 wifi_mac->GetAttribute("BE_Txop", ptr);
212 Ptr<QosTxop> edca = ptr.Get<QosTxop>();
213 edca->SetTxopLimit(MicroSeconds(3008));
214 }
215 if (nWifiN > 0)
216 {
217 Ptr<NetDevice> dev = wifiNStaNodes.Get(0)->GetDevice(0);
218 Ptr<WifiNetDevice> wifi_dev = DynamicCast<WifiNetDevice>(dev);
219 Ptr<WifiMac> wifi_mac = wifi_dev->GetMac();
220 PointerValue ptr;
221 wifi_mac->GetAttribute("BE_Txop", ptr);
222 Ptr<QosTxop> edca = ptr.Get<QosTxop>();
223 edca->SetTxopLimit(MicroSeconds(3008));
224 }
226 Config::Set("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/Mac/BE_MaxAmpduSize",
227 UintegerValue(0)); // Disable A-MPDU
229 // Define mobility model
230 MobilityHelper mobility;
231 Ptr<ListPositionAllocator> positionAlloc = CreateObject<ListPositionAllocator>();
233 positionAlloc->Add(Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
234 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nWifiB; i++)
235 {
236 positionAlloc->Add(Vector(5.0, 0.0, 0.0));
237 }
238 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nWifiG; i++)
239 {
240 positionAlloc->Add(Vector(0.0, 5.0, 0.0));
241 }
242 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nWifiN; i++)
243 {
244 positionAlloc->Add(Vector(0.0, 0.0, 5.0));
245 }
247 mobility.SetPositionAllocator(positionAlloc);
248 mobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
249 mobility.Install(wifiApNode);
250 mobility.Install(wifiBStaNodes);
251 mobility.Install(wifiGStaNodes);
252 mobility.Install(wifiNStaNodes);
254 // Internet stack
256 stack.Install(wifiApNode);
257 stack.Install(wifiBStaNodes);
258 stack.Install(wifiGStaNodes);
259 stack.Install(wifiNStaNodes);
261 Ipv4AddressHelper address;
262 address.SetBase("", "");
263 Ipv4InterfaceContainer bStaInterface;
264 bStaInterface = address.Assign(bStaDevice);
265 Ipv4InterfaceContainer gStaInterface;
266 gStaInterface = address.Assign(gStaDevice);
267 Ipv4InterfaceContainer nStaInterface;
268 nStaInterface = address.Assign(nStaDevice);
269 Ipv4InterfaceContainer ApInterface;
270 ApInterface = address.Assign(apDevice);
272 // Setting applications
273 if (params.isUdp)
274 {
275 uint16_t port = 9;
276 UdpServerHelper server(port);
277 ApplicationContainer serverApp = server.Install(wifiApNode);
278 serverApp.Start(Seconds(0.0));
279 serverApp.Stop(Seconds(simulationTime + 1));
281 UdpClientHelper client(ApInterface.GetAddress(0), port);
282 client.SetAttribute("MaxPackets", UintegerValue(4294967295U));
283 client.SetAttribute("Interval", TimeValue(Time("0.0002"))); // packets/s
284 client.SetAttribute("PacketSize", UintegerValue(payloadSize));
286 ApplicationContainer clientApps;
287 if (params.bHasTraffic)
288 {
289 clientApps.Add(client.Install(wifiBStaNodes));
290 }
291 if (params.gHasTraffic)
292 {
293 clientApps.Add(client.Install(wifiGStaNodes));
294 }
295 if (params.nHasTraffic)
296 {
297 clientApps.Add(client.Install(wifiNStaNodes));
298 }
299 clientApps.Start(Seconds(1.0));
300 clientApps.Stop(Seconds(simulationTime + 1));
302 Simulator::Stop(Seconds(simulationTime + 1));
305 uint64_t totalPacketsThrough = DynamicCast<UdpServer>(serverApp.Get(0))->GetReceived();
306 throughput = totalPacketsThrough * payloadSize * 8 / (simulationTime * 1000000.0);
307 }
308 else
309 {
310 uint16_t port = 50000;
312 PacketSinkHelper packetSinkHelper("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", localAddress);
314 ApplicationContainer serverApp = packetSinkHelper.Install(wifiApNode.Get(0));
315 serverApp.Start(Seconds(0.0));
316 serverApp.Stop(Seconds(simulationTime + 1));
318 OnOffHelper onoff("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", Ipv4Address::GetAny());
319 onoff.SetAttribute("OnTime", StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]"));
320 onoff.SetAttribute("OffTime", StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]"));
321 onoff.SetAttribute("PacketSize", UintegerValue(payloadSize));
322 onoff.SetAttribute("DataRate", DataRateValue(150000000)); // bit/s
324 AddressValue remoteAddress(InetSocketAddress(ApInterface.GetAddress(0), port));
325 onoff.SetAttribute("Remote", remoteAddress);
327 ApplicationContainer clientApps;
328 if (params.bHasTraffic)
329 {
330 clientApps.Add(onoff.Install(wifiBStaNodes));
331 }
332 if (params.gHasTraffic)
333 {
334 clientApps.Add(onoff.Install(wifiGStaNodes));
335 }
336 if (params.nHasTraffic)
337 {
338 clientApps.Add(onoff.Install(wifiNStaNodes));
339 }
340 clientApps.Start(Seconds(1.0));
341 clientApps.Stop(Seconds(simulationTime + 1));
343 Simulator::Stop(Seconds(simulationTime + 1));
346 uint64_t totalPacketsThrough = DynamicCast<PacketSink>(serverApp.Get(0))->GetTotalRx();
347 throughput += totalPacketsThrough * 8 / (simulationTime * 1000000.0);
348 }
350 return throughput;
354main(int argc, char* argv[])
356 Parameters params;
357 params.testName = "";
358 params.enableErpProtection = false;
359 params.erpProtectionMode = "Cts-To-Self";
360 params.enableShortSlotTime = false;
361 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = false;
362 params.apType = WIFI_STANDARD_80211g;
363 params.nWifiB = 0;
364 params.bHasTraffic = false;
365 params.nWifiG = 1;
366 params.gHasTraffic = true;
367 params.nWifiN = 0;
368 params.nHasTraffic = false;
369 params.isUdp = true;
370 params.payloadSize = 1472; // bytes
371 params.simulationTime = 10; // seconds
373 bool verifyResults = 0; // used for regression
375 CommandLine cmd(__FILE__);
376 cmd.AddValue("payloadSize", "Payload size in bytes", params.payloadSize);
377 cmd.AddValue("simulationTime", "Simulation time in seconds", params.simulationTime);
378 cmd.AddValue("isUdp", "UDP if set to 1, TCP otherwise", params.isUdp);
379 cmd.AddValue("verifyResults",
380 "Enable/disable results verification at the end of the simulation",
381 verifyResults);
382 cmd.Parse(argc, argv);
385 double throughput = 0;
387 params.testName = "g only with all g features disabled";
388 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
389 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 22.5 || throughput > 23.5))
390 {
391 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
392 exit(1);
393 }
394 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
396 params.testName = "g only with short slot time enabled";
397 params.enableErpProtection = false;
398 params.enableShortSlotTime = true;
399 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = false;
400 params.nWifiB = 0;
401 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
402 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 29 || throughput > 30))
403 {
404 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
405 exit(1);
406 }
407 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
409 params.testName = "Mixed b/g with all g features disabled";
410 params.enableErpProtection = false;
411 params.enableShortSlotTime = false;
412 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = false;
413 params.nWifiB = 1;
414 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
415 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 22.5 || throughput > 23.5))
416 {
417 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
418 exit(1);
419 }
420 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
422 params.testName = "Mixed b/g with short plcp preamble enabled";
423 params.enableErpProtection = false;
424 params.enableShortSlotTime = false;
425 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = true;
426 params.nWifiB = 1;
427 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
428 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 22.5 || throughput > 23.5))
429 {
430 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
431 exit(1);
432 }
433 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
435 params.testName = "Mixed b/g with short slot time enabled using RTS-CTS protection";
436 params.enableErpProtection = true;
437 params.erpProtectionMode = "Rts-Cts";
438 params.enableShortSlotTime = false;
439 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = false;
440 params.nWifiB = 1;
441 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
442 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 19 || throughput > 20))
443 {
444 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
445 exit(1);
446 }
447 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
449 params.testName = "Mixed b/g with short plcp preamble enabled using RTS-CTS protection";
450 params.enableErpProtection = true;
451 params.enableShortSlotTime = false;
452 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = true;
453 params.nWifiB = 1;
454 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
455 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 19 || throughput > 20))
456 {
457 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
458 exit(1);
459 }
460 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
462 params.testName = "Mixed b/g with short slot time enabled using CTS-TO-SELF protection";
463 params.enableErpProtection = true;
464 params.erpProtectionMode = "Cts-To-Self";
465 params.enableShortSlotTime = false;
466 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = false;
467 params.nWifiB = 1;
468 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
469 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 20.5 || throughput > 21.5))
470 {
471 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
472 exit(1);
473 }
474 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
476 params.testName = "Mixed b/g with short plcp preamble enabled using CTS-TO-SELF protection";
477 params.enableErpProtection = true;
478 params.enableShortSlotTime = false;
479 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = true;
480 params.nWifiB = 1;
481 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
482 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 20.5 || throughput > 21.5))
483 {
484 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
485 exit(1);
486 }
487 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
489 params.testName = "HT only";
490 params.enableErpProtection = false;
491 params.enableShortSlotTime = false;
492 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = false;
494 params.nWifiB = 0;
495 params.bHasTraffic = false;
496 params.nWifiG = 0;
497 params.gHasTraffic = false;
498 params.nWifiN = 1;
499 params.nHasTraffic = true;
500 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
501 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 44 || throughput > 45))
502 {
503 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
504 exit(1);
505 }
506 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
508 params.testName = "Mixed HT/non-HT";
509 params.enableErpProtection = false;
510 params.enableShortSlotTime = false;
511 params.enableShortPhyPreamble = false;
513 params.nWifiB = 0;
514 params.bHasTraffic = false;
515 params.nWifiG = 1;
516 params.gHasTraffic = false;
517 params.nWifiN = 1;
518 params.nHasTraffic = true;
519 throughput = experiment.Run(params);
520 if (verifyResults && (throughput < 44 || throughput > 45))
521 {
522 NS_LOG_ERROR("Obtained throughput " << throughput << " is not in the expected boundaries!");
523 exit(1);
524 }
525 std::cout << "Throughput: " << throughput << " Mbit/s \n" << std::endl;
527 return 0;
WiFi adhoc experiment class.
Definition: wifi-adhoc.cc:45
Gnuplot2dDataset Run(const WifiHelper &wifi, const YansWifiPhyHelper &wifiPhy, const WifiMacHelper &wifiMac, const YansWifiChannelHelper &wifiChannel)
Run an experiment.
Definition: wifi-adhoc.cc:162
a polymophic address class
Definition: address.h:100
AttributeValue implementation for Address.
holds a vector of ns3::Application pointers.
void Start(Time start) const
Start all of the Applications in this container at the start time given as a parameter.
Ptr< Application > Get(uint32_t i) const
Get the Ptr<Application> stored in this container at a given index.
void Stop(Time stop) const
Arrange for all of the Applications in this container to Stop() at the Time given as a parameter.
AttributeValue implementation for Boolean.
Definition: boolean.h:37
Parse command-line arguments.
Definition: command-line.h:232
AttributeValue implementation for DataRate.
an Inet address class
aggregate IP/TCP/UDP functionality to existing Nodes.
A helper class to make life easier while doing simple IPv4 address assignment in scripts.
static Ipv4Address GetAny()
holds a vector of std::pair of Ptr<Ipv4> and interface index.
Ipv4Address GetAddress(uint32_t i, uint32_t j=0) const
Helper class used to assign positions and mobility models to nodes.
holds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
keep track of a set of node pointers.
void Create(uint32_t n)
Create n nodes and append pointers to them to the end of this NodeContainer.
Ptr< Node > Get(uint32_t i) const
Get the Ptr<Node> stored in this container at a given index.
Ptr< NetDevice > GetDevice(uint32_t index) const
Retrieve the index-th NetDevice associated to this node.
Definition: node.cc:152
A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::OnOffApplication on a set of nodes.
Definition: on-off-helper.h:44
A helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::PacketSinkApplication on a set of nodes.
Hold objects of type Ptr<T>.
Definition: pointer.h:37
Ptr< T > Get() const
Definition: pointer.h:202
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Definition: ptr.h:78
Handle packet fragmentation and retransmissions for QoS data frames as well as MSDU aggregation (A-MS...
Definition: qos-txop.h:72
static void Destroy()
Execute the events scheduled with ScheduleDestroy().
Definition: simulator.cc:140
static void Run()
Run the simulation.
Definition: simulator.cc:176
static void Stop()
Tell the Simulator the calling event should be the last one executed.
Definition: simulator.cc:184
The IEEE 802.11 SSID Information Element.
Definition: ssid.h:36
AttributeValue implementation for Ssid.
Hold variables of type string.
Definition: string.h:56
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:105
AttributeValue implementation for Time.
Definition: nstime.h:1423
Create a client application which sends UDP packets carrying a 32bit sequence number and a 64 bit tim...
Create a server application which waits for input UDP packets and uses the information carried into t...
Hold an unsigned integer type.
Definition: uinteger.h:45
helps to create WifiNetDevice objects
Definition: wifi-helper.h:324
create MAC layers for a ns3::WifiNetDevice.
manage and create wifi channel objects for the YANS model.
static YansWifiChannelHelper Default()
Create a channel helper in a default working state.
Make it easy to create and manage PHY objects for the YANS model.
void experiment(std::string queue_disc_type)
uint16_t port
Definition: dsdv-manet.cc:44
void SetDefault(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Definition: config.cc:891
void Set(std::string path, const AttributeValue &value)
Definition: config.cc:877
#define NS_LOG_ERROR(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_ERROR.
Definition: log.h:254
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:202
Time MicroSeconds(uint64_t value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1360
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1336
Identifies the IEEE 802.11 specifications that a Wifi device can be configured to use.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
FtrParams params
Fit Fluctuating Two Ray model to the 3GPP TR 38.901 using the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit ##.
WifiStandard apType
Wifi standard for AP.
uint32_t nWifiB
Number of 802.11b stations.
uint32_t nWifiN
Number of 802.11n stations.
bool enableErpProtection
True to enable ERP protection.
bool nHasTraffic
True if 802.11n stations generate traffic.
bool gHasTraffic
True if 802.11g stations generate traffic.
double simulationTime
Simulation time in seconds.
std::string erpProtectionMode
ERP protection mode.
bool enableShortSlotTime
True to enable short slot time.
bool bHasTraffic
True if 802.11b stations generate traffic.
bool isUdp
True to generate UDP traffic.
std::string testName
Test name.
bool enableShortPhyPreamble
True to enable short PHY preamble.
uint32_t nWifiG
Number of 802.11g stations.
uint32_t payloadSize
Payload size in bytes.