Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ns3::AarfcdWifiManagerImplementation of the AARF-CD algorithm
ns3::AarfWifiManagerAARF Rate control algorithm
ns3::AccessorHelper< T, U >
ns3::AccessorTrait< T >
ns3::AddressPolymophic address class
ns3::AddressValueHold objects of type ns3::Address
ns3::AdhocWifiMacAdhoc state machine
ns3::Object::AggregateIteratorIterate over the objects aggregated to an ns3::Object
ns3::dot11s::AirtimeLinkMetricCalculatorAirtime link metric calculator
ns3::Ipv6OptionHeader::AlignmentAlignment requirements of an option header
ns3::AmrrWifiManagerAMRR Rate control algorithm
ns3::AnimationInterfaceInterface to network animator
ns3::internal::AnObjectVectorChecker< T >
ns3::AodvHelperHelper class that adds AODV routing to nodes
ns3::internal::APointerChecker< T >
ns3::ApplicationThe base class for all ns3 applications
ns3::ApplicationContainerHolds a vector of ns3::Application pointers
ns3::ArfWifiManagerARF Rate control algorithm
ns3::ArpCacheAn ARP cache
ns3::ArpHeaderThe packet header for an ARP packet
ns3::ArpL3ProtocolAn implementation of the ARP protocol
ns3::AsciiTraceHelperManage ASCII trace files for device models
ns3::AsciiTraceHelperForDeviceBase class providing common user-level ascii trace operations for helpers representing net devices
ns3::AsciiTraceHelperForIpv4Base class providing common user-level ascii trace operations for helpers representing IPv4 protocols
ns3::AsciiTraceHelperForIpv6Base class providing common user-level ascii trace operations for helpers representing IPv6 protocols
ns3::AthstatsHelperCreate AthstatsWifiTraceSink instances and connect them to wifi devices
ns3::AthstatsWifiTraceSinkTrace sink for wifi device that mimics madwifi's athstats tool
ns3::AttributeAccessorAllow setting and getting the value of an attribute
ns3::AttributeCheckerRepresent the type of an attribute
ns3::TypeId::AttributeInfoStore together a set of attribute properties
ns3::AttributeListContainer of attributes to be used during object's construction and in ns3::Object::Set
ns3::AttributeValueHold a value for an Attribute
ns3::Average< T >Simple average, min, max and std. deviation calculator
ns3::BackoffThe backoff class is used for calculating backoff times when many net devices can write to the same channel
ns3::BandwidthManagerThis class manage the bandwidth request and grant mechanism. The bandwidth request and grant mechanism is supported by the Bandwidth Manager. Both BS and SS maintain a bandwidth manager. Furthermore BS's bandwidth manager works together with the uplink scheduler to determine total bandwidth available and allocation size for each service flow. Bandwidth request mechanism is a key feature of the WiMAX scheduler since all three non-UGS services explicitly request for bandwidth by sending a bandwidth request to BS
ns3::BandwidthRequestHeaderThis class implements the bandwidth-request mac Header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Bandwidth request header, page 38
ns3::BasicEnergySourceHelperCreates a BasicEnergySource object
ns3::BlockAckAgreementMaintains information for a block ack agreement
ns3::BlockAckManagerManages all block ack agreements for an originator station
ns3::BooleanValueHold a bool native type
ns3::BoundFunctorCallbackImpl< T, R, TX, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 >
ns3::Box3d box
ns3::BoxValueHold objects of type ns3::Box
ns3::BridgeChannelVirtual channel implementation for bridges (BridgeNetDevice)
ns3::BridgeHelperAdd capability to bridge multiple LAN segments (IEEE 802.1D bridging)
ns3::BridgeNetDeviceVirtual net device that bridges multiple LAN segments
ns3::BSSchedulerRtpsThis class implements a simple downlink scheduler for rtPS flows
ns3::BufferAutomatically resized byte buffer
ns3::ByteTagIteratorIterator over the set of tags in a packet
ns3::ByteTagListKeep track of the tags stored in a packet
ns3::CalendarSchedulerCalendar queue event scheduler
ns3::Callback< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 >Callback template class
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 >
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty >
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, T1, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty >
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, T1, T2, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty >
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, T1, T2, T3, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty >
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty >
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, empty, empty, empty, empty >
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, empty, empty, empty >
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, empty, empty >
ns3::CallbackImpl< R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, empty >
ns3::CallbackTraits< Ptr< T > >
ns3::CallbackTraits< T * >
ns3::CandidateQueueA Candidate Queue used in static routing
ns3::CanvasLocationKeep track of the current location of an object
ns3::CaraWifiManagerImplement the CARA rate control algorithm
ns3::ChannelAbstract Channel Base Class
ns3::ChannelListList of simulation channels
ns3::ChunkAbstract base class for ns3::Header and ns3::Trailer
ns3::CommandLineParse command-line argumentsInstances of this class can be used to parse command-line arguments: users can register new arguments with CommandLine::AddValue but the most important functionality provided by this class is that it can be used to set the 'initial value' of every attribute in the system with the --TypeIdNameAttributeName=value syntax and it can be used to set the value of every GlobalValue in the system with the --GlobalValueName=value syntax
ns3::ConfigStoreStore and load simulation attribute configuration
ns3::ConstantAccelerationMobilityModelMobility model for which the current acceleration does not change once it has been set and until it is set again explicitely to a new value
ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModelMobility model for which the current position does not change once it has been set and until it is set again explicitely to a new value
ns3::ConstantRateWifiManagerUse constant rates for data and control transmissions
ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModelPropagation speed is constant
ns3::ConstantVariableA random variable that returns a constantClass ConstantVariable defines a random number generator that returns the same value every sample
ns3::ConstantVelocityHelperUtility class used to move node with constant velocity
ns3::ConstantVelocityMobilityModelMobility model for which the current speed does not change once it has been set and until it is set again explicitely to a new value
ns3::CounterCalculator< T >
ns3::CriticalSectionA class which provides a simple way to implement a Critical Section
ns3::CsmaChannelCsma Channel
ns3::CsmaDeviceRecCsmaNetDevice Record
ns3::CsmaHelperBuild a set of CsmaNetDevice objects
ns3::CsmaNetDeviceA Device for a Csma Network Link
ns3::CsmaStarHelperA helper to make it easier to create a star topology with Csma links
ns3::DataRateClass for representing data rates
ns3::DataRateValueHold objects of type ns3::DataRate
ns3::DcaTxopHandle packet fragmentation and retransmissions
ns3::DcfManagerManage a set of ns3::DcfState
ns3::DcfStateKeep track of the state needed for a single DCF function
ns3::DefaultDeleter< T >Template used to delete objects by the *RefCount<> templates when the last reference to an object they manage disappears
ns3::DelayJitterEstimationQuick and dirty delay and jitter estimation
ns3::dot11s::DestinationAddressUnitDescribes an address unit in PREQ information element See for more details
ns3::DeterministicVariableNon-random variableDefines a random variable that has a specified, predetermined sequence. This would be useful when trying to force the RNG to return a known sequence, perhaps to compare NS-3 to some other simulator
ns3::DeviceEnergyModelBase class for device energy models
ns3::DeviceEnergyModelContainerHolds a vector of ns3::DeviceEnergyModel pointers
ns3::DeviceEnergyModelHelperCreates DeviceEnergyModel objects
ns3::DistributedSimulatorImplDistributed simulator implementation using lookahead
ns3::DlFramePrefixIeThis class implements the DL Frame Prefix IE as described by IEEE-802.16 standard
ns3::dot11s::Dot11sMeshCapabilitySee in 802.11s draft 3.0
ns3::Dot11sStackHelper class to allow easy installation of 802.11s stack
ns3::DoubleValueHold an floating point type
ns3::DropTailQueueA FIFO packet queue that drops tail-end packets on overflow
ns3::DsssErrorRateModelImplementation of DSSS error rate model
ns3::aodv::DuplicatePacketDetectionHelper class used to remember already seen packets and detect duplicates
ns3::EmpiricalVariableEmpiricalVariable distribution random varDefines a random variable that has a specified, empirical distribution. The distribution is specified by a series of calls to the CDF member function, specifying a value and the probability that the function value is less than the specified value. When values are requested, a uniform random variable is used to select a probability, and the return value is interpreted linearly between the two appropriate points in the CDF. The method is known as inverse transform sampling: (
ns3::emptyMake Callback use a separate empty type
ns3::EmptyAttributeValueA class for an empty attribute value
ns3::EmuHelperBuild a set of EmuNetDevice objects
ns3::EmuNetDeviceA Device for an Emu Network Link
ns3::EnergySourceEnergy source base class
ns3::EnergySourceContainerHolds a vector of ns3::EnergySource pointers
ns3::EnergySourceHelperCreates EnergySource objects
ns3::ArpCache::EntryA record that that holds information about an ArpCache entry
ns3::NdiscCache::EntryA record that holds information about an NdiscCache entry
ns3::EnumValueHold variables of type 'enum'
ns3::ErlangVariableErlang Distributed Random VariableErlangVariable defines a random variable with Erlang distribution
ns3::ErrorModelGeneral error model that can be used to corrupt packets
ns3::EthernetHeaderPacket header for Ethernet
ns3::EthernetTrailerPacket trailer for Ethernet
ns3::EventGarbageCollectorAn object that tracks scheduled events and automatically cancels them when it is destroyed. It is useful in situations where multiple instances of the same type of event can simultaneously be scheduled, and when the events should be limited to the lifetime of a container object
ns3::EventIdIdentifier for simulation events
ns3::EventImplSimulation event
ns3::EventMemberImplObjTraits< Ptr< T > >
ns3::EventMemberImplObjTraits< T * >
ExperimentHelper class for UAN CW MAC example
ns3::ExponentialVariableExponentially Distributed random varThis class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed exponential distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various exponential distributions
ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocol::FailedDestinationStructure of unreachable destination - address and sequence number
ns3::FixedRssLossModelThe propagation loss is fixed. The user can set received power level
ns3::flame::FlameHeaderFlame header
ns3::flame::FlameProtocolFLAME routing protocol
ns3::flame::FlameProtocolMacInterface MAC plugin FLAME routing protocol
ns3::flame::FlameRtableRouting table for FLAME
ns3::FlameStackHelper class used to install FLAME mesh stack (actually single protocol in this stack)
ns3::flame::FlameTagTransmitter and receiver addresses
ns3::FlowMonitorAn object that monitors and reports back packet flows observed during a simulation
ns3::FlowMonitorHelperHelper to enable IPv4 flow monitoring on a set of Nodes
ns3::FlowMonitor::FlowStatsStructure that represents the measured metrics of an individual packet flow
ns3::FragmentationSubheaderThis class implements the fragmentation sub-header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Fragmentation subheader, page 39
ns3::FriisPropagationLossModelFriis propagation loss model
ns3::FunctorCallbackImpl< T, R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 >
ns3::GammaVariableGamma Distributed Random VariableGammaVariable defines a random variable with gamma distribution
ns3::GaussMarkovMobilityModelGauss-Markov mobility model
ns3::GenericMacHeaderThis class implements the Generic mac Header as described by IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems Generic MAC header, page 36
ns3::GlobalRouteManagerA global global router
ns3::GlobalRouteManagerImplA global router implementation
ns3::GlobalRouteManagerLSDBThe Link State DataBase (LSDB) of the Global Route Manager
ns3::GlobalRouterAn interface aggregated to a node to provide global routing info
ns3::GlobalRoutingLinkRecordA single link record for a link state advertisement
ns3::GlobalRoutingLSALink State Advertisement (LSA) for a router, used in global routing
ns3::GlobalValueHold a so-called 'global value'
ns3::GnuplotSimple class to generate gnuplot-ready plotting commands from a set of datasets
ns3::Gnuplot2dDatasetClass to represent a 2D points plot. Set the line or points style using SetStyle() and set points using Add()
ns3::Gnuplot2dFunctionClass to represent a 2D function expression plot
ns3::Gnuplot3dDatasetClass to represent a 3D points plot. Set the line or points style using SetStyle() and set points using Add()
ns3::Gnuplot3dFunctionClass to represent a 3D function expression plot
ns3::GnuplotCollectionSimple class to group together multiple gnuplots into one file, e.g. for PDF multi-page output terminals
ns3::GnuplotDatasetAbstract class to store a plot line to be used by ns3::Gnuplot
ns3::GridPositionAllocatorAllocate positions on a rectangular 2d grid
ns3::GtkConfigStoreA class that provides a GTK-based front end to ns3::ConfigStore
ns3::HeaderProtocol header serialization and deserialization
ns3::HeapSchedulerBinary heap event scheduler
ns3::HierarchicalMobilityModelHierarchical mobility model
ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocolHybrid wireless mesh protocol -- a routing protocol of IEEE 802.11s draft
ns3::dot11s::HwmpProtocolMacInterface MAC plugin for HWMP -- 802.11s routing protocol
ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtableRouting table for HWMP -- 802.11s routing protocol
ns3::dot11s::HwmpTagHwmp tag implements interaction between HWMP protocol and MeshWifiMac
ns3::Icmpv6DestinationUnreachableICMPv6 Error Destination Unreachable header
ns3::Icmpv6EchoICMPv6 Echo message
ns3::Icmpv6HeaderICMPv6 header
ns3::Icmpv6L4ProtocolAn implementation of the ICMPv6 protocol
ns3::Icmpv6NAICMPv6 Neighbor Advertisement header
ns3::Icmpv6NSICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation header
ns3::Icmpv6OptionHeaderICMPv6 option header
ns3::Icmpv6OptionLinkLayerAddressICMPv6 link-layer address option
ns3::Icmpv6OptionMtuICMPv6 MTU option
ns3::Icmpv6OptionPrefixInformationICMPv6 Option Prefix Information
ns3::Icmpv6OptionRedirectedICMPv6 redirected option
ns3::Icmpv6ParameterErrorICMPv6 Error Parameter Error header
ns3::Icmpv6RAICMPv6 Router Advertisement header
ns3::Icmpv6RedirectionICMPv6 Redirection header
ns3::Icmpv6RSICMPv6 Router Solicitation header
ns3::Icmpv6TimeExceededICMPv6 Error Time Exceeded header
ns3::Icmpv6TooBigICMPv6 Error Too Big header
ns3::aodv::IdCacheUnique packets identification cache used for simple duplicate detection
ns3::IdealWifiManagerIdeal rate control algorithm
ns3::dot11s::IeBeaconTimingSee of 802.11s draft 2.07
ns3::dot11s::IeBeaconTimingUnitDescribes one unit of beacon timing element
ns3::dot11s::IeConfigurationDescribes Mesh Configuration Element see of 802.11s draft 3.0
ns3::dot11s::IeLinkMetricReportIEEE 802.11s Mesh ID of 802.11s draft 3.0
ns3::dot11s::IeMeshIdIEEE 802.11s Mesh ID 7.3.287 of 802.11s draft 3.0
ns3::IeMeshIdValueHold objects of type ns3::IeMeshId
ns3::dot11s::IePeerManagementSee of draft 2.07
ns3::dot11s::IePerrSee of 802.11s draft 2.07
ns3::dot11s::IePrepSee of 802.11s draft 2.07
ns3::dot11s::IePreqSee of 802.11s draft 2.07
ns3::dot11s::IeRannSee of 802.11s draft 2.07
ns3::Inet6SocketAddressAn Inet6 address class
ns3::InetSocketAddressInet address class
ns3::InetTopologyReaderTopology file reader (Inet-format type)
ns3::IntegerValueHold a signed integer type
ns3::IntEmpiricalVariableInteger-based empirical distributionDefines an empirical distribution where all values are integers. Indentical to EmpiricalVariable, except that the inverse transform sampling interpolation described in the EmpiricalVariable documentation is modified to only return integers
ns3::InternetStackHelperAggregate IP/TCP/UDP functionality to existing Nodes
ns3::IntToType< v >
ns3::Ipv4Access to the Ipv4 forwarding table, interfaces, and configuration
ns3::Ipv4AddressIpv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class
ns3::Ipv4AddressGeneratorThis generator assigns addresses sequentially from a provided network address; used in topology code
ns3::Ipv4AddressHelperA helper class to make life easier while doing simple IPv4 address assignment in scripts
ns3::Ipv4AddressValueHold objects of type ns3::Ipv4Address
ns3::Ipv4EndPointA representation of an internet endpoint/connection
ns3::Ipv4EndPointDemuxDemultiplexes packets to various transport layer endpoints
ns3::Ipv4FlowProbeClass that monitors flows at the IPv4 layer of a Node
ns3::Ipv4GlobalRoutingGlobal routing protocol for IP version 4 stacks
ns3::Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelperHelper class that adds ns3::Ipv4GlobalRouting objects
ns3::Ipv4HeaderPacket header for IPv4
ns3::Ipv4InterfaceThe IPv4 representation of a network interface
ns3::Ipv4InterfaceAddressClass to store IPv4 address information on an interface
ns3::Ipv4InterfaceContainerHolds a vector of std::pair of Ptr<Ipv4> and interface index
ns3::Ipv4L3ProtocolImplement the Ipv4 layer
ns3::Ipv4L4ProtocolL4 Protocol abstract base class
ns3::Ipv4ListRoutingHelperHelper class that adds ns3::Ipv4ListRouting objects
ns3::Ipv4MaskClass to represent an Ipv4 address mask
ns3::Ipv4MaskValueHold objects of type ns3::Ipv4Mask
ns3::Ipv4MulticastRouteIpv4 multicast route cache entry (similar to Linux struct mfc_cache)
ns3::Ipv4MulticastRoutingTableEntryA record of an IPv4 multicast route for Ipv4GlobalRouting and Ipv4StaticRouting
ns3::Ipv4NixVectorHelperHelper class that adds Nix-vector routing to nodes
ns3::Ipv4PacketInfoTagThis class implements Linux struct pktinfo in order to deliver ancillary information to the socket interface. This is used with socket option such as IP_PKTINFO, IP_RECVTTL, IP_RECVTOS. See linux manpage ip(7)
ns3::Ipv4RawSocketFactoryAPI to create RAW socket instances
ns3::Ipv4RouteIpv4 route cache entry (similar to Linux struct rtable)
ns3::Ipv4RoutingHelperFactory to create ns3::Ipv4RoutingProtocol objects
ns3::Ipv4RoutingProtocolAbstract base class for IPv4 routing protocols
ns3::Ipv4StaticRoutingStatic routing protocol for IP version 4 stacks
ns3::Ipv4StaticRoutingHelperHelper class that adds ns3::Ipv4StaticRouting objects
ns3::Ipv6Access to the IPv6 forwarding table, interfaces, and configuration
ns3::Ipv6AddressDescribes an IPv6 address
ns3::Ipv6AddressHashHash function class for IPv6 addresses
ns3::Ipv6AddressHelperHelper class to assign IPv6 address statically
ns3::Ipv6AddressValueHold objects of type ns3::Ipv6Address
ns3::Ipv6AutoconfiguredPrefixRouter prefix information
ns3::Ipv6EndPointAn IPv6 end point, four tuples identification
ns3::Ipv6EndPointDemuxDemultiplexor for end points
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionIPv6 Extension base If you want to implement a new IPv6 extension, all you have to do is implement a subclass of this class and add it to an Ipv6ExtensionDemux
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionAHIPv6 Extension AH (Authentication Header)
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionAHHeaderHeader of IPv6 Extension AH
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionDemuxDemultiplexes IPv6 extensions
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionDestinationIPv6 Extension Destination
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionDestinationHeaderHeader of IPv6 Extension Destination
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionESPIPv6 Extension ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload)
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionESPHeaderHeader of IPv6 Extension ESP
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionFragmentIPv6 Extension Fragment
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionFragmentHeaderHeader of IPv6 Extension Fragment
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionHeaderHeader for IPv6 Extension
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionHopByHopIPv6 Extension "Hop By Hop"
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionHopByHopHeaderHeader of IPv6 Extension "Hop by Hop"
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionLooseRoutingIPv6 Extension Loose Routing
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionLooseRoutingHeaderHeader of IPv6 Extension Routing : Type 0 (Loose Routing)
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionRoutingIPv6 Extension Routing If you want to implement a new IPv6 routing extension, all you have to do is implement a subclass of this class and add it to an Ipv6ExtensionRoutingDemux
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionRoutingDemuxIPv6 Extension Routing Demux
ns3::Ipv6ExtensionRoutingHeaderHeader of IPv6 Extension Routing
ns3::Ipv6HeaderPacket header for IPv6
ns3::Ipv6InterfaceThe IPv6 representation of a network interface
ns3::Ipv6InterfaceAddressIPv6 address associated with an interface
ns3::Ipv6InterfaceContainerKeep track of a set of IPv6 interfaces
ns3::Ipv6L3ProtocolIPv6 layer implementation
ns3::Ipv6L4ProtocolIPv6 L4 protocol abstract class
ns3::Ipv6ListRoutingHold list of Ipv6RoutingProtocol objects
ns3::Ipv6ListRoutingHelperHelper class that adds ns3::Ipv6ListRouting objects
ns3::Ipv6MulticastRouteIPv6 multicast route entry
ns3::Ipv6MulticastRoutingTableEntryA record of an IPv6 multicast route
ns3::Ipv6OptionIPv6 Option base
ns3::Ipv6OptionDemuxIPv6 Option Demux
ns3::Ipv6OptionHeaderHeader for IPv6 Option
ns3::Ipv6OptionJumbogramIPv6 Option Jumbogram
ns3::Ipv6OptionJumbogramHeaderHeader of IPv6 Option Jumbogram
ns3::Ipv6OptionPad1IPv6 Option Pad1
ns3::Ipv6OptionPad1HeaderHeader of IPv6 Option Pad1
ns3::Ipv6OptionPadnIPv6 Option Padn
ns3::Ipv6OptionPadnHeaderHeader of IPv6 Option Padn
ns3::Ipv6OptionRouterAlertIPv6 Option Router Alert
ns3::Ipv6OptionRouterAlertHeaderHeader of IPv6 Option Router Alert
ns3::Ipv6PacketInfoTagThis class implements a tag that carries socket ancillary data to the socket interface. This is used like socket option of IP_PKTINFO/IPV6_PKTINFO in RFC 3542 See:
ns3::Ipv6PrefixDescribes an IPv6 prefix. It is just a bitmask like Ipv4Mask
ns3::Ipv6PrefixValueHold objects of type ns3::Ipv6Prefix
ns3::Ipv6RawSocketFactoryAPI to create IPv6 RAW socket instances
ns3::Ipv6RawSocketFactoryImplImplementation of IPv6 raw socket factory
ns3::Ipv6RawSocketImplIPv6 raw socket
ns3::Ipv6RouteIPv6 route cache entry
ns3::Ipv6RoutingHelperA factory to create ns3::Ipv6RoutingProtocol objects
ns3::Ipv6RoutingProtocolAbstract base class for Ipv6 routing protocols
ns3::Ipv6RoutingTableEntryA record of an IPv6 route
ns3::Ipv6StaticRoutingStatic routing protocol for IP version 6 stack
ns3::Ipv6StaticRoutingHelperHelper class that adds ns3::Ipv6StaticRouting objects
ns3::Buffer::IteratorIterator in a Buffer instance
ns3::JakesPropagationLossModelJakes propagation loss model
ns3::LbtsMessageStructure used for all-reduce LBTS computation
ns3::TopologyReader::LinkInner class holding the details about a link between two nodes
ns3::ListErrorModelProvide a list of Packet uids to corrupt
ns3::ListPositionAllocatorAllocate positions from a deterministic list specified by the user
ns3::ListSchedulerStd::list event scheduler
ns3::LlcSnapHeaderHeader for the LLC/SNAP encapsulation
ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModelLog distance propagation model
ns3::LogNormalVariableLog-normal Distributed random varLogNormalVariable defines a random variable with log-normal distribution. If one takes the natural logarithm of random variable following the log-normal distribution, the obtained values follow a normal distribution. This class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed lognormal distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various lognormal distributions
ns3::dot11s::HwmpRtable::LookupResultRoute lookup result, return type of LookupXXX methods
ns3::flame::FlameRtable::LookupResultRoute lookup result, return type of LookupXXX methods
ns3::LoopbackNetDeviceVirtual network interface that loops back any data sent to it to be immediately received on the same interface
ns3::Mac48AddressEUI-48 address
ns3::Mac48AddressValueHold objects of type ns3::Mac48Address
ns3::Mac64AddressEUI-64 address
ns3::MacLowHandle RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK transactions
ns3::MacLowBlockAckEventListenerListen for block ack events
ns3::MacLowDcfListenerListen to NAV events
ns3::MacLowTransmissionListenerListen to events coming from ns3::MacLow
ns3::MacLowTransmissionParametersControl how a packet is transmitted
ns3::MapSchedulerStd::map event scheduler
ns3::Config::MatchContainerHold a set of objects which match a specific search string
ns3::MatrixPropagationLossModelThe propagation loss is fixed for each pair of nodes and doesn't depend on their actual positions
ns3::MemPtrCallbackImpl< OBJ_PTR, MEM_PTR, R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 >
ns3::dot11s::MeshHeaderMesh Control field, see IEEE 802.11s draft 3.0 section
ns3::MeshHelperHelper to create IEEE 802.11s mesh networks
ns3::MeshL2RoutingProtocolInterface for L2 mesh routing protocol and mesh point communication
ns3::MeshPointDeviceVirtual net device modeling mesh point
ns3::MeshStackPrototype for class, which helps to install MAC-layer routing stack to ns3::MeshPointDevice
ns3::MeshWifiBeaconBeacon is beacon header + list of arbitrary information elements
ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMacBasic MAC of mesh point Wi-Fi interface. Its function is extendable through plugins mechanism
ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMacPluginCommon interface for mesh point interface MAC plugins
ns3::MinMaxAvgTotalCalculator< T >
ns3::MobilityHelperHelper class used to assign positions and mobility models to nodes
ns3::MobilityModelKeep track of the current position and velocity of an object
ns3::MsduAggregatorAbstract class that concrete msdu aggregators have to implement
ns3::NakagamiPropagationLossModelNakagami-m fast fading propagation loss model
ns3::NamesA directory of name and Ptr<Object> associations that allows us to give any ns3 Object a name
ns3::NdiscCacheIPv6 Neighbor Discovery cache
ns3::aodv::Neighbors::NeighborNeighbor description
ns3::aodv::NeighborsMaintain list of active neighbors
ns3::NetDeviceNetwork layer to device interface
ns3::NetDeviceContainerHolds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
ns3::NixVectorNeighbor-index data structure for nix-vector routing
ns3::NodeA network Node
ns3::NodeContainerKeep track of a set of node pointers
ns3::NodeListList of simulation nodes
ns3::NormalVariableClass NormalVariable defines a random variable with a normal (Gaussian) distribution.This class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed normal distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various normal distributions
ns3::NqapWifiMacNon-QoS AP state machine
ns3::NqosWifiMacHelperCreate non-qos MAC layers for a ns3::WifiNetDevice. This class can create MACs of type ns3::NqapWifiMac, ns3::NqstaWifiMac, and, ns3::AdhocWifiMac
ns3::NqstaWifiMacNon-QoS STA state machine
ns3::Ns2CalendarSchedulerCalendar queue event scheduler
ns3::Ns2MobilityHelperHelper class which can read ns-2 movement files and configure nodes mobility
ns3::NscTcpL4ProtocolNsc wrapper glue, to interface with the Ipv4 protocol underneath
ns3::NscTcpSocketFactoryImplSocket factory implementation for creating instances of NSC TCP
ns3::NscTcpSocketImplSocket logic for the NSC TCP sockets
ns3::ObjectBase class which provides memory management and object aggregation
ns3::ObjectBaseImplement the ns-3 type and attribute system
ns3::ObjectFactoryInstantiate subclasses of ns3::Object
ns3::ObjectFactoryValueHold objects of type ns3::ObjectFactory
ns3::ObjectVectorValueContain a vector of ns3::Object pointers
ns3::OlsrHelperHelper class that adds OLSR routing to nodes
ns3::olsr::OlsrMprTestCaseTestcase for MPR computation mechanism
ns3::OnoeWifiManagerImplementation of rate control algorithm developed by Atsushi Onoe
ns3::OnOffApplicationGenerate traffic to a single destination according to an OnOff pattern
ns3::OnOffHelperA helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::OnOffApplication on a set of nodes
ns3::OptionFieldOption field for an IPv6ExtensionHeader Enables adding options to an IPv6ExtensionHeader
ns3::OrbisTopologyReaderTopology file reader (Orbis-format type)
ns3::PacketNetwork packets
ns3::PacketSinkReceive and consume traffic generated to an IP address and port
ns3::PacketSinkHelperA helper to make it easier to instantiate an ns3::PacketSinkApplication on a set of nodes
ns3::PacketSocketA PacketSocket is a link between an application and a net device
ns3::PacketSocketAddressAddress for a packet socket
ns3::PacketSocketHelperGive ns3::PacketSocket powers to ns3::Node
ns3::PacketTagIteratorIterator over the set of 'packet' tags in a packet
ns3::ParetoVariableParetoVariable distributed random varThis class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed pareto distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various pareto distributions
ns3::PbbAddressBlockAn Address Block and its associated Address TLV Blocks
ns3::PbbAddressBlockIpv4Concrete IPv4 specific PbbAddressBlock
ns3::PbbAddressBlockIpv6Concrete IPv6 specific PbbAddressBlock
ns3::PbbAddressTlvAn Address TLV
ns3::PbbAddressTlvBlockA block of Address TLVs (PbbAddressTlv)
ns3::PbbMessageA message within a PbbPacket packet
ns3::PbbMessageIpv4Concrete IPv4 specific PbbMessage
ns3::PbbMessageIpv6Concrete IPv6 specific PbbMessage class
ns3::PbbPacketMain PacketBB Packet object
ns3::PbbTlvA packet or message TLV
ns3::PbbTlvBlockA block of packet or message TLVs (PbbTlv)
ns3::PcapHelperManage pcap files for device models
ns3::PcapHelperForDeviceBase class providing common user-level pcap operations for helpers representing net devices
ns3::PcapHelperForIpv4Base class providing common user-level pcap operations for helpers representing IPv4 protocols
ns3::PcapHelperForIpv6Base class providing common user-level pcap operations for helpers representing IPv6 protocols
ns3::dot11s::PeerLinkPeer link model for 802.11s Peer Management protocol
ns3::dot11s::PeerLinkFrameStart802.11s Peer link management frame:
ns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocol802.11s Peer Management Protocol model
ns3::dot11s::PeerManagementProtocolMacThis is plugin to Mesh WiFi MAC, which implements interface to dot11s peer management protocol: it takes proper frames from MAC-layer, extracts peer link management information element and mesh configuration element and passes it to main part of protocol
ns3::PendingDataClass for managing I/O between applications and TCP
ns3::Ping6A ping6 application
ns3::Ping6HelperPing6 application helper
ns3::PointerValueHold objects of type Ptr<T>
ns3::PointToPointChannelSimple Point To Point Channel
ns3::PointToPointDumbbellHelperA helper to make it easier to create a dumbbell topology with p2p links
ns3::PointToPointGridHelperA helper to make it easier to create a grid topology with p2p links
ns3::PointToPointHelperBuild a set of PointToPointNetDevice objects
ns3::PointToPointNetDeviceA Device for a Point to Point Network Link
ns3::PointToPointStarHelperA helper to make it easier to create a star topology with PointToPoint links
ns3::PositionAllocatorAllocate a set of positions. The allocation strategy is implemented in subclasses
ns3::PppHeaderPacket header for PPP
ns3::PropagationDelayModelCalculate a propagation delay
ns3::PropagationLossModelModelize the propagation loss through a transmission medium
ns3::Ptr< T >Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr
ns3::QosWifiMacHelperCreate qos MAC layers for a ns3::WifiNetDevice. This class can create MACs of type ns3::QapWifiMac, ns3::QstaWifiMac, and, ns3::QadhocWifiMac
ns3::QueueAbstract base class for packet Queues
ns3::aodv::QueueEntryAODV Queue Entry
ns3::RadiotapHeaderRadiotap header implementation
ns3::RadvdRouter advertisement daemon
ns3::RadvdInterfaceRadvd interface configuration
ns3::RadvdPrefixRouter prefix for radvd application
ns3::RandomBoxPositionAllocatorAllocate random positions within a 3D box according to a set of three random variables
ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModelRandom direction mobility model
ns3::RandomDiscPositionAllocatorAllocate random positions within a disc according to a given distribution for the polar coordinates of each node with respect to the provided center of the disc
ns3::RandomPropagationDelayModelPropagation delay is random
ns3::RandomPropagationLossModelThe propagation loss follows a random distribution
ns3::RandomRectanglePositionAllocatorAllocate random positions within a rectangle according to a pair of random variables
ns3::RandomVariableThe basic RNG for NS-3.Note: The underlying random number generation method used by NS-3 is the RngStream code by Pierre L'Ecuyer at the University of Montreal
ns3::RandomVariableValueHold objects of type ns3::RandomVariable
ns3::RandomWalk2dMobilityModel2D random walk mobility model
ns3::RandomWaypointMobilityModelRandom waypoint mobility model
ns3::RangePropagationLossModelThe propagation loss depends only on the distance (range) between transmitter and receiver
ns3::RateErrorModelDetermine which packets are errored corresponding to an underlying distribution, rate, and unit
ns3::ReceiveListErrorModelProvide a list of Packets to corrupt
ns3::Rectangle2d rectangle
ns3::RectangleValueHold objects of type ns3::Rectangle
ns3::RefCountBaseA deprecated way to get reference-counting powers
ns3::aodv::RequestQueueAODV route request queue
ns3::aodv::RerrHeaderRoute Error (RERR) Message Format
ns3::ReservationStores reservation info for use in scheduling data channel by reservation channel MAC
ns3::RngStreamCombined Multiple-Recursive Generator MRG32k3a
ns3::RocketfuelTopologyReaderTopology file reader (Rocketfuel-format type)
ns3::aodv::RoutingProtocolAODV routing protocol
ns3::olsr::RoutingProtocolOLSR routing protocol for IPv4
ns3::aodv::RoutingTableThe Routing table used by AODV protocol
ns3::aodv::RoutingTableEntryRouting table entry
ns3::olsr::RoutingTableEntryAn OLSR's routing table entry
ns3::RraaWifiManagerRobust Rate Adaptation Algorithm
ns3::aodv::RrepAckHeaderRoute Reply Acknowledgment (RREP-ACK) Message Format
ns3::aodv::RrepHeaderRoute Reply (RREP) Message Format
ns3::aodv::RreqHeaderRoute Request (RREQ) Message Format
ns3::RttHistoryImplements several variations of round trip time estimators
ns3::SchedulerMaintain the event list
ns3::SeqTsHeaderPacket header for Udp client/server application The header is made of a 32bits sequence number followed by a 64bits time stamp
ns3::SequenceNumber< NUMERIC_TYPE, SIGNED_TYPE >Generic "sequence number" class
ns3::SequentialVariableReturn a sequential list of valuesClass SequentialVariable defines a random number generator that returns a sequential sequence. The sequence monotonically increases for a period, then wraps around to the low value and begins monotonically increasing again
ns3::SimpleChannelA simple channel, for simple things and testing
ns3::SimpleNetDeviceSimple net device for simple things and testing
ns3::SimpleRefCount< T, PARENT, DELETER >A template-based reference counting class
ns3::SimulationSingleton< T >
ns3::SimulatorControl the scheduling of simulation events
ns3::SingleModelSpectrumChannelSpectrumChannel implementation which handles a single spectrum model
ns3::Singleton< T >Template singleton
ns3::SocketA low-level Socket API based loosely on the BSD Socket API.A few things to keep in mind about this type of socket:

  • it uses ns-3 API constructs such as class ns3::Address instead of C-style structs
  • in contrast to the original BSD socket API, this API is asynchronous: it does not contain blocking calls. Sending and receiving operations must make use of the callbacks provided.
  • It also uses class ns3::Packet as a fancy byte buffer, allowing data to be passed across the API using an ns-3 Packet instead of a raw data pointer.
  • Not all of the full POSIX sockets API is supported
ns3::SocketAddressTagThis class implements a tag that carries an address of a packet across the socket interface
ns3::SocketFactoryObject to create transport layer instances that provide a socket API to applications
ns3::SocketIpTtlTagThis class implements a tag that carries the socket-specific TTL of a packet to the IP layer
ns3::SocketSetDontFragmentTagIndicated whether packets should be sent out with the DF flag set
ns3::SpectrumPropagationLossModelSpectrum-aware propagation loss model
ns3::SpectrumValueSet of values corresponding to a given SpectrumModel
ns3::SPFVertexVertex used in shortest path first (SPF) computations. See RFC 2328, Section 16
ns3::SsidIEEE 802.11 SSID
ns3::SsidValueHold objects of type ns3::Ssid
ns3::SteadyStateRandomWaypointMobilityModelSteady-state random waypoint mobility model
ns3::StringValueHold variables of type string
ns3::SynchronizerBase class used for synchronizing the simulation events to some real time "wall clock."
ns3::SystemConditionA class which provides a relatively platform-independent conditional-wait thread synchronization primitive
ns3::SystemMutexA class which provides a relatively platform-independent Mutual Exclusion thread synchronization primitive
ns3::SystemThreadA class which provides a relatively platform-independent thread primitive
ns3::SystemWallClockMsMeasure elapsed time in milliseconds
ns3::TagTag a set of bytes in a packet
ns3::TagBufferRead and write tag data
ns3::TapHolds PDP Tap information (amplitude and delay)
ns3::TapBridgeA bridge to make it appear that a real host process is connected to an ns-3 net device
ns3::TapBridgeHelperBuild TapBridge to allow ns-3 simulations to interact with Linux tap devices and processes on the Linux host
ns3::TcpHeaderHeader for the Transmission Control Protocol
ns3::TcpL4ProtocolA layer between the sockets interface and IP
ns3::TcpSocket(abstract) base class of all TcpSockets
ns3::TcpSocketFactoryAPI to create TCP socket instances
ns3::TcpSocketFactoryImplSocket factory implementation for native ns-3 TCP
ns3::TcpSocketImplAn implementation of a stream socket using TCP
ns3::TestCaseA single test case
ns3::TestRunnerA runner to execute tests
ns3::TestSuiteA suite of tests to run
ns3::TestVectors< T >A simple way to store test vectors (for stimulus or from responses)
ns3::ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModelA log distance path loss propagation model with three distance fields. This model is the same as ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel except that it has three distance fields: near, middle and far with different exponents
ns3::TimeKeep track of time unit
ns3::TimeBaseKeep track of global simulation resolution
ns3::TimerSimple Timer class
ns3::TimerImplFive< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 >
ns3::TimerImplFour< T1, T2, T3, T4 >
ns3::TimerImplMemberTraits< T * >
ns3::TimerImplOne< T1 >
ns3::TimerImplSix< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 >
ns3::TimerImplThree< T1, T2, T3 >
ns3::TimerImplTwo< T1, T2 >
ns3::TimerTraits< T >
ns3::TimeValueHold objects of type ns3::Time
ns3::TopologyReaderInterface for input file readers management
ns3::TopologyReaderHelperHelper class which makes it easier to configure and use a generic TopologyReader
ns3::TracedCallback< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 >Forward calls to a chain of CallbackAn ns3::TracedCallback has almost exactly the same API as a normal ns3::Callback but instead of forwarding calls to a single function (as an ns3::Callback normally does), it forwards calls to a chain of ns3::Callback. TracedCallback::Connect adds a ns3::Callback at the end of the chain of callbacks. TracedCallback::Disconnect removes a ns3::Callback from the chain of callbacks
ns3::TracedValue< T >Trace classes with value semantics
ns3::TraceSourceAccessorControl access to objects' trace sources
ns3::TrailerProtocol trailer serialization and deserialization
ns3::TriangularVariableTriangularly Distributed random varThis distribution is a triangular distribution. The probability density is in the shape of a triangle
ns3::aodv::TypeHeaderAODV types
ns3::TypeIdUnique identifier for an interface
ns3::TypeIdValueHold objects of type ns3::TypeId
TypeTraits< T >
ns3::UanChannelChannel class used by UAN devices
ns3::UanHeaderRcAckHeader used for ACK packets by protocol ns3::UanMacRc
ns3::UanHeaderRcCtsCTS header
ns3::UanHeaderRcCtsGlobalCycle broadcast information for
ns3::UanHeaderRcDataExtra data header information
ns3::UanHeaderRcRtsRTS header
ns3::UanMacVirtual base class for all UAN MAC protocols
ns3::UanMacAlohaALOHA MAC Protocol
ns3::UanMacCwCW-MAC A MAC protocol similar in idea to the 802.11 DCF with constant backoff window
ns3::UanMacRcNon-gateway node MAC for reservation channel MAC protocol
ns3::UanMacRcGwGateway side of RC-MAC
ns3::UanModesListContainer for UanTxModes
ns3::UanNetDeviceNet device for UAN models
ns3::UanPacketArrivalClass consisting of packet arrival information (Time, RxPower, mode, PDP)
ns3::UanPhyBase class for UAN Phy models
ns3::UanPhyCalcSinrDefaultDefault SINR calculator for UanPhyGen The default ignores mode data and assumes that all rxpower transmitted is captured by the receiver, and that all signal power associated with interfering packets affects SINR identically to additional ambient noise
ns3::UanPhyCalcSinrDualDefault SINR model for UanPhyDual
ns3::UanPhyCalcSinrFhFskWHOI Micromodem like FH-FSK model
ns3::UanPhyGenGeneric PHY model
ns3::UanPhyListenerInterface for PHY event listener A class which implements this interface may register with Phy object to receive notification of TX/RX/CCA events
ns3::UanPhyPerGenDefaultDefault Packet Error Rate calculator for UanPhyGen Considers no error if SINR is > user defined threshold (configured by an attribute)
ns3::UanPhyPerUmodemPacket error rate calculation assuming WHOI Micromodem like PHY Calculates PER assuming rate 1/2 convolutional code with constraint length 9 with soft decision viterbi decoding and a CRC capable of correcting 1 bit error
ns3::UanPropModelIdealIdeal propagation model (no pathloss, impulse PDP)
ns3::UanPropModelThorpUses Thorp's approximation to compute pathloss. Assumes implulse PDP
ns3::UanTransducerVirtual base for Transducer objects
ns3::UanTransducerHdHalf duplex implementation of transducer object
ns3::UanTxModeAbstraction of packet modulation information
ns3::UdpClientA Udp client. Sends UDP packet carrying sequence number and time stamp in their payloads
ns3::UdpClientHelperCreate a client application which sends udp packets carrying a 32bit sequence number and a 64 bit time stamp
ns3::UdpEchoClientA Udp Echo client
ns3::UdpEchoClientHelperCreate an application which sends a udp packet and waits for an echo of this packet
ns3::UdpEchoServerA Udp Echo server
ns3::UdpEchoServerHelperCreate a server application which waits for input udp packets and sends them back to the original sender
ns3::UdpHeaderPacket header for UDP packets
ns3::UdpL4ProtocolImplementation of the UDP protocol
ns3::UdpServerA Udp server. Receives UDP packets from a remote host. UDP packets carry a 32bits sequence number followed by a 64bits time stamp in their payloads. The application uses, the sequence number to determine if a packet is lost, and the time stamp to compute the delay
ns3::UdpServerHelperCreate a server application which waits for input udp packets and uses the information carried into their payload to compute delay and to determine if some packets are lost
ns3::UdpSocket(abstract) base class of all UdpSockets
ns3::UdpSocketFactoryAPI to create UDP socket instances
ns3::UdpSocketFactoryImplObject to create UDP socket instances
ns3::UdpSocketImplA sockets interface to UDP
ns3::UdpTraceClientA trace based streamer
ns3::UintegerValueHold an unsigned integer type
ns3::UniformDiscPositionAllocatorAllocate the positions uniformely (with constant density) randomly within a disc
ns3::UniformVariableThe uniform distribution RNG for NS-3.This class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed uniform distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various uniform distributions
ns3::UplinkSchedulerVirtual class for uplink scheduler
ns3::UplinkSchedulerMBQoSThis class implements a Migration-based Quality of Service uplink scheduler(MBQoS)
ns3::UplinkSchedulerRtpsThis class implements a simple uplink scheduler for rtPS flows
ns3::V4PingApplication which sends one ICMP ECHO request, waits for a REPLYs and reports the calculated RTT
ns3::V4PingHelperCreate a pinger application and associate it to a node
ns3::Vector2D3d vector
ns3::Vector2DValueHold objects of type ns3::Vector2D
ns3::Vector3D3d vector
ns3::Vector3DValueHold objects of type ns3::Vector3D
ns3::VirtualNetDeviceA virtual device, similar to Linux TUN/TAP interfaces
ns3::WallClockSynchronizerClass used for synchronizing the simulation events to a real-time "wall clock" using Posix Clock functions
ns3::WatchdogVery simple watchdog
ns3::Waypoint(time, location) pair
ns3::WaypointMobilityModelWaypoint-based mobility model
ns3::WaypointValueHold objects of type ns3::Waypoint
ns3::WeibullVariableWeibullVariable distributed random varThis class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed weibull distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various weibull distributions
ns3::WifiActionHeaderSee IEEE 802.11 chapter
ns3::WifiChannelA 802.11 Channel
ns3::WifiHelperHelps to create WifiNetDevice objects
ns3::WifiInformationElementInformation element, as defined in 802.11-2007 standard
ns3::WifiInformationElementVectorInformation element vector
ns3::WifiMacBase class for all MAC-level wifi objects
ns3::WifiMacHelperCreate MAC objects
ns3::WifiMacQueue802.11e-specific queue
ns3::WifiModeRepresent a single transmission mode
ns3::WifiModeFactoryCreate WifiMode class instances and keep track of them
ns3::WifiModeValueHold objects of type ns3::WifiMode
ns3::WifiNetDeviceHold together all Wifi-related objects
ns3::WifiPhy802.11 PHY layer model
ns3::WifiPhyHelperCreate PHY objects
ns3::WifiPhyListenerReceive notifications about phy events
ns3::WifiRadioEnergyModelA WiFi radio energy model
ns3::WifiRadioEnergyModelHelperAssign WifiRadioEnergyModel to wifi devices
ns3::WifiRemoteStationHold per-remote-station state
ns3::WifiRemoteStationInfoTid independent remote station statistics
ns3::WifiRemoteStationManagerHold a list of per-remote-station state
ns3::WimaxHelperHelps to manage and create WimaxNetDevice objects
ns3::WimaxMacToMacHeaderThis class implements the mac to mac header needed to dump a wimax pcap file The header format was reverse-engineered by looking at existing live pcap traces which could be opened with wireshark i.e., we have no idea where this is coming from
ns3::YansErrorRateModelModel the error rate for different modulations
ns3::YansWifiChannelA Yans wifi channel
ns3::YansWifiChannelHelperManage and create wifi channel objects for the yans model
ns3::YansWifiPhy802.11 PHY layer model
ns3::YansWifiPhyHelperMake it easy to create and manage PHY objects for the yans model
ns3::ZetaVariableZeta Distributed Distributed Random VariableZetaVariable defines a discrete random variable with Zeta distribution
ns3::ZipfVariableZipf Distributed Random VariableZipfVariable defines a discrete random variable with Zipf distribution