A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
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ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager Class Referenceabstract

hold a list of per-remote-station state. More...

#include "wifi-remote-station-manager.h"

+ Inheritance diagram for ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager:
+ Collaboration diagram for ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager:

Public Types

typedef void(* PowerChangeTracedCallback) (double oldPower, double newPower, Mac48Address remoteAddress)
 TracedCallback signature for power change events.
enum  ProtectionMode { RTS_CTS , CTS_TO_SELF }
 ProtectionMode enumeration. More...
typedef void(* RateChangeTracedCallback) (DataRate oldRate, DataRate newRate, Mac48Address remoteAddress)
 TracedCallback signature for rate change events.
using Stations = std::unordered_map< Mac48Address, WifiRemoteStation *, WifiAddressHash >
 A map of WifiRemoteStations with Mac48Address as key.
using StationStates = std::unordered_map< Mac48Address, std::shared_ptr< WifiRemoteStationState >, WifiAddressHash >
 A map of WifiRemoteStationStates with Mac48Address as key.

Public Member Functions

 WifiRemoteStationManager ()
 ~WifiRemoteStationManager () override
void AddAllSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address)
 Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the MCS supported by a destination which is also supported locally.
void AddAllSupportedModes (Mac48Address address)
 Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally.
void AddBasicMcs (WifiMode mcs)
 Add a given Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index to the set of basic MCS.
void AddBasicMode (WifiMode mode)
 Invoked in a STA upon association to store the set of rates which belong to the BSSBasicRateSet of the associated AP and which are supported locally.
void AddStationEhtCapabilities (Mac48Address from, EhtCapabilities ehtCapabilities)
 Records EHT capabilities of the remote station.
void AddStationEmlCapabilities (Mac48Address from, const std::shared_ptr< CommonInfoBasicMle::EmlCapabilities > &emlCapabilities)
 Records EML capabilities of the remote station.
void AddStationHeCapabilities (Mac48Address from, HeCapabilities heCapabilities)
 Records HE capabilities of the remote station.
void AddStationHtCapabilities (Mac48Address from, HtCapabilities htCapabilities)
 Records HT capabilities of the remote station.
void AddStationVhtCapabilities (Mac48Address from, VhtCapabilities vhtCapabilities)
 Records VHT capabilities of the remote station.
void AddSupportedErpSlotTime (Mac48Address address, bool isShortSlotTimeSupported)
 Record whether the short ERP slot time is supported by the station.
void AddSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address, WifiMode mcs)
 Record the MCS index supported by the station.
void AddSupportedMode (Mac48Address address, WifiMode mode)
 Invoked in a STA or AP to store the set of modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally.
void AddSupportedPhyPreamble (Mac48Address address, bool isShortPreambleSupported)
 Record whether the short PHY preamble is supported by the station.
void AdjustTxVectorForIcf (WifiTxVector &txVector) const
 Adjust the TXVECTOR for an initial Control frame to ensure that the modulation class is non-HT and the rate is 6 Mbps, 12 Mbps or 24 Mbps.
virtual int64_t AssignStreams (int64_t stream)
 Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.
WifiTxVector GetAckTxVector (Mac48Address to, const WifiTxVector &dataTxVector) const
 Return a TXVECTOR for the Ack frame given the destination and the mode of the Data used by the sender.
std::optional< Mac48AddressGetAffiliatedStaAddress (const Mac48Address &mldAddress) const
 Get the address of the remote station operating on this link and affiliated with the MLD having the given MAC address, if any.
uint16_t GetAssociationId (Mac48Address remoteAddress) const
 Get the AID of a remote station.
WifiMode GetBasicMcs (uint8_t i) const
 Return the MCS at the given list index.
WifiMode GetBasicMode (uint8_t i) const
 Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes.
WifiTxVector GetBlockAckTxVector (Mac48Address to, const WifiTxVector &dataTxVector) const
 Return a TXVECTOR for the BlockAck frame given the destination and the mode of the Data used by the sender.
uint16_t GetChannelWidthSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return the channel width supported by the station.
WifiMode GetControlAnswerMode (WifiMode reqMode) const
 Get control answer mode function.
WifiTxVector GetCtsToSelfTxVector ()
 Since CTS-to-self parameters are not dependent on the station, it is implemented in wifi remote station manager.
WifiTxVector GetCtsTxVector (Mac48Address to, WifiMode rtsTxMode) const
 Return a TXVECTOR for the CTS frame given the destination and the mode of the RTS used by the sender.
WifiTxVector GetDataTxVector (const WifiMacHeader &header, uint16_t allowedWidth)
WifiMode GetDefaultMcs () const
 Return the default Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index.
WifiMode GetDefaultMode () const
 Return the default transmission mode.
WifiMode GetDefaultModeForSta (const WifiRemoteStation *st) const
 Return the default MCS to use to transmit frames to the given station.
uint8_t GetDefaultTxPowerLevel () const
bool GetDsssSupported (const Mac48Address &address) const
 Return whether the station supports DSSS or not.
bool GetEhtSupported () const
 Return whether the device has EHT capability support enabled.
bool GetEhtSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station supports EHT or not.
bool GetEmlsrEnabled (const Mac48Address &address) const
bool GetEmlsrSupported (const Mac48Address &address) const
bool GetErpOfdmSupported (const Mac48Address &address) const
 Return whether the station supports ERP OFDM or not.
uint32_t GetFragmentationThreshold () const
 Return the fragmentation threshold.
uint32_t GetFragmentOffset (Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint32_t fragmentNumber)
uint32_t GetFragmentSize (Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint32_t fragmentNumber)
uint16_t GetGuardInterval () const
 Return the supported HE guard interval duration (in nanoseconds).
bool GetHeSupported () const
 Return whether the device has HE capability support enabled.
bool GetHeSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station supports HE or not.
bool GetHtSupported () const
 Return whether the device has HT capability support enabled.
bool GetHtSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station supports HT or not.
WifiRemoteStationInfo GetInfo (Mac48Address address)
bool GetLdpcSupported () const
 Return whether the device has LDPC support enabled.
bool GetLdpcSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station supports LDPC or not.
Ptr< WifiMacGetMac () const
 Return the WifiMac.
uint8_t GetMaxNumberOfTransmitStreams () const
std::optional< Mac48AddressGetMldAddress (const Mac48Address &address) const
 Get the address of the MLD the given station is affiliated with, if any.
std::optional< doubleGetMostRecentRssi (Mac48Address address) const
uint8_t GetNBasicMcs () const
 Return the number of basic MCS index.
uint8_t GetNBasicModes () const
 Return the number of basic modes we support.
uint8_t GetNMcsSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return the number of MCS supported by the station.
uint32_t GetNNonErpBasicModes () const
 Return the number of non-ERP basic modes we support.
WifiMode GetNonErpBasicMode (uint8_t i) const
 Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes that is not an ERP mode.
WifiMode GetNonUnicastMode () const
 Return a mode for non-unicast packets.
uint8_t GetNumberOfAntennas () const
uint8_t GetNumberOfSupportedStreams (Mac48Address address) const
 Return the number of spatial streams supported by the station.
bool GetOfdmSupported (const Mac48Address &address) const
 Return whether the station supports OFDM or not.
Ptr< WifiPhyGetPhy () const
 Return the WifiPhy.
bool GetQosSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the given station is QoS capable.
WifiTxVector GetRtsTxVector (Mac48Address address)
bool GetShortGuardIntervalSupported () const
 Return whether the device has SGI support enabled.
bool GetShortGuardIntervalSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval.
bool GetShortPreambleEnabled () const
 Return whether the device uses short PHY preambles.
bool GetShortPreambleSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station supports short PHY preamble or not.
bool GetShortSlotTimeEnabled () const
 Return whether the device uses short slot time.
bool GetShortSlotTimeSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station supports short ERP slot time or not.
Ptr< const EhtCapabilitiesGetStationEhtCapabilities (Mac48Address from)
 Return the EHT capabilities sent by the remote station.
std::shared_ptr< CommonInfoBasicMle::EmlCapabilitiesGetStationEmlCapabilities (const Mac48Address &from)
Ptr< const HeCapabilitiesGetStationHeCapabilities (Mac48Address from)
 Return the HE capabilities sent by the remote station.
Ptr< const HtCapabilitiesGetStationHtCapabilities (Mac48Address from)
 Return the HT capabilities sent by the remote station.
Ptr< const VhtCapabilitiesGetStationVhtCapabilities (Mac48Address from)
 Return the VHT capabilities sent by the remote station.
bool GetUseNonErpProtection () const
 Return whether the device supports protection of non-ERP stations.
bool GetUseNonHtProtection () const
 Return whether the device supports protection of non-HT stations.
bool GetVhtSupported () const
 Return whether the device has VHT capability support enabled.
bool GetVhtSupported (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station supports VHT or not.
bool IsAssociated (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station associated.
bool IsAssocRefused (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether we refused an association request from the given station.
bool IsBrandNew (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether the station state is brand new.
bool IsInPsMode (const Mac48Address &address) const
 Return whether the STA is currently in Power Save mode.
bool IsLastFragment (Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, uint32_t fragmentNumber)
bool IsWaitAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address) const
 Return whether we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent.
bool NeedCtsToSelf (WifiTxVector txVector)
 Return if we need to do CTS-to-self before sending a DATA.
bool NeedFragmentation (Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
bool NeedRetransmission (Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
bool NeedRts (const WifiMacHeader &header, uint32_t size)
void RecordAssocRefused (Mac48Address address)
 Records that association request was refused.
void RecordDisassociated (Mac48Address address)
 Records that the STA was disassociated.
void RecordGotAssocTxFailed (Mac48Address address)
 Records that we missed an ACK for the association response we sent.
void RecordGotAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address)
 Records that we got an ACK for the association response we sent.
void RecordWaitAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address)
 Records that we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent.
void RemoveAllSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address)
 Invoked in a STA or AP to delete all of the supported MCS by a destination.
void ReportAmpduTxStatus (Mac48Address address, uint16_t nSuccessfulMpdus, uint16_t nFailedMpdus, double rxSnr, double dataSnr, WifiTxVector dataTxVector)
 Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed.
void ReportDataFailed (Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
 Should be invoked whenever the AckTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires.
void ReportDataOk (Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr, WifiTxVector dataTxVector)
 Should be invoked whenever we receive the ACK associated to a data packet we just sent.
void ReportFinalDataFailed (Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
 Should be invoked after calling ReportDataFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false.
void ReportFinalRtsFailed (const WifiMacHeader &header)
 Should be invoked after calling ReportRtsFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false.
void ReportRtsFailed (const WifiMacHeader &header)
 Should be invoked whenever the RtsTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires.
void ReportRtsOk (const WifiMacHeader &header, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr)
 Should be invoked whenever we receive the CTS associated to an RTS we just sent.
void ReportRxOk (Mac48Address address, RxSignalInfo rxSignalInfo, WifiTxVector txVector)
void Reset ()
 Reset the station, invoked in a STA upon dis-association or in an AP upon reboot.
void SetAssociationId (Mac48Address remoteAddress, uint16_t aid)
 Record the AID of a remote station.
void SetDefaultTxPowerLevel (uint8_t txPower)
 Set the default transmission power level.
void SetEmlsrEnabled (const Mac48Address &from, bool emlsrEnabled)
void SetFragmentationThreshold (uint32_t threshold)
 Sets a fragmentation threshold.
void SetMaxSlrc (uint32_t maxSlrc)
 Sets the maximum STA long retry count (SLRC).
void SetMaxSsrc (uint32_t maxSsrc)
 Sets the maximum STA short retry count (SSRC).
void SetMldAddress (const Mac48Address &address, const Mac48Address &mldAddress)
 Set the address of the MLD the given station is affiliated with.
void SetPsMode (const Mac48Address &address, bool isInPsMode)
 Register whether the STA is in Power Save mode or not.
void SetQosSupport (Mac48Address from, bool qosSupported)
 Records QoS support of the remote station.
void SetRtsCtsThreshold (uint32_t threshold)
 Sets the RTS threshold.
void SetShortPreambleEnabled (bool enable)
 Enable or disable short PHY preambles.
void SetShortSlotTimeEnabled (bool enable)
 Enable or disable short slot time.
virtual void SetupMac (const Ptr< WifiMac > mac)
 Set up MAC associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of timing parameters (e.g.
virtual void SetupPhy (const Ptr< WifiPhy > phy)
 Set up PHY associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of transmit rates that are supported.
void SetUseNonErpProtection (bool enable)
 Enable or disable protection for non-ERP stations.
void SetUseNonHtProtection (bool enable)
 Enable or disable protection for non-HT stations.
bool UseLdpcForDestination (Mac48Address dest) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
 Object ()
 ~Object () override
void AggregateObject (Ptr< Object > other)
 Aggregate two Objects together.
void Dispose ()
 Dispose of this Object.
AggregateIterator GetAggregateIterator () const
 Get an iterator to the Objects aggregated to this one.
TypeId GetInstanceTypeId () const override
 Get the most derived TypeId for this Object.
template<typename T >
Ptr< T > GetObject () const
 Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object.
Ptr< ObjectGetObject () const
 Specialization of () for objects of type ns3::Object.
template<typename T >
Ptr< T > GetObject (TypeId tid) const
 Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object by TypeId.
Ptr< ObjectGetObject (TypeId tid) const
 Specialization of (TypeId tid) for objects of type ns3::Object.
void Initialize ()
 Invoke DoInitialize on all Objects aggregated to this one.
bool IsInitialized () const
 Check if the object has been initialized.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::SimpleRefCount< Object, ObjectBase, ObjectDeleter >
 SimpleRefCount ()
 Default constructor.
 SimpleRefCount (const SimpleRefCount &o)
 Copy constructor.
uint32_t GetReferenceCount () const
 Get the reference count of the object.
SimpleRefCountoperator= (const SimpleRefCount &o)
 Assignment operator.
void Ref () const
 Increment the reference count.
void Unref () const
 Decrement the reference count.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
virtual ~ObjectBase ()
 Virtual destructor.
void GetAttribute (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const
 Get the value of an attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
bool GetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const
 Get the value of an attribute without raising errors.
virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId () const =0
 Get the most derived TypeId for this Object.
void SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
 Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
bool SetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
 Set a single attribute without raising errors.
bool TraceConnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Connect a TraceSource to a Callback with a context.
bool TraceConnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context.
bool TraceDisconnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected with a context.
bool TraceDisconnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb)
 Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected without a context.

Static Public Member Functions

static TypeId GetTypeId ()
 Get the type ID.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
static TypeId GetTypeId ()
 Register this type.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
static TypeId GetTypeId ()
 Get the type ID.

Protected Member Functions

void DoDispose () override
 Destructor implementation.
Mac48Address GetAddress (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the address of the station.
bool GetAggregation (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station supports A-MPDU.
uint16_t GetChannelWidth (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the channel width supported by the station.
bool GetEhtSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station is EHT capable.
bool GetEmlsrEnabled (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
bool GetEmlsrSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
uint16_t GetGuardInterval (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the HE guard interval duration supported by the station.
bool GetHeSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station is HE capable.
bool GetHtSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station is HT capable.
WifiMode GetMcsSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const
 Return the WifiMode supported by the specified station at the specified index.
uint8_t GetNess (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
uint8_t GetNMcsSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the number of MCS supported by the given station.
uint32_t GetNNonErpSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the number of non-ERP modes supported by the given station.
WifiMode GetNonErpSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const
 Return whether non-ERP mode associated with the specified station at the specified index.
uint8_t GetNSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the number of modes supported by the given station.
uint8_t GetNumberOfSupportedStreams (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return the number of supported streams the station has.
bool GetQosSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station is QoS capable.
bool GetShortGuardIntervalSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station supports HT/VHT short guard interval.
WifiMode GetSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const
 Return whether mode associated with the specified station at the specified index.
bool GetVhtSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const
 Return whether the given station is VHT capable.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::Object
 Object (const Object &o)
 Copy an Object.
virtual void DoDispose ()
 Destructor implementation.
virtual void DoInitialize ()
 Initialize() implementation.
virtual void NotifyNewAggregate ()
 Notify all Objects aggregated to this one of a new Object being aggregated.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ns3::ObjectBase
void ConstructSelf (const AttributeConstructionList &attributes)
 Complete construction of ObjectBase; invoked by derived classes.
virtual void NotifyConstructionCompleted ()
 Notifier called once the ObjectBase is fully constructed.

Private Member Functions

virtual WifiRemoteStationDoCreateStation () const =0
virtual WifiTxVector DoGetDataTxVector (WifiRemoteStation *station, uint16_t allowedWidth)=0
uint32_t DoGetFragmentationThreshold () const
 Return the current fragmentation threshold.
virtual WifiTxVector DoGetRtsTxVector (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
virtual bool DoNeedFragmentation (WifiRemoteStation *station, Ptr< const Packet > packet, bool normally)
virtual bool DoNeedRetransmission (WifiRemoteStation *station, Ptr< const Packet > packet, bool normally)
virtual bool DoNeedRts (WifiRemoteStation *station, uint32_t size, bool normally)
virtual void DoReportAmpduTxStatus (WifiRemoteStation *station, uint16_t nSuccessfulMpdus, uint16_t nFailedMpdus, double rxSnr, double dataSnr, uint16_t dataChannelWidth, uint8_t dataNss)
 Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed.
virtual void DoReportDataFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
virtual void DoReportDataOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr, uint16_t dataChannelWidth, uint8_t dataNss)=0
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
virtual void DoReportFinalDataFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
virtual void DoReportFinalRtsFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
virtual void DoReportRtsFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
virtual void DoReportRtsOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr)=0
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
virtual void DoReportRxOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode)=0
 This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
void DoSetFragmentationThreshold (uint32_t threshold)
 Actually sets the fragmentation threshold, it also checks the validity of the given threshold.
uint32_t GetNFragments (Ptr< const WifiMpdu > mpdu)
 Return the number of fragments needed for the given packet.
uint16_t GetStaId (Mac48Address address, const WifiTxVector &txVector) const
 If the given TXVECTOR is used for a MU transmission, return the STAID of the station with the given address if we are an AP or our own STAID if we are a STA associated with some AP.
WifiRemoteStationLookup (Mac48Address address) const
 Return the station associated with the given address.
std::shared_ptr< WifiRemoteStationStateLookupState (Mac48Address address) const
 Return the state of the station associated with the given address.

Private Attributes

WifiModeList m_bssBasicMcsSet
 basic MCS set
WifiModeList m_bssBasicRateSet
 This member is the list of WifiMode objects that comprise the BSSBasicRateSet parameter.
WifiMode m_defaultTxMcs
 The default transmission modulation-coding scheme (MCS)
WifiMode m_defaultTxMode
 The default transmission mode.
uint8_t m_defaultTxPowerLevel
 Default transmission power level.
ProtectionMode m_erpProtectionMode
 Protection mode for ERP stations when non-ERP stations are detected.
uint32_t m_fragmentationThreshold
 Current threshold for fragmentation.
ProtectionMode m_htProtectionMode
 Protection mode for HT stations when non-HT stations are detected.
TracedCallback< Mac48Addressm_macTxDataFailed
 The trace source fired when the transmission of a single data packet has failed.
TracedCallback< Mac48Addressm_macTxFinalDataFailed
 The trace source fired when the transmission of a data packet has exceeded the maximum number of attempts.
TracedCallback< Mac48Addressm_macTxFinalRtsFailed
 The trace source fired when the transmission of a RTS has exceeded the maximum number of attempts.
TracedCallback< Mac48Addressm_macTxRtsFailed
 The trace source fired when the transmission of a single RTS has failed.
uint32_t m_maxSlrc
 Maximum STA long retry count (SLRC)
uint32_t m_maxSsrc
 Maximum STA short retry count (SSRC)
WifiMode m_nonUnicastMode
 Transmission mode for non-unicast Data frames.
uint32_t m_rtsCtsThreshold
 Threshold for RTS/CTS.
bool m_shortPreambleEnabled
 flag if short PHY preamble is enabled
bool m_shortSlotTimeEnabled
 flag if short slot time is enabled
std::array< uint32_t, AC_BE_NQOSm_slrc
 long retry count per AC
std::array< uint32_t, AC_BE_NQOSm_ssrc
 short retry count per AC
StationStates m_states
 States of known stations.
Stations m_stations
 Information for each known stations.
bool m_useNonErpProtection
 flag if protection for non-ERP stations against ERP transmissions is enabled
bool m_useNonHtProtection
 flag if protection for non-HT stations against HT transmissions is enabled
Ptr< WifiMacm_wifiMac
 This is a pointer to the WifiMac associated with this WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to WifiRemoteStationManager::SetupMac().
Ptr< WifiPhym_wifiPhy
 This is a pointer to the WifiPhy associated with this WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to WifiRemoteStationManager::SetupPhy().

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

hold a list of per-remote-station state.

See also

Config Paths

ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager is accessible through the following paths with Config::Set and Config::Connect:

  • "/NodeList/[i]/DeviceList/[i]/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/RemoteStationManager"
  • "/NodeList/[i]/DeviceList/[i]/$ns3::WifiNetDevice/RemoteStationManagers/[i]"


  • DefaultTxPowerLevel: Default power level to be used for transmissions. This is the power level that is used by all those WifiManagers that do not implement TX power control.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint8_t 0:255
    • Initial value: 0
    • Flags: constructwriteread
  • ErpProtectionMode: Protection mode used when non-ERP STAs are connected to an ERP AP: Rts-Cts or Cts-To-Self
    • Set with class: ns3::EnumValue
    • Underlying type: Rts-Cts|Cts-To-Self
    • Initial value: Cts-To-Self
    • Flags: constructwriteread
  • FragmentationThreshold: If the size of the PSDU is bigger than this value, we fragment it such that the size of the fragments are equal or smaller. This value does not apply when it is carried in an A-MPDU. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 65535
    • Flags: constructwriteread
  • HtProtectionMode: Protection mode used when non-HT STAs are connected to a HT AP: Rts-Cts or Cts-To-Self
    • Set with class: ns3::EnumValue
    • Underlying type: Rts-Cts|Cts-To-Self
    • Initial value: Cts-To-Self
    • Flags: constructwriteread
  • MaxSlrc: The maximum number of retransmission attempts for any packet with size > RtsCtsThreshold. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 4
    • Flags: constructwrite
  • MaxSsrc: The maximum number of retransmission attempts for any packet with size <= RtsCtsThreshold. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 7
    • Flags: constructwrite
  • NonUnicastMode: Wifi mode used for non-unicast transmissions.
  • RtsCtsThreshold: If the size of the PSDU is bigger than this value, we use an RTS/CTS handshake before sending the data frame.This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.
    • Set with class: ns3::UintegerValue
    • Underlying type: uint32_t 0:4294967295
    • Initial value: 65535
    • Flags: constructwrite


Size of this type is 352 bytes (on a 64-bit architecture).

Definition at line 138 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PowerChangeTracedCallback

typedef void(* ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::PowerChangeTracedCallback) (double oldPower, double newPower, Mac48Address remoteAddress)

TracedCallback signature for power change events.

[in]oldPowerThe previous power (in dBm).
[in]newPowerThe new power (in dBm).
[in]addressThe remote station MAC address.

Definition at line 1065 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.

◆ RateChangeTracedCallback

typedef void(* ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RateChangeTracedCallback) (DataRate oldRate, DataRate newRate, Mac48Address remoteAddress)

TracedCallback signature for rate change events.

[in]oldRateThe previous data rate.
[in]newRateThe new data rate.
[in]addressThe remote station MAC address.

Definition at line 1076 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.

◆ Stations

A map of WifiRemoteStations with Mac48Address as key.

Definition at line 160 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.

◆ StationStates

A map of WifiRemoteStationStates with Mac48Address as key.

Definition at line 164 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ProtectionMode

ProtectionMode enumeration.


Definition at line 151 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WifiRemoteStationManager()

ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::WifiRemoteStationManager ( )

Definition at line 138 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


◆ ~WifiRemoteStationManager()

ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::~WifiRemoteStationManager ( )

Definition at line 147 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAllSupportedMcs()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddAllSupportedMcs ( Mac48Address  address)

Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the MCS supported by a destination which is also supported locally.

addressthe address of the station being recorded

Definition at line 388 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiPhy::GetMcsList(), LookupState(), m_wifiPhy, NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), and ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddAllSupportedModes()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddAllSupportedModes ( Mac48Address  address)

Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally.

The set of supported modes includes the BSSBasicRateSet.

addressthe address of the station being recorded

Definition at line 371 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References AddBasicMode(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetModeList(), LookupState(), m_wifiPhy, NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), and ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddBasicMcs()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddBasicMcs ( WifiMode  mcs)

Add a given Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index to the set of basic MCS.

mcsthe WifiMode to be added to the basic MCS set

Definition at line 1788 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMode::GetMcsValue(), and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AddBasicMode()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddBasicMode ( WifiMode  mode)

Invoked in a STA upon association to store the set of rates which belong to the BSSBasicRateSet of the associated AP and which are supported locally.

Invoked in an AP to configure the BSSBasicRateSet.

modethe WifiMode to be added to the basic mode set

Definition at line 1717 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), NS_FATAL_ERROR, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT.

Referenced by AddAllSupportedModes(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetSupportedRates(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::Receive(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddStationEhtCapabilities()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationEhtCapabilities ( Mac48Address  from,
EhtCapabilities  ehtCapabilities 

Records EHT capabilities of the remote station.

fromthe address of the station being recorded
ehtCapabilitiesthe EHT capabilities of the station

Definition at line 1581 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::EhtCapabilities::GetHighestSupportedRxMcs(), NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_EHT.

Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddStationEmlCapabilities()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationEmlCapabilities ( Mac48Address  from,
const std::shared_ptr< CommonInfoBasicMle::EmlCapabilities > &  emlCapabilities 

Records EML capabilities of the remote station.

fromthe address of the station being recorded
emlCapabilitiesthe EML capabilities of the station

Definition at line 1603 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::ParseReportedStaInfo().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddStationHeCapabilities()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationHeCapabilities ( Mac48Address  from,
HeCapabilities  heCapabilities 

Records HE capabilities of the remote station.

fromthe address of the station being recorded
heCapabilitiesthe HE capabilities of the station

Definition at line 1531 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::HeCapabilities::GetChannelWidthSet(), ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHeSuPpdu1xHeLtf800nsGi(), ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHighestMcsSupported(), NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE, ns3::WIFI_PHY_BAND_2_4GHZ, ns3::WIFI_PHY_BAND_5GHZ, and ns3::WIFI_PHY_BAND_6GHZ.

Referenced by HeAggregationTest::DoRunSubTest(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddStationHtCapabilities()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationHtCapabilities ( Mac48Address  from,
HtCapabilities  htCapabilities 

Records HT capabilities of the remote station.

fromthe address of the station being recorded
htCapabilitiesthe HT capabilities of the station

Definition at line 1478 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::HtCapabilities::GetSupportedChannelWidth(), ns3::HtCapabilities::IsSupportedMcs(), NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT.

Referenced by AmpduAggregationTest::DoRun(), TwoLevelAggregationTest::DoRun(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddStationVhtCapabilities()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationVhtCapabilities ( Mac48Address  from,
VhtCapabilities  vhtCapabilities 

Records VHT capabilities of the remote station.

fromthe address of the station being recorded
vhtCapabilitiesthe VHT capabilities of the station

Definition at line 1503 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::VhtCapabilities::GetSupportedChannelWidthSet(), ns3::VhtCapabilities::IsSupportedMcs(), NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT.

Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddSupportedErpSlotTime()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddSupportedErpSlotTime ( Mac48Address  address,
bool  isShortSlotTimeSupported 

Record whether the short ERP slot time is supported by the station.

addressthe address of the station
isShortSlotTimeSupportedwhether or not short ERP slot time is supported by the station

Definition at line 333 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AddSupportedMcs()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddSupportedMcs ( Mac48Address  address,
WifiMode  mcs 

Record the MCS index supported by the station.

addressthe address of the station
mcsthe WifiMode supported by the station

Definition at line 409 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddSupportedMode()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddSupportedMode ( Mac48Address  address,
WifiMode  mode 

Invoked in a STA or AP to store the set of modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally.

The set of supported modes includes the BSSBasicRateSet.

addressthe address of the station being recorded
modethe WifiMode supports by the station

Definition at line 342 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_DSSS, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HR_DSSS, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_OFDM.

Referenced by ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::ForwardDown(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::Receive(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddSupportedPhyPreamble()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddSupportedPhyPreamble ( Mac48Address  address,
bool  isShortPreambleSupported 

Record whether the short PHY preamble is supported by the station.

addressthe address of the station
isShortPreambleSupportedwhether or not short PHY preamble is supported by the station

Definition at line 324 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AdjustTxVectorForIcf()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AdjustTxVectorForIcf ( WifiTxVector txVector) const

Adjust the TXVECTOR for an initial Control frame to ensure that the modulation class is non-HT and the rate is 6 Mbps, 12 Mbps or 24 Mbps.

txVectorthe TXVECTOR to adjust

Definition at line 751 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMode::GetDataRate(), ns3::WifiTxVector::GetMode(), NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::WifiTxVector::SetMode(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetPreambleType(), ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT, ns3::WIFI_PHY_BAND_2_4GHZ, and ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_LONG.

Referenced by ns3::WifiDefaultProtectionManager::TryAddMpduToMuPpdu(), and ns3::WifiDefaultProtectionManager::TryUlMuTransmission().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AssignStreams()

int64_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AssignStreams ( int64_t  stream)

Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model.

Return the number of streams (possibly zero) that have been assigned.

streamfirst stream index to use
the number of stream indices assigned by this model

Reimplemented in ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

Definition at line 189 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


◆ DoCreateStation()

◆ DoDispose()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoDispose ( )

Destructor implementation.

This method is called by Dispose() or by the Object's destructor, whichever comes first.

Subclasses are expected to implement their real destruction code in an overridden version of this method and chain up to their parent's implementation once they are done. i.e, for simplicity, the destructor of every subclass should be empty and its content should be moved to the associated DoDispose() method.

It is safe to call GetObject() from within this method.

Reimplemented from ns3::Object.

Definition at line 153 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and Reset().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DoGetDataTxVector()

virtual WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoGetDataTxVector ( WifiRemoteStation station,
uint16_t  allowedWidth 
privatepure virtual
stationthe station that we need to communicate
allowedWidththe allowed width in MHz to send a packet to the station
the TXVECTOR to use to send a packet to the station

Note: This method is called before sending a unicast packet or a fragment of a unicast packet to decide which transmission mode to use.

Implemented in ns3::AarfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

◆ DoGetFragmentationThreshold()

uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoGetFragmentationThreshold ( ) const

Return the current fragmentation threshold.

the fragmentation threshold

Definition at line 1298 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

Referenced by GetFragmentationThreshold(), and GetTypeId().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DoGetRtsTxVector()

virtual WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoGetRtsTxVector ( WifiRemoteStation station)
privatepure virtual
stationthe station that we need to communicate
the transmission mode to use to send an RTS to the station

Note: This method is called before sending an RTS to a station to decide which transmission mode to use for the RTS.

Implemented in ns3::AarfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

◆ DoNeedFragmentation()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoNeedFragmentation ( WifiRemoteStation station,
Ptr< const Packet packet,
bool  normally 
stationthe station that we need to communicate
packetthe packet to send
normallyindicates whether the normal 802.11 data fragmentation mechanism would request that the data packet is fragmented or not.
true if this packet should be fragmented, false otherwise.

Note: This method is called before sending a unicast packet.

Definition at line 1849 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ DoNeedRetransmission()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoNeedRetransmission ( WifiRemoteStation station,
Ptr< const Packet packet,
bool  normally 
stationthe station that we need to communicate
packetthe packet to send
normallyindicates whether the normal 802.11 data retransmission mechanism would request that the data is retransmitted or not.
true if we want to resend a packet after a failed transmission attempt, false otherwise.

Note: This method is called after any unicast packet transmission (control, management, or data) has been attempted and has failed.

Reimplemented in ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager.

Definition at line 1841 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ DoNeedRts()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoNeedRts ( WifiRemoteStation station,
uint32_t  size,
bool  normally 
stationthe station that we need to communicate
sizethe size of the frame to send in bytes
normallyindicates whether the normal 802.11 RTS enable mechanism would request that the RTS is sent or not.
true if we want to use an RTS/CTS handshake for this frame before sending it, false otherwise.

Note: This method is called before a unicast packet is sent on the medium.

Reimplemented in ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, and ns3::CaraWifiManager.

Definition at line 1835 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ DoReportAmpduTxStatus()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoReportAmpduTxStatus ( WifiRemoteStation station,
uint16_t  nSuccessfulMpdus,
uint16_t  nFailedMpdus,
double  rxSnr,
double  dataSnr,
uint16_t  dataChannelWidth,
uint8_t  dataNss 

Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed.

This method is a virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class intended to handle A-MPDUs. This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently.

stationthe station that sent the DATA to us
nSuccessfulMpdusnumber of successfully transmitted MPDUs. A value of 0 means that the Block ACK was missed.
nFailedMpdusnumber of unsuccessfuly transmitted MPDUs.
rxSnrreceived SNR of the block ack frame itself
dataSnrdata SNR reported by remote station
dataChannelWidththe channel width (in MHz) of the A-MPDU we sent
dataNssthe number of spatial streams used to send the A-MPDU

Reimplemented in ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

Definition at line 1857 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References NS_LOG_DEBUG.

◆ DoReportDataFailed()

virtual void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoReportDataFailed ( WifiRemoteStation station)
privatepure virtual

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we failed to send DATA

Implemented in ns3::AarfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

◆ DoReportDataOk()

virtual void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoReportDataOk ( WifiRemoteStation station,
double  ackSnr,
WifiMode  ackMode,
double  dataSnr,
uint16_t  dataChannelWidth,
uint8_t  dataNss 
privatepure virtual

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we successfully sent RTS
ackSnrthe SNR of the ACK we received
ackModethe WifiMode the receiver used to send the ACK
dataSnrthe SNR of the DATA we sent
dataChannelWidththe channel width (in MHz) of the DATA we sent
dataNssthe number of spatial streams used to send the DATA

Implemented in ns3::AarfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

◆ DoReportFinalDataFailed()

virtual void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoReportFinalDataFailed ( WifiRemoteStation station)
privatepure virtual

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we failed to send DATA

Implemented in ns3::AarfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

◆ DoReportFinalRtsFailed()

virtual void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoReportFinalRtsFailed ( WifiRemoteStation station)
privatepure virtual

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we failed to send RTS

Implemented in ns3::AarfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

◆ DoReportRtsFailed()

virtual void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoReportRtsFailed ( WifiRemoteStation station)
privatepure virtual

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we failed to send RTS

Implemented in ns3::AarfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

◆ DoReportRtsOk()

virtual void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoReportRtsOk ( WifiRemoteStation station,
double  ctsSnr,
WifiMode  ctsMode,
double  rtsSnr 
privatepure virtual

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that we successfully sent RTS
ctsSnrthe SNR of the CTS we received
ctsModethe WifiMode the receiver used to send the CTS
rtsSnrthe SNR of the RTS we sent

Implemented in ns3::AarfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

◆ DoReportRxOk()

virtual void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoReportRxOk ( WifiRemoteStation station,
double  rxSnr,
WifiMode  txMode 
privatepure virtual

This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.

This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,

stationthe station that sent the DATA to us
rxSnrthe SNR of the DATA we received
txModethe WifiMode the sender used to send the DATA

Implemented in ns3::AarfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager.

◆ DoSetFragmentationThreshold()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoSetFragmentationThreshold ( uint32_t  threshold)

Actually sets the fragmentation threshold, it also checks the validity of the given threshold.

thresholdthe fragmentation threshold

Definition at line 1267 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


Referenced by GetTypeId(), and SetFragmentationThreshold().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetAckTxVector()

WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAckTxVector ( Mac48Address  to,
const WifiTxVector dataTxVector 
) const

Return a TXVECTOR for the Ack frame given the destination and the mode of the Data used by the sender.

tothe MAC address of the Ack receiver
dataTxVectorthe TXVECTOR of the Data used by the sender
TXVECTOR for the Ack

Definition at line 784 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), ns3::WifiTxVector::GetMode(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::GetPreambleForTransmission(), ns3::Mac48Address::IsGroup(), NS_ASSERT, ns3::WifiTxVector::SetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetMode(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNss(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetPreambleType(), and ns3::WifiTxVector::SetTxPowerLevel().

Referenced by ns3::WifiDefaultAckManager::GetAckInfoIfBarBaSequence(), ns3::FrameExchangeManager::GetFrameDurationId(), ns3::FrameExchangeManager::SendNormalAck(), and ns3::WifiDefaultAckManager::TryAddMpdu().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetAddress()

Mac48Address ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAddress ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return the address of the station.

stationthe station being queried
the address of the station

Definition at line 1913 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_address, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetAffiliatedStaAddress()

std::optional< Mac48Address > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAffiliatedStaAddress ( const Mac48Address mldAddress) const

Get the address of the remote station operating on this link and affiliated with the MLD having the given MAC address, if any.

mldAddressthe MLD MAC address
the address of the remote station operating on this link and affiliated with the MLD, if any

Definition at line 586 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::CreateAliasIfNeeded(), ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::GetBar(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetLinkIdStaAddrMap(), ns3::StaWifiMac::ScanningTimeout(), and ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::SendAddBaRequest().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetAggregation()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAggregation ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return whether the given station supports A-MPDU.

stationthe station being queried
true if the station supports MPDU aggregation, false otherwise

Definition at line 1943 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_aggregation, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

Referenced by ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetAssociationId()

uint16_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAssociationId ( Mac48Address  remoteAddress) const

Get the AID of a remote station.

Should only be called by APs.

remoteAddressthe MAC address of the remote station
the Association ID if the station is associated, SU_STA_ID otherwise

Definition at line 518 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::GOT_ASSOC_TX_OK, LookupState(), and ns3::SU_STA_ID.

Referenced by ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::ForwardPsduDown(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::ForwardPsduMapDown(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetAssociationId(), and GetStaId().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetBasicMcs()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetBasicMcs ( uint8_t  i) const

Return the MCS at the given list index.

ithe position in the list
the basic MCS at the given list index

Definition at line 1808 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References NS_ASSERT.

◆ GetBasicMode()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetBasicMode ( uint8_t  i) const

Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes.

iindex of the basic mode in the basic mode set
the basic mode at the given index

Definition at line 1741 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::CheckSupportedRates(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::GetSupportedRates(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::GetSupportedRates().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetBlockAckTxVector()

WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetBlockAckTxVector ( Mac48Address  to,
const WifiTxVector dataTxVector 
) const

Return a TXVECTOR for the BlockAck frame given the destination and the mode of the Data used by the sender.

tothe MAC address of the BlockAck receiver
dataTxVectorthe TXVECTOR of the Data used by the sender
TXVECTOR for the BlockAck

Definition at line 802 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), ns3::WifiTxVector::GetMode(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::GetPreambleForTransmission(), ns3::Mac48Address::IsGroup(), NS_ASSERT, ns3::WifiTxVector::SetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetMode(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNss(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetPreambleType(), and ns3::WifiTxVector::SetTxPowerLevel().

Referenced by ns3::WifiDefaultAckManager::GetAckInfoIfBarBaSequence(), ns3::WifiDefaultAckManager::TryAddMpdu(), and ns3::WifiDefaultAckManager::TryUlMuTransmission().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetChannelWidth()

uint16_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetChannelWidth ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return the channel width supported by the station.

stationthe station being queried
the channel width (in MHz) supported by the station

Definition at line 1919 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_channelWidth, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

Referenced by ns3::AparfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoInitialize(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::RateInit().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetChannelWidthSupported()

uint16_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetChannelWidthSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return the channel width supported by the station.

addressthe address of the station
the channel width supported by the station

Definition at line 2051 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetControlAnswerMode()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetControlAnswerMode ( WifiMode  reqMode) const

Get control answer mode function.

reqModerequest mode
control answer mode

The standard has relatively unambiguous rules for selecting a control response rate (the below is quoted from IEEE 802.11-2012, Section 9.7):

To allow the transmitting STA to calculate the contents of the Duration/ID field, a STA responding to a received frame shall transmit its Control Response frame (either CTS or Ack), other than the BlockAck control frame, at the highest rate in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter that is less than or equal to the rate of the immediately previous frame in the frame exchange sequence (as defined in Annex G) and that is of the same modulation class (see Section 9.7.8) as the received frame...

If no suitable basic rate was found, we search the mandatory rates. The standard (IEEE 802.11-2007, Section 9.6) says:

...If no rate contained in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter meets these conditions, then the control frame sent in response to a received frame shall be transmitted at the highest mandatory rate of the PHY that is less than or equal to the rate of the received frame, and that is of the same modulation class as the received frame. In addition, the Control Response frame shall be sent using the same PHY options as the received frame, unless they conflict with the requirement to use the BSSBasicRateSet parameter.

Note that we're ignoring the last sentence for now, because there is not yet any manipulation here of PHY options.

If we still haven't found a suitable rate for the response then someone has messed up the simulation configuration. This probably means that the WifiPhyStandard is not set correctly, or that a rate that is not supported by the PHY has been explicitly requested.

Either way, it is serious - we can either disobey the standard or fail, and I have chosen to do the latter...

Definition at line 821 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::IsAllowedControlAnswerModulationClass(), ns3::WifiMode::IsHigherDataRate(), NS_FATAL_ERROR, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetCtsToSelfTxVector()

WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetCtsToSelfTxVector ( )

Since CTS-to-self parameters are not dependent on the station, it is implemented in wifi remote station manager.

the transmission mode to use to send the CTS-to-self prior to the transmission of the data packet itself.

Definition at line 674 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_EHT, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_EHT_MU, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_HE_SU, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_HT_MF, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_LONG, and ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_VHT_SU.

Referenced by ns3::WifiDefaultProtectionManager::GetPsduProtection().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCtsTxVector()

WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetCtsTxVector ( Mac48Address  to,
WifiMode  rtsTxMode 
) const

Return a TXVECTOR for the CTS frame given the destination and the mode of the RTS used by the sender.

tothe MAC address of the CTS receiver
rtsTxModethe mode of the RTS used by the sender

Definition at line 733 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::GetPreambleForTransmission(), ns3::Mac48Address::IsGroup(), NS_ASSERT, ns3::WifiTxVector::SetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetMode(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNss(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetPreambleType(), and ns3::WifiTxVector::SetTxPowerLevel().

Referenced by ns3::WifiDefaultProtectionManager::GetPsduProtection(), ns3::FrameExchangeManager::GetRtsDurationId(), ns3::FrameExchangeManager::SendCtsAfterRts(), and ns3::FrameExchangeManager::UpdateNav().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDataTxVector()

WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDataTxVector ( const WifiMacHeader header,
uint16_t  allowedWidth 

◆ GetDefaultMcs()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultMcs ( ) const

Return the default Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index.

the default WifiMode

Definition at line 1670 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetDefaultMode()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultMode ( ) const

Return the default transmission mode.

WifiMode the default transmission mode

Definition at line 1664 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

Referenced by ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), and ns3::IdealWifiManager::Reset().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDefaultModeForSta()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultModeForSta ( const WifiRemoteStation st) const

Return the default MCS to use to transmit frames to the given station.

stthe given station
the default MCS to use to transmit frames to the given station

Definition at line 1676 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


Referenced by ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDefaultTxPowerLevel()

◆ GetDsssSupported()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDsssSupported ( const Mac48Address address) const

Return whether the station supports DSSS or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if DSSS is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 2087 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetEhtSupported() [1/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetEhtSupported ( ) const

Return whether the device has EHT capability support enabled.

true if EHT capability support is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 269 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiPhy::GetDevice(), ns3::WifiNetDevice::GetEhtConfiguration(), and m_wifiPhy.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetEhtSupported() [2/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetEhtSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return whether the given station is EHT capable.

stationthe station being queried
true if the station has EHT capabilities, false otherwise

Definition at line 2009 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_ehtCapabilities, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetEhtSupported() [3/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetEhtSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station supports EHT or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if EHT is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 2123 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetEmlsrEnabled() [1/2]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetEmlsrEnabled ( const Mac48Address address) const
addressthe (MLD or link) address of the non-AP MLD
whether EMLSR mode is enabled for the non-AP MLD on this link

Definition at line 2136 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

Referenced by EmlsrDlTxopTest::CheckInitialControlFrame(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::EmlsrSwitchToListening(), ns3::WifiDefaultProtectionManager::TryAddMpdu(), ns3::WifiDefaultProtectionManager::TryAddMpduToMuPpdu(), and ns3::WifiDefaultProtectionManager::TryUlMuTransmission().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetEmlsrEnabled() [2/2]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetEmlsrEnabled ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const
stationthe station of a non-AP MLD
whether EMLSR mode is enabled for the non-AP MLD on this link

Definition at line 2022 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_emlsrEnabled, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetEmlsrSupported() [1/2]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetEmlsrSupported ( const Mac48Address address) const
addressthe (MLD or link) address of the non-AP MLD
whether the non-AP MLD supports EMLSR

Definition at line 2129 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetEmlsrSupported() [2/2]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetEmlsrSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const
stationthe station of a non-AP MLD
whether the non-AP MLD supports EMLSR

Definition at line 2015 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_emlCapabilities, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetErpOfdmSupported()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetErpOfdmSupported ( const Mac48Address address) const

Return whether the station supports ERP OFDM or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if ERP OFDM is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 2093 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetFragmentationThreshold()

uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetFragmentationThreshold ( ) const

Return the fragmentation threshold.

the fragmentation threshold

Definition at line 318 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References DoGetFragmentationThreshold().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetFragmentOffset()

uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetFragmentOffset ( Ptr< const WifiMpdu mpdu,
uint32_t  fragmentNumber 
mpduthe packet to send
fragmentNumberthe fragment index of the next fragment to send (starts at zero).
the offset within the original packet where this fragment starts.

Definition at line 1354 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


◆ GetFragmentSize()

uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetFragmentSize ( Ptr< const WifiMpdu mpdu,
uint32_t  fragmentNumber 
mpduthe MPDU to send
fragmentNumberthe fragment index of the next fragment to send (starts at zero).
the size of the corresponding fragment.

Definition at line 1323 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


◆ GetGuardInterval() [1/2]

uint16_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetGuardInterval ( ) const

◆ GetGuardInterval() [2/2]

uint16_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetGuardInterval ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return the HE guard interval duration supported by the station.

stationthe station being queried
the HE guard interval duration (in nanoseconds) supported by the station

Definition at line 1937 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_guardInterval, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetHeSupported() [1/3]

◆ GetHeSupported() [2/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetHeSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return whether the given station is HE capable.

stationthe station being queried
true if the station has HE capabilities, false otherwise

Definition at line 2003 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_heCapabilities, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetHeSupported() [3/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetHeSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station supports HE or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if HE is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 2117 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetHtSupported() [1/3]

◆ GetHtSupported() [2/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetHtSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return whether the given station is HT capable.

stationthe station being queried
true if the station has HT capabilities, false otherwise

Definition at line 1991 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_htCapabilities, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetHtSupported() [3/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetHtSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station supports HT or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if HT is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 2105 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetInfo()

WifiRemoteStationInfo ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetInfo ( Mac48Address  address)
addressof the remote station
information regarding the remote station associated with the given address

Definition at line 1382 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetLdpcSupported() [1/2]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetLdpcSupported ( ) const

Return whether the device has LDPC support enabled.

true if LDPC support is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 275 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiPhy::GetDevice(), ns3::WifiNetDevice::GetHtConfiguration(), GetHtSupported(), m_wifiPhy, and NS_ASSERT.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetLdpcSupported() [2/2]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetLdpcSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station supports LDPC or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if LDPC is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 1642 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetMac()

Ptr< WifiMac > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetMac ( ) const

Return the WifiMac.

a pointer to the WifiMac

Definition at line 1973 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetMaxNumberOfTransmitStreams()

uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetMaxNumberOfTransmitStreams ( ) const
the maximum number of spatial streams supported by the PHY layer

Definition at line 2158 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

Referenced by ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), and ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMcsSupported()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetMcsSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station,
uint8_t  i 
) const

Return the WifiMode supported by the specified station at the specified index.

stationthe station being queried
ithe index
the WifiMode at the given index of the specified station

Definition at line 1876 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalMcsSet, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::CalculateRetransmits(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::RateInit(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::StatsDump(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::UpdateStats().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMldAddress()

std::optional< Mac48Address > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetMldAddress ( const Mac48Address address) const

Get the address of the MLD the given station is affiliated with, if any.

Note that an MLD address is only present if an ML discovery/setup was performed with the given station (which requires both this station and the given station to be MLDs).

addressthe MAC address of the remote station
the address of the MLD the given station is affiliated with, if any

Definition at line 580 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

Referenced by EmlsrDlTxopTest::CheckBlockAck(), ns3::StaWifiMac::Disassociated(), ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::EmlsrSwitchToListening(), ns3::ApWifiMac::ForwardDown(), ns3::WifiNetDevice::GetAddress(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetLinkIdStaAddrMap(), ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::MissedBlockAck(), ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::NotifyReceivedNormalAck(), ns3::StaWifiMac::ReceiveAssocResp(), ns3::ApWifiMac::ReceiveEmlNotification(), ns3::StaWifiMac::ScanningTimeout(), ns3::ApWifiMac::SetAid(), ns3::ApWifiMac::StaSwitchingToActiveModeOrDeassociated(), ns3::ApWifiMac::StaSwitchingToPsMode(), ns3::ApWifiMac::TxFailed(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::TxOk().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMostRecentRssi()

std::optional< double > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetMostRecentRssi ( Mac48Address  address) const
addressof the remote station
the RSSI (in dBm) of the most recent packet received from the remote station (irrespective of TID)

This method is typically used when the device needs to estimate the target UL RSSI info to put in the Trigger frame to send to the remote station.

Definition at line 1388 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetNBasicMcs()

uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNBasicMcs ( ) const

Return the number of basic MCS index.

the number of basic MCS index

Definition at line 1802 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetNBasicModes()

uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNBasicModes ( ) const

Return the number of basic modes we support.

the number of basic modes we support

Definition at line 1735 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

Referenced by ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::CheckSupportedRates(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::GetSupportedRates(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::GetSupportedRates().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNess()

uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNess ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const
the number of Ness the station has.
stationthe station being queried
the number of Ness the station has

Definition at line 1961 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_ness, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNFragments()

uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNFragments ( Ptr< const WifiMpdu mpdu)

Return the number of fragments needed for the given packet.

mpduthe packet to be fragmented
the number of fragments needed

Definition at line 1304 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


◆ GetNMcsSupported() [1/2]

uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNMcsSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return the number of MCS supported by the given station.

stationthe station being queried
the number of MCS supported by the given station

Definition at line 2028 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalMcsSet, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetNMcsSupported() [2/2]

uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNMcsSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return the number of MCS supported by the station.

addressthe address of the station
the number of MCS supported by the station

Definition at line 2081 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::CheckInit(), and ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNNonErpBasicModes()

uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNNonErpBasicModes ( ) const

Return the number of non-ERP basic modes we support.

the number of basic modes we support

Definition at line 1748 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM.

◆ GetNNonErpSupported()

uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNNonErpSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return the number of non-ERP modes supported by the given station.

stationthe station being queried
the number of non-ERP modes supported by the given station

Definition at line 2034 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalRateSet, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM.

◆ GetNonErpBasicMode()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNonErpBasicMode ( uint8_t  i) const

Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes that is not an ERP mode.

iindex of the basic mode in the basic mode set
the basic mode at the given index

Definition at line 1763 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


◆ GetNonErpSupported()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNonErpSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station,
uint8_t  i 
) const

◆ GetNonUnicastMode()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNonUnicastMode ( ) const

Return a mode for non-unicast packets.

WifiMode for non-unicast packets

Definition at line 1815 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetNSupported()

◆ GetNumberOfAntennas()

uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNumberOfAntennas ( ) const

◆ GetNumberOfSupportedStreams() [1/2]

uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNumberOfSupportedStreams ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return the number of supported streams the station has.

stationthe station being queried
the number of supported streams the station has

Definition at line 1949 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_htCapabilities, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetNumberOfSupportedStreams() [2/2]

uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNumberOfSupportedStreams ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return the number of spatial streams supported by the station.

addressthe address of the station
the number of spatial streams supported by the station

Definition at line 2069 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

Referenced by ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::RateInit().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetOfdmSupported()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetOfdmSupported ( const Mac48Address address) const

Return whether the station supports OFDM or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if OFDM is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 2099 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetPhy()

◆ GetQosSupported() [1/2]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetQosSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return whether the given station is QoS capable.

stationthe station being queried
true if the station has QoS capabilities, false otherwise

Definition at line 1985 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_qosSupported, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetQosSupported() [2/2]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetQosSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the given station is QoS capable.

addressthe address of the station
true if the station has QoS capabilities, false otherwise

Definition at line 437 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetRtsTxVector()

◆ GetShortGuardIntervalSupported() [1/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortGuardIntervalSupported ( ) const

◆ GetShortGuardIntervalSupported() [2/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortGuardIntervalSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return whether the given station supports HT/VHT short guard interval.

stationthe station being queried
true if the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval, false otherwise

Definition at line 1925 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_htCapabilities, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.

◆ GetShortGuardIntervalSupported() [3/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortGuardIntervalSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval.

addressthe address of the station
true if the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval, false otherwise

Definition at line 2057 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetShortPreambleEnabled()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortPreambleEnabled ( ) const

Return whether the device uses short PHY preambles.

true if short PHY preambles are enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 244 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References m_shortPreambleEnabled.

Referenced by ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetShortPreambleSupported()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortPreambleSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station supports short PHY preamble or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if short PHY preamble is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 425 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetShortSlotTimeEnabled()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortSlotTimeEnabled ( ) const

Return whether the device uses short slot time.

true if short slot time is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 238 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References m_shortSlotTimeEnabled.

◆ GetShortSlotTimeSupported()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortSlotTimeSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station supports short ERP slot time or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if short ERP slot time is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 431 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetStaId()

uint16_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetStaId ( Mac48Address  address,
const WifiTxVector txVector 
) const

If the given TXVECTOR is used for a MU transmission, return the STAID of the station with the given address if we are an AP or our own STAID if we are a STA associated with some AP.

Otherwise, return SU_STA_ID.

addressthe address of the station
txVectorthe TXVECTOR used for a MU transmission
the STA-ID of the station

Definition at line 530 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::AP, GetAssociationId(), ns3::WifiMac::GetTypeOfStation(), ns3::WifiTxVector::IsMu(), m_wifiMac, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::STA, and ns3::SU_STA_ID.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetStationEhtCapabilities()

Ptr< const EhtCapabilities > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetStationEhtCapabilities ( Mac48Address  from)

Return the EHT capabilities sent by the remote station.

fromthe address of the remote station
the EHT capabilities sent by the remote station

Definition at line 1630 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetStationEmlCapabilities()

std::shared_ptr< CommonInfoBasicMle::EmlCapabilities > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetStationEmlCapabilities ( const Mac48Address from)
fromthe (MLD or link) address of the remote non-AP MLD
the EML Capabilities advertised by the remote non-AP MLD

Definition at line 1636 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

Referenced by ns3::EhtFrameExchangeManager::EmlsrSwitchToListening(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::ReceiveEmlNotification().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetStationHeCapabilities()

Ptr< const HeCapabilities > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetStationHeCapabilities ( Mac48Address  from)

Return the HE capabilities sent by the remote station.

fromthe address of the remote station
the HE capabilities sent by the remote station

Definition at line 1624 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetStationHtCapabilities()

Ptr< const HtCapabilities > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetStationHtCapabilities ( Mac48Address  from)

Return the HT capabilities sent by the remote station.

fromthe address of the remote station
the HT capabilities sent by the remote station

Definition at line 1612 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetStationVhtCapabilities()

Ptr< const VhtCapabilities > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetStationVhtCapabilities ( Mac48Address  from)

Return the VHT capabilities sent by the remote station.

fromthe address of the remote station
the VHT capabilities sent by the remote station

Definition at line 1618 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetSupported()

WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station,
uint8_t  i 
) const

Return whether mode associated with the specified station at the specified index.

stationthe station being queried
ithe index
WifiMode at the given index of the specified station

Definition at line 1869 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalRateSet, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::AparfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::FindRate(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::GetThresholds(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::GetThresholds(), ns3::ThompsonSamplingWifiManager::InitializeStation(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::InitThresholds(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::InitThresholds(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::PrintTable(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::RateInit(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::UpdateStats().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTypeId()

◆ GetUseNonErpProtection()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetUseNonErpProtection ( ) const

◆ GetUseNonHtProtection()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetUseNonHtProtection ( ) const

Return whether the device supports protection of non-HT stations.

true if protection for non-HT stations is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 1221 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ GetVhtSupported() [1/3]

◆ GetVhtSupported() [2/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetVhtSupported ( const WifiRemoteStation station) const

Return whether the given station is VHT capable.

stationthe station being queried
true if the station has VHT capabilities, false otherwise

Definition at line 1997 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_vhtCapabilities.

◆ GetVhtSupported() [3/3]

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetVhtSupported ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station supports VHT or not.

addressthe address of the station
true if VHT is supported by the station, false otherwise

Definition at line 2111 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

◆ IsAssociated()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsAssociated ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station associated.

addressthe address of the station
true if the station is associated, false otherwise

Definition at line 453 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::GOT_ASSOC_TX_OK, and LookupState().

Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::IsAssociated().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsAssocRefused()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsAssocRefused ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether we refused an association request from the given station.

addressthe address of the station
true if we refused an association request, false otherwise

Definition at line 501 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::ASSOC_REFUSED, and LookupState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsBrandNew()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsBrandNew ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether the station state is brand new.

addressthe address of the station
true if the state of the station is brand new, false otherwise

Definition at line 443 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::BRAND_NEW, and LookupState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsInPsMode()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsInPsMode ( const Mac48Address address) const

Return whether the STA is currently in Power Save mode.

addressthe address of the station
true if the station is in Power Save mode, false otherwise

Definition at line 557 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState().

Referenced by EmlsrDlTxopTest::CheckPmModeAfterAssociation(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::ProcessPowerManagementFlag().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsLastFragment()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsLastFragment ( Ptr< const WifiMpdu mpdu,
uint32_t  fragmentNumber 
mpduthe packet to send
fragmentNumberthe fragment index of the next fragment to send (starts at zero).
true if this is the last fragment, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1366 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


◆ IsWaitAssocTxOk()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsWaitAssocTxOk ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return whether we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent.

addressthe address of the station
true if the station is associated, false otherwise

Definition at line 463 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::WAIT_ASSOC_TX_OK.

Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::TxFailed(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::TxOk().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Lookup()

WifiRemoteStation * ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::Lookup ( Mac48Address  address) const

Return the station associated with the given address.

addressthe address of the station
WifiRemoteStation corresponding to the address

Definition at line 1439 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_rssiAndUpdateTimePair, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::Seconds().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LookupState()

std::shared_ptr< WifiRemoteStationState > ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::LookupState ( Mac48Address  address) const

◆ NeedCtsToSelf()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NeedCtsToSelf ( WifiTxVector  txVector)

Return if we need to do CTS-to-self before sending a DATA.

txVectorthe TXVECTOR of the packet to be sent
true if CTS-to-self is needed, false otherwise

Definition at line 1143 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiTxVector::GetMode(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_EHT, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ NeedFragmentation()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NeedFragmentation ( Ptr< const WifiMpdu mpdu)
mpduthe MPDU to send
true if this packet should be fragmented, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1253 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.


◆ NeedRetransmission()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NeedRetransmission ( Ptr< const WifiMpdu mpdu)
mpduthe MPDU to send
true if we want to resend a packet after a failed transmission attempt, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1227 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::QosUtilsMapTidToAc().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ NeedRts()

bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NeedRts ( const WifiMacHeader header,
uint32_t  size 
headerMAC header
sizethe size of the frame to send in bytes
true if we want to use an RTS/CTS handshake for this frame before sending it, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1111 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetAddr1(), ns3::WifiTxVector::GetModulationClass(), NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_EHT, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RecordAssocRefused()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RecordAssocRefused ( Mac48Address  address)

Records that association request was refused.

addressthe address of the station

Definition at line 511 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::ASSOC_REFUSED, LookupState(), and NS_ASSERT.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RecordDisassociated()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RecordDisassociated ( Mac48Address  address)

Records that the STA was disassociated.

addressthe address of the station

Definition at line 494 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::DISASSOC, LookupState(), and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::ForwardDown(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RecordGotAssocTxFailed()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RecordGotAssocTxFailed ( Mac48Address  address)

Records that we missed an ACK for the association response we sent.

addressthe address of the station

Definition at line 487 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::DISASSOC, LookupState(), and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::TxFailed().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RecordGotAssocTxOk()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RecordGotAssocTxOk ( Mac48Address  address)

Records that we got an ACK for the association response we sent.

addressthe address of the station

Definition at line 480 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::GOT_ASSOC_TX_OK, LookupState(), and NS_ASSERT.

Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::TxOk().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RecordWaitAssocTxOk()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RecordWaitAssocTxOk ( Mac48Address  address)

Records that we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent.

addressthe address of the station

Definition at line 473 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::WAIT_ASSOC_TX_OK.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RemoveAllSupportedMcs()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RemoveAllSupportedMcs ( Mac48Address  address)

Invoked in a STA or AP to delete all of the supported MCS by a destination.

addressthe address of the station being recorded

Definition at line 401 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfo().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReportAmpduTxStatus()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportAmpduTxStatus ( Mac48Address  address,
uint16_t  nSuccessfulMpdus,
uint16_t  nFailedMpdus,
double  rxSnr,
double  dataSnr,
WifiTxVector  dataTxVector 

Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed.

addressthe address of the receiver
nSuccessfulMpdusnumber of successfully transmitted MPDUs A value of 0 means that the Block ACK was missed.
nFailedMpdusnumber of unsuccessfuly transmitted MPDUs
rxSnrreceived SNR of the block ack frame itself
dataSnrdata SNR reported by remote station
dataTxVectorthe TXVECTOR of the MPDUs we sent

Definition at line 1087 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiTxVector::GetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiTxVector::GetNss(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.

Referenced by ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::MissedBlockAck(), and ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::ReceiveMpdu().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReportDataFailed()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportDataFailed ( Ptr< const WifiMpdu mpdu)

Should be invoked whenever the AckTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires.

mpduthe MPDU whose transmission failed

Definition at line 971 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::QosUtilsMapTidToAc().

Referenced by ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::BlockAckTimeout(), ns3::FrameExchangeManager::NormalAckTimeout(), and ns3::FrameExchangeManager::NotifyInternalCollision().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReportDataOk()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportDataOk ( Ptr< const WifiMpdu mpdu,
double  ackSnr,
WifiMode  ackMode,
double  dataSnr,
WifiTxVector  dataTxVector 

Should be invoked whenever we receive the ACK associated to a data packet we just sent.

mpduthe MPDU
ackSnrthe SNR of the ACK we received
ackModethe WifiMode the receiver used to send the ACK
dataSnrthe SNR of the DATA we sent
dataTxVectorthe TXVECTOR of the DATA we sent

Definition at line 1006 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetAddr1(), ns3::WifiTxVector::GetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiTxVector::GetNss(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetQosTid(), ns3::Mac48Address::IsGroup(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::IsQosData(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_info, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, ns3::WifiRemoteStationInfo::NotifyTxSuccess(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::QosUtilsMapTidToAc().

Referenced by ns3::FrameExchangeManager::ReceivedNormalAck().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReportFinalDataFailed()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportFinalDataFailed ( Ptr< const WifiMpdu mpdu)

Should be invoked after calling ReportDataFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false.

mpduthe MPDU which was discarded

Definition at line 1050 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_info, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, ns3::WifiRemoteStationInfo::NotifyTxFailed(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::QosUtilsMapTidToAc().

Referenced by ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::MissedBlockAck(), ns3::FrameExchangeManager::NormalAckTimeout(), and ns3::FrameExchangeManager::NotifyInternalCollision().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReportFinalRtsFailed()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportFinalRtsFailed ( const WifiMacHeader header)

Should be invoked after calling ReportRtsFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false.

headerMAC header of the DATA packet

Definition at line 1037 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetAddr1(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetQosTid(), ns3::Mac48Address::IsGroup(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::IsQosData(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_info, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, ns3::WifiRemoteStationInfo::NotifyTxFailed(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::QosUtilsMapTidToAc().

Referenced by ns3::HeFrameExchangeManager::CtsAfterMuRtsTimeout(), and ns3::FrameExchangeManager::DoCtsTimeout().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReportRtsFailed()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportRtsFailed ( const WifiMacHeader header)

Should be invoked whenever the RtsTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires.

headerMAC header of the DATA packet

Definition at line 960 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetAddr1(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetQosTid(), ns3::Mac48Address::IsGroup(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::IsQosData(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::QosUtilsMapTidToAc().

Referenced by ns3::HeFrameExchangeManager::CtsAfterMuRtsTimeout(), and ns3::FrameExchangeManager::DoCtsTimeout().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReportRtsOk()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportRtsOk ( const WifiMacHeader header,
double  ctsSnr,
WifiMode  ctsMode,
double  rtsSnr 

Should be invoked whenever we receive the CTS associated to an RTS we just sent.

Note that we also get the SNR of the RTS we sent since the receiver put a SnrTag in the CTS.

headerMAC header of the DATA packet
ctsSnrthe SNR of the CTS we received
ctsModethe WifiMode the receiver used to send the CTS
rtsSnrthe SNR of the RTS we sent

Definition at line 991 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetAddr1(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetQosTid(), ns3::Mac48Address::IsGroup(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::IsQosData(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_info, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, ns3::WifiRemoteStationInfo::NotifyTxSuccess(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::QosUtilsMapTidToAc().

Referenced by ns3::FrameExchangeManager::ReceiveMpdu(), and ns3::HtFrameExchangeManager::ReceiveMpdu().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ReportRxOk()

void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportRxOk ( Mac48Address  address,
RxSignalInfo  rxSignalInfo,
WifiTxVector  txVector 
addressremote address
rxSignalInfothe info on the received signal (
See also
txVectorthe TXVECTOR used for the packet received

Should be invoked whenever a packet is successfully received.

Definition at line 1072 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.

References ns3::WifiTxVector::GetMode(), ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_rssiAndUpdateTimePair, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::RxSignalInfo::rssi, and ns3::RxSignalInfo::snr.

Referenced by ns3::FrameExchangeManager::Receive(), ns3::FrameExchangeManager::ReceivedNormalAck(), ns3::FrameExchangeManager::Receive