23#include "ns3/data-rate.h"
24#include "ns3/ipv4-header.h"
25#include "ns3/ipv6-header.h"
27#include "ns3/sequence-number.h"
28#include "ns3/tcp-socket-state.h"
29#include "ns3/tcp-socket.h"
31#include "ns3/traced-value.h"
45class TcpCongestionOps;
468 return ((tos & 0xfc) | 0x02);
479 return ((tos & 0xfc) | 0x01);
490 return ((tos & 0xfc) | 0x03);
512 return ((tos & 0x03) == 0x00);
523 return ((tos & 0x03) == 0x02);
534 return ((tos & 0x03) == 0x01);
545 return ((tos & 0x03) == 0x03);
558 return ((tos & 0xfc) | codePoint);
585 int Bind6()
588 const Address& address)
591 int Close()
597 const Address& toAddress)
1040 bool scoreboardUpdated,
a polymophic address class
Class for representing data rates.
An identifier for simulation events.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
A representation of an internet endpoint/connection.
Describes an IPv6 address.
A representation of an IPv6 endpoint/connection.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
Helper class to store RTT measurements.
uint32_t count
Number of bytes sent.
bool retx
True if this has been retransmitted.
Time time
Time this one was sent.
SequenceNumber32 seq
First sequence number in packet sent.
Ptr< Packet > Recv()
Read a single packet from the socket.
Enumeration of the possible socket types.
Enumeration of the possible errors returned by a socket.
General infrastructure for TCP testing.
A base class for implementation of a stream socket using TCP.
void AddOptionSack(TcpHeader &header)
Add the SACK option to the header.
int GetSockName(Address &address) const override
Get socket address.
Time m_persistTimeout
Time between sending 1-byte probes.
uint16_t m_maxWinSize
Maximum window size to advertise.
uint8_t m_rcvWindShift
Window shift to apply to outgoing segments.
void SetPaceInitialWindow(bool paceWindow)
Enable or disable pacing of the initial window.
int Bind6() override
Allocate a local IPv6 endpoint for this socket.
void TimeWait()
Move from CLOSING or FIN_WAIT_2 to TIME_WAIT state.
bool CheckEcnEct1(uint8_t tos) const
Checks for ECT(1) codepoint.
Ptr< TcpCongestionOps > m_congestionControl
Congestion control.
Ptr< TcpTxBuffer > GetTxBuffer() const
Get a pointer to the Tx buffer.
int SetupEndpoint()
Configure the endpoint to a local address.
virtual void LastAckTimeout()
Timeout at LAST_ACK, close the connection.
void ProcessEstablished(Ptr< Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Received a packet upon ESTABLISHED state.
Time m_minRto
minimum value of the Retransmit timeout
uint32_t SendPendingData(bool withAck=false)
Send as much pending data as possible according to the Tx window.
TracedValue< uint32_t > m_advWnd
Advertised Window size.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, const TcpHeader &, Ptr< const TcpSocketBase > > m_txTrace
Trace of transmitted packets.
SequenceNumber32 m_recover
Previous highest Tx seqnum for fast recovery (set it to initial seq number)
bool m_recoverActive
Whether "m_recover" has been set/activated It is used to avoid comparing with the old m_recover value...
void DoRetransmit()
Retransmit the first segment marked as lost, without considering available window nor pacing.
bool CheckNoEcn(uint8_t tos) const
Checks if TOS has no ECN codepoints.
virtual void SetNode(Ptr< Node > node)
Set the associated node.
int ShutdownRecv() override
uint8_t m_sndWindShift
Window shift to apply to incoming segments.
Ptr< TcpL4Protocol > m_tcp
the associated TCP L4 protocol
Ptr< TcpSocketState > m_tcb
Congestion control information.
bool GetAllowBroadcast() const override
Query whether broadcast datagram transmissions are allowed.
void UpdateSsThresh(uint32_t oldValue, uint32_t newValue) const
Callback function to hook to TcpSocketState slow start threshold.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet >, const TcpHeader &, Ptr< const TcpSocketBase > > m_rxTrace
Trace of received packets.
virtual void SetTcp(Ptr< TcpL4Protocol > tcp)
Set the associated TCP L4 protocol.
void EnterRecovery(uint32_t currentDelivered)
Enter the CA_RECOVERY, and retransmit the head.
Time GetMinRto() const
Get the Minimum RTO.
void ProcessSynSent(Ptr< Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Received a packet upon SYN_SENT.
void ForwardUp(Ptr< Packet > packet, Ipv4Header header, uint16_t port, Ptr< Ipv4Interface > incomingInterface)
Called by the L3 protocol when it received a packet to pass on to TCP.
bool SetAllowBroadcast(bool allowBroadcast) override
Configure whether broadcast datagram transmissions are allowed.
void CancelAllTimers()
Cancel all timer when endpoint is deleted.
Time GetDelAckTimeout() const override
Get the time to delay an ACK.
Ptr< TcpRecoveryOps > m_recoveryOps
Recovery Algorithm.
TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_bytesInFlightTrace
Callback pointer for bytesInFlight trace chaining.
uint32_t GetInitialSSThresh() const override
Get the initial Slow Start Threshold.
void NotifyPacingPerformed()
Notify Pacing.
void SetDelAckTimeout(Time timeout) override
Set the time to delay an ACK.
void CloseAndNotify()
Peacefully close the socket by notifying the upper layer and deallocate end point.
uint8_t MarkEcnEct1(uint8_t tos) const
Mark ECT(1) codepoint.
Ptr< TcpRateOps > m_rateOps
Rate operations.
void PeerClose(Ptr< Packet > p, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Received a FIN from peer, notify rx buffer.
int Close() override
Close a socket.
bool m_shutdownSend
Send no longer allowed.
bool IsPacingEnabled() const
Return true if packets in the current window should be paced.
void ProcessOptionWScale(const Ptr< const TcpOption > option)
Read and parse the Window scale option.
bool m_closeOnEmpty
Close socket upon tx buffer emptied.
virtual void ReTxTimeout()
An RTO event happened.
void AddOptionSackPermitted(TcpHeader &header)
Add the SACK PERMITTED option to the header.
TracedValue< Time > m_rto
Retransmit timeout.
uint32_t GetSndBufSize() const override
Get the send buffer size.
virtual void ReceivedData(Ptr< Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Recv of a data, put into buffer, call L7 to get it if necessary.
EventId m_timewaitEvent
TIME_WAIT expiration event: Move this socket to CLOSED state.
Ptr< TcpTxBuffer > m_txBuffer
Tx buffer.
static TypeId GetTypeId()
Get the type ID.
uint32_t m_dupAckCount
Dupack counter.
void SetRetxThresh(uint32_t retxThresh)
Set the retransmission threshold (dup ack threshold for a fast retransmit)
int Send(Ptr< Packet > p, uint32_t flags) override
Send data (or dummy data) to the remote host.
TracedCallback< SequenceNumber32, SequenceNumber32 > m_nextTxSequenceTrace
Callback pointer for next tx sequence chaining.
void UpdateBytesInFlight(uint32_t oldValue, uint32_t newValue) const
Callback function to hook to TcpSocketState bytes inflight.
EventId m_delAckEvent
Delayed ACK timeout event.
TracedCallback< Time, Time > m_lastRttTrace
Callback pointer for RTT trace chaining.
bool GetTcpNoDelay() const override
Check if Nagle's algorithm is enabled or not.
virtual void SetRtt(Ptr< RttEstimator > rtt)
Set the associated RTT estimator.
TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_cWndTrace
Callback pointer for cWnd trace chaining.
void UpdatePacingRateTrace(DataRate oldValue, DataRate newValue) const
Callback function to hook to TcpSocketState pacing rate.
void SetDataRetries(uint32_t retries) override
Set the number of data transmission retries before giving up.
void AddOptions(TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Add options to TcpHeader.
TracedCallback< TcpSocketState::EcnState_t, TcpSocketState::EcnState_t > m_ecnStateTrace
Callback pointer for ECN state trace chaining.
void SetSynRetries(uint32_t count) override
Set the number of connection retries before giving up.
void ProcessWait(Ptr< Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Received a packet upon CLOSE_WAIT, FIN_WAIT_1, FIN_WAIT_2.
SequenceNumber32 m_highTxAck
Highest ack sent.
uint32_t GetTxAvailable() const override
Returns the number of bytes which can be sent in a single call to Send.
bool m_timestampEnabled
Timestamp option enabled.
virtual void PersistTimeout()
Send 1 byte probe to get an updated window size.
TracedValue< TcpStates_t > m_state
TCP state.
int SetupCallback()
Common part of the two Bind(), i.e.
Ptr< RttEstimator > m_rtt
Round trip time estimator.
uint8_t MarkEcnEct0(uint8_t tos) const
Mark ECT(0) codepoint.
Timer m_pacingTimer
Pacing Event.
EventId m_retxEvent
Retransmission event.
uint32_t m_bytesAckedNotProcessed
Bytes acked, but not processed.
void AddOptionTimestamp(TcpHeader &header)
Add the timestamp option to the header.
virtual uint32_t BytesInFlight() const
Return total bytes in flight.
uint32_t GetSegSize() const override
Get the segment size.
int SendTo(Ptr< Packet > p, uint32_t flags, const Address &toAddress) override
Send data to a specified peer.
uint32_t m_dataRetries
Number of data retransmission attempts.
double m_msl
Max segment lifetime.
void ProcessLastAck(Ptr< Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Received a packet upon LAST_ACK.
bool m_limitedTx
perform limited transmit
virtual uint32_t SendDataPacket(SequenceNumber32 seq, uint32_t maxSize, bool withAck)
Extract at most maxSize bytes from the TxBuffer at sequence seq, add the TCP header,...
TracedCallback< TcpSocketState::TcpCongState_t, TcpSocketState::TcpCongState_t > m_congStateTrace
Callback pointer for congestion state trace chaining.
void ProcessSynRcvd(Ptr< Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader, const Address &fromAddress, const Address &toAddress)
Received a packet upon SYN_RCVD.
virtual void ReceivedAck(Ptr< Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Received an ACK packet.
SocketType GetSocketType() const override
int ShutdownSend() override
TracedValue< SequenceNumber32 > m_ecnCWRSeq
Sequence number of the last sent CWR.
Time GetPersistTimeout() const override
Get the timeout for persistent connection.
void UpdateCwnd(uint32_t oldValue, uint32_t newValue) const
Callback function to hook to TcpSocketState congestion window.
uint32_t m_delAckCount
Delayed ACK counter.
Ipv4EndPoint * m_endPoint
the IPv4 endpoint
static uint32_t SafeSubtraction(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
Performs a safe subtraction between a and b (a-b)
virtual void DelAckTimeout()
Action upon delay ACK timeout, i.e.
Ptr< Packet > RecvFrom(uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t flags, Address &fromAddress) override
Read a single packet from the socket and retrieve the sender address.
Time m_cnTimeout
Timeout for connection retry.
Time GetClockGranularity() const
Get the Clock Granularity (used in RTO calcs).
bool m_winScalingEnabled
Window Scale option enabled (RFC 7323)
void UpdateEcnState(TcpSocketState::EcnState_t oldValue, TcpSocketState::EcnState_t newValue) const
Callback function to hook to EcnState state.
EventId m_sendPendingDataEvent
micro-delay event to send pending data
uint32_t m_delAckMaxCount
Number of packet to fire an ACK before delay timeout.
uint8_t CalculateWScale() const
Calculate window scale value based on receive buffer space.
virtual void NewAck(const SequenceNumber32 &seq, bool resetRTO)
Update buffers w.r.t.
bool m_closeNotified
Told app to close socket.
int Listen() override
Listen for incoming connections.
void Destroy6()
Kill this socket by zeroing its attributes (IPv6)
uint8_t MarkEcnCe(uint8_t tos) const
Mark CE codepoint.
TracedValue< SequenceNumber32 > m_ecnCESeq
Sequence number of the last received Congestion Experienced.
void SetClockGranularity(Time clockGranularity)
Sets the Clock Granularity (used in RTO calcs).
bool IsValidTcpSegment(const SequenceNumber32 seq, const uint32_t tcpHeaderSize, const uint32_t tcpPayloadSize)
Checks whether the given TCP segment is valid or not.
Time m_clockGranularity
Clock Granularity used in RTO calcs.
void DupAck(uint32_t currentDelivered)
Dupack management.
bool m_shutdownRecv
Receive no longer allowed.
void UpdateCongState(TcpSocketState::TcpCongState_t oldValue, TcpSocketState::TcpCongState_t newValue) const
Callback function to hook to TcpSocketState congestion state.
virtual uint32_t Window() const
Return the max possible number of unacked bytes.
Callback< void, Ipv6Address, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint32_t > m_icmpCallback6
ICMPv6 callback.
std::deque< RttHistory > m_history
List of sent packet.
void(* TcpTxRxTracedCallback)(const Ptr< const Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &header, const Ptr< const TcpSocketBase > socket)
TracedCallback signature for tcp packet transmission or reception events.
void ProcessOptionSackPermitted(const Ptr< const TcpOption > option)
Read the SACK PERMITTED option.
int Bind() override
Allocate a local IPv4 endpoint for this socket.
virtual uint32_t AvailableWindow() const
Return unfilled portion of window.
TracedValue< SequenceNumber32 > m_highRxMark
Highest seqno received.
uint8_t ClearEcnBits(uint8_t tos) const
Clears ECN bits from TOS.
void ReadOptions(const TcpHeader &tcpHeader, uint32_t *bytesSacked)
Read TCP options before Ack processing.
virtual uint16_t AdvertisedWindowSize(bool scale=true) const
The amount of Rx window announced to the peer.
void ForwardUp6(Ptr< Packet > packet, Ipv6Header header, uint16_t port, Ptr< Ipv6Interface > incomingInterface)
Called by the L3 protocol when it received a packet to pass on to TCP.
bool m_connected
Connection established.
TracedValue< SequenceNumber32 > m_highRxAckMark
Highest ack received.
void AddOptionWScale(TcpHeader &header)
Add the window scale option to the header.
virtual void SendEmptyPacket(uint8_t flags)
Send a empty packet that carries a flag, e.g., ACK.
void UpdateWindowSize(const TcpHeader &header)
Update the receiver window (RWND) based on the value of the window field in the header.
uint32_t GetRxAvailable() const override
Return number of bytes which can be returned from one or multiple calls to Recv.
uint32_t GetDataRetries() const override
Get the number of data transmission retries before giving up.
int SetupEndpoint6()
Configure the endpoint v6 to a local address.
uint32_t GetRetxThresh() const
Get the retransmission threshold (dup ack threshold for a fast retransmit)
void DeallocateEndPoint()
Deallocate m_endPoint and m_endPoint6.
void Destroy()
Kill this socket by zeroing its attributes (IPv4)
void UpdateHighTxMark(SequenceNumber32 oldValue, SequenceNumber32 newValue) const
Callback function to hook to TcpSocketState high tx mark.
Create an unbound TCP socket.
void SetInitialSSThresh(uint32_t threshold) override
Set the initial Slow Start Threshold.
TracedCallback< DataRate, DataRate > m_pacingRateTrace
Callback pointer for pacing rate trace chaining.
uint32_t m_timestampToEcho
Timestamp to echo.
Ipv6EndPoint * m_endPoint6
the IPv6 endpoint
void SetSndBufSize(uint32_t size) override
Set the send buffer size.
virtual Ptr< TcpSocketBase > Fork()
Call CopyObject<> to clone me.
TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_ssThTrace
Callback pointer for ssTh trace chaining.
SocketErrno m_errno
Socket error code.
SocketErrno GetErrno() const override
Get last error number.
virtual void CompleteFork(Ptr< Packet > p, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader, const Address &fromAddress, const Address &toAddress)
Complete a connection by forking the socket.
void ProcessClosing(Ptr< Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Received a packet upon CLOSING.
bool CheckEcnCe(uint8_t tos) const
Checks for CE codepoint.
TracedCallback< SequenceNumber32, SequenceNumber32 > m_highTxMarkTrace
Callback pointer for high tx mark chaining.
int Connect(const Address &address) override
Initiate a connection to a remote host.
Ptr< Node > m_node
the associated node
void SetSegSize(uint32_t size) override
Set the segment size.
TypeId GetInstanceTypeId() const override
Get the instance TypeId.
uint32_t m_synRetries
Number of connection attempts.
void SetConnTimeout(Time timeout) override
Set the connection timeout.
void SetDelAckMaxCount(uint32_t count) override
Set the number of packet to fire an ACK before delay timeout.
EventId m_lastAckEvent
Last ACK timeout event.
bool IsTcpOptionEnabled(uint8_t kind) const
Return true if the specified option is enabled.
void UpdatePacingRate()
Dynamically update the pacing rate.
EventId m_persistEvent
Persist event: Send 1 byte to probe for a non-zero Rx window.
void SetPacingStatus(bool pacing)
Enable or disable pacing.
void UpdateRtt(Time oldValue, Time newValue) const
Callback function to hook to TcpSocketState rtt.
void SetCongestionControlAlgorithm(Ptr< TcpCongestionOps > algo)
Install a congestion control algorithm on this socket.
int GetPeerName(Address &address) const override
Get the peer address of a connected socket.
virtual uint32_t UnAckDataCount() const
Return count of number of unacked bytes.
uint32_t m_dataRetrCount
Count of remaining data retransmission attempts.
void UpdateCwndInfl(uint32_t oldValue, uint32_t newValue) const
Callback function to hook to TcpSocketState inflated congestion window.
Ptr< TcpRxBuffer > GetRxBuffer() const
Get a pointer to the Rx buffer.
void SetPersistTimeout(Time timeout) override
Set the timeout for persistent connection.
void ConnectionSucceeded()
Schedule-friendly wrapper for Socket::NotifyConnectionSucceeded()
bool m_noDelay
Set to true to disable Nagle's algorithm.
uint32_t GetDelAckMaxCount() const override
Get the number of packet to fire an ACK before delay timeout.
void ForwardIcmp(Ipv4Address icmpSource, uint8_t icmpTtl, uint8_t icmpType, uint8_t icmpCode, uint32_t icmpInfo)
Called by the L3 protocol when it received an ICMP packet to pass on to TCP.
virtual void ProcessAck(const SequenceNumber32 &ackNumber, bool scoreboardUpdated, uint32_t currentDelivered, const SequenceNumber32 &oldHeadSequence)
Process a received ack.
void ForwardIcmp6(Ipv6Address icmpSource, uint8_t icmpTtl, uint8_t icmpType, uint8_t icmpCode, uint32_t icmpInfo)
Called by the L3 protocol when it received an ICMPv6 packet to pass on to TCP.
virtual void DoForwardUp(Ptr< Packet > packet, const Address &fromAddress, const Address &toAddress)
Called by TcpSocketBase::ForwardUp{,6}().
bool m_isFirstPartialAck
First partial ACK during RECOVERY.
uint8_t MarkEcnCodePoint(const uint8_t tos, const TcpSocketState::EcnCodePoint_t codePoint) const
mark ECN code point
Time m_delAckTimeout
Time to delay an ACK.
Callback< void, Ipv4Address, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint32_t > m_icmpCallback
ICMP callback.
void SetInitialCwnd(uint32_t cwnd) override
Set the initial Congestion Window.
void SetUseEcn(TcpSocketState::UseEcn_t useEcn)
Set ECN mode of use on the socket.
bool CheckEcnEct0(uint8_t tos) const
Checks for ECT(0) codepoint.
void ProcessListen(Ptr< Packet > packet, const TcpHeader &tcpHeader, const Address &fromAddress, const Address &toAddress)
Received a packet upon LISTEN state.
uint32_t m_synCount
Count of remaining connection retries.
int DoConnect()
Perform the real connection tasks: Send SYN if allowed, RST if invalid.
uint32_t GetSynRetries() const override
Get the number of connection retries before giving up.
void DoPeerClose()
FIN is in sequence, notify app and respond with a FIN.
void SendRST()
Send reset and tear down this socket.
bool OutOfRange(SequenceNumber32 head, SequenceNumber32 tail) const
Check if a sequence number range is within the rx window.
TracedValue< SequenceNumber32 > m_ecnEchoSeq
Sequence number of the last received ECN Echo.
uint32_t m_retxThresh
Fast Retransmit threshold.
uint32_t GetRWnd() const
Get the current value of the receiver's offered window (RCV.WND)
SequenceNumber32 GetHighRxAck() const
Get the current value of the receiver's highest (in-sequence) sequence number acked.
void BindToNetDevice(Ptr< NetDevice > netdevice) override
Bind a socket to specific device.
void EnterCwr(uint32_t currentDelivered)
Enter CA_CWR state upon receipt of an ECN Echo.
virtual void EstimateRtt(const TcpHeader &tcpHeader)
Take into account the packet for RTT estimation.
uint32_t GetInitialCwnd() const override
Get the initial Congestion Window.
TracedValue< uint32_t > m_rWnd
Receiver window (RCV.WND in RFC793)
void ProcessOptionTimestamp(const Ptr< const TcpOption > option, const SequenceNumber32 &seq)
Process the timestamp option from other side.
void SetRcvBufSize(uint32_t size) override
Set the receive buffer size.
void SetTcpNoDelay(bool noDelay) override
Enable/Disable Nagle's algorithm.
virtual void UpdateRttHistory(const SequenceNumber32 &seq, uint32_t sz, bool isRetransmission)
Update the RTT history, when we send TCP segments.
bool m_sackEnabled
RFC SACK option enabled.
void UpdateNextTxSequence(SequenceNumber32 oldValue, SequenceNumber32 newValue) const
Callback function to hook to TcpSocketState next tx sequence.
void SetMinRto(Time minRto)
Sets the Minimum RTO.
Time GetConnTimeout() const override
Get the connection timeout.
Ptr< Node > GetNode() const override
Return the node this socket is associated with.
uint32_t ProcessOptionSack(const Ptr< const TcpOption > option)
Read the SACK option.
void SetRecoveryAlgorithm(Ptr< TcpRecoveryOps > recovery)
Install a recovery algorithm on this socket.
~TcpSocketBase() override
int DoClose()
Close a socket by sending RST, FIN, or FIN+ACK, depend on the current state.
void AddSocketTags(const Ptr< Packet > &p) const
Add Tags for the Socket.
TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint32_t > m_cWndInflTrace
Callback pointer for cWndInfl trace chaining.
uint32_t GetRcvBufSize() const override
Get the receive buffer size.
(abstract) base class of all TcpSockets
ECN code points.
Parameter value related to ECN enable/disable functionality similar to sysctl for tcp_ecn.
Definition of the Congestion state machine.
Definition of the Ecn state machine.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
static Time Max()
Maximum representable Time Not to be confused with Max(Time,Time).
A simple virtual Timer class.
This policy cancels the event from the destructor of the Timer or from Suspend().
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
Trace classes with value semantics.
a unique identifier for an interface.
void(* EcnStatesTracedValueCallback)(const TcpSocketState::EcnState_t oldValue, const TcpSocketState::EcnState_t newValue)
TracedValue Callback signature for ECN state trace.
void(* TcpCongStatesTracedValueCallback)(const TcpSocketState::TcpCongState_t oldValue, const TcpSocketState::TcpCongState_t newValue)
TracedValue Callback signature for TcpCongState_t.
Socket is finished
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.