26 #include <ns3/event-id.h>
27 #include <ns3/spectrum-value.h>
28 #include <ns3/mobility-model.h>
29 #include <ns3/packet.h>
30 #include <ns3/nstime.h>
31 #include <ns3/net-device.h>
32 #include <ns3/spectrum-phy.h>
33 #include <ns3/spectrum-channel.h>
34 #include <ns3/spectrum-interference.h>
35 #include <ns3/data-rate.h>
36 #include <ns3/generic-phy.h>
37 #include <ns3/packet-burst.h>
38 #include <ns3/lte-interference.h>
39 #include "ns3/random-variable-stream.h"
41 #include <ns3/ff-mac-common.h>
42 #include <ns3/lte-harq-phy.h>
43 #include <ns3/lte-common.h>
54 TbId_t (
const uint16_t a,
const uint8_t b);
377 void AddExpectedTb (uint16_t rnti, uint8_t ndi, uint16_t size, uint8_t mcs, std::vector<int> map, uint8_t layer, uint8_t harqId, uint8_t rv,
bool downlink);
Ptr< LteHarqPhy > m_harqPhyModule
void SetLtePhyTxEndCallback(LtePhyTxEndCallback c)
set the callback for the end of a TX, as part of the interconnections between the PHY and the MAC ...
keep track of time values and allow control of global simulation resolution
smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr
void StartRxData(Ptr< LteSpectrumSignalParametersDataFrame > params)
Abstract base class for Spectrum-aware PHY layers.
Ptr< LteInterference > m_interferenceCtrl
LtePhyRxCtrlEndOkCallback m_ltePhyRxCtrlEndOkCallback
TracedCallback< Ptr< const PacketBurst > > m_phyTxEndTrace
The LteControlMessage provides a basic implementations for control messages (such as PDCCH allocation...
void SetState(State newState)
Set the state of the phy layer.
forward calls to a chain of CallbackAn ns3::TracedCallback has almost exactly the same API as a norma...
void AddInterferenceCtrlChunkProcessor(Ptr< LteSinrChunkProcessor > p)
LteSinrChunkProcessor devoted to evaluate interference + noise power in control symbols of the subfra...
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_phyRxEndErrorTrace
void SetLtePhyRxDataEndErrorCallback(LtePhyRxDataEndErrorCallback c)
set the callback for the end of a RX in error, as part of the interconnections between the PHY and th...
void SetTxModeGain(uint8_t txMode, double gain)
LtePhyRxCtrlEndErrorCallback m_ltePhyRxCtrlEndErrorCallback
void SetTransmissionMode(uint8_t txMode)
Ptr< SpectrumChannel > m_channel
std::list< Ptr< LteControlMessage > > m_txControlMessageList
LtePhyTxEndCallback m_ltePhyTxEndCallback
Callback< void, UlInfoListElement_s > LtePhyUlHarqFeedbackCallback
This method is used by the LteSpectrumPhy to notify the PHY about the status of a certain UL HARQ pro...
expectedTbs_t m_expectedTbs
Signal parameters for Lte Data Frame (PDSCH), and eventually after some control messages through othe...
Ptr< LteInterference > m_interferenceData
Callback< void > LtePhyRxCtrlEndErrorCallback
This method is used by the LteSpectrumPhy to notify the PHY that a previously started RX of a control...
Ptr< SpectrumChannel > GetChannel()
LtePhyRxDataEndErrorCallback m_ltePhyRxDataEndErrorCallback
void SetNoisePowerSpectralDensity(Ptr< const SpectrumValue > noisePsd)
set the noise power spectral density
Ptr< UniformRandomVariable > m_random
Provides uniform random variables.
void SetDevice(Ptr< NetDevice > d)
set the associated NetDevice instance
std::list< Ptr< PacketBurst > > m_rxPacketBurstList
Callback< void, std::list< Ptr< LteControlMessage > > > LtePhyRxCtrlEndOkCallback
This method is used by the LteSpectrumPhy to notify the PHY that a previously started RX of a control...
void SetLtePhyUlHarqFeedbackCallback(LtePhyUlHarqFeedbackCallback c)
set the callback for the UL HARQ feedback as part of the interconnections between the LteSpectrumPhy ...
void ChangeState(State newState)
std::list< Ptr< LteControlMessage > > m_rxControlMessageList
void SetLtePhyRxCtrlEndOkCallback(LtePhyRxCtrlEndOkCallback c)
set the callback for the successful end of a RX ctrl frame, as part of the interconnections between t...
void SetTxPowerSpectralDensity(Ptr< SpectrumValue > txPsd)
set the Power Spectral Density of outgoing signals in W/Hz.
void SetLtePhyRxCtrlEndErrorCallback(LtePhyRxCtrlEndErrorCallback c)
set the callback for the erroneous end of a RX ctrl frame, as part of the interconnections between th...
friend bool operator==(const TbId_t &a, const TbId_t &b)
Ptr< AntennaModel > m_antenna
TracedCallback< Ptr< const PacketBurst > > m_phyRxStartTrace
LtePhyRxDataEndOkCallback m_ltePhyRxDataEndOkCallback
Signal parameters for Lte SRS Frame.
bool StartTxDataFrame(Ptr< PacketBurst > pb, std::list< Ptr< LteControlMessage > > ctrlMsgList, Time duration)
Start a transmission of data frame in DL and UL.
uint8_t m_transmissionMode
std::map< TbId_t, tbInfo_t > expectedTbs_t
Ptr< MobilityModel > m_mobility
void SetHarqPhyModule(Ptr< LteHarqPhy > harq)
virtual ~LteSpectrumPhy()
int64_t AssignStreams(int64_t stream)
Assign a fixed random variable stream number to the random variables used by this model...
virtual void DoDispose()
This method is called by Object::Dispose or by the object's destructor, whichever comes first...
void StartRxCtrl(Ptr< SpectrumSignalParameters > params)
Ptr< NetDevice > GetDevice()
get the associated NetDevice instance
Ptr< SpectrumValue > m_txPsd
friend bool operator<(const TbId_t &a, const TbId_t &b)
void SetAntenna(Ptr< AntennaModel > a)
set the AntennaModel to be used
void AddRsPowerChunkProcessor(Ptr< LteSinrChunkProcessor > p)
EventId m_endRxDlCtrlEvent
bool m_dataErrorModelEnabled
Callback< void, uint16_t, Ptr< SpectrumValue > > LtePhyRxPssCallback
This method is used by the LteSpectrumPhy to notify the UE PHY that a PSS has been received...
void AddExpectedTb(uint16_t rnti, uint8_t ndi, uint16_t size, uint8_t mcs, std::vector< int > map, uint8_t layer, uint8_t harqId, uint8_t rv, bool downlink)
Ptr< const SpectrumModel > GetRxSpectrumModel() const
Ptr< AntennaModel > GetRxAntenna()
get the AntennaModel used by the NetDevice for reception
Ptr< MobilityModel > GetMobility()
get the associated MobilityModel instance
Ptr< const SpectrumModel > m_rxSpectrumModel
Signal parameters for Lte DL Ctrl Frame (RS, PCFICH and PDCCH)
LtePhyDlHarqFeedbackCallback m_ltePhyDlHarqFeedbackCallback
Ptr< PacketBurst > m_txPacketBurst
void SetChannel(Ptr< SpectrumChannel > c)
Set the channel attached to this device.
void Reset()
reset the internal state
TracedCallback< PhyReceptionStatParameters > m_ulPhyReception
Trace information regarding PHY stats from UL Rx perspective PhyReceptionStatParameters (see lte-comm...
Ptr< NetDevice > m_device
bool m_ctrlErrorModelEnabled
LtePhyUlHarqFeedbackCallback m_ltePhyUlHarqFeedbackCallback
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
TracedCallback< Ptr< const Packet > > m_phyRxEndOkTrace
bool StartTxDlCtrlFrame(std::list< Ptr< LteControlMessage > > ctrlMsgList, bool pss)
Start a transmission of control frame in DL.
void SetLtePhyDlHarqFeedbackCallback(LtePhyDlHarqFeedbackCallback c)
set the callback for the DL HARQ feedback as part of the interconnections between the LteSpectrumPhy ...
an identifier for simulation events.
void AddCtrlSinrChunkProcessor(Ptr< LteSinrChunkProcessor > p)
void AddDataSinrChunkProcessor(Ptr< LteSinrChunkProcessor > p)
void SetLtePhyRxPssCallback(LtePhyRxPssCallback c)
set the callback for the reception of the PSS as part of the interconnections between the LteSpectrum...
LtePhyRxPssCallback m_ltePhyRxPssCallback
void AddInterferenceDataChunkProcessor(Ptr< LteSinrChunkProcessor > p)
LteSinrChunkProcessor devoted to evaluate interference + noise power in data symbols of the subframe...
Callback< void, DlInfoListElement_s > LtePhyDlHarqFeedbackCallback
This method is used by the LteSpectrumPhy to notify the PHY about the status of a certain DL HARQ pro...
EventId m_endRxUlSrsEvent
void SetLtePhyRxDataEndOkCallback(LtePhyRxDataEndOkCallback c)
set the callback for the successful end of a RX, as part of the interconnections between the PHY and ...
void SetMobility(Ptr< MobilityModel > m)
Set the mobility model associated with this device.
Callback< void, Ptr< Packet > > LtePhyRxDataEndOkCallback
This method is used by the LteSpectrumPhy to notify the PHY that a previously started RX attempt has ...
Callback< void, Ptr< const Packet > > LtePhyTxEndCallback
this method is invoked by the LteSpectrumPhy to notify the PHY that the transmission of a given packe...
The LteSpectrumPhy models the physical layer of LTE.
LteNetDevice provides basic implementation for all LTE network devices.
void StartRx(Ptr< SpectrumSignalParameters > params)
Notify the SpectrumPhy instance of an incoming signal.
TracedCallback< Ptr< const PacketBurst > > m_phyTxStartTrace
Set of values corresponding to a given SpectrumModel.
interface for antenna radiation pattern models
a unique identifier for an interface.
void UpdateSinrPerceived(const SpectrumValue &sinr)
bool StartTxUlSrsFrame()
Start a transmission of control frame in UL.
void SetCellId(uint16_t cellId)
std::vector< int > rbBitmap
SpectrumValue m_sinrPerceived
std::vector< double > m_txModeGain
TracedCallback< PhyReceptionStatParameters > m_dlPhyReception
Trace information regarding PHY stats from DL Rx perspective PhyReceptionStatParameters (see lte-comm...
The LteSpectrumPhy models the physical layer of LTE.
Callback< void > LtePhyRxDataEndErrorCallback
This method is used by the LteSpectrumPhy to notify the PHY that a previously started RX attempt has ...