ns-3.40 was released on September 27, 2023, due to contributions from twelve authors. This release features continued progress in the IEEE 802.11 models for the multi-link operation (MLO) Wi-Fi 7 feature. Specifically, the support for MLO in STR (Simultaneous Transmit Receive) mode has been refined and enriched with the TID-to-Link Mapping support, a feature that allows distributing traffic flows of different Access Categories over different setup links. Initial support at the PHY layer for MU MIMO was also added. New energy source models extend the capability of the energy module to support three new battery chemistries, and additional small improvements to the 802.15.4 LR-WPAN models have been made. Many additional improvements and bug fixes are listed in the RELEASE_NOTES and CHANGES files.


The ns-3.40 release download is available from this link. This download is a source archive that contains some additional tools (bake, netanim) in addition to the ns-3.40 source. The ns-3 source code by itself can also be checked out of our Git repository by referencing the tag ‘ns-3.40’.


The documentation is available in several formats from this link.

  • What has changed since ns-3.39? Consult the changes and RELEASE_NOTES pages.
  • Errata containing any late-breaking information about the release can be found here
  • A patch to upgrade from ns-3.39 to ns-3.40 can be found here