Classes | |
class | Asn1EncodingSuite |
Asn1Encoding Test Suite. More... | |
struct | LteX2HandoverMeasuresTestCase::BearerData |
BearerData structure. More... | |
struct | LteX2HandoverTestCase::BearerData |
BearerData structure. More... | |
struct | BearerTestData |
class | CarrierAggregationConfigTestCase |
Carrier aggregation configuration test case. More... | |
class | CarrierAggregationConfigTestSuite |
Carrier aggregation configuration test suite. More... | |
class | CarrierAggregationTestCase |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
struct | CheckPointEvent |
CheckPointEvent structure. More... | |
struct | EnbDlTestData |
Custom structure for testing eNodeB downlink data, contains the list of data structures for UEs. More... | |
struct | EnbUlTestData |
Custom structure containing information about data sent in the uplink of eNodeB. More... | |
class | EpcS1uDlTestCase |
EpcS1uDlTestCase class. More... | |
class | EpcS1uUlTestCase |
EpcS1uUlTestCase class. More... | |
class | ns3::EpcTestRrc |
RRC stub providing a testing S1 SAP user to be used with the EpcEnbApplication. More... | |
class | EpcTftClassifierTestCase |
Test case to check the functionality of the Tft Classifier. More... | |
class | EpcTftClassifierTestSuite |
Epc Tft Classifier Test Suite. More... | |
class | EpsBearerTagUdpClient |
A Udp client. More... | |
class | EpsGtpuTestSuite |
Test suite for testing GPRS tunnelling protocol header coding and decoding. More... | |
struct | HandoverEvent |
HandoverEvent structure. More... | |
class | HandoverPreparationInfoTestCase |
Handover Preparation Info Test Case. More... | |
class | LenaCqaFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
This is a system test program. More... | |
class | LenaCqaFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
This is a system test program. More... | |
class | LenaDataPhyErrorModelTestCase |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | ns3::LenaDeactivateBearerTestCase |
Test case that for testing the deactivation of the bearer functionality. More... | |
class | LenaDlCtrlPhyErrorModelTestCase |
Lena Dl Ctrl Phy Error Model Test Case. More... | |
class | LenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
Test case is similar to the one defined in LenaFdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1, with the difference that UEs are placed in such a way to experience different SINRs from eNodeB. More... | |
class | LenaFdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCase |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
Test case is similar to the one defined in LenaFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1, with the difference that UEs are placed in such a way to experience different SINRs from eNodeB. More... | |
class | LenaHarqTestCase |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaMimoTestCase |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and single UE. More... | |
class | LenaPfFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaPfFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
Lena PfFf Mac Scheduler Test Case 2. More... | |
class | LenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
Similar to the LenaPssFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 with the difference that UEs are places in such a way to experience different SINRs. More... | |
class | LenaRrFfMacSchedulerTestCase |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaTdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaTdBetFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
Lena TdBet Ff Mac Scheduler Test Case. More... | |
class | LenaTdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCase |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase1 |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LenaTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerTestCase2 |
Lena TdTbfq Ff Mac Scheduler Test Case 2. More... | |
class | ns3::LenaTestBearerDeactivateSuite |
The test suite class for the LenaDeactivateBearerTestCase. More... | |
class | LenaTestCqaFfMacSchedulerSuite |
The test suite for testing CQA scheduler functionality. More... | |
class | LenaTestFdBetFfMacSchedulerSuite |
Test suite for FDBetFfMacScheduler test case. More... | |
class | LenaTestFdMtFfMacSchedulerSuite |
Test suite for LenaFdMtFfMacSchedulerTestCase test case. More... | |
class | LenaTestFdTbfqFfMacSchedulerSuite |
Test suit for FdTbfqFfMacScheduler test. More... | |
class | LenaTestHarqSuite |
Test suite for harq test. More... | |
class | LenaTestMimoSuite |
Lena Test Mimo Suite. More... | |
class | LenaTestPfFfMacSchedulerSuite |
PfFfMacScheduler test suite. More... | |
class | LenaTestPhyErrorModelSuite |
Lena Test Phy Error Model Suite. More... | |
class | LenaTestPssFfMacSchedulerSuite |
Lena Pss Ff Mac Scheduler Test Suite. More... | |
class | LenaTestRrFfMacSchedulerSuite |
Test suite for RrFfMacScheduler test. More... | |
class | LenaTestTdBetFfMacSchedulerSuite |
Test suite for TdBetFfMacScheduler tests. More... | |
class | LenaTestTdMtFfMacSchedulerSuite |
Test suite for TdMtFfMacScheduler tests. More... | |
class | LenaTestTdTbfqFfMacSchedulerSuite |
Test suite for TdTbfqFfMacScheduler test. More... | |
class | LenaTestTtaFfMacSchedulerSuite |
Lena Test Tta Ff Mac Scheduler Suite. More... | |
class | LenaTtaFfMacSchedulerTestCase |
This system test program creates different test cases with a single eNB and several UEs, all having the same Radio Bearer specification. More... | |
class | LteAntennaTestSuite |
Lte Enb Antenna Test Suite. More... | |
class | LteCqiGenerationDlPowerControlTestCase |
This test is very similar to LteCqiGenerationTestCase. More... | |
class | LteCqiGenerationTestCase |
This is the test case for testing different configuration of CQI generation. More... | |
class | LteCqiGenerationTestSuite |
Lte Cqi Generation Test Suite. More... | |
class | LteDistributedFfrAreaTestCase |
Lte Distributed Ffr Area Test Case. More... | |
class | LteDownlinkCtrlSinrTestCase |
Test compares if the generated SINR is equal to estimated SINR value. More... | |
class | LteDownlinkDataSinrTestCase |
Test compares if the generated SINR is equal to estimated SINR value. More... | |
class | LteDownlinkPowerControlRrcConnectionReconfigurationTestCase |
Test if RRC connection reconfiguration messages are properly generated upon the change in the downlink power. More... | |
class | LteDownlinkPowerControlSpectrumValueTestCase |
Test SINR calculation in the downlink when power control is used. More... | |
class | LteDownlinkPowerControlTestCase |
Test SINR calculation in the downlink when the power control is used. More... | |
class | LteDownlinkPowerControlTestSuite |
Test suite for the LteDownlinkPowerControlSpectrumValueTestCase. More... | |
class | LteDownlinkSinrTestSuite |
Test 1.1 SINR calculation in downlink. More... | |
class | LteEarfcnDlTestCase |
Test case that is testing if the downlink frequency is properly converted from provided downlink EARFCN frequency value. More... | |
class | LteEarfcnTestCase |
Test case that is testing if the frequency is properly generated from provided EARFCN frequency. More... | |
class | LteEarfcnTestSuite |
Test suite for testing correct conversion of frequencies in the downlink and the uplink, and general EARFCN frequencies. More... | |
class | LteEarfcnUlTestCase |
Test case that is testing if the uplink frequency is properly converted from provided uplink EARFCN frequency value. More... | |
class | LteEnbAntennaTestCase |
Tests that the propagation model and the antenna parameters are generate the correct values. More... | |
class | LteEnhancedFfrAreaTestCase |
Lte Enhanced Ffr Area Test Case. More... | |
class | LteEpcE2eDataTestCase |
Test that e2e packet flow is correct. More... | |
class | LteEpcE2eDataTestSuite |
Test that the S1-U interface implementation works correctly. More... | |
class | ns3::LteFfrSimple |
Simple Frequency Reuse algorithm implementation which uses only 1 sub-band. More... | |
class | LteFrAreaTestCase |
Test frequency reuse algorithm by teleporting UEs to different parts of area and checking if the frequency is used according to the frequency pattern for different parts of area. More... | |
class | LteFrequencyReuseTestSuite |
Test the fractional frequency reuse algorithms. More... | |
class | LteFrTestCase |
Test frequency reuse algorithm. More... | |
class | LteHandoverDelayTestCase |
Verifying that the time needed for handover is under a specified threshold. More... | |
class | LteHandoverDelayTestSuite |
Lte Handover Delay Test Suite. More... | |
class | LteHandoverFailureTestCase |
Verifying that a handover failure occurs due to various causes. More... | |
class | LteHandoverFailureTestSuite |
The following log components can be used to debug this test's behavior: LteHandoverFailureTest:LteEnbRrc:LteEnbMac:LteUeRrc:EpcX2. More... | |
class | LteHandoverTargetTestCase |
Testing a handover algorithm, verifying that it selects the right target cell when more than one options available. More... | |
class | LteHardFrTestCase |
Test hard frequency reuse algorithm. More... | |
class | LteInterferenceFrTestSuite |
Test suite for the interference test when using different frequency reuse algorithms.Check if the interfence values correspond to theoretical values. More... | |
class | LteInterferenceHardFrTestCase |
Lte interference test when using hard frequency reuse algorithm. More... | |
class | LteInterferenceStrictFrTestCase |
Lte interference test when using strict frequency reuse algorithm. More... | |
class | LteInterferenceTestCase |
Test that SINR calculation and MCS selection works fine in a multi-cell interference scenario. More... | |
class | LteInterferenceTestSuite |
Test suite for interference test. More... | |
class | LteIpv6RoutingTestCase |
Lte Ipv6 routing test case. More... | |
class | LteLinkAdaptationTestCase |
Test that LTE link adaptation works according to the theoretical model. More... | |
class | LteLinkAdaptationTestSuite |
Test 1.3 Link adaptation. More... | |
class | LteNoisePsdTestCase |
Test that the function for creation of LTE noise power spectral density is working properly. More... | |
class | LtePathlossModelSystemTestCase |
Tests that the BuildingPathlossModel works according to the expected theoretical values. More... | |
class | LtePathlossModelTestSuite |
Test 1.1 pathloss calculation. More... | |
class | LteRlcAmE2eTestCase |
Test cases used for the test suite lte-rlc-am-e2e. More... | |
class | LteRlcAmE2eTestSuite |
Test suite for RlcAmE2e test case. More... | |
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterConcatenationTestCase |
Test Test that concatenation functionality works properly. More... | |
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterOneSduTestCase |
Test Test that SDU transmitted at PDCP corresponds to PDU received by MAC. More... | |
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterReportBufferStatusTestCase |
Test Test checks functionality of Report Buffer Status by testing primitive parameters. More... | |
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterSegmentationTestCase |
Test Test the correct functionality of the Segmentation. More... | |
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterTestCase |
Test case used by LteRlcAmTransmitterOneSduTestCase to create topology and to implement functionalities and check if data received corresponds to data sent. More... | |
class | LteRlcAmTransmitterTestSuite |
TestSuite 4.1.1 RLC AM: Only transmitter functionality. More... | |
class | ns3::LteRlcHeaderTestSuite |
Lte Rlc Header Test Suite. More... | |
class | LteRlcUmE2eTestCase |
Test end-to-end flow when RLC UM is being used. More... | |
class | LteRlcUmE2eTestSuite |
Test suite for RlcUmE2eTestCase. More... | |
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterConcatenationTestCase |
Test Concatenation (n SDUs => One PDU) More... | |
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterOneSduTestCase |
Test One SDU, One PDU. More... | |
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterReportBufferStatusTestCase |
Test Report Buffer Status (test primitive parameters) More... | |
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterSegmentationTestCase |
Test Segmentation (One SDU => n PDUs) More... | |
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterTestCase |
Test case used by LteRlcUmTransmitterOneSduTestCase to create topology and to implement functionalities and check if data received corresponds to data sent. More... | |
class | LteRlcUmTransmitterTestSuite |
TestSuite 4.1.1 for RLC UM: Only transmitter part. More... | |
class | LteRrcConnectionEstablishmentErrorTestCase |
Lte Rrc Connection Establishment Error Test Case. More... | |
class | LteRrcConnectionEstablishmentTestCase |
Test rrc connection establishment. More... | |
class | LteRrcTestSuite |
Lte Rrc Test Suite. More... | |
class | LteSecondaryCellHandoverTestCase |
Test measurement-based handover to secondary cell. More... | |
class | LteSecondaryCellHandoverTestSuite |
LTE measurement-based handover to secondary cell test suite. More... | |
class | LteSecondaryCellSelectionTestCase |
Testing the initial cell selection procedure by UE at IDLE state in the beginning of simulation with multiple component carriers. More... | |
class | LteSecondaryCellSelectionTestSuite |
Test suite for executing the secondary cell selection test cases. More... | |
class | ns3::LteSimpleHelper |
A simplified version of LteHelper, that is used for creation and configuration of LTE entities for testing purposes when just a limited LteHelper functionality is wanted. More... | |
class | LteSoftFfrAreaTestCase |
Lte Soft Ffr Area Test Case. More... | |
class | LteSoftFrAreaTestCase |
Lte Soft Fr Area Test Case. More... | |
class | LteSpectrumModelTestCase |
Test checks if lte spectrum model is generated properly. More... | |
class | LteSpectrumValueHelperTestSuite |
Test suite for LteSpectrumValueHelper. More... | |
class | LteStrictFrAreaTestCase |
Lte Fr Area Test Case. More... | |
class | LteStrictFrTestCase |
Test strict frequency reuse algorithm. More... | |
class | ns3::LteTestMac |
This class implements a testing loopback MAC layer. More... | |
class | ns3::LteTestPdcp |
This class implements a testing PDCP entity. More... | |
class | ns3::LteTestRrc |
This class implements a testing RRC entity. More... | |
class | ns3::LteTestUePhy |
Defines a simplified LtePhy class that is used for testing purposes of downlink and uplink SINR generation. More... | |
class | LteTxPsdTestCase |
Test that the funtcion for the creation of the Lte transmission power spectral density is working as expected. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCase |
Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 2 eNodeB and 1 UE in a handover configuration. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestSuite |
Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsHandoverTestCase. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase1 |
Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 1 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 120 ms report interval. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase2 |
Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 2 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 240 ms report interval. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase3 |
Testing UE measurements in LTE with simulation of 3 eNodeB and 1 UE in piecewise configuration and 240 ms report interval. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite1 |
Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase1. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite2 |
Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase2. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestSuite3 |
Test suite for generating calls to UE measurements test case ns3::LteUeMeasurementsPiecewiseTestCase3. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsTestCase |
Test that UE measurements calculation works properly in a scenario with 2 eNodeBs and 2UEs. More... | |
class | LteUeMeasurementsTestSuite |
Test that UE Measurements (see 36.214) calculation works fine in a multi-cell interference scenario. More... | |
class | LteUplinkClosedLoopPowerControlAbsoluteModeTestCase |
Lte Uplink Closed Loop Power Control Absolute Mode Test Case. More... | |
class | LteUplinkClosedLoopPowerControlAccumulatedModeTestCase |
Lte Uplink Closed Loop Power Control Accumulated Mode Test Case. More... | |
class | LteUplinkDataSinrTestCase |
Test generation of SINR in the uplink. More... | |
class | LteUplinkOpenLoopPowerControlTestCase |
Lte Uplink Open Loop Power Control Test Case. More... | |
class | LteUplinkPowerControlTestCase |
Lte Uplink Power Control Test Case. More... | |
class | LteUplinkPowerControlTestSuite |
Test 1.1 Uplink Power Control. More... | |
class | LteUplinkSinrTestSuite |
Test 1.2 SINR calculation in uplink. More... | |
class | LteUplinkSrsSinrTestCase |
In this test one signal will be of interest, i.e., the SRS of the first signal will have the same CellId of the receiving PHY; the others will have a different CellId and hence will be the interfering signals. More... | |
class | LteX2HandoverMeasuresTestCase |
Test different X2 handover measures and algorithms, e.g. More... | |
class | LteX2HandoverMeasuresTestSuite |
Lte X2 Handover Measures Test Suite. More... | |
class | LteX2HandoverTestCase |
Test X2 Handover. More... | |
class | LteX2HandoverTestSuite |
LTE X2 Handover Test Suite. More... | |
class | MeasurementReportTestCase |
Measurement Report Test Case. More... | |
class | ns3::RlcAmStatusPduTestCase |
Rlc Am Status Pdu Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcConnectionReconfigurationCompleteTestCase |
Rrc Connection Reconfiguration Complete Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcConnectionReconfigurationTestCase |
Rrc Connection Reconfiguration Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentCompleteTestCase |
Rrc Connection Reestablishment Complete Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentRequestTestCase |
Rrc Connection Reestablishment Request Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcConnectionReestablishmentTestCase |
Rrc Connection Reestablishment Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcConnectionRejectTestCase |
Rrc Connection Reject Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcConnectionRequestTestCase |
Rrc Connection Request Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcConnectionSetupCompleteTestCase |
Rrc Connection Setup Complete Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcConnectionSetupTestCase |
Rrc Connection Setup Test Case. More... | |
class | RrcHeaderTestCase |
This class provides common functions to be inherited by the children TestCases. More... | |
class | TestCarrierAggregationSuite |
Test Carrier Aggregation Suite. More... | |
class | ns3::TestUtils |
Test Utils. More... | |
class | TestUtils |
Contains ASN encoding test utility functions. More... | |
struct | LteX2HandoverMeasuresTestCase::UeData |
UeData structure. More... | |
struct | LteX2HandoverTestCase::UeData |
UeData structure. More... | |
struct | UeDlTestData |
Custom structure for testing UE downlink data. More... | |
struct | UeUlTestData |
Custom test structure to hold information of data transmitted in the uplink per UE. More... | |
Asn1EncodingSuite g_asn1EncodingSuite |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 1279 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 456 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 61 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 315 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 103 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 166 of file
LteEpcE2eDataTestSuite g_lteEpcE2eDataTestSuite |
the test suite
static |
the test suite
static |
end of LteHandoverFailureTestSuite ()
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 455 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 402 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 103 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 122 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 896 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 218 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 74 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 224 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 221 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 1004 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 1097 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 104 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 267 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 201 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 177 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 268 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 80 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 88 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 218 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 121 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 265 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 263 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 183 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 201 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 176 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 268 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 176 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 151 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 393 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 110 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 440 of file
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 126 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 112 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 194 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 148 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 105 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 54 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 82 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 56 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 2287 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 704 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 1407 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 1735 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 239 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 75 of file
static |
Static variable for test initialization.
Definition at line 129 of file
ns3::LteRlcHeaderTestSuite ns3::staticLteRlcHeaderTestSuiteInstance |
the test suite